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Plum Happy

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Everything posted by Plum Happy

  1. So, two ladies missed getting back on the ship while in JeJu. Ship waited over 45 minutes. I wonder if they will make it back on in Seoul? Time will tell.
  2. Oh let's see, they can vote in Presidential Primaries but not select the President. They do not have FEDERAL INCOME TAXES taken out of their paycheck (totally separate from paying any Federal Taxes) those that live in the 50 states have Federal Income taxes taken out. They have representation in the House of Congress but do not in the Senate - neither does DC (not a Territory, but that is another story), but the people that live in DC PAY FEDERAL INCOME TAX - if you are ever in the city, you will see on their car tags - TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION on them. So, is it fair for them or those within the 50 states?
  3. Errr, The U.S. does not call them Colonies, they are recognized as Territories, they are full U.S. Citizens.
  4. Right now, it's not for me, but I am not going to complain about what they choose to do with the class. I know that the prices are set for families, not couples or single people sailing. I think that's the hardest part of this class of ship that some people haven't figured out. I figure 2027 the prices will be where those people will be willing to get on the ship once prices align with what they are willing to pay. OR this massive growth that the industry is experiencing right now dies down. Time will tell.
  5. Wait ... people paid what for Ben & Jerry's on board for a scoop or two of ice cream? You could have brought a gallon for that price at the grocery store, right? I'd buy that in a heartbeat because I want it. Could care less what they think, my money and you will see parents splurge to get it for their kids, some may even share it. You should see the prices for Serendipity in New York, their prices will make your eyes pop for $32 and it's just for a sundae. Sometimes in life you need to just treat yourself, you are on vacation, right?
  6. Excuse me, wasn't this ship designed with families in mind? The larger rooms for families without having to book 2 rooms? I think some of you all need to go back to the beginning and refresh what was said about the ICON class of ships. I believe they know who they are competing against with this class of ship. Hint...Disney.
  7. He stated in the video that there was no "Solarium" on the ship. I believe the adult area is on the side of the ship, not enclosed.
  8. I found this on google, I hope it helps. https://www.usatoday.com/money/blueprint/l/best-senior-travel-insurance/?utm_content=154328613326&utm_term=kwd-299221184075&utm_campaign=20780998028&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIndDfwMPWgwMVIWtHAR2CggMcEAAYAiAAEgKSxPD_BwE and this one. https://www.marketwatch.com/guides/insurance-services/senior-travel-insurance/
  9. You both need to use the same login and password, if I am not mistaken as well.
  10. The thing is, Celebrity is not checking you in. The person checking you in at the cruise port are employees of the said port in Florida, they don't care what your arrival time is, they just want to process you, and get the next person processed.
  11. Where? They are already up in New Jersey. Even NCL has decided to park themselves up in Baltimore for the fall months. Millions of people are within driving range.
  12. Why would they abandon it? They have been there for years and it's done well for them.
  13. Try going to this website, there's no age restrictions from what I can tell, I was able to use them in Martinique and it was a great tour. My travel agent sent this link to me: https://www.shoreexcursionsgroup.com
  14. You can make the flight, the airport is less than 15 minutes away from the cruise port. You should do the walk off with your bags, Taxis are there or call for a Uber/Lyft.
  15. I just know you're a joke here with that price. 2.10 British pound equals $2.67 US and there's no where in the US would you find them at that price. Not even uncooked chicken wings.
  16. The price for those wings are not outrageous, check the cost at Wing Stop, boneless for 10 costs $15.99. You all have to take into the fact that suppliers are charging more, so you think that they are going to absorb the prices and not pass the costs along to you? ☺️ Don't eat out.
  17. I have absolutely no desire to watch it, I have seen enough 🤢. I move away from that station (yes, I inform the RC servers behind the counters so that they can take action before anyone gets sick. I just shake my head. 😬
  18. Doubt apologize to snippy people who could have just passed on your comment.
  19. You may want to do a walk off just to be sure. That way you have your bags.
  20. You should give yourself 2 hours plus to travel to get to the airport after the cruise (if you keep it) including traffic, disruptions, etc. It's estimated to be 1 hour 20 minutes but you never know about road construction.
  21. Bring your own favorite snacks, i.e., chips and candy and save money. Oh yeah, even the ports know you want them, everyone heads to those stores to get them, St Martin, Barbados, etc.
  22. Since you are Diamond Plus on Royal, you will be Elite on Celebrity and will not go any further unless you gain your points by sailing on Celebrity. https://creative.rccl.com/Sales/Celebrity/General_Info/Reciprocity-Flyer_052021_FINAL.pdf
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