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Everything posted by modes

  1. This is something new because I also can’t check in and it’s after 9pm pacific time . Has anyone received a notice about this change ?
  2. Can’t access site for hours now and this is constantly!
  3. The worst comedian Carnival has is Jason Love he’s got the same none jokes for years people actually walk out of his shows because he’s so boring!
  4. It’s a suckers game but people think they are going to get it with the claw !
  5. They have ruined the Havana area on the newer ship , more people and the pool is like a bathtub so not worth it ! The Vista class has a much better Havana area !
  6. There are a couple of comedians that are bad Jason Love is the worst followed by Larry Omaha but then there are some really funny ones like JERome and Manny Maldonado and Centina.
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