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Everything posted by brandy3415
I have two tablets. On the first, the app appears but says it does not have the above named and look at these other apps--which have nothing to do with Celebrity. On the second, the Aptoide page comes up telling all about how it sells the apps. Any further suggestions? Am I doing something incorrectly? When I open your link on my computer, I see the app download, but on tablets, not.
I am one of those who has tried to download app and got message that Celebrity does not support the android tablet. Still waiting for Celebrity to address that issue. How do I do the pre boarding health check ? I assume the safety review can be viewed in cabin on arrival. How has anyone else dealt with this ?
I never thought of this until I took a second look at perks for Elite level (reciprocal from Royal Caribbean) Can I use the 90 complimentary minutes of Internet even if I do not purchase an Internet package? My spouse will have the package, not me.
I share your confusion. My own travel agent told me that I had beverage package and wi fi. I did not call Celebrity but TA has not been reachable by phone since then. I have had a Move Up bid accepted, but I really don't care much about beverage package and have already purchased wifi at a 50% flash sale discount price. Don't count on having the "perks", but if you do get a bid accepted, take it for what it is and enjoy!
How difficult is for a suite passenger to get a reservation for Blu? I read somewhere you have this option, but apparently this venue is very popular.
Cruise booked and not looking forward to it!
brandy3415 replied to dam64's topic in Celebrity Cruises
I surely agree on the negativity. Gone are the days when questions like "do they still have those little pastry swans for dessert?" are replaced by enmity towards the sometimes ill timed changes made by Celebrity. I read the views posted on the board, then make my own decisions . -
There is still a high amount of sodium in the water as it is not easily filtered out. We use a Brita just to be sure .
We have done this many times. I just want to know if spouse can bring phone and tablet (or computer) and use wi fi on both, of course not at same time. Is this allowed or is wi fi restricted in some way; that connecting with new device will be blocked?
I purchased the Wi Fi package , premium in a flash sale. It says one device. However, in the terms and conditions it said 2 devices. Now I am confused, because In the past (not on Celebrity) we have used my tablet, my husband's computer or tablet, and his phone on the one device, although not at same time. Is this possible with the internet package that I bought?
Here is the link. Fill in the areas that apply to your situation , save and email. Should not take long to hear back from them. file:///C:/Users/brand/Downloads/Celebrity-Guest-Special-Needs-Form(6).pdf
I found it two ways. One is way on the bottom of the web page items. The other way was to just put in a search query. It is fillable online and I believe I saved it and emailed to the address given on the form. I will look in my saved favorites and see if I still have it so I can post the link.
We loved Divina! We loved Meraviglia .too. The YC on MSC was the best! It was our choice once cruises restarted after Covid. We bid on YC and won. Ship is amazingly clean. The YC experience gives you the feeling of a really exclusive club! The service was great, food (and I have a special diet) very good and small, quiet dining room just the way I like it. If only they offered a different itinerary from Port Canaveral or Miami, I would have booked our upcoming cruise with them.
Even though Celebrity will supply a cord, I brought one also just in case. I think it was a 10 foot but did not measure how far it was to outlet. This cruise I will probably not pack one .-
Celebrity has already told us they are supplying an extension cord for CPAP machine. This is on Ascent. We submitted Special Needs form and they will also supply distilled water.
Your upgrade is almost identical to ours--we were Concierge, just "moved up" to MCSS! I have same questions! Same sailing, not end suite either. Small world this CC site is!
Cruising Ascent soon and query to Celebrity does not produce response. So--we are looking to pre purchase several bottles of wine. Is this possible any more? Also, we cannot find, either on these boards or on Celebrity website, a current list of wines by the bottle. We do not drink anything but wine, so we do not buy drink packages. If they have wine packages we would be interested. Somewhere I saw a post about these topics but not sure if they still apply, or even apply to this ship. Can someone give me input on this?