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Poseidon Patty

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Posts posted by Poseidon Patty

  1. 2 hours ago, MeganGC1983 said:

    I’ve read from others that you can’t “roll” the money to an all ready booked cruise. It has to be a new cruise. Just thought I’d mention that. 

    I did it, today. Paid off my November cruise with some of my cancelled August cruise  money.

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  2. I had an unpleasant experience with some spa employees, on the Triumph in December. I was very upset, went back to my cabin and wrote John on his FB wall. The next day, I had a very nice written apology asking me to please not let the incident ruin my cruise, along with a bottle of wine and chocolate-covered strawberries. John really cares that we have a pleasant experience.

  3. I was on the Triumph in December and brought a Christmas jigsaw puzzle to work on during the cruise. When I finished it, I put the pieces back in the box and asked my steward to put it in the crew lounge for anyone who liked puzzles. I also tipped her a little extra everyday. On the last night, she left me three of the cutest little towel teddy bears made from washrags, all sealed in clear wrap, for me to take home. So sweet!

  4. Would you be so kind as to recommend an excellent tour company in Falmouth? Several in our group are interested in a Rose Hall (White Witch) tour? RCL doesn't offer one, or I can't find it, anyway. Help, please.

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