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Everything posted by smitty34877

  1. Bon Voyage to Sandi @StLouisCruisers and Dixie @summer slope! I do not care for apple cider and have never been a princess.I like sardines but if I made today's meal I would have a family revolt on my hands. I am still thinking about the quote... Wishing you all a great day
  2. Good morning .It is raining but will clear up soon and I will be able to walk the two dogs with less difficulty.We have the kale and potato soup often around here but leave out the chorizo. Tolerance is a beautiful thing and I like the quote.We have not been to the port. @Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, I was so happy to see your post last night regarding Steve's marked improvement.Let's hope for continued progress,especially with the BP issue. @MISTER 67 , I was also glad to hear of your good report from the doctor.Golfing will resume soon, I hope. @StLouisCruisers, good luck with the tests and Bon Voyage to you both! We are managing better here with extra help.Thanks to all for your support .
  3. I hope you feel better soon Terri.I am so sorry to hear about your neighbor.
  4. @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, thank you for your kind thoughts and for sending a hug. It makes a difference!
  5. Good morning. It was a chilly start to the day here and I will need a warmer jacket soon.I salute the children and girls but never cared for pickles.I would love to go to the port as my grandmother was from Cork. I often think if her traveling across the ocean at age 18. @Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, I was sorry to hear about Steve's sudden increase in pain and hope things are better today.It certainly has been a long road for both of you. @MISTER 67, a similar day was spent here with what looked like exciting games to watch. I am waiting for a new aide to arrive and hope things go well. It has been difficult to manage the physical side of Tana's care as I am not in the best of shape at present. Have a great day everyone.
  6. @JazzyV,Vanessa, I am sorry your stomach is giving you trouble. Take care and rest today.
  7. Sandi, I have used Google maps and what I call the "talking lady" on my cell phone to negotiate our congested highways here.They have traffic updates and let you know when there are accidents.An alternate route is given as well.Last week it got me over the ridiculous George Washington Bridge and onto the proper highway for home in the midst of a monster traffic jam. I am always pleasantly amazed.
  8. Happy Birthday to Jake @Crazy For Cats and to Sandi's DS @StLouisCruisers. I like Happy Hour even though I no longer drink alcohol.It is always festive and especially nice on a BHB.The quote requires more brain power than I have at present and pneumonia is dangerous and deadly for so many.I have not been to the port. The remnants of Nicole blew through last night and were rather dramatic.Branches,leaves and acorns are all over but the power stayed on. Stay safe out there everyone and enjoy those cruises!
  9. @NextOne, Edi, I am glad that the AF was caught and you are on medication. I hope things settle soon.
  10. Sandi, I didn't specify!Thanks for your birthday wishes They seem very excited to reach the ripe old age of 12.Tonight they are traveling to Boston to see a Celtics game.Life is good.
  11. My son just sent pictures of the twins opening their gifts.Thanks for the birthday wishes for them!
  12. Good morning to all. It is warm and humid here with a lot of rain from Nicole coming our way. I was able to manage a short dog walk earlier before the deluge starts. Our twin grandchildren turn twelve today and have always felt special about a Veterans Day birthday. There are so many in our family who served their country and I am thinking of all of them this morning. I like trout but I think I will pass on the chili beans. We made a vegetable lasagna yesterday for today and I feel very free from kitchen duties as a result. @Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, I was horrified by what occurred with your DH in the hospital yesterday. It just sounded so very wrong.I hope things improve for both of you today.Sending a big hug to you as well. @rafinmd, Roy, I am happy to see that you are on the Eurodam and hope you have a very enjoyable cruise. The news last night from the Daytona beach area was just so awful. The waves must have been gigantic to cause so much damage. Terry
  13. Good morning to all. The news from Florida,especially about Daytona, is pretty scary. Prayers for safety to all in Nicole’s path. I would love a vanilla cupcake and salute accountants for their skill and accuracy. The quote is, to me, quite true. We have not been to the port. @dfish, Debbie, those recipes are great and I think I will try the first one. Everyone likes bok chow and I recently found some in our Asian market. Thanks. My executive chef approves and is searching for something nice for the vegetarians. I am very happy to report some pain relief from the injection yesterday. I was able to get out of bed without difficulty and found walking less painful as well. @Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, I am so glad Steve is on his way back to Rehab. I hope the transfer goes well. @HAL Sailer, Melissa, I hope all goes well with the testing and I am very happy you got there without incident. @rafinmd, Roy, Bon Voyage and a safe trip to the port. Enjoy your cruise! @ottahand7, I hope your brother is doing a little better today. He has had such a difficult time.
  14. Good morning. I am later today as I got a phone call yesterday afternoon from the doctor’s office that they had a cancellation at eight am today. My DSIL drove me and I had the cortisone injection,returning home with my trusty cane. I was told it takes a week or so to really feel the effects and await good results, I hope. @Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, I was so glad to see that your DH fared well and will soon return to a regular room. I was also happy that you got some rest yourself. @MISTER 67, that bandage is impressive and I am sure your thumb is very sore but hopefully things will improve shortly. We love pumpkin soup here and I make it often. All the recipes look great. As for the quote, poor Marilyn. I think her life was very sad. We have not been to the port but I am as usual enjoying all the pictures. Take care everyone,especially those in Nicole’s path. Terry
  15. I am so glad you got to the Flamenco show and shed a few tears after reading about the song for Jose and the ceremony for him at sea. Thank you for letting us be a part of this from afar.Jan certainly takes wonderful pictures and thanks for that as well.
  16. I am so sorry to hear your DB has complications.I hope things are sorted out soon.
  17. @Quartzsite Cruiser,Lenda,I join the rest of the group in praying things go well and that Steve stabilizes quickly.
  18. Good morning to all.I just returned from voting and enjoyed the cooler weather we now have.I love the quote and like the options in the recipe.Radiology Day will be very much celebrated here as it found DH's blockage and he was able to get it fixed. @MISTER 67, I am so glad you saw the hand specialist and he was able to help you. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, your family pictures are lovely. @marshhawk, Annie, I can relate to the soul searching after losing people.Grief is so strong at times. I am trying to schedule my appointment for the hip cortisone injection .There is quite a wait. Terry
  19. @JazzyV, Vanessa, thank you. I hope that the gel continues to work for you. I am sorry to hear of your ongoing stomach issues and hope you get some help soon.
  20. Graham, I was told the same thing on Friday regarding needing hip replacement fairly soon. I am 68 but having a lot of difficulty walking. I will try the injection first to hold things off for a while, I hope. I am sorry that you are also experiencing this and hope you can find relief soon.
  21. Annie, I am so sorry to hear about your friend.Sending hugs .
  22. Sandi. wasn't that a beautiful cruise with great weather!
  23. Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, we were probably together on one of the Prinsendam cruises. Our last cruise was in Sept of 2018 from Amsterdam to Rome. The British Isles cruise was in 2017 in July. I always thought you looked familiar as well.
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