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Everything posted by irie0518

  1. I just received a letter from Carnival stating that these two ports require international travel insurance that has both cruise and COVID coverage. Would the insurance offered from Carnival meet these requirements from the ports of call? I spoke with a representative from Aon and she said the COVID would fall under the medical portion. I guess I am just a little skeptical and don't want to be denied boarding. TIA
  2. Hey there my friend and I just booked this cruise way too good of a deal to pass up!! I am asking again about the required insurance. I don't normally purchase insurance as I usually am an ultra bargain hunter for my cruises and I fairly young still with no medical issues so I am willing to take the chance. I have never yet had to cancel a trip for any reason so like I said I usually opt out. So I am not very knowledgeable about the different options available. I called Carnival to see if they could tell me if the coverage they offer would cover the requirements for the ports that have the requirement. The lady I spoke with was unable to answer that question for me but she gave me the direct number to Aon. The lady I spoke with there said that the policy didn't specifically say anything about covid but she said if would be covered in the medical portion and basically told me that it should meet the requirements. I don't always have faith that I am getting the correct answer especially from insurance company's 🙂 Does anyone have anymore insight if you feel like this is adequate for the port requirements. TIA Super excited about this cruise. I have only dreamed of going to these ports of call.
  3. Hey there I am thinking about booking the 22 day transpacific cruise from Brisbane to Seattle. Got an amazing casino offer. It's says drinks on us at the casino bar. I have had this offer several times last year and had no troubles with it. My question is that I have a friend thinking about joining me on this cruise and she has never sailed on Carnival before. Is the drinks on us for both people in the cabin or will I just qualify for it? TIA. Anyone else on this sailing? Not looking forward to the long flight over there but at least it is only 1 way 😝 .
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