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Posts posted by triodes

  1. At age 67, I took my wife on a nice mediterranean cruise on Holland America, leaving out of Venice and returning from Barcelona to GSP.


    Hadn't been to Europe since long before the euro and knew the overnight flight would be a killer cause I have never slept well on a plane.


    So, I bought a blowup neck pillow, earplugs, blackout sleep mask and disposable booties like painters wear so I wouldn't have to put my shoes on to move around.


    Went to my doc, said I wanted something to help me sleep and adapt to the time change. He gave me a prescription for 1/2 Milligram Zanax.


    I took half of one of those for .25 milligrams, and for the first time ever slept on the plane. Going and coming. :)


    I used to dread the flights to Europe, now with these things I'm far more comfortable and the flight is better.


    As far as I'm concerned, this is the way to travel.


    By the way, I am not at all nervous about flying, It's just hard for me to sleep when I am uncomfortable.


    The pillow helped a surprising amount. The whole setup was more comfortable.

  2. I have filed an appeal, we'll see what happens.


    Good show!


    Had a claim on Jaguar one time where I was being seriously lowballed by a 3rd party claims adjuster.


    I mean so low it was laughable. When I said "not acceptable" will talk with supervisor and insurance company - complete reversed position, basically said - bring me the bills when finished.


    There are other instances, also.


    So, while you may gain by giving it a shot, you lose nothing but a bit of effort.


    Hope it works out!

  3. Yellowdog - thanks for giving full info.


    While you were mainly wanting to warn people, it appears that you have a good basis to fight the denial.


    One way to go about it has been suggested.


    Global Alert uses Tripmate as a 3rd party servicer, and handle a number of companies - mistakes do happen, sometimes adjustors or their supervisors can be reasoned with.


    Plus, it appears you have a bonafide reason to fight the denial.


    We don't think you are stupid, we couldn't fully grasp an respond to limited information.


    From the manner in which you have posted and responded in this thread - on the surface it appears you become frustrated when you believe you are being hassled.


    I will suggest that if you simply copy the wording that applies, note that you are complying with the policy and documentation required - get a supervisor on the phone - email it to them while you are talking with them, let them know you believe that it is covered by the policy, and were told it would be covered -and that you will go to your state insurance commission and file a complain in order to get it covered - you may well get it done.


    There's an old saying " he who loses his cool loses on the deal" or something to that effect. You will likely be more successful at getting the claim paid if you keep your cool and simply reason with them, while letting them know that denial of your claim is not something that is acceptable to you, and you are not going to simply go away quietly without your money.

  4. Specifics, or it didn't happen.


    FWIW, from the little research that I have done - it appears that in most cases - claims adjusting for travel policies is often done by one of several firms that do a larg part of the industry.


    Meaning that - very likely - the entity doing claims will do it similarly for various companies depending on what policy you purchased. And you are going to get reimbursed or not depending on what the policy specifically said.

  5. And have to wash everything new before wearing, and be careful what detergent is used, so buying new does no good, will have to be washed anyhow - and it's better to take a known good detergent with you.


    To us, a few minutes doing socks and undershorts two or three times during a 3 week vacation is no big deal. Throw in a few of the wifes, bras and panties, first thing you know, you've got a load.


    Not a big deal.

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