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JetBlue incident - Ever 'blow up' at other passengers/staff?


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That is what I was wondering, if the passenger was charged with anything??

[quote name='chickie_mite']I'm not familiar with federal regulations (white knuckle flyer here!!), but couldn't that passenger have been charged with something for disobeying the orders of the flight attendant?

(BTW--I like your pregnancy clock signature! :) Does the tummy get bigger over time?)[/quote]
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What the passenger did to the flight attendant was wrong.
What the flight attendant did in retaliation to the rude passenger was wrong.

2 wrongs do not make a right.

The flight attendant could have handled this situation in a manner that would have resulted in the passenger being penalized for being wrong and made him out to be a hero for doing the right thing. Instead he did the wrong thing as well and now he is getting penalized.

IMHO he looks like a fool not a hero. Both he and the passenger should be penalized and he needs some professional help in controlling his temper or he will never be able to hold a job down (either that or he needs to get a job that doesn't deal with people at all).

Rude people are everywhere and if your going to work at job where you deal with people all day, then you need to know how to deal effectively with rude people. If you can't deal with them properly then you are in the wrong profession and need to get a new job.
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[COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]so this wacko has a bad day, rude customers get to him ( even though he is in a customer facing position) , he curses, swipe beer, pulls the emergency chute and exits... and people cheer..[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana] [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]Think of the consequences.. the plane is taken out of service, chute needs to be repacked , tested as I’m sure there is FAA regulations they must adhere too. the cost is absorbed by the airline ,( think about how many people on here complain about waste and adding costs to CCL ) The Airline passes it to its customers... then there is the Immediate down line issues with a plane taken out for the rest of the day.. how many people were affected , missing their flights, getting bumped to others... wonder if someone was in route to do something important that perhaps they missed?? perhaps a CRUISE??? [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]still cheering this wack a do???[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[quote name='jimbo5544']For what its worth, hope they arrested the lady with the bag. The only airport I have ever seen unruly passengers is JFK, think they own the plane.:mad:[/quote]

You are so right. Flew into JFK and will NEVER go near that airport again. Never, ever saw so many rude people in one place at one time. I have been to many airports in this country and others and JFK was the worst. Don't know how many times we were almost knocked down trying to get on a bus to get to a different termanal. It was bad.
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[quote name='chickie_mite']Where was the captain when all of this was going on?

He couldn't hear the guy on the PA system cursing?[/quote]

The Captain and the Pilot as per protocal were locked in the cock pit. 9/11 highlighted the need to make sure no one has access to the cock pit which is why the Captain does not personally intervene in these situations.

While it is understandable that he lost it, it is not does not excuse his over reaction that were potentially dangerous to others (if the ramp hit someone when it opened, bullsh*t that he was able to look enough to check for people on the ground), the flight delays as result of the ramp going off for the next flight and not professional. The concern is that this publicity will give people free reign to do similiar stunts. There is good reason that the law no longer follows "an eye for an eye"
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[quote name='jeshghn']The Captain and the Pilot as per protocal were locked in the cock pit. 9/11 highlighted the need to make sure no one has access to the cock pit which is why the Captain does not personally intervene in these situations.

While it is understandable that he lost it, it is not does not excuse his over reaction that were potentially dangerous to others (if the ramp hit someone when it opened, bullsh*t that he was able to look enough to check for people on the ground), the flight delays as result of the ramp going off for the next flight and not professional. The concern is that this publicity will give people free reign to do similiar stunts. There is good reason that the law no longer follows "an eye for an eye"[/QUOTE]

Ok, gotcha, that makes total sense that the pilots wouldn't open the cockpit.

I honestly think I would have wet myself if I had witnessed it.
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[quote name='LHP']I went back later that afternoon and gave the cabin steward a $10 tip and told him to just ignore "ugly Americans"....[/quote]

[COLOR=darkred]That's why you remain a cruise 'Hero' in some eyes. :D[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#8b0000]<< hug >>[/COLOR]
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[quote name='paulandfran']What the flight attendant did was allow the aggressor (the rude passenger who wouldn't follow directions) to get away with their inappropriate aggressive behavior and instead the ones who were punished and inconvenienced were those who had to witness the hissy fit and those who had their travel arrangements disrupted because a plane was taken out of service by deploying the chute.

How can you support that?[/quote]

[FONT=Arial][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple]You are all forgetting that this steward has done this for 28 years. I believe that there are breaking points, when circumstances overwhelm those who have service jobs. Dealing with "entitled" people makes me more than aware of staff "snapping" - it is why some folks who do this work have job-related problems with alcohol and drugs. Believe me, the people on the plane loved all the drama going on (the so-called "hissy fit") and didn't suffer from any disruption in travel plans.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple]The airline did suffer, tho, from loss of revenue while they replaced the chute. Do you think maybe they could have provided stress relief services thru an EAP for their staff who undoubtedly would suffer the effects of dealing with entitled people their whole career that would have obviated their loss later? Might have saved them money in the long run.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=3][COLOR=#800080]I think it's easy to judge without knowing all the facts.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[quote name='patrice1'][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple] Believe me, the people on the plane loved all the drama going on (the so-called "hissy fit") and didn't suffer from any disruption in travel plans.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/quote]

I'm sure some people enjoyed the drama. But I'm sure many more did not and probably some were even frightened by the chute being deployed not fully understanding what was happening until after the fact. As for disruption in travel plans you can be certain there was some disruption with a plane being taken out of service.

I have enough facts to judge the behavior of the flight attendant to be wrong just as the behavior of the passenger was wrong. There may be extenuating circumstances that help to explain his behavior but it was still wrong to have a melt down instead of following protocol and simply having the passenger handled by security and then resigning from his job if he could no longer handle the pressure.
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[quote name='chickie_mite']I'm not familiar with federal regulations (white knuckle flyer here!!), but couldn't that passenger have been charged with something for disobeying the orders of the flight attendant?

(BTW--I like your pregnancy clock signature! :) Does the tummy get bigger over time?)[/quote]

Yes, there's protocol for how to handle it and disobeying a member of a flight crew is a serious offense. The flight attendant had other good options for handling the situation and he instead chose to behave as badly as the offensive passenger. :rolleyes:

Thx, I don't think the tummy clock gets bigger but I think mine will! I wonder how big I'll get!! :eek:
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[quote name='patrice1'][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple]You are all forgetting that this steward has done this for 28 years. I believe that there are breaking points, when circumstances overwhelm those who have service jobs. Dealing with "entitled" people makes me more than aware of staff "snapping" - it is why some folks who do this work have job-related problems with alcohol and drugs. Believe me, the people on the plane loved all the drama going on (the so-called "hissy fit") and didn't suffer from any disruption in travel plans.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple]The airline did suffer, tho, from loss of revenue while they replaced the chute. Do you think maybe they could have provided stress relief services thru an EAP for their staff who undoubtedly would suffer the effects of dealing with entitled people their whole career that would have obviated their loss later? Might have saved them money in the long run.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=3][COLOR=#800080]I think it's easy to judge without knowing all the facts.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B] [/quote]

As you've proven in your post. :p
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I've encountered rude passengers & just went on my merry way. My DH & I would laugh about it later--although we wouldn't be laughing about someone mistreating a crew member.

However, I "snapped" a couple of years ago while driving down a main road filled with shopping centers. Having grown up in an area where wildfires could happen too easily, so it's illegal to do so, I was shocked after moving to TN to see how many people just throw their cigarette butts out the window when they're finished. It's become a huge pet-peeve of mine; I can't for the life of me figure out why someone would think it's okay to make a mess like that & just leave it for others to clean up or clog our drain systems.

So one day I was out & a woman stopped to wait for opposing traffic before making a left turn and, lo and behold, she threw her cigarette out the window. I had had a trying morning & something snapped. I put my car in park, walked up to her window, picked up her still-burning cigarette & said, as sweetly as I possibly could, "I beg your pardon...you dropped this! Oh, you knew that? I'm going to go throw it away for you". Needless to say, she looked very scared. :p

My DH was NOT happy with me that night.
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I have let loose on a couple of pax...Chair hogs. On my last cruise it was a smart-mouthed twenty something young woman that insisted that she save 12 seats for the show. People tried to sit in that area that she was guarding for 35 minutes before the rest of her mostly drunk party showed up, late and then left early. I gave her a piece of my mind as did a couple of others in the row behind her. She was just obnoxious.

The cruise prior, I came down to Lido at 7:30 a.m. and of course all the chairs were folded over with books and towels. I walked around with my coffee until 8:00 and knew that most of these folks were still in bed. I removed the towels and books and placed them on the next "hogged" chair. About 10:30 a woman in all her grace and glory, freshly showered and made up(as she had just gotten up) came down and insisted that she wasn't gone more than five minutes and she had been sitting there. I let her have it.

I experienced chair hogs at their finest on the Pride last February. I think people were actually sleeping inthe serenity area as to not lose their clamshells for the next day. I never once found an empty space in the serenity area during my whole cruise. By day 5, I just gave up.
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[quote name='onthehighseas606']In regards to the airline steward, he acted unprofessional. He must have laid awake at nights figuring out what way would be the best way to leave the job with a grand exit. Releasing that slide could have injured people on the ground. He could of had that woman arrested for violent behavior and assault. He handled it badly. He needs to find a different line of work.JMHO.[/quote]

I doubt that he planned it. Since I work with the public, I would have to say that it happened so many times that he was abused and he just swallowed his anger and this time he couldn't.

No worries about him finding another line of work. He won't be employable in the airline industry.
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[quote name='nytraveller53']I 100% support that flight attendant. I see this stuff go on on airplanes almost every time I fly, and if I were the flight attendant, I would do the same :eek:[/quote]

Here's my story of an unruly passenger:
Rome to Chicago with delays so we are in the plane/air for 11.5 hours. While waiting to pick up my bag off of the carousel (I could see it coming) I was completely knocked off my feet by another passenger who grabbed his bag and swung it in my direction. Lucky for me, my carryon was behind me and broke my fall so I didn't break a leg or hip.

I was helped up by my friends and three nice Italian ;) gentlemen who told the man that he owed me an apology (he was ignoring us). The jerk then cursed them and me out (F words and all) and said that they would have done the same thing and everyone wanted their bags. I am rarely speechless, but I certainly was then. I thanked my new friends for helping me and limped off the customs and to my next flight.

I'm pretty sure we were as tired as him or anyone, yet we did not leave our manners behind.
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One could go cross-eyed keeping track of not starting the same topic the way we all chime in..especially w/curret events..I started one just a few hrs before this one..and was afraid I may have been a 2 topic same day deal...so I just found and breezed through most of this...

I hate it..but I think it is possible that after 28 years the steward did have it all planned..Kareoke gal made a highly possible observation..one could just repeat possible similar exit options over and over and pull the favorite out of a rehearsed index with all the publicity planned..when the opportunity presented itself..as it daily does...$2500 was not bad bail and home the same day..something about his smiles on the photos I've seen..sjn911.
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One more reason Steven Slater is not a hero:

[I]The airline said "the most distressing aspect" of news coverage is that the danger of deploying an emergency slide hasn't been taken seriously enough.[/I]

[I]"Slides deploy extremely quickly, with enough force to kill a person," the letter to employees read. "Slides can be as dangerous as a gun."[/I]

--JetBlue Chief Operating Officer Rob Maruster
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[quote name='patrice1'][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple]You are all forgetting that this steward has done this for 28 years. I believe that there are breaking points, when circumstances overwhelm those who have service jobs. Dealing with "entitled" people makes me more than aware of staff "snapping" - it is why some folks who do this work have job-related problems with alcohol and drugs. Believe me, the people on the plane loved all the drama going on (the so-called "hissy fit") and didn't suffer from any disruption in travel plans.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple]The airline did suffer, tho, from loss of revenue while they replaced the chute. Do you think maybe they could have provided stress relief services thru an EAP for their staff who undoubtedly would suffer the effects of dealing with entitled people their whole career that would have obviated their loss later? Might have saved them money in the long run.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial][SIZE=3][COLOR=#800080]I think it's easy to judge without knowing all the facts.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/quote]

I'm sorry, but I just have to point out, the flight attendant is only 38 years old so I'm sure he has not worked as a flight attendant for [B]28 years[/B].
Also, a 38 year old adult, male or female should have the maturity level and common sense not to endanger other people in their need for a "hissy fit".
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I posted in the other thread that it would come out that he did something to escalate the situation. Since then, there have been several reports of him slamming doors in the galley, and being disrespectful to other passengers. And now he wants his job back . . .

They should throw the book at him. He is unfit to work with the public.
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[quote name='Aknot']Yup Im also hearing the airlines can not find anyone to back up what he claims...

Looks like the "Hero" is not much of one.[/quote]

Yes and that "spin" factor...Kareoke gal mentioned..sooo possible..sjn.
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[quote name='steve4031']I posted in the other thread that it would come out that he did something to escalate the situation. Since then, there have been several reports of him slamming doors in the galley, and being disrespectful to other passengers. And now he wants his job back . . .

They should throw the book at him. He is unfit to work with the public.[/quote]

Yes, I saw the same thing after I read your post. You were right. And I agree, he should face charges. Rumor is he's looking for a plea bargain AND actually wants to stay on as a flight attendant. :rolleyes: Like that's gonna happen.
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