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New passport/birth certificate policy for cruise lines?


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I'm the daughter of a life long, spectacular, dedicated teacher who struggles to pay her bills, cares more than she need to for her students, goes above and beyond for students and fellow teachers and is going to have to work past 70 years of age due to the dispicable retirement guidelines in our public school system. among all of that, I think she atleast deserves some respect, not only personally, but for her choice of professions.


I've also had many good teachers whose faces pop through my mind whenever I hear/see/perceive anything negative regarding the profession. I wonder if they would have even entered teaching at the time they did if the stereotypes and prejudices that are abundant today were when they had to make their career path. The world may lose out on many good people who WANT to help OUR kids and better our society, even though the pay isn't great and the hours are long, simply because the lack of respect for the profession.

Mama, i wrote, and maybe started this thing on teachers which was not intended. I also goof around about my Catholic School upbringing and the Nuns slapping us around, yes it is true but definitely did not scar myself or amyone I know for life LOL Actually I truly believe Grade School and High School Teachers are there for all the right reasons. They are highly educated thede days, have a genuine concern for the kids, are very good teachers etc and I believe are very well respected. Of course there are exceptions and a few bad teachers too but I think the good ones far outweigh the bad ones, unfortunately its always the bad apples who get all the attention. It seems in College though that these Professors seem to be more interested in their career sometimes, the prestige rather than the teaching. Being published, having tenure is more their style. Many who teach in the Social Sciences seem to be over the top liberals and not very realistic of the real world and I see these views coming home with the students when they return from College at times. Kids this age are naturally very idealistic, somewhat rebellious and very open to the views of over the top views their Professors fill their heads with sometimes. These Professors should have learned the wisdom that comes with age and teach the kids to think realistically about the problems that face the world when they just seem to teach "Question Everything" without teaching them to think out the realities behind their questioning and how to come to realistic solutions. One example I wrote of earlier in the feed the world with the funds from the Iraq war, sounds great on paper, in real life it wouldnt work. Another was a conversation with a College Student who thought she knew everything about Global Warming and quoting and only listening to what her professor had to say, after all he is a Professor so therefore he must be right. Their solution, do away with cars, coal and even Natural Gas, not very realistic. Teachers for the most part do a wonderful job, one which I could not do myself since I dont have that talent to teach. The ones who feel their job is to promote their social agendas are the ones I have a problem with.....PS my 18 year old daughter wants to be a Grade School Teacher and is in a High School Internship Program,,,Im very proud of her for choosing such a noble profession!!!!
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and I have an even BETTER idea...in the meantime, while we're all holding our breath for the privitization of the public school system, let's perpetuate the stereoype of all the "whack jobs" running rampant in the current system and make all the decent teachers' jobs even harder and their public image even worse. good plan.
See Mama, here is a real whack job when you read between the lines..Privatize the school system ha?? Now is that realistic?? The same amount of kids will still need to be taught so the price will only go up for education under this plan so who will pay these extra costs? My kids all go to public schools and they are far superior to the private schools in my area and this comes from someone who attended "Private Schools" my whole school life!! The answer lies in making sure there is the same amount of money spent on each child and the resources are available equally to each child, rich or poor District!! In addition the same amount of money would be available under Privatizing all schools as is available under the current system so where does one think that Teachers salaries will be raised across the board and therefore the cream of the crop will stay. And where does one think that the "Whack Job" teachers will somehow magically leave and someone of higher quality will be there to fill the void. Dont let unrealistic people like this get under your skin Mama, remember, you cant argue with those who are ignorant..and obviously unrealistic
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Haven't heard this, but I'm sure it might be the wave of the future.


However - I think it will cut out a lot of folks' cruising vacations. Not everybody can/will be obtaining passports - they aren't cheap.


Some will cruise only the one time, or a couple of times, and won't think it's worth the price of a passport - added to the cost of a cruise. Oh well, guess that's something the cruiselines will have to worry about.....losing passengers, I mean.:o


I disagree. Considering for anyone 16 and older the cost of a first time passport is $85 and valid for 10 years, it seems like money well spent. That's not much money over the long term. Besides, I hardly think that the cost of a passport would deter most from cruising.

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I just don't consider that the same as going through my child's school locker, when that is SCHOOL property and all that should be in there are school supplies.


Apples and oranges. :rolleyes:

AHHHH But I grew up in Chicago and seen and have been the victim of the "Authorities" over stepping their bounds and infringing on rights of others. Many of my friends Dads growing up were Cops, some of my friends became Cops. Many are good, some aint and even the good ones sometimes over step their authority. Giving Authorities carte Blanche is not the answer because it will turn on ourselves at some point and does already. Is a kids back pack school property or personal property? Do the Police have the right to search a kids back pack at will if he or she is on the street, so why should they if it is in a locker? If the Police searches your childs back pack and scared the living hell out of him or her would you feel the same? Given that logic if you go to a Gym run by the local Government do you feel they should have a right to rummage through your Gym Bag or purse in a random search? Im a conservative person by nature but also realistic, The Police, FBI and many other Institutions cut corners already and ignore rights in the zealousness to do their jobs. This is reality too. Do you feel the innocent Japanese who had all their rights and belongings taken away during World War 2 should have had that done to them?? What about the people blacklisted during the McCarthy years? Its not a stretch that someone will start pointing a finger at someone and say thay are a Terrorist and their lives ruined by investigations with no proof to back it up.Already your Car is not considered to be private and cops can pull you over for a broken tail light and search your car based solely on their personal perception of you, not proof, perception. Security on ships, at airports is one thing, diluting our rights is another and there does have to be a line somewhere and our rights protected along the way. Like I said earlier, it is a balancing act between security and our rights. Being inconvienced when traveling or in some other type of high profile activity such as a sporting event is a fact of life we all have to deal with for safety and security sake. Searching my kids book bag, my gym bag or treating me like a criminal over a simple traffic stop are all across that line. When you have been terrorized by an Authority just because thay can, let me know how you feel and if you still feel its apples and oranges and really believe our rights are not being diluted slowly but surely. Ask all the innocent Muslims living peacefully here now who are being discriminated against, harassed based on skin color by authorities and citizens alike and some who are being wrongly investigated by Big Brother while their lives are turned upside down if they feel our rights are being taken away?
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I just don't consider that the same as going through my child's school locker, when that is SCHOOL property and all that should be in there are school supplies.


Apples and oranges. :rolleyes:

If it were realistic that the only things kids have are school supplies that might make sense, but what about the poor kid recently who left a pocket knife in his coat pocket after fishing over the weekend who was questioned by police for bringing a weapon to school after it was found during a "Random Search" of lockers.I suppose his parents should say thats ok, go ahead, terrorize my child,(Police questioning a child is terrorizing to that kid) he deserved it....PS no drugs found but hundreds of kids wondering if cops read "Private" notes in their folders, looked at the pictures they drew and now will start looking over their shoulder every time a Cop comes around wondering if they will be harassed just because the Cops can with no proof whatsoever of any wrong doing,,,my teen daughter sitting with her friends during the day last summer at the park, just hanging out, all good kids but because they are teens who were just sitting around a cop thought they were suspicous, had 4 squads there, searched the minivan, antagonized the kids, yelled at them to shut up, drove em to tears and told them they shouldnt be hanging out at the park in the summer all because he perceived them to be doing something wrong, no proof, perceived but because he could he did and terrorized these girls for no reason whatsoever,,,Halos, I know from many previous discussions you are intelligent, these things are real even if it hasnt happened to you personally but it is a matter of time before it does happen to you or someone close to you if we continue to just let our rights be diluted in the name of security and than you will think twice about letting your kids go to the park not because of some criminal element but because of the Police and will think twice if a cop questions your child in the school hallway during a random search because he just looked wrong..Apples and Oranges, I think not, respectfully of course LOL
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Upon debarking from our last cruise, in 1989, we were asked if we had anything to declare. My response was; 'Yes, we had a great time.' The customs official then reworded his question and asked if we purchased any expensive items such as watches, jewelry etc. I just laughed and said; 'Yeah right. We just got married.' We were then waved on through without any hassles. Perhaps my attitude made the difference but, for whatever reason, luggage was spread all over the place with ongoing searches and people were tied up for quite a while.


Neither of us had any form of ID, other than state issued drivers licenses, and nobody asked to see them.


Regardless though, based on what I have read on this forum, and this thread in particular, I picked up five passport applications yesterday and sent for state issued birth certificates for my wife and myself an hour ago via VitalChek.com. We will be traveling with our three sons and I definately feel the small price required for five passports will be well worth it if the need arises.


Not to digress from the thread subject, but my boys are 10, 8, and 4. Their appearance will change over the next few years; Given that, what is the procedure for updating passport photos?

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Not to digress from the thread subject, but my boys are 10, 8, and 4. Their appearance will change over the next few years; Given that, what is the procedure for updating passport photos?


You do not have to change pictures. Kid's passports expire in 5 years. My two got their first passports when they were 9 and 7. Yes, their looks changed but you could still tell it was them.

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You do not have to change pictures. Kid's passports expire in 5 years. My two got their first passports when they were 9 and 7. Yes, their looks changed but you could still tell it was them.







Quick Reply! Thank you. :)

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You do not have to change pictures.


You couldn't even if you wanted to!


The State Department only allows for name changes, not photo "updates." Consequently the only way to get a new picture is when the passport expires. At that time, adults can do a simpler "renewal app," (which requires a new photo).


However, when a child's passport is about to expire, to get a new one you have to go back to square one and go through the entire original application process all over again (I'll be dealing with that in late 2006 because my children's passports expire in Spring 2007).


That involves gathering and handing over all the same documentation and arranging for both the child, both parents AND a third party who can vouch for the parents ALL making an appearance at the office where the application is being filed (which for many working families is a pain). Again, the child MUST appear, and if only one parent is present, the only work around is to present a bunch of written statements explaining that the second parent approves of the app and why they can't appear - both being yet more material requiring State Department review and potential refusal.

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I have a group going on a 7 day cruise in May of this year and quite a few do not have passports. So, when I heard this same rumor, I immediately called Carnival. The representative told me that Carnival Cruiselines accept birth certificates with a photo id and as long as you have that, then a passport is not required. I am going to Honduras, Belize, Cozumel, and Grand Cayman.


Two of the people going in my group got passports anyway. The others are taking their chances and are going to use their birth certificates. I have a 3 year old and am not getting one for him. I got mine earlier this year, but only because I want to be able to hop on a plane to France or Italy as soon as I win the Lotto and don't want to have to wait to get the passport!!! :D

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The representative told me that Carnival Cruise lines accept birth certificates with a photo id and as long as you have that, then a passport is not required.


The key here is that Carnival Cruise lines accepts birth certificates and photo ID's as identification and proof of citizenship....Typically that is all you need but keep in mind that customs is who decides if you enter/exit the ship ...not Carnival.


Also if you were to get stranded in a foreign country, you will be wishing you had the passport. Keep in mind that unforeseen things happen when in port. Medical emergencies, car accident, or just missing the ship. Although they will probably be fine with the documentation they are bringing, keep in mind that things happen when away and a passport might be the only real way to prove ID/ citizenship.


I'm glad that you have yours, but I think I would get one for my child too.



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ConquestMike - thanks for the kind words!


One way of looking at the passport is this: no matter how you get there, plane, cruise ship, or car, you are going to be in a foreign country. A passport is, for most places, the only acceptable form of ID. If, God forbid, something goes wrong, then I want to be sure that I'm protected by having that American passport. Most importantly, I want my girls protected.


I'm betting that none of the people sitting on the beaches that morning in December were thinking that a tsunami was on it's way. You just never know what's going to happen...

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A passport is, for most places, the only acceptable form of ID. If, God forbid, something goes wrong, then I want to be sure that I'm protected by having that American passport. Most importantly, I want my girls protected. ...



Another reason NOT to leave your passport on the cruise ship!!!!!


Take your passport with you. Leave your certified birth certificate along with your license and a copy of your passport in the safe in your room.

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I am going to Hawaii with Celebrity onboard the summit in January. The ship will only be in a foreign port for one hour. Getting off in this port is not even a possibility. If there was one cruise that you don't need a passport for it is this one.


I just hope that customs will be a little easier. There's really nothing to declare.

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On our first cruise we used our birth certificates and drivers license. When we booked our second cruise I immediately went to the post office and picked up passport applications. I was suprised how much faster the people who had passports were processed on and off the ship.


I've read several posts about how having passports makes it easier to embark and disembark - is this the case at most ports? We've cruised 4 times out of New Orleans, and the passport holders and people with bc and driver's license wait in the same line, and get checked in at the same speed. A couple with passports checked in right next to us last Saturday, and we had our licenses and birth certificates. My family of four was checked in just a little bit faster than the couple with passports. Upon returning to New Orleans, no one is ever asked to show any identification at all. You swipe your S&S card as you leave the ship, hand the customs form to the appropriate person, and leave.


I'm not opposed to passports - just curious as to why the situation here in New Orleans seems different than elsewhere.

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I get everywhere quicker with my passport... I use it at the airport and find it much more convenient. I have to go into Canada 4 times a year, my business associate has a BC, they glance at my passport but scrutinize his paperwork... he keeps saying he's going to get one so it will make it quicker! LOL! Everything is just easier using a Passport... Universal identity...

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If it were realistic that the only things kids have are school supplies that might make sense, but what about the poor kid recently who left a pocket knife in his coat pocket after fishing over the weekend who was questioned by police for bringing a weapon to school after it was found during a "Random Search" of lockers.I suppose his parents should say thats ok, go ahead, terrorize my child,(Police questioning a child is terrorizing to that kid) he deserved it....PS no drugs found but hundreds of kids wondering if cops read "Private" notes in their folders, looked at the pictures they drew and now will start looking over their shoulder every time a Cop comes around wondering if they will be harassed just because the Cops can with no proof whatsoever of any wrong doing,,,my teen daughter sitting with her friends during the day last summer at the park, just hanging out, all good kids but because they are teens who were just sitting around a cop thought they were suspicous, had 4 squads there, searched the minivan, antagonized the kids, yelled at them to shut up, drove em to tears and told them they shouldnt be hanging out at the park in the summer all because he perceived them to be doing something wrong, no proof, perceived but because he could he did and terrorized these girls for no reason whatsoever,,,Halos, I know from many previous discussions you are intelligent, these things are real even if it hasnt happened to you personally but it is a matter of time before it does happen to you or someone close to you if we continue to just let our rights be diluted in the name of security and than you will think twice about letting your kids go to the park not because of some criminal element but because of the Police and will think twice if a cop questions your child in the school hallway during a random search because he just looked wrong..Apples and Oranges, I think not, respectfully of course LOL


Mike..no matter what you say...or how long you spend saying it, ;) it won't steer me on this one. When my child is in school I want ALL lockers randomly searched....I want every square inch of the building sniffed by dogs and if someone has a knife from a fishing expedition the previous weekend ( :rolleyes: ) in their locker, I want him/her investigated. PERIOD.

That is what I want.

You grew up in Chicago...I grew up in Philly...same thing. Right now I live in a small city in Maine, where not much happens in the way of news...there are less murders here in this STATE in a calendar year than in Philly on any given day, and STILL, I have no problem with someone going through my child's locker...just like I don't mind people going through my bags at the airport.

In my opinion, the only right children have is the right to be safe and secure.

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Mike, have no clue what transpired, but I can tell you this. I was a GREAT teen... parents thought I could do no wrong, and for the most part I didnt (well, until I reached 16), but at 14 with my friends, we would occasionally get in trouble... do thinks that might have made us look suspicious, etc. Did we tell our parents that? Are you kidding me? I would have given the same story... not saying they were doing anything wrong, I just find it very difficult to believe that they would send 4 squad cars and go through that, just for seeing a group of girls sitting around having a pow wow on the grass... Not all cops are "out to get you"... and for the most part, they do their jobs to the best they can, given the society in which we live. My hats off to all of them, I would not have the GUTS to do what they do. Most of them have reasons for everything they do, but as with any group, you have some bad ones.


Search the lockers FTLOG. Does anyone remember Columbine? :rolleyes:

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Anybody else have an opinion on passports? We seem not to be able to stay on topic. As I said earlier, they're just a form of id and no one gives any more info out that then gov't already has. SS# issued by the govt, birth certificate issued by local govt, parents names, birthdate and place of birth already on birth cert, swearing to tell the truth, priceless.

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Mike, have no clue what transpired, but I can tell you this. I was a GREAT teen... parents thought I could do no wrong, and for the most part I didnt (well, until I reached 16), but at 14 with my friends, we would occasionally get in trouble... do thinks that might have made us look suspicious, etc. Did we tell our parents that? Are you kidding me? I would have given the same story... not saying they were doing anything wrong, I just find it very difficult to believe that they would send 4 squad cars and go through that, just for seeing a group of girls sitting around having a pow wow on the grass... Not all cops are "out to get you"... and for the most part, they do their jobs to the best they can, given the society in which we live. My hats off to all of them, I would not have the GUTS to do what they do. Most of them have reasons for everything they do, but as with any group, you have some bad ones.


Search the lockers FTLOG. Does anyone remember Columbine? :rolleyes:

Dont get me wrong I have lots of Cop friends especially through my business and because of this I hear their stories of things that actually transpire and I now live in an upper middle class suburb, one that actually made the papers was a cop pulling women over for minor traffic offenses and than seeing if he could get ummm favors in return for letting em go. What happened to me was I was pistol whipped by an off duty cop after a chase in which my car was totaled. He pulls along side of me while driving, points his gun at me through the window and of course I take off, no idea hes a cop or why hes pointing a gun,,turns out he was returning from a Bachelors Party at 6am and I apparently cut him off while driving but he wasnt drinking ,,ha!!! Internal affairs interviewed me at the hospital, nuthin happened to him because I had to drop the charges so they would drop the charges of me evading police and a whole myriad of traffic offenses.Im running from a nut with a gun and Im the one in trouble. I was on my way to work. As I said I have friends who became Cops and I guarantee a couple of them should not be carrying guns and have Police powers. In my suburb, and I know this from the cops I do know, it is an unwritten rule to pull over young African American Males especially if they are in a nice car and I have seen this a number of times..As far as my daighter and friends having a pow wow at the aprk and looking suspicous I do agree somewhat with you, Im not stupid and keep a close eye on my kids and I know even good kids will do stupid things including mine. My point is there is a way to treat people with respect and treating a group of Suburban Teen Age girls in a park on a sunny afternoon like dogs crosses the line of what Police can or can not do. 4 squads showed up because the first Officer put these girls in a tizzy and he couldnt control them himself, not for fear of safety for himself but because he was such a jerk he had them scared to death that they were going to jail because they couldnt stop crying as he kept asking them where are the drugs?, Im gonna find em,,needless to say he or the others found none.If you want security at school than install metal detectors and tighten the security when kids are entering just as at airports, put drug sniffing dogs at the doors once in awhile, this is a realistic inconvience to prevent Columbine but doing searches without reasonable suspicions and cutting corners by saying its school property so they have the right to search Private Property like back packs is only diluting all our rights..
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Mike..no matter what you say...or how long you spend saying it, ;) it won't steer me on this one. When my child is in school I want ALL lockers randomly searched....I want every square inch of the building sniffed by dogs and if someone has a knife from a fishing expedition the previous weekend ( :rolleyes: ) in their locker, I want him/her investigated. PERIOD.

That is what I want.

You grew up in Chicago...I grew up in Philly...same thing. Right now I live in a small city in Maine, where not much happens in the way of news...there are less murders here in this STATE in a calendar year than in Philly on any given day, and STILL, I have no problem with someone going through my child's locker...just like I don't mind people going through my bags at the airport.

In my opinion, the only right children have is the right to be safe and secure.

Well Fortunately for all of us what you want and what the Constitution guarantees us, the right to be free of illegal searches and seizures, are at odds. I also want saftey and security in the schools and demand this of our school district but I also know it can be done within the realm of preserving everyones rights including all the other rights children DO have besides safety abd security, read my post to GC above for reasonable ways to do this. These things like the kid with the pocket knife also have to be taken care of with common sense too, what purpose did it serve to scare a 9 year old boy half to death over a simple oversight?? I dont mind security at airports or on cruises and see nothing wrong with requiring passports and other measures to improve all our safety, many are a huge inconvience that most of us gladly go along with for safety. As I said it is a balancing act between safety and security and preserving our rights and I think they do a good job of this balance while traveling, but you failed to answer one question, your at the Village/City owned gym and since it is public property, just like school, would you feel its ok for them to do random searches here to through your Gym Bag just because its in their locker. And the key here is random search with no suspicion whatsoever. Suppose someone has an embarassing item, not illegal, in their bag or something else of a nature that is not illegal but once found could hurt their life in some way, say a Pastor with a Penthouse in his bag and one of the Cops happens to also be a Parishioner. Its none of the Cops business whats in there but now can that Pastor ever look at his Parishioner Cop the same again or always wonder if the Cop will say something. Suppose the Cops found something of an embarassing nature in your kids locker and it became public knowledge at school and your child was than the subject of ridicule at school. Maybe nothing more than Bikini Briefs but now all the boys will think shes easy as they lie there on the floor in full view of the whole school. Security can be achieved and is achieved in many districts without searches and therefore preserving the rights the kids DO have also.
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Mike, have no clue what transpired, but I can tell you this. I was a GREAT teen... parents thought I could do no wrong, and for the most part I didnt (well, until I reached 16), but at 14 with my friends, we would occasionally get in trouble... do thinks that might have made us look suspicious, etc. Did we tell our parents that? Are you kidding me? I would have given the same story... not saying they were doing anything wrong, I just find it very difficult to believe that they would send 4 squad cars and go through that, just for seeing a group of girls sitting around having a pow wow on the grass... Not all cops are "out to get you"... and for the most part, they do their jobs to the best they can, given the society in which we live. My hats off to all of them, I would not have the GUTS to do what they do. Most of them have reasons for everything they do, but as with any group, you have some bad ones.


Search the lockers FTLOG. Does anyone remember Columbine? :rolleyes:

After reading my posts it sounds as if I have it out for Cops, I do not and have tremendous respect for them and have many of them as friends especially since my Brother works for the Chicago Police, not as a Cop, but because he works there I have become friends with many and have many good customers in my suburb who I have gotten to know over the years through my business..In Illinois, I dont know if you are aware since it was Big News here a year or so ago, that the Governor actually had to put a stop to any Death Paenalties being carried out because so many on death row have been released in the past few years after new eveidence (and in many evidence hidden by Prosecutors or Cops) was found that actually exonerated these people. Not isolated cases either but a huge pattern of Official misconduct from the Police through the Prosecution offices. Our history is full of the Government overstepping their bounds and ignoring the rights given all of us, including kids at school, and if we allow them further power and a further dilution of our rights than we are giving up the freedoms and rights our predecessors died for and are making a mockery of trying to bring these rights to tohers, such as Iraq right now, if we cant maintain our own. It, to me, is also another way Bin Laden has reached his goal if he can turn our country into something it has never been before and that is something I refuse to do, if for any reason but to remember those who lost their lives in 9/11 and the brave soldiers who are searching for him today. It is up to all of us, our responsibility, to preserve this way of life and all the freedoms we enjoy for future generations just as past generations did it for us.We can not give up or allow these rights to be diluted because of Bin Laden and give our Governmant more power than they need to protect and keep this country safe. Now its searching kids lockers and private belongings just because they are in school because of Columbine and now is instead used for other purposes, our cars when pulled over for a minor traffic offense from the war on drugs and other dilutions of our rights that have transpired over the last decade or two. It is a slippery slope and one which goes so slowly we dont notice until its too late. Just because I have nothing to hide doesnt mean I should be subjected to searches and allow my property, or my kids to be searched for no reason. Many many innocent lives were ruined in very recent history when we gave the Government too much power by turning a blind eye to what was happening. Both our security and our rights can be preserced if we demand this of our Government, if we turn a blind eye our rights will continue to be diluted and in time our own security through the dilution of these rights because than we will have to fear not just Bin Laden but our own Government too. That is something I do not wish to leave to my kids or future generations.
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Lockers were searched long before Columbine. Schools have the right to search for drugs and weapons in children's lockers. They're searching their own property and enforcing the law. There is a balance between too much government interference and too little. I have no issue with searches for illegal substances. Children do not have the same rights as adults. If they did, they could live alone at 3. That's called child abandonment and no one has an issue with investigating or removing a child from an abusive or abandoned situation, just dont' search their locker for substances that might kill them or others. That logic doesn't work.

Passports are not a big deal. Crack open that wallet and spend a few bucks on something besides what most spend on a cruise (drinking, gambling, tours, etc). LIke I said before your passport is asking for information that already exists on other government documentation, your birth cert and driver's license.

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