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Everything posted by Missusdubbya

  1. Just FYI in case you don’t realise, on RCI and Celebrity your gratuities are included in your cruise fare when booking on the Australian website. I must add here that I am Australian and I always tip where it is culturally expected - aligning with other cultures is part of responsible travel.
  2. Thanks for the review @mahdnc, I will be on your cruise - might see you around 😁
  3. I can see them on the Australia website
  4. The sailings are up on the website and they are $$$$
  5. gosh where did you get your credentials in environmental science?
  6. Exactly this and visa website for Vietnam is https://visa.mofa.gov.vn/Homepage.aspx
  7. Vision and Enchantment are very similar, Adventure is much bigger. I would choose Enchantment or Adventure for the nicest weather in Feb.
  8. I love Magen’s Bay so would choose the St Thomas itinerary (San Juan is amazing though)
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