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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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Thanks. I'll try to take a few pics with those colors - busy day here though - going with my daughter for her ultrasound - twins - due any time now! 2 more granddaughters for us - that will make 5!


Congrats on the new future additions.


Please do post when you get a chance. I forgot to mention that a close up eye photo is also helpful when deciding your color. We have some kind of scary big eye photos recently posted a few pages back if you need some guidelines :eek:

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We are going next month! Have you been?

Any hints re the clothing choices? Hubby is all ready now. Easy to dress a guy!

Am getting guide books out so I have a feel for what I will be seeing.


Being an Ice, I will be doing black as my basic bottom. Easy to pick tops, but hope the humidity isn't too harsh.


China is very very hot and humid in the summer. We went in July and it was 106 the day we climbed the Great Wall! Chongqing, Wuhan and Nanjing on the Yangtze are called the three furnaces of China. Nuff said.


Mourners wear all white, so I would avoid that. Many people wear dark pants and light shirts so your black pants would work fine. You will rarely see tank tops and shorts in the cities (and in the countryside too, actually) except on tourists. Technical fabrics weren't really a thing yet when we went, so I took a mix and match selection of washable linen, including skirts, which washed easily in the sink and dried by the next day. The problem with cotton tshirts was that once wet they took forever to dry.


IIRC there was a rule that air conditioning could only be set as low as 80. That can seem very warm to some people.


If you visit the Forbidden City in Beijing, bring an umbrella for shade like the Chinese do. It is very exposed and it is a lot of walking (you go in one end and out the other). There are women there selling paper parasols if you prefer.


The terracotta warriers in Xian are indoors. I really liked Xian, it wasn't so huge and modern. Beijing because of the historical sights has lots of Chinese tourists and is really big... leave plenty of time to get around. It can take over an hour just to go from one side to the other. Shanghai is very cosmopolitan.


Don't drink the water. Don't open your mouth in the shower. It doesn't hurt to have some Cipro for stomach upset. Carry Kleenex and purell. Many restrooms will have a "western" or "handicap" toilet along with the Asian style ones.


I loved China and the Chinese people were wonderful to us. I would go back in a heartbeat, though I got really tired of sweet and sour chicken. :)

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Thanks everyone for the kind welcome messages. I have gathered the colors for my photos - don't have a good rust (perhaps I'll look for an old car to stand next to) but I'll use the closest color I can find. Will try to get pics up later today.


Twins - they are growing! Estimated weight on Wed was 5lbs 6 oz for baby A and 6lbs 2oz for baby B. Due date is Sep 11, but my daughter's doctor told her they would induce Aug 24th if she didn't go sooner. Next scan\doctor's appointment is next week and she is hoping they will decide that sooner is better.

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Wow, your daughter is doing really well with her pregnancies. Great weights for the babies. Our sweeties were early and weighed much less than yours. They are now 16 lbs each and moving ie almost crawling. They celebrate their first birthday in November.

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Here is a link to my pics - not sure if the colors are right - but I can take more if necessary.





(The nice officer who took the pics said I should be eligible for day parole in 15 years.)

Hello CBP,


Did the flash ever go off in any of these photos?


Gorgeous eyes! How would you have described your hair color when you were young?

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Hello CBP,


Did the flash ever go off in any of these photos?


Gorgeous eyes! How would you have described your hair color when you were young?


Hi Anita


Yes, the flash went off in all the pics. We had the red eye on - used a digital SLR. Is flash good or bad?


Hair was golden blonde when I was young - then turned dark blonde - now has lots of gray, especially around my face. A hairdresser once told me there was a lot of red in my hair. I occasionally get some hi-lites - just to get rid of a bit of the gray.

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Hi Anita


Yes, the flash went off in all the pics. We had the red eye on - used a digital SLR. Is flash good or bad?


Hair was golden blonde when I was young - then turned dark blonde - now has lots of gray, especially around my face. A hairdresser once told me there was a lot of red in my hair. I occasionally get some hi-lites - just to get rid of a bit of the gray.

The flash throws off the skin tone...


The ideal light is to be standing in front of a north facing window...or other window with indirect light. OR...Melody made it work standing on the north facing side of her house.


It's the natural light not the flash light that we need to see. I'm not sure why or how but the flash helps to compensate for issues that are happening in the photographic subject. But our whole purpose behind taking these photographs is to capture the issues so we need to try to get the controls as manual as possible. The easiest one is to force the flash off...


But we still need to SEE the issues so that's why we need the natural light. The indirect natural light is most helpful because the skin coloring can be hard to see when it is in the direct light.


The colors you have are mostly good. I think the coral could be clearer...but the color appears to have a different affect on your skin from the muted red...but not sure if that is a result of depth of color or clarity. If you had a brighter more clear warm color (tomato/orange red, aqua (a greenish blue), sunshine yellow, electric royal blue)...that might make the effect of color more pronounced in future photos.


The blonde you describe is a warm blonde... Usually red is also an indication of warm...


Your eyes have just that touch of brown in the middle which is making also lean toward warm...


I can see the individual fibers of your iris more...which is making me think that you will tend toward being clear rather than muted...


Also, it would appear that the flash was brightest in the darkest muted color (it perceived the need for the greatest compensation), which makes me also wonder if you are leaning more toward the clear side... There was also quite a bit of compensation in the darker muted red...


A first glance, I'm thinking that the "healthiest glow" is that coral/peach color but because that peach is not bright...I don't know how clear it is. This is so confusing but it is possible to have "soft" clear colors...and you may have one here. Especially since there IS a contrast between this soft peach and the muted red, I think the peachy color could be clearer than the red.


The additional question mark happens because the flashed skin on the muted red is super blended...is that because the muted red is a great color? Or because you are washed out? And the black isn't HORRIBLE. Usually, black is TERRIBLE on Fire...but isn't quite so bad on Earth.


So I wouldn't say that there is a definite answer here. Sorry. :(


I will complement your ability to have the same facial expression in all your photos! (Sometimes it's hard to see a negative color effect when there is such a more sparkling expression...and also to see a positive color effect with a more negative expression, which is why I say that it is best to try to have the exact same expression in each photo...which I think you managed beautifully!)


And I have to say...I know some ladies aren't used to seeing themselves "au natural" but you have a lovely, Lovely face...strong features and such clear skin. You are really photogenic...you remind me of one of my SILs...

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I'm so glad that you checked in! Been wondering about you, your recovery from your eye surgery...how your family has been doing. You are a busy woman! Praying your energy and stamina keep up with everything that you are doing. Being a caregiver is demanding. There's a lot of reward there...but all at the same time, it's very important to take care of yourself too.


So be sure and get some "me time" in and post your Pictodiary! :D


cruzisme...I really hope you will share your photos with us!!! What an amazing trip that you are going on! Both you and Mom will have to educate us all on what works in the heat and humidity! And I would LOVE to see the sights that you will be seeing... Really hope you share with us.


My only exposure to travel in China is from watching "An Idiot Abroad." Anyone seen it? OMG...SO FUNNY. It's on Netflix, if you have access. The English man is sent all over the world to visit the Wonders of the World...so the Great Wall of China was one episode. I'm not sure that it was a wonderfully encouraging portrayal of travel in China...


Debbie...Great news about the big Bday celebratory cruise! Woot woot!! Mom is currently on the sailing after Kim... There's a bit of worry over what is happening with the ship that month though...seems like weird things are happening with all the February sailings on the Serenade...


So I'm posting this link here...


Mom has serious issues with bottoms. And she likes textured/print bottoms...and I saw these in the latest catalog:




I can't decide if they are really fun or too much like upholstery. I think that they could be very fun with bright Fire shirts... Mom was talking about wanting gold sneakers... I think these would be FUN with gold sneakers and a nice bright Fire tunic... Gold sandals, of course...


The leggings look TERRIBLE with that tucked in white shirt...so I'm thinking this have a lovely warmth that would work as a neutral for Fire ladies... They truly are a Creamy Ivory/Gold.

Edited by Anita Latte
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Wow, your daughter is doing really well with her pregnancies. Great weights for the babies. Our sweeties were early and weighed much less than yours. They are now 16 lbs each and moving ie almost crawling. They celebrate their first birthday in November.


Yes, I was worried when we found out she was having twins. So glad your little ones are doing well. Do you live close to them? We are about 40 km (25 miles) from my daughter and son-in-law, so we see them quite often. When my husband first found out about the twins, after the initial shock, he suggested moving to Nova Scotia (we are in Ontario). Second marriage here, he has no children, but he has 'grown' into a wonderful opa to our three granddaughters.

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Thank you, Anita, for all your suggestions. I'll try to get some photos without using a flash.


I have read some comments about finding exercise activities that one likes - here is how we attempt to stay fit:




We try to climb these stairs every morning, weather permitting, and always aim for at least a CN tower climb - 31 times up and down. My husband, who is ten years older (he'll be 73 in Sep) mostly does more. We try to do at least 30 minutes on our elliptical too. We are determined to stay as healthy as we can.

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We live about one hour drive from them, wish it was closer so we could help more.

The twins are usually pretty good natured. At present we see them twice a week. Dad took paternity leave and is doing great with the girls. We are so impressed!

So our townhouse now looks like a daycare! We love it as you will too.

The NS part was a joke? Or is he from there?

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[quote name=Anita Latte;47368342




cruzisme...I really hope you will share your photos with us!!! What an amazing trip that you are going on! Both you and Mom will have to educate us all on what works in the heat and humidity! And I would LOVE to see the sights that you will be seeing... Really hope you share with us.


My only exposure to travel in China is from watching "An Idiot Abroad." Anyone seen it? OMG...SO FUNNY. It's on Netflix' date=' if you have access. The English man is sent all over the world to visit the Wonders of the World...so the Great Wall of China was one.[/quote]


Wil see what I can do.


Excited to see Terracotta Warriors in real life. There were duplicates on one of the Holland America ships and even a dupe at one of our pub entrances here in my hometown. But this will be for real!


Love your insight on skin tones etc.

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We live about one hour drive from them, wish it was closer so we could help more.

The twins are usually pretty good natured. At present we see them twice a week. Dad took paternity leave and is doing great with the girls. We are so impressed!

So our townhouse now looks like a daycare! We love it as you will too.

The NS part was a joke? Or is he from there?


Yes, the NS was a joke - we are both looking forward to their arrival. He was born in London, England, and has one cousin living there - he has no other family.


Here is a pic of me with our granddaughters - taken a few weeks ago at my daughter's baby shower. The two oldest girls (10 1/2 and 7) are my son's girls and the youngest (3 1/2) is my daughter's. No way we would want to live too far from these little ones.



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What beautiful granddaughters! With a beautiful grand mom.

Do you know what the twins are yet?

Or is it a surprise?

Wow, your daily exercise is wonderful! Those stairs are great training for the Great Wall-- lots of stairs, uneven levels there. Your calves must be in great shape. Am impressed. I do Hatha yoga and seniors exercise class. Could do more but at least it's something.

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What beautiful granddaughters! With a beautiful grand mom.

Do you know what the twins are yet?

Or is it a surprise?

Wow, your daily exercise is wonderful! Those stairs are great training for the Great Wall-- lots of stairs, uneven levels there. Your calves must be in great shape. Am impressed. I do Hatha yoga and seniors exercise class. Could do more but at least it's something.


Two more girls!


Exercise - sounds like you do quite a bit now. We used to do a combination yoga\pilates routine - need to get back to it. When we go back after a lapse (and there have been quite a few) we can't believe how stiff our joints are.

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Wonderful conversation re: grandmothers. I'll never forget what happened to my heart when "my" little guy ran toward me in the Phoenix airport. The only other time I felt that surge was when "my" baby was placed into my arms. <sniff> <sniff> :)




Debbie! What is that 12-season color analysis information you found? Are the labels Light Spring, Warm Spring, Clear Spring? I stumbled onto this information and was absolutely amazed at some of the opinions of whoever this person is… don't know the source of what I was reading. It made me wonder how you figured out where you fell on this spectrum? Did you just see the different depth of color's effect on your skin? Wouldn't mind having a bit of conversation about that.


Please! Ladies who are getting into this idea of a great color for your skin tone, don't be confused by this little side note between Debbie and me. Debbie… you will come here and answer my question, right?


I just have some items of clothing that I'm trying to figure out and think that maybe a bit more information would be helpful to me. When Anita started working with Lauri, that brought up some thoughts… and I realized that my closet has changed significantly… not only from the beginning when I had to rid myself of a LOT of black and white… but also from the initial start when I would just buy ANY color that I thought was warm and clear and/or bright. I remember buying loads and loads of coral and aqua and, literally, I have two items of clothing right now that are a coral; one is a swim dress from Athleta and one is a sundress from Tommy Bahama. The rest of my "coral" color has a lot more pink in it… leaning toward that color labeled Clear Warm Bright Pink on Curt's color cards.


Has anyone else changed their color leanings since we started this impressive journey? I've never tried the salmon or warm pastel pink type of color from the color cards, at all. It just doesn't feel "right" to me… but, like Lauri, I should open my mind to that possibility, I suppose.


Anyway, Debbie… just wondering.


Edit: Oh! Just read some additional posts. I absolutely agree about the laying off of exercise and the getting back to it feelings. I had to have a run of antibiotics recently, and I think those pills do a number on my muscles, especially legs. The most wonderful relief I get from the ache is to do (a) foam rolling and (b) Rodney Yee's Moving Toward Balance! I've been doing Day 2 for about 5 days now! The spine on that book is completely useless, and the pages are starting to come away from it as a result. It's been used time and time again. It's supposed to be a 6-weeks "movement toward balance" but I don't think I've ever managed to get more than 2 weeks into it. Still, I feel so great when I'm doing it… I just don't know why I stop!


Also, you Canadian ladies! I found a wonderful source of yoga information and online videos at DoYogaWithMe.com; the site is a donation type of site so you can enjoy these videos for FREE until you might decide to help them out with a donation, if you desire. I've found some wonderful videos on the site. It's a give-back type of site that is hosted and put together by Canadian yoga instructors. Anyone looking for an excellent source for yoga who doesn't have an easy studio near… I highly recommend! I only said "you Canadian ladies" because the site is put together by Canadians; obviously, anyone can go to the site.

Edited by Member123
guess I wasn't done talking
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Wonderful conversation re: grandmothers. I'll never forget what happened to my heart when "my" little guy ran toward me in the Phoenix airport. The only other time I felt that surge was when "my" baby was placed into my arms. <sniff> <sniff> :)


Edit: Oh! Just read some additional posts. I absolutely agree about the laying off of exercise and the getting back to it feelings. I had to have a run of antibiotics recently, and I think those pills do a number on my muscles, especially legs. The most wonderful relief I get from the ache is to do (a) foam rolling and (b) Rodney Yee's Moving Toward Balance! I've been doing Day 2 for about 5 days now! The spine on that book is completely useless, and the pages are starting to come away from it as a result. It's been used time and time again. It's supposed to be a 6-weeks "movement toward balance" but I don't think I've ever managed to get more than 2 weeks into it. Still, I feel so great when I'm doing it… I just don't know why I stop!


Also, you Canadian ladies! I found a wonderful source of yoga information and online videos at DoYogaWithMe.com; the site is a donation type of site so you can enjoy these videos for FREE until you might decide to help them out with a donation, if you desire. I've found some wonderful videos on the site. It's a give-back type of site that is hosted and put together by Canadian yoga instructors. Anyone looking for an excellent source for yoga who doesn't have an easy studio near… I highly recommend! I only said "you Canadian ladies" because the site is put together by Canadians; obviously, anyone can go to the site.


Agree about the babies and grandchildren!


I will have to look up foam rolling and Rodney Yee's Moving Toward Balance.


Thank you for the Yoga site - we took a senior class for a few years - now we just wing it at home - need all the help we can get.

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My husband took another series of photos - natural light and no flash. I added more colors and took shots of some of the color groups. Probably more pics and colors than needed - I'll remove some if it is easier to compare - just let me know which ones to remove. Thanks for the help.




I agree that is is hard to post 'au natural' photos - didn't realize how just a little make-up (which is all I ever wear) can make such a difference.

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Has anyone else changed their color leanings since we started this impressive journey? I've never tried the salmon or warm pastel pink type of color from the color cards, at all. It just doesn't feel "right" to me… but, like Lauri, I should open my mind to that possibility, I suppose.


Pam, I just had to chime in about this part, because I definitely feel like I've honed in on colors in the EARTH palette that I'm happier in and look best in. I tried a lot of things (like Anita green) that just sat in the drawer and never got worn. For me reading about the 12 color analysis helped me make sense of that part. But, in many ways I think as a first step most people would find it a bit confusing and unwieldy, don't you?


You reminded me that I used to have some Rodney Yee VHS yoga tapes. I loved those!


If anyone would like the link to my China book I can send it to your email.


CBP, I am interested in seeing what Anita says about your latest pics. I think you look smashing in that blue in the photo with your DGDs.

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Fantastic photos for study purposes! Please leave them all up cause I know they'll be helpful. I think it was especially helpful that you took pictures of the tops on their own.


I can say that there are a few pics that are definitely telling as to what season you are NOT. Some of those pics do tell that story; determining what you are might take a bit more diligence.


I know that Anita has been on the thread and took a quick look at the pics and was pretty interested in studying them for you. She has a social event that has taken her away from the computer (yeah!) and so she'll be back with some thoughts, I'm sure.


Just wanted to give you a "shout out" as some younger people might say. BTW, you have a wicked, good sense of humor!


Edit: just saw Margaret's post and wanted to add an echo to what she said. Yes! What a beautiful picture of you with your granddaughters.

Edited by Member123
can you believe I had more to say AGAIN?!?
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Fantastic photos for study purposes! Please leave them all up cause I know they'll be helpful. I think it was especially helpful that you took pictures of the tops on their own.


I can say that there are a few pics that are definitely telling as to what season you are NOT. Some of those pics do tell that story; determining what you are might take a bit more diligence.


I know that Anita has been on the thread and took a quick look at the pics and was pretty interested in studying them for you. She has a social event that has taken her away from the computer (yeah!) and so she'll be back with some thoughts, I'm sure.


Just wanted to give you a "shout out" as some younger people might say. BTW, you have a wicked, good sense of humor!


Edit: just saw Margaret's post and wanted to add an echo to what she said. Yes! What a beautiful picture of you with your granddaughters.


Thank you for the compliments. The 'wicked' sense of humor is augmented by my husband :)

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CBP...I wish I had a more fun "name" with which to address you!


Anyway...what fun all those photos were to look at! It was very helpful to have you take the photos of the shirts that you took pictures in and then have those pictures be there. I know what work that can be to do...can be very tedious...but very, very helpful!




Here is my Seasons Test Collage for you:




Air...in the upper left quadrant represented by the lovely heather gray tee

Ice...in the upper right quadrant represented by the black tee

Fire...in the lower right quadrant represented by the best of those available in the orange red tee

Earth...in the lower left quadrant represented by the dark brown.


I would say with little doubt that you are an AIR.


Don't ask me how that works when you describe your young hair as golden blonde...nor how there is red in your hair now...but looking through all the photos available...everything that is associated with the Air palette, including the LOVELY photo of you (in a wonderful muted cool blue shirt) and your granddaughters is pointing toward AIR.


I'm not saying that this pale gray is the best color. In fact I think that you look absolutely beautiful in the blues, purples, and the watermelon... All these colors that we associate with Air. That is...a cool, muted color.


Here we go:




Watermelon Air...upper left

Blue Red Ice...upper right (not a perfect Ice color, but close enough)

Orange Red Fire...lower right (again not perfect Fire, but close enough)

Brick Red Earth...lower left


Need I say? The Air color is the clear winner here.


This is more subtle:




Air wears cool, muted colors. Soft cool off white is a good Air...but clearer tending toward optic white is more Ice. I think the upper left white is Air...while the upper right is more Ice. Air wins.


The representation on the bottom is the same. Air on the left...Ice on the right. Air wins again.


And lastly...on the subject of eyes:




That's me in the upper left. Earth.

That's Kim in the upper right. Fire.

That's you in the lower right. Air.

That's a representative photo of a "summer eye" on the lower left.


Your eye is much more blue...tending into gray (which I called brown before)...while Kim and I both are much more on the greenish side...with Kim having that kind of definition that I believe is associated with a clearer skin.


Looking at the skin tone around the eyes of the photos...yours is very akin to the representative Summer (Air) eye...meanwhile...Kim and I are similar in tone, but you can see that the quality of her similar skin tone varies toward mine like her eye does.


Have you ever worn SILVER jewelry? I thought the gold was a bit of stand out (not quite blending)...


You gave me such great material to work with...


I hope this gives you a good Ah-Ha!


And keep in mind...a bit of a hint of what Mom (Member123, Pam) was talking about...there seems to be colors that are "better" for everyone within the general parameters of temperature/clarity...in your case...Air...cool/muted.

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Oh goody-goody! There was just something about your coloring that is so similar to my mother. I thought you were AIR, CBP. So glad you are now on your way to the fun part of color discovery. Go get 'em.


Pam, try 12blueprints dot com. I read everything I could get my hands on about bright Spring, True Spring and Light Spring. You know how bad I am at this color stuff. I had convinced myself that I was Bright Spring but the brightest colors weren't making me feel good when I looked in the mirror. DH was still saying I just don't like it when you wear all those dark colors. But, I knew they were the right chocolate brown. Remember the Chicos chocolate? I bought a bunch of it, but near my face wasn't as good as it should have been.


So, I read and read and read some more. There's a lot to digest. I searched Pinterest for all three spring groups. I finally made the decision that I wanted to know that I knew that I knew, KWIM? (Pun much intended!) I contacted a sweet soul that lived near a family member that we were visiting one weekend, we stayed over and I met with her on Monday. Much like is done here, you are asked to wear no makeup, and are draped in large fabric swatches against a gray background. You begin with your hair in a gray cap (dyed hair can interfere) and a gray cape (hairdresser style). The colorist also wears gray. She asked if I had an idea of what I was. I said I did but didn't tell and she asked no further. She said, "let's see what the drapes tell us." Of course, I listened to everything she said, but may have just as well been colorblind (I'm not). I still didn't see it, but when the final choice was between Bright and Light Spring, and Light Spring was the winner, it was confirmation that my DH was right about dark not being good for me. I have dark colors in my palette, but the most important thing for me is light. Ah-ha! Light bulb time. My best scarf from the MeetNGreet. Light bright Peach with gold threads! Cate nailed it and I knew it was right. I then told her I had been diagnosed as Spring. I took some items I'd recently purchased and she showed me how to lay my color swatch fan on an item and know if it blended. I can do this. Every time, I can know for certain if something blends or I'm just ignoring the cold hard facts and want to keep it for another reason beside color.


TMI here, so I'll stop for now. My colors are NOT pastel, but this spring was a very good time for spring colors that are kissed with white. Not muted, just lighter bright and clear colors.


I wear much different makeup now too. AND much less. Makeup comes from your skin tones. Have you ever noticed how some people blush and turn what we used to call beet-red? My face gets orange-red. I say tomato red. I know the EARTH girls tomato red is different too. Those colors, lighter or darker shades depending upon your comfort zone are your blush and lipstick colors. Hair color is eyeliner and mascara. Eye shadow colors are from body colors just mentioned and from the color wheel. It's amazing how many times I get told, "you got some sun today, didn't you?" "No, I just got a little heavy handed with my blush/lipstick. (I think it. I don't say it. LOL) I'm wearing eyeshadow again for the first time in lots of years because it looks natural. DH compliments me over and over. I LOVE it.


I've learned so much during the time I was away from chatting here on the thread. I missed everyone but only had so much time to devote each day to screen time. I'm glad to be back and if you'd like me answer questions about this, I'll try my best.


I just started coloring my hair and the consensus on 12blueprints is that gray/silver hair is always your best color because it is natural. Can't say that is wrong. But how do I go back to that after 6 months of blond ???

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Oh, one more thing, if you noticed that the picture I posted with the drapes around me wasn't the best, I think I know why. The gray background. That gray color for the walls is so the analyst is given a completely neutral slate to work with. You know how easily our skin is influenced by the background. AND the wrong colors. I know I've finally gotten it right. Take a look at the background color on the picture you posted of me at the cabin. Totally different gray background. I can find those colors in my Light Spring color swatches. They are some of my best neutrals. Love, love the confirmation.


Now, I just need to let my gray hair catch up to my blonde look as it continues to show up more and more. My idea wasn't to give myself a new maintenance to be done, but to give my new more mature look a place to grow. I may need to do a Demi-permanent color on my hair this fall and winter to tone down the blonde until the gray shines through because the blonde is turning a little more brassy from days in the sun here.


It finally feels right. After 5 years of working at this, I finally feel put together and pretty. Wow, I'm a slow learner but it's been a fun journey.

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