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Everything posted by dbeckett

  1. Heard on a UK cruise programme that Princess is now going to start shipping the medallion to UK, Canadian, Australian (and another country that I can't recall) cruisers. Does anyone i.e. Princess have anymore information on this? We are sailing from Southamton on 13th October so would like to know it if is going to be happening before then. Before anyone says it only takes a couple of extra minutes to pick up at the port - the last time we cruised from Miami it was closer to 30 minutes to get it but I put it down to not being American Thanks
  2. I'll start with the Princess App. I've had it on phone for some time and loved the fact it would count down the days to the next cruise but no more. According to the App (it has been like this for over a week) it will say good evening regardless of the time of day and then show we have 106 days, 11 hours and 52minutes before the next cruise. When it got stuck on 111days I thought it must be counting down by weeks but why have it on the App if it is no longer a daily count down. There were issues with the App last time we were on (failed to order drinkw when we were at the pool) so to see this happen when we aren't on board makes me seriously think of deleting the App. Now Cruise Critic. I first started using CC when I was living in Canada. Now if I want to go to CruiseCritic.com as it says I can and always has done in the past, it goes to an external page (flightsand packages.com) which is not what I want. So I am also thinking I will stop using this previously excelllent website. It appears that the sites think they are improving the experince by doing updates but I have yet to find this the case
  3. Can any recent Elite cruiser comment on the list below that Princess used to say were the upgraded supplies "Elite passengers should receive the following upgraded supplies onboard: Embarkation Amenity basket, including... 1 each Lotus Spa Shampoo, 2 oz. bottle 1 each Lotus Spa Conditioner, 2 oz. bottle 1 each Lotus Spa Bath Gel 1 each Lotus Spa Lotion 1 each Lotus Spa Soap 1 each Lotus Spa Emery Board 1 each Lotus Spa Shower Cap 1 each Sizzle Mitt ( a bit like a loofa) 1 each Eye Gel Mask 1 each Lip Balm 1 each Linen Spray Cotton balls and Q-tips Bathtub/Basin 1 each Lotus Spa Shampoo, Conditioner, Bath Gel, Soap If memory serves me right they used to be a white bag called Sleep by Princess. Are the liquids no longer provided as they were in plastic bottles? But what about the other products?
  4. True after I posted it I realiased the phone wasn't used but seen as how I now have to close the iPhone to get the App to work (twice yesterday) I guess I was recalling the medallion wouldn't recognise me and now again before I get on the ship the App is as bad as before.
  5. Been away from computers and only getting a chance to review - reason why I said it was for UK users is that Princess do not treat UK cruisers like North American cruisers. When I returned to the UK from Canada and continued cruising with Princess there are obvious differences between the 2.
  6. For UK users IMO the Medallion App isn't worth having on the phone. I know they promote it as the best recent innovation but it isn't. First time we used it having completed all the required information the crew devices couldn't read it on my phone so everytime I wanted on or off the ship it was basically a check of the photo they had (supplied by me), and not the App, they used. The idea that you could order a drink to where you were sitting was a nice thought but that's all it was for me a thought as I never got a drink delivered and it only happened 4 times for my brother on a 14 day cruise. I spent a number of hours in queue for the people who knew how to sort out the App. When the medallion stopped letting me into the room they said I had to go to guest services and get a new medallion so that was probably a medallion issue rather than the App. Now waiting for the next cruise to start. All information is completed so we went from blue to green arrival status until this morning when I was told I was now yellow arrival status. Checking what that meant it said most waiting time and needed a secondary health check. I have all the COVID vaccinations available and have declared I am a diabetic so why the secondary health check. I cannot be the only diabetic on the ship travelling. Maybe Princess should get new IT people as the App is not worked effectively - I even got a newer iPhone in case that was the issue but it is not the case. Goes without saying that I am already expecting the next cruise to be like the last one
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