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Everything posted by love_the_sea

  1. I think the solo cruisers have more to be concerned about than couples (even though we are paying for 2 people on most cruises). I checked my January cruise to S.A. and Antarctica and I picked a cabin that is a quad. I wanted the location. I would not want a forward cabin for this particular cruise since that is where you feel the most motion and we do the Drake Passage. I don't think there are any VA's there, at least not on deck 5. But I book far enough in advance that I can carefully pick the location I want. If they move me to a less desirable location (in my opinion) then I would want some compensation or be able to cancel without a penalty. Even "Cancel for Any Reason" insurance doesn't give a full refund. My next cruise I am in a cabin that is not a triple or quad so unless they start telling us solo's we can't book at all, I am safe. That will probably be my last cruise.
  2. I keep reading about these AARP gift cards but when I searched the AARP web site I couldn't find where to buy them. I am an AARP member and have OBC from them, but would like to buy a couple of these cards for onboard expenses. Can someone point me in the right direction. I am usually very good at finding things on websites! Thanks.
  3. I have received emails from HAL just this past week asking me to review the 3 ship tours we took on our recent repositioning cruise from Montreal to Ft. Lauderdale on Zaandam. I submitted reviews and one reply told me my review had been posted. I can't see it since I don't have access to those particular cruises. However, I have begun researching tours for three cruises I have booked for next summer and many of those excursions have multiple reviews. They are varying years old, but give me some idea of the nature of the excursion and the physical difficulty. I ignore the comments about the tour guides as they are likely to be different.
  4. I was recently on the Zaandam. Yes there was a "request card" in our cabin but our cabin steward said we had to choose between morning or evening service. He did explain that on Dressy Nights we would get chocolates. I kept a copy of the card and now upon rereading it, it appears that we could have requested evening turndown service as an addition to our morning service. We both decided we wanted morning service (we didn't want to make up our own beds!). We hung up our towels on the pegs on the bathroom door but they were almost always replaced anyway and we did get good service. But I missed the days of returning to the cabin after an evening "out" and having the low lights on and the room all tidy. Now I realize I could have asked for both. If I thought HAL would hire enough staff to not totally overwork the cabin stewards I would gladly ask for both! Actually the card lets you ask for other items and I think it is a nice touch.
  5. I am surprised that it is only available in the Lido (same as Zaandam). I was on the old, small Rotterdam in the fall of 2019 and there was a pizza bar outside on the back of the ship where the Sea View pool was. My recollection is that it was a New York Pizza place. It was good pizza and you could customize it unlike the pizza in the Lido.
  6. I also was surprised at no questions about vomiting or diarrhea. No questions at pier; just the 72 hour pre cruise questionnaire which as I recall was about covid symptoms. No covid test (we boarded in Montreal the day Canada lifted the testing requirement.)
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