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Glory or Valor


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Hi everyone. We are looking at a Dec 26 cruise out of Miami. Choices are the Glory and the Valor. They both go to the same ports. We have cruised on the Valor before and loved it. It is our favorite ship (so far) even above The Dream. We are trying to decide if we should sail on her again or try the Glory. Does anyone that has sailed on both have a preference, and why? Thanks in advance for your help.... :)

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Greetings- We have sailed Glory 2 times b-4....we loved the ship...no Valor experience but from what I understand being sister same class ships they will be very similar. We are doing the Freedom in Nov and from the looks of it a very similar layout. I do know Glory is a little older 2nd released in the Conquest class of ship but either way if the price is better on one that would probaly be our deciding factor being they go to the same ports and so closely resemble each other.......Have fun!

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We have sailed both and I like the Glory better.......but if I had choice of both with the same itinerary and I had only sailed on one.... I would choose the one I haven't been on......why sail on the same ship when you can get the chance to sail on a different one:confused:

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Thank you everyone. The only reason we were considering doing the Valor again instead is because out of the 9 times we've been on Carnival, that happens to be our favorite ship....however, you guys make a valid point...I should try the one I haven't sailed on yet...by the way, the prices are exactly the same for both sailings....

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Yes it does - but I never made it to check it out. I sailed the Glory 2 years ago and will be going on the Valor in 2 weeks. I'll let you know my preference when I return.


Thanks....have a great time. The Valor is awesome. Check out the FIsh N Chips if you get a chance. It was yummy! My favorite place for lunch!

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Been on both before the upgrades...now both will have them


I would also try the "new to you" Glory


the shows are different as I recall so that is a plus


also just fun to try a different ship IMHO


They do the same Western route in the winter now


(*I am sailing on Glory again, on eastern in Jan)

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