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Everything posted by Hogbay

  1. Can you remove gratuities 🤣🤣🤣is that savin money .
  2. Quantum is back a sea for Australia Day . We got to anchorage and was deem un safe to commence tender service due to a nice righ had break and strong currents. Will remain a Mystery for some. 🤣 never seen this before
  3. have to post old photo because the one from Mystery Island was not possible today . Currents ,wind and sea swell . Quantum
  4. Here is the link 🙂for Australian Border Force . https://www.abf.gov.au/entering-and-leaving-australia/can-you-bring-it-in/categories/medicines-and-substances
  5. When you walk out of OPT turn left and go up in elevator to the top concourse where taxi rank is .
  6. Taxi, uber or shuttle service conexion .🙂 https://www.google.com/localservices/profile?spp=Cg0vZy8xMWZmbDExMzQw&scp=CgAaM0Nvblhpb24gQWlycG9ydCBTaHV0dGxlIENoZWNrIEluIENvdW50ZXIgKERvbWVzdGljKSozQ29uWGlvbiBBaXJwb3J0IFNodXR0bGUgQ2hlY2sgSW4gQ291bnRlciAoRG9tZXN0aWMp&q=ConXion Airport Shuttle Check In Counter (Domestic)&source=sh%2Fx%2Fuk%2Fm0%2F0&kgs=61af021b50f2f7aa
  7. Strandbags https://www.strandbags.com.au/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA-62tBhDSARIsAO7twbZAIT9LspmGqaLPJtBlbn4m24vekuyi_GpqegTulmkdq0BayOnKcE0aApCUEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  8. I turn off data roming and use wifi calling from old Samsung Ga30 . https://www.whistleout.com.au/MobilePhones/Guides/what-is-WiFi-calling Here is a guide to Australian telco and explains what is wifi calling. 🙃
  9. Doable maybe but Miami always ers on the side of caution. Quantum 3day in on Monday smooth as .
  10. You cannot over dress on a cruise. They say that there is only one class on a ship these days . But its quite visible whom the ladies and gentlemen are and those that do yard work
  11. They are conficating ie taking or seizing with authority to be bonded and will be returned after th cruise. You should read the cruise contract that you signed .
  12. I would not buy it I would break it down into 4 x 24 hours lots , starting at 12 noon one day finishing 12 noon the next covering 8 half days of net . Plus can find wifi in port. 🙂
  13. All things confiscated ie alcohol, rice cookers ,power boards will be available for you to collect at the end of your cruise .🤣
  14. Fantastic about wifi , doing b2b on Quantum . Shame the public transport system doesn't work . Depending on which way the wind is going might be best to stay in terminal .🤥
  15. What if you hit a iceberg ? It can happen .
  16. Self disembark , a walk in the Quay ,a train ride to the airport , 11:50 international is doable for us travellers . I do a 9:20 domestic with a coffee stop .😁
  17. IHijack bag thread for some cruise ship content . NOUMEA BRILLIANCE. Last bus 215pm .
  18. Okye dokie , sorry did not think we were talking about soft drinks .🤷‍♂️Google is your friend.....
  19. I prefer Pepsi to the Coke not a fan of the root beer but the Blusie is the bomb , and Kermit is out there 🐸
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