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Posts posted by Blk_Amish

  1. Sad thing is that over the years I know of several ( being conservative here) of your so called " preditors" that dated early, got their hearts broken and were not mature enough to deal with it and ended up on antidepressants, in appointments with psychologists and psychiatrists, switched schools, and the list goes on. On one particular day I told my older sister, wow this raising teen girls is harder than I thought. Without missing a beat she said, "that's because you are a good parent" when you're going through it, it's easier to be a bad parent but once they are adults it's then when you see how it was all worth it". Hopefully my day will come.;):)


    Having a teen son is much harder than I anticipated because I never really prepared him for Pretty Suzie Q. There was an incident where a girl hit him then said it was an accident. I found out, so she cried and apologized. Dumb me felt sorry and did nothing to nip it. Darn, if this was my DD there would be no amount of crying that would have made a difference. Its hard raising teens but there is at least one thing I can agree with you on, a 18 years old within arms length of my 15 years old is a no no. Something needs to be nipped. I can't stop like but sometimes it has to be done out of arms reach.


    Sadly, I think many see all male as dwags and therefore not as concern for the well being of boys. Maybe there is only parents with DD posts on these forums. Rarely I read, I don't want my teen son in certain situation but I don't. I tell him, one false accusation could change your world and life for good. Now we have to also teach them about Cougars. My friend's son is 25 dating a woman not much older than her.

  2. For the record, my dad would not have let me date an 18 year old adult man when I was a 15 year old either.



    My DD is 15 and my son is 18. When my DS was a sophomore he had a girlfriend that was a senior. She had a car and came by to pick up by baby, heck NO. Yes, my DH was in the corner with a smile saying that's my boy but I knew there is a huge difference between a 15 and 18 years old so I stepped in. Yes, I understand there is like but I needed to nip that one.


    I thought I was an over the top edgy teen. My son's senior year was a rude awakening for me, with how much pretty girls have changed. Most mothers with teenage sons will tell there is a new predictor in town, called pretty Suzie. I thought having a boy was easier but I was not ready for girls to set their eyes on him. My DD is 15, so no would not be happy or allow a 18 years old boy to pick her up. The age difference comes with a different overall maturity or stupidity level. Princess cruise groups 13 to 17 years old kids together, heck no, in my book.


    What I could never understand is why parents think its ever OK, to let hormonal teenagers hang out together for a week without being in the midst of it. By the end of the cruise I have made countless passes by the teen club. The generation of teens today is not the ones from the our days. I am friends with my kids on FB, to keep and eye, and girls especially, have changed. This girl once told me I needed to give my son a break and let him be because he is a good kid, I just don't know it. Now he is a freshman in college and so are the girls who weren't allowed to date:eek:.

  3. Give them permission so they don't have to lie? How about there are strict rules and consequences WHEN they lie?


    Yes, they don't have to lie about liking which is an natural act. What is the consequence after you found out they liked someone but was too scared to tell you. Strict rules and consequence with some children, on some issues, let them heck bent on doing it more so. I was one of those child and so far I think I have done better with mind with being open, caring, and listening. Dating/liking for some kids means holding hands or if you are in kindergarten pulling someone's hair

  4. It is meant figuratively..... not literally.



    I know but bad if not deadly procedures occur in the US. Trust me, it's the risk that keeps me on the thread mill. I have investigated but the worse case are reported my people with friends



    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Forums mobile app

  5. Apparently you have never heard the expression "just to save a buck" and obviously you never read post #18:rolleyes:


    Oh, I was suppose to read other post to understand this . I will go back and read that post, hopefully yours this will make. more sense, with that talk of a buck when I am thinking thousands.



    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Forums mobile app

  6. LOL


    Where did I say that I gave OP advice? I said at the beginning of my post as an opening line "Here are my thoughts." Thoughts are not advice! And why would I speak to your cardiologist when he/she is a medical professional and already knows what obesity can do to the body?


    What's the big deal? This thread is about the OP giving her thoughts about smoking and you decided to derail it by asking me about my own health. This isn't about me, it's about the OP and I decided to share my thoughts on the subject she's talking about.


    Fair enough:D


    If I had good health I would not have a problem saying so, wouldn't consider it a derail, just a blessing. People say I am not a smoker, so once you declare what you aren't, I figure you open the door or more disclosure. :D



  7. Let me explain this again since it's quite apparent I was not clear in my original post. When I tell someone to go ahead and smoke, then it's their choice but that's after I educate them on why they should stop smoking. I tell them all the awful stuff that comes with smoking and afterwards, THEY CHOOSE. You can't force someone to stop what they want to do. All you can do is teach them and give them the option. So again, if someone wishes to continue smoking, let them! It's their health!


    And who the heck are you to ask me if my health is in order? I'm a registered nurse and in order for me to take care of my patients and my family, I have to take care of myself first!


    I am a poster seeing you dishing out advise the OP did not ask for. That leads me to believe you are posting or living by example, clean and healthy life. Since I hate to assume, I asked, how is your health and any issues that might put you at risk, other than tobacco? Your health is good, advise away. I have an overweight cardiologist I would love for you to talk to.


    What the big deal about asking about your health on a health related thread. If you are truly healthy then that should be a blessing, own it. My health sucks, double open heart surgeries with an ejection fraction of 35-40 percent.

  8. It's amazing how some people just want to save a buck:rolleyes:


    So you are completely unaware of how many US residents travel to Canada and Mexico for medical procedures. It's not a buck, it thousands of dollars.


    OP- I am sure not on a cruise but land vacations or repeat trips across the board. I am planning on doing my plastic surgery here in the US. My man made must be made in the US but could be by the way of China.

  9. Huh?? You don't tell an obese person to stop eating, which is ludicrous. You educate them on healthy eating options and what they can do to combat it. The key word is educate....which means they learn the info and then they make the decision on what to do.


    And I don't understand what you mean by "no friends or family members left." Side effects of obesity? Let's see....type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, etc etc etc.


    If I told my friends and family what to do, when they did not ask, they would beeecth slap me. So you chose to tell the smoker what to do, as in if you want to smoke go for it. If you are going to tell the smoker not to smoke, tell the fat person not to eat. Why aren't you educating the smoker instead of telling them to go ahead? I on the other hand, work on myself.


    If I am going to tell someone not to do something unhealthy, I am going to make sure my health is in order, is yours? No nothing against fat. I am from a culture where meat on the bones is a sign of wealth and good living.

  10. That wouldn't have happened as our DD's didn't date until 16. They were told the house dating rules at 10. So we nipped that in the bud before it was a possibility.:)


    What's your definition of date because try as we might be can't stop people liking each other. If you give them permission to like then you can keep an eye on them and nip things when necessary. My DS girlfriend was not allowed to date. I was shocked to know her parents none dating rule when I wanted to team up with her mom to keep an eye out for the kids.


    Request - give the kids permission so we can work together and keep them safe and they don't have to lie.

  11. So if your DS was too young for the teen club that would put him at 14? So in other words there is a chance that this 17 and 11 1/2 month year old will be in a club with 14 year olds. That is a very big spread IMO. I don't see how that is better than this cruiser being bumped up 2 weeks to adult status so he can hang out with his 18 year old buddy. Oh ya, i almost forgot, if his buddy is still in high school he may be able to get bumped down to the teen club. That would make the teens club potentially a 14 to under 19 year old gathering place. I see lots of potential issues with this myself. Legal and otherwise.;)


    Yes, my biggest concern with Princess that group kids 13 to 17. My very young 13 year old was in the club with kids almost 18:eek: I would not have my middle age kids hanging out with high school seniors at home. Heck,my sophomore is not allowed to hang out with seniors.

  12. Here are my thoughts about smoking....if you want to smoke, go for it. I'm a non-smoker and I know when to dodge the smokers. As an ICU nurse, I've seen what smoking does to people. Not just cancer, but chronic emphysema, stroke, aneurysm ruptures and blood clot formation are big culprits. We educate them on cessation but some of them continue to smoke.


    Overall, it's your body and you can do whatever you want with it.


    You have also seem what obesity does. Let's all tell fat people to stop eating. Ok, we would have no friends or family members left. What are the side effects of obesity?


    OP- I am a non smoker but can't be around or even wear perfume. I wish I could tell you what to do but before that I will try and drop a few pounds from my butt. Yes, someone eating a half pound burger with double cheese and triple bacon but a diet coke will be the first to say smoking is bad for you. I worked fast food where people would get upset if you forgot the diet coke.

  13. Now when someone mention's Carnival's real strengths, and says they can do without, they're probably coming from a more sincere comparison. For instance, I can live without Princess' decor, and it's beautiful. I can live without those smallish staterooms, that's sour grapes.



    If this thread was really about why I am leaving Carnival to Princess, it would be flooded with post about how much better Princess is or from Carnival cheerleader saying good riddance. After everything is said and done, this cruise rank about one of the best or at least funnest.


    I loved my first Princess cruise, a new and different experience. I did not care for it as a family vacation and therefore might not do a family vacation on Princess again. One of the reasons for doing Princess is to sail the new designed ship. I have a weak heart and I am afraid if I stay still too long it might forget to start beating again:D




    [/url] ,

  14. We're looking at booking cruise #4 Feb 2015 and we're considering jumping ship and giving Carnival a try.


    DH & I are both in our early 40's, DS will be 9. We're obviously looking for a kid friendly ship, but it isn't a requirement to have all the bells and whistles. I've spent a lot of time reading these threads and have come across all types of reviews, but of course I have some lingering questions:


    - How bad is the cigarette smoke smell? The sewer smoke smell?

    - How jam packed is the pool area? Is it crazy loud? Is there anywhere (on deck) to get away from the noise?

    - Are there issues getting a lounge chair? Or are those stories far and few between?

    - Going mid February shouldn't be an issue for crowds, will it?

    - Any restrictions on the waterslides for height?

    - We're not too interested in the nightclubs or late night activities as we're in bed the same time as DS (10-11ish), so that area is irrelevant for us.

    - What do you love most about Carnival?


    Specifically, I was comparing Carnival Breeze to Freedom of the Seas ... the price difference is almost $1000. So any insight whether we should give Carnival a try next time is most appreciated :)


    The fact that I can save a boat load of money on some sailings.

  15. A cruise is what you make of it. I've cruised all of the major brands multiple times and every one offered everything that I expected. Casino, nightlife, shows etc. Sometimes the night life depends on the cruise. 15 day Hawaii cruises attract a lot of seniors so the clubs aren't packed at midnight but the 7 day or less to the caribbean is filled with party and beach people. What will you miss? The Carnival logo and the dumb hairy chest contest.


    This cruise did not meet my all expectations. However, along with others we have voiced how complaints already. Looking back, this cruise was more fun than my previous ones. I guess I will also miss the hairy chest contest because I love to see people having fun and doing things they probably wouldn't do at home.


    At my age I am becoming my worse enemy, so maybe it's time to graduate to lines where sitting and relaxing is the order of the day. My mother and cardiologist will thank me. Carnival fun shall be missed.

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