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Posts posted by Missusdubbya

  1. 2 hours ago, lahore said:

    Hi, I recently had a very unpleasant interaction with the Celebrity Call Centre staff and want to be sure of my ground before I go back for a second try.  My situation is that I purchased a 3 cruise backtobacktoback onboard, paying 3x $100 deposits times two ($600 total).  I now find that the 3x cruises sit right across a wedding that we really want to attend.  If I change or cancel the cruises, what is your reading and/or experiences please in regard to the deposit.  I find the online wording a bit confusing.  Do I lose my money, can I transfer it to a different booking, or (no chance I suspect) can it be refunded?   Also, what If I cancelled one leg of the b2b2b....could I transfer that $200 to the remaining two cruises?  Any advice would be much appreciated.   TIA

    Did you book the 3 cruises with a refundable or nonrefundable deposit?

  2. 4 hours ago, Denversail said:

    I look over and a grown older man is on the floor in a wet bathing suit using his legs to push himself on his butt across the floor. We got butt crack and all. This continues for about 5 minutes. During this time I’ve gone over to the jacuzzi and put my feet in and am sitting on the edge. The man then gets up off the ground with all the filth now stuck to his body and gets in the jacuzzi.


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