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Why so much Alcohol???


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I've taken beer on just to save a few bucks when it's a last minute trip, or a longer cruise.


Otherwise, I do bring a bottle of a certain shooter they do not have on the ship because, well.. they don't have it on the ship, lol.

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The marked error in your post is this :

"why would everyone bring so much alcohol? Is it because you don't want to pay the incredible high prices of the drinks on the ship? (which I totally understand)"


Any hotel in the USA of Holiday Inn or better quality has bar prices as high or higher than Carnival. And medium upscale restaurants or lounges also have prices in the same range or much higher than Carnival's. The prices are NOT high for a quality bar or lounge. You shouldn't know that being a non-drinker but the smugglers either live in caves, frequent dive bars or are just being CHEAP. Claiming its because Carnival's prices are too high just is not a fact.


And smuggling does happen on all mass market lines.


HAHAHA. You're an arrogant fool aren't you? We happen to live IN A RESORT TOWN in northern Michigan and even at most of out most upscale resorts beer prices are nothing like the prices on board. Also, mixed drink prices are cheaper. If I wanted to order a strawberry daquari at the resort's restaurant, I would probably pay about 4 dollars for house liquor and 6 for top shelf liquor. If I bought those same drinks at our favorite local establishment (Which you would probably consider a "dive") it would be about the same, but because we tip our bartender very well, they'd be twice as strong. Beer is considerably cheaper. It's a little hard for me to compare because typically the boys will get a pitcher of draft beer for between 6 and 8 dollars. That usually about 3.5 pints. So while mixed drinks aren't astronomical on ships (a little high, but I think that's within reason) the beer is REDICULOUS. Trying to charge 6 dollars or more for 16 oz of beer is a huge ripoff. Like my DH said in a different thread. Because of those prices he won't be drinking carnival's beer on the upcoming cruise in April. (I won't be drinking Carnival's booze because I'll be 21 weeks pregnant by then. )

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Amen to that! Poor coffee quality is the one consistent downside to cruising. I've always wondered if the free coffee is bad on purpose to drive business to the pay coffee shops! ;)

It's actually worse than that for me. I roast my own coffee and take care in how I grind and brew it. I'm very particular about my vices. :o


I'm just older now and I really enjoy good quality vices in moderation. If I was drinking buckets of water tasting beer, then I wouldn't bother. But neither would I care if others smuggled that on board either.

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Just coming back from a cruise, I can say the alcoholic drinks are priced pretty similar to restaurants. No more excessive than anywhere else. We are almost non-drinkers...a drink here or there over dinner. I'm not defending the cruise policies...they try to sell you stuff 24x7 and can be very annoying.


However, it looks like there are many, many heavy drinkers. Some people start early in the morning. The "high" prices probably save quite a few people from themselves. You know it is bad when the cruise actually sells a $20 raffle ticket to win $500 off your bar bill...on a 3-day cruise! Wow!

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I won't speak for K -- but for me, it comes down to this: I tend to ignore rules that I find capricious and/or without merit.


I don't believe that I am doing anything ILLEGAL or UNETHICAL by taking my own alcohol onboard. I'm not hurting anyone else nor causing trouble for anyone else.


I understand that Carnival would prefer that I don't bring my own booze, in order to increase their profit margins.


I would prefer not to increase their profit margin (any more than I already have) and thus I bring a small quantity of my own booze. And it doesn't bother my conscience one little bit. (Perhaps the fact that I know I'll purchase plenty of drinks on my Sail & Sign card helps me avoid the guilty feelings!)


Yea! What Eric said!

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HAHAHA. You're an arrogant fool aren't you? We happen to live IN A RESORT TOWN in northern Michigan and even at most of out most upscale resorts beer prices are nothing like the prices on board. Also, mixed drink prices are cheaper. If I wanted to order a strawberry daquari at the resort's restaurant, I would probably pay about 4 dollars for house liquor and 6 for top shelf liquor. If I bought those same drinks at our favorite local establishment (Which you would probably consider a "dive") it would be about the same, but because we tip our bartender very well, they'd be twice as strong. Beer is considerably cheaper. It's a little hard for me to compare because typically the boys will get a pitcher of draft beer for between 6 and 8 dollars. That usually about 3.5 pints. So while mixed drinks aren't astronomical on ships (a little high, but I think that's within reason) the beer is REDICULOUS. Trying to charge 6 dollars or more for 16 oz of beer is a huge ripoff. Like my DH said in a different thread. Because of those prices he won't be drinking carnival's beer on the upcoming cruise in April. (I won't be drinking Carnival's booze because I'll be 21 weeks pregnant by then. )


Those are really cheap prices. I live in So. Cal. and they are a lot more than that. I pay $7.50 for a rum and coke.

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I won't speak for K -- but for me, it comes down to this: I tend to ignore rules that I find capricious and/or without merit.


I don't believe that I am doing anything ILLEGAL or UNETHICAL by taking my own alcohol onboard. I'm not hurting anyone else nor causing trouble for anyone else.


I understand that Carnival would prefer that I don't bring my own booze, in order to increase their profit margins.


I would prefer not to increase their profit margin (any more than I already have) and thus I bring a small quantity of my own booze. And it doesn't bother my conscience one little bit. (Perhaps the fact that I know I'll purchase plenty of drinks on my Sail & Sign card helps me avoid the guilty feelings!)


Unbelievable. Of course, by not following the rules that you have agreed to when you entered into a contract is UNETHICAL. They are providing you with a product for your enjoyment in order to make a profit for their company. So according to your last statement it is ok to eat the grapes at the grocery store because you will be buying a lot of them. Totally stupid reasoning to me.

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It's because I smuggle on a high quality brand of alcohol that the ships don't offer (And 'cause of the discount too! :p). I like to drink very good booze and smoke very good cigars on my vacations that are not available from the cruise lines. If it wasn't such a PIA, I'd smuggle on very good coffee and coffee brewers as well.


So much hatred (not you, OP) for others' individual decisions.


This is a very good point...when we have wine, we like very good wine. Even the "premium" wines on a cruise are very poor quality. I can only guess that other ports, scotches, etc. are very cheap quality. As you point out, the coffee is of embarrassing quality, and even non-alcoholic drinks are extremely limited...even if you are willing to pay for them.

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To the OP...yes, it seems like a lot of people bring a lot of alcohol on their cruise. That is, if you believe everything you read on Cruise Critic!


As someone said above, "YES" to all of your questions why we bring some alcohol aboard.


We don't bring a lot, but we do bring enough augment the drinks we order on the Lido, in the casino, and the glass of wine or two in the dining room at dinner. We like to be able to have a drink in the room before dinner, and maybe a night cap before bed. If we didn't bring the smuggled stuff, we would not buy much (if any) more than we already do on the cruise, because the prices are exorbitant. We do drink more on vacation than we do at home (who doesn't)? Our smuggled alcohol is minor compared to what I've read some bring! But, to each his/her own.


For those who say $7-8 is a fair price for a well drink...you probably live in LA, Miami, Las Vegas, or NYC, or some place like that. Middle America does not pay that much, unless it is in a very nice restaurant/club. We don't frequent places that have well drinks priced in that range. Also, as someone else said, we tend to buy alcohol at the store and drink at home or with friends at their homes, rather than at bars or restaurants.


OP, don't worry unless you're used to Cunard or something. Carnival is very nice, but in a "good party" way.

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So according to your last statement it is ok to eat the grapes at the grocery store because you will be buying a lot of them. Totally stupid reasoning to me.


This has to be the worst analogy I have ever seen. How can you compare STEALING grapes to drinking your own alcohol? Alcohol that you have bought and paid for legally. You cannot.


Now if someone had said I can justify STEALING one drink from my fridge in my room because I'm going to BUY many more at the bar, that would be comparable. And wrong.

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Greetings and a warm hello from cold Canada.


Smuggling booze...hmmm...right up there with hogging deck chairs. Always a very pointed discussion.


So my 1.5 cents worth, (Canadian remember), is this.


All of you that book your cabin knowing the rules and assuming that since you don't agree with them that they do not apply to you are simply wrong.


To those that feel you paid for your cruise and will do what you want...again wrong.


For the cruisers who think that it is nobody's business and doesn't affect anyone else...once more wrong.


All companies are in business to make money. And Carnival has a bottom line.


Alcohol is a large profit generator for the company as are photos, the casino, gift shops etc. These contribute to that bottom line.


Every ounce of smuggled booze you pour down your throat is money out of your fellow cruiser's pockets. That's right folks, you are stealing from your fellow cruisers. Those that understand that they are not exempt from the rules of passage.


Every dollar off the bottom line must be made up elsewhere. Increased drink prices. Higher fares.


I don't make any value judgment on your choice to smuggle. But the fact that you are stealing money from my pocket ticks me off.


Hmmm. Maybe you can start making your own casino chips as well. And why can't you just photocopy the pictures you want?


Have a lovely day.

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Alcohol is a large profit generator for the company as are photos, the casino, gift shops etc. These contribute to that bottom line.


Every ounce of smuggled booze you pour down your throat is money out of your fellow cruiser's pockets. That's right folks, you are stealing from your fellow cruisers. Those that understand that they are not exempt from the rules of passage.


Every dollar off the bottom line must be made up elsewhere. Increased drink prices. Higher fares.


I don't make any value judgment on your choice to smuggle. But the fact that you are stealing money from my pocket ticks me off.

Really? That's your rationale? :rolleyes:


So by extension of your logic, you must be tickled pink when people get silly drunk at the ship bars. We all should. Everyone should drink up enough to throw up all over the place in efforts to whittle your fare down to nothing and fill your pockets with joy. :D


Why don't you just not worry about what other people are doing who aren't literally harming you. ;)

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HAHAHA. You're an arrogant fool aren't you? We happen to live IN A RESORT TOWN in northern Michigan and even at most of out most upscale resorts beer prices are nothing like the prices on board. Also, mixed drink prices are cheaper. If I wanted to order a strawberry daquari at the resort's restaurant, I would probably pay about 4 dollars for house liquor and 6 for top shelf liquor. If I bought those same drinks at our favorite local establishment (Which you would probably consider a "dive") it would be about the same, but because we tip our bartender very well, they'd be twice as strong. Beer is considerably cheaper. It's a little hard for me to compare because typically the boys will get a pitcher of draft beer for between 6 and 8 dollars. That usually about 3.5 pints. So while mixed drinks aren't astronomical on ships (a little high, but I think that's within reason) the beer is REDICULOUS. Trying to charge 6 dollars or more for 16 oz of beer is a huge ripoff. Like my DH said in a different thread. Because of those prices he won't be drinking carnival's beer on the upcoming cruise in April. (I won't be drinking Carnival's booze because I'll be 21 weeks pregnant by then. )


You make a very good point. My DH drinks beer and only beer. Because the prices of beer on the ships are so ridiculous and we are not supposed to smuggle he refuses to cruise.


Because he refuses to cruise Carnival or any other ship, they are missing out on at least one passenger and two passengers for some years. Once in a while I go with friends.


I would cruise every year if my DH would go with. I can understand his reasoning. When we are on vacation he likes to drink a lot of beer. If the prices were lower (such as $2.00 on land in Mexico) my DH would love to cruise with me.


No, he is not an alchy, but when he is on vacation he LIKES his beer.

Carnival needs to review their beer prices.

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Those are really cheap prices. I live in So. Cal. and they are a lot more than that. I pay $7.50 for a rum and coke.



Please remember the cruise lines get their booze at rock bottom rates. Not only do they buy bulk, but, they buy some on the islands where it is very inexpensive for them.


They need to at least rethink their beer prices.

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Neither of us drink wine, so being allowed to bring 2 bottles doesn't work for me. DH is a beer drinker. Nothing fancy although he likes microbrews on occasion. If he drank liquor we would probably buy it from Bon Voyage. But I am not going to pay $100+ for a case of beer. And I am not going to pay $5-6 per beer more than a few times. And I am not going to ask DH to not drink on vacation. So I can smuggle or I can go on land vacations where it isn't an issue.

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You make a very good point. My DH drinks beer and only beer. Because the prices of beer on the ships are so ridiculous and we are not supposed to smuggle he refuses to cruise.


Because he refuses to cruise Carnival or any other ship, they are missing out on at least one passenger and two passengers for some years. Once in a while I go with friends.


I would cruise every year if my DH would go with. I can understand his reasoning. When we are on vacation he likes to drink a lot of beer. If the prices were lower (such as $2.00 on land in Mexico) my DH would love to cruise with me.


No, he is not an alchy, but when he is on vacation he LIKES his beer.

Carnival needs to review their beer prices.


LOL I think we were typing basically the same thing at the same time.

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Please remember the cruise lines get their booze at rock bottom rates. Not only do they buy bulk, but, they buy some on the islands where it is very inexpensive for them.


They need to at least rethink their beer prices.



So what. Most bars have over a 100% mark-up on liquor. It is their company and they can make what ever rules and prices that they want. But comprimising your integrity by ageeing to their rules and then reneging on it isn't very ethical although it does make for a good politician.

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Greetings and a warm hello from cold Canada.


Smuggling booze...hmmm...right up there with hogging deck chairs. Always a very pointed discussion.


So my 1.5 cents worth, (Canadian remember), is this.


All of you that book your cabin knowing the rules and assuming that since you don't agree with them that they do not apply to you are simply wrong.


To those that feel you paid for your cruise and will do what you want...again wrong.


For the cruisers who think that it is nobody's business and doesn't affect anyone else...once more wrong.


All companies are in business to make money. And Carnival has a bottom line.


Alcohol is a large profit generator for the company as are photos, the casino, gift shops etc. These contribute to that bottom line.


Every ounce of smuggled booze you pour down your throat is money out of your fellow cruiser's pockets. That's right folks, you are stealing from your fellow cruisers. Those that understand that they are not exempt from the rules of passage.


Every dollar off the bottom line must be made up elsewhere. Increased drink prices. Higher fares.


I don't make any value judgment on your choice to smuggle. But the fact that you are stealing money from my pocket ticks me off.


Hmmm. Maybe you can start making your own casino chips as well. And why can't you just photocopy the pictures you want?


Have a lovely day.



Maybe you can explain to us how, using your logic how the friends of Bill W would be allowed on the ship as they do not buy booze on the ship. They as a group are surely costing the cruise industry countless millions of lost dollars in booze sales. Or the long list of people that never pull a handle on a slot machine, how about the slim balls that never buy pictures or shore trips. theses dead beats are all costing the cruise line big bucks.


Makes me wonder why and how the cruise company's keep building new ships if they are being so badly ripped off by all the dead beat passengers.

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I have only been on one cruise, and yes, I did smuggle alcohol. The amount of the smuggled booze consumed was much less than I would have liked because I was never in the room. To add to this topic, how many tip the drink servers? At the price they charge, it is hard to throw an extra buck per drink down. I am not sure if the servers pool tips or if they get them at all. If they do, in my opinion, Carnival is not being fare to their employees by charging such high prices.

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We smuggled a couple small bottles on for one reason only - The drink prices are WAY too high, even by our Canadian standards (we pay big bucks for alcohol, particularly at bars and restaurants) Sure, maybe bars price drinks high at restaurants and bars everywhere, but we very seldom go to bars. Hence we save a TON of money by buying our alcohol to consume at home or take to friend's place.

It's not even like we drank a lot on the cruise. We don't drink at all the whole day on the ship (no sea days and off all day). $2 beers on the beach was an awesome deal the cruise lines can't touch. Only a couple of days we had a beer on the Lido when we got back on at the end of our day at port. We had 2 DODs each the whole trip. Otherwise we had an afternoon drink on the balcony from our own stash.

We bought the wine package to have with dinner. Two nights we had a drink with friends before dinner while waiting for a table. Only 1 night we had a drink with a friend after dinner. Otherwise we drank what we brought on our balcony, but we didn't even finish what we brought. Didn't even open one. I must admit, it's not as convenient as just buying a drink at the bar. We were never drunk.

Still, we had about $300 on our S&S in a week for alcohol ?!? We would never spend that much on alcohol at home. High prices + 15% and there you go... big bar bill. The cruise lines must make an absolute killing on the heavy drinkers!

We like the prices of drink on AI vacations... FREE. We never have to smuggle there ..and it's the only time we drink those thick, tasty blender drinks... yum. Sure, they're weak, but we don't aim to get drunk... just enjoy our vacation. I do wish cruises were that way.

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The marked error in your post is this :

"why would everyone bring so much alcohol? Is it because you don't want to pay the incredible high prices of the drinks on the ship? (which I totally understand)"


Any hotel in the USA of Holiday Inn or better quality has bar prices as high or higher than Carnival. And medium upscale restaurants or lounges also have prices in the same range or much higher than Carnival's. The prices are NOT high for a quality bar or lounge. You shouldn't know that being a non-drinker but the smugglers either live in caves, frequent dive bars or are just being CHEAP. Claiming its because Carnival's prices are too high just is not a fact.


And smuggling does happen on all mass market lines.


Pretty nice cave if you ask me, but yes. I am cheap and do (not really) frequent "dive" bars. Don't hit bars that much at all, but the dives are the cheapest, freindliest (at least around here) places for me to find people I know, having a drink or two. OMG!! Just how low class am I :eek::confused:


Don't know where ya'll live, but drinking isn't that expensive around here, even if you don't frequent aforementioned dives. Five (or more $s) for a beer is highway robbery. Period. You would be hard pressed to find a high end beer cost that much at any place here. Carnival's prices are high in my perspective.


That being said, I am aware when I cruise that it is going to cost, a lot more.

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We smuggled a couple small bottles on for one reason only - The drink prices are WAY too high, even by our Canadian standards (we pay big bucks for alcohol, particularly at bars and restaurants) Sure, maybe bars price drinks high at restaurants and bars everywhere, but we very seldom go to bars. Hence we save a TON of money by buying our alcohol to consume at home or take to friend's place.

It's not even like we drank a lot on the cruise. We don't drink at all the whole day on the ship (no sea days and off all day). $2 beers on the beach was an awesome deal the cruise lines can't touch. Only a couple of days we had a beer on the Lido when we got back on at the end of our day at port. We had 2 DODs each the whole trip. Otherwise we had an afternoon drink on the balcony from our own stash.

We bought the wine package to have with dinner. Two nights we had a drink with friends before dinner while waiting for a table. Only 1 night we had a drink with a friend after dinner. Otherwise we drank what we brought on our balcony, but we didn't even finish what we brought. Didn't even open one. I must admit, it's not as convenient as just buying a drink at the bar. We were never drunk.

Still, we had about $300 on our S&S in a week for alcohol ?!? We would never spend that much on alcohol at home. High prices + 15% and there you go... big bar bill. The cruise lines must make an absolute killing on the heavy drinkers!

We like the prices of drink on AI vacations... FREE. We never have to smuggle there ..and it's the only time we drink those thick, tasty blender drinks... yum. Sure, they're weak, but we don't aim to get drunk... just enjoy our vacation. I do wish cruises were that way.



And I am sure you pay a lot more for the AI experience also.

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Greetings and a warm hello from cold Canada.


Greetings from the warm side of Canada.


All companies are in business to make money. And Carnival has a bottom line.


Alcohol is a large profit generator for the company as are photos, the casino, gift shops etc. These contribute to that bottom line.


Every ounce of smuggled booze you pour down your throat is money out of your fellow cruiser's pockets. That's right folks, you are stealing from your fellow cruisers. Those that understand that they are not exempt from the rules of passage.


Every dollar off the bottom line must be made up elsewhere. Increased drink prices. Higher fares.


I'm sorry, but are you serious? Really? Cruise lines make a killing on the alcohol sold. Guaranteed. Do some math and you will see it. Yes, they also make money on the photo obsessed (wow, hugh mark up on those), and the casino (although there they may lose, whereas with the alcohol the passengers never win it back)


If you think that some people not buying quite as many drinks because they bring a little onboard to help off set the astronomical drink costs, then why do all inclusives, where drinks are ALL FREE still have some of the cheapest vacation packages prices anywhere. I loved our cruise, but man, was it ever a lot more expensive than an AI. So explain that?


Oh, and for the non-drinkers on their high horses, if it weren't for the drinkers your cruise WOULD be priced higher to make up for all that lost revenue on alcohol. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it... oh wait, you don't smoke either... hahaha.

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