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Ousted Cunarders on Noordam in photo?


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The lady in question may well be a PITA who deserved to be tossed off the ship. We don`t know the full story at this time. I`m sure the details will eventually come out.


We here on the HAL boards are primarily senior citizens. We`ve read many a wisecrack about the HAL passengers re our age, appearance and infirmities from other posters. Let`s not do this with this lady.

I'm a senior citizen myself but I don't try to look like mutton dressed as lamb.

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Just because a person looks and acts in a particular way, doesn't negate that another passenger on the ship made a religious slur against another passenger(s).


For right now, until more details are known, it seems that the Captain and Cunard did nothing to the passenger who made the original remark. That is what disturbs me. Not that the passenger who had the outburst wore too much make-up.

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Showing that much flesh at the age of 82 should be enough in itself to warrant house arrest.:eek:




And she has to be wearing a wig, but did you see the Jewels ?


At least she had the decency to cover her cleavage with those faux diamond jewels.


You know, the more I looked at the couple, I feel that I have seen them on a cruise before. :rolleyes:


I agree with some others that until we know the full story, we cannot judge what happened. I am not Jewish, but if I were, I would not like to be told that there were "too many Jews onboard." That's uncalled for. :D

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The couple faced being dumped in a remote part of Quebec in Canada...


The cruise dock is but a short walk to the walls of the "old city".

All of Quebec City is walkable. I can attest to that because I walked it.:p

Or is the author saying Quebec is remote? The wild, wild East!:rolleyes:

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"The row erupted during dinner when another passenger at the formal dinner was said to have remarked: ‘There are too many Jews on board’."



Sounds like the other passenger deserved the 'f-you' comment offered up by Miss Sher. Kicking somebody off the ship because they insulted anothe passenger (a regulation? lol) is a new one on me. Granted....perhaps she took it a step further if she did, in fact, shove somebody.... but it also sounds like the other passenger was an anti semetic a**hole who should've gotten the same treatment. :shrug:


i was thinking the same thing. it takes 2 to tango...

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Just because a person looks and acts in a particular way, doesn't negate that another passenger on the ship made a religious slur against another passenger(s).


For right now, until more details are known, it seems that the Captain and Cunard did nothing to the passenger who made the original remark. That is what disturbs me. Not that the passenger who had the outburst wore too much make-up.


I agree. The passenger showed anti-Semitism. And, I haven't seen one comment mentioning that perhaps this report is slanted by the reporter/writer.


This thread needs to be closed.

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Oh gosh! Just realized something with my above post. :eek: I went back and edited it to say the last paragraph, and didn't use the emoticon page to put in a mad face :mad:. Instead I used my keyboard. I accidentally used the one that is grinning :D. I can't go back and change it...sorry, I did not mean to grin.

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Found it! Amateur sleuth is back' date=' I knew I had seen those pictures before...found a photo my mother in law took of her cabin (6171) that was next door to ours on the Noordam in 2008. TA DA!



Now before the attention detailed tell me these are not exactly the same as the first photo, I know they aren't identical but I do believe they had different but similar versions of these pictures on the Noordam. There are other slightly different versions shown in the Noordam balcony cabin photos on the link at the top of the HAL board.


I know the drama of the Cunard dispute is more exciting for some but I'm just tickled that I found my proof! Of course doesn't prove a thing really except that my memory is not as bad as I thought it was...and these days anything that makes me feel less like I'm losing it is a real treat!


Thanks for indulging my little CSI episode.


But wait, could there be more to add to the drama... does anyone recall sailing with these two? Are there some trusty HAL regulars that have an insider scoop? :cool: LOL


Excellent sleuthing; however, even though I think you are correct, I do not believe it would hold up in court. While clearly the same style, they are not identical. More important, is the fact that they are clearly reproductions, and that there were many comparable reproductions on Noordam: indicating strongly that they were most likely obtained wholesale.


Since Noordam was built and outfitted by Fincantieri, as was Queen Elizabeth, there is a reasonable degree of possibility that the same supplier of wholesale "art" contributed to the furnishing of both ships. It must then be acknowledged that sufficient reasonable doubt exists to reject any definitive claim that the picture in question was taken on board Noordam.


On another note - the superb sleuthing capabilities of Britain's numerous tabloids makes it extraordinarily unlikely that the "gentleman" in question could be Edward VIII's wrong-side-of-the-blanket son. If there were any possible truth to that story, it would have competed for headline space with the myriad Princess Diana conspiracy revelations. Yet there has been only silence.

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At least she had the decency to cover her cleavage with those faux diamond jewels.


You know, the more I looked at the couple, I feel that I have seen them on a cruise before. :rolleyes:


I agree with some others that until we know the full story, we cannot judge what happened. I am not Jewish, but if I were, I would not like to be told that there were "too many Jews onboard." That's uncalled for. :D

I think she looks quite a bit like Carol Channing (?Spelling?)


BTW, What Cleavage??:D:D Looks like a Pirates dream to me.:D


From what I gleaned from the article yestterday, this "lady" had been more than foul mouthed, she also reportedly problematic (I cannot remember exactly at this moment) throughout the cruise. From other passengers that were reported on, she had been loud etc...


Just went back to the article and found what I was looking for:


Quote: "Other passengers gave a different side to the story.


They said Miss Sher had been cantankerous during the journey and that on another night on the cruise she flew into a rage because a piano lounge was closed." Unquote




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"The row erupted during dinner when another passenger at the formal dinner was said to have remarked: ‘There are too many Jews on board’."



Sounds like the other passenger deserved the 'f-you' comment offered up by Miss Sher. Kicking somebody off the ship because they insulted anothe passenger (a regulation? lol) is a new one on me. Granted....perhaps she took it a step further if she did, in fact, shove somebody.... but it also sounds like the other passenger was an anti semetic a**hole who should've gotten the same treatment. :shrug:


Although the remark which the other passenger made was unconscionable, no where in the article was it mentioned that the other passengers were not put off the ship..You are assuming this was not the case...


I don't condone any remarks such as this toward anyone & would never judge a person by their race, creed, color, or sexual orientation & would hope that Cunard also took the same action with the other Psgr... But I certainly will not assume that the other Psgr was not put off the ship, as you have done..


You are making a judgment based on only one side of the story & many posters here have glossed over further comments by other Psgrs & Cunard..


Here are three quotes from that story, which many here have completely over looked....:


Quote: Other passengers gave a different side to the story.They said Miss Sher had been cantankerous during the journey and that on another night on the cruise she flew into a rage because a piano lounge was closed.Unquote




Quote The couple claim they should be given far more regal treatment because of their connections. Unquote


Quote Cunard said in a statement that it only refunded the couple £529 because they engaged in ‘multiple incidences of disrespectful and disruptive behaviour towards crew members and other guests

It added the company ‘fully supported’ the captain's decision.

' Unquote


As someone else said, we do not know the entire story & should not be passing judgment on what is only reported to be one side of the story..We probably will never know the entire story..


Jade I disagree with you about closing this thread..Yes it is one-sided & the Psgr who mouthed off was rude & anti semetic but we don't know what happened to him...Perhaps he too was put off the ship or confined to quarters...


I don't think Cunard would make the staement which they did, if they did not have witnesses to back up these claims..They would be open to a massive law suit..


It looks to me like these two were causing problems with other passengers & the crew, way before this incident happened.. The reporter is only reporting what he was told by this couple..






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LOL Joanie, You & I are thinking & posting almost the same thing..;);)

What's that saying about two Minds?



BTW...Check out the Cunard board...people are talking there about several other interviews the couple has given..






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LOL Joanie, You & I are thinking & posting almost the same thing..;);)


What's that saying about two Minds?



BTW...Check out the Cunard board...people are talking there about several other interviews the couple has given..








On my way over to their board as soon as I post this.


GMTA! My Friend!!



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"The row erupted during dinner when another passenger at the formal dinner was said to have remarked: ‘There are too many Jews on board’."



My question is, how many Jews would be acceptable? :rolleyes:

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Excellent sleuthing; however, even though I think you are correct, I do not believe it would hold up in court. While clearly the same style, they are not identical. More important, is the fact that they are clearly reproductions, and that there were many comparable reproductions on Noordam: indicating strongly that they were most likely obtained wholesale.


Since Noordam was built and outfitted by Fincantieri, as was Queen Elizabeth, there is a reasonable degree of possibility that the same supplier of wholesale "art" contributed to the furnishing of both ships. It must then be acknowledged that sufficient reasonable doubt exists to reject any definitive claim that the picture in question was taken on board Noordam.


Ok you got me there. I certainly can not claim to be able to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the photo was taken aboard the Lovely and Elegant MS Noordam. You make a good case with the "if-the-glove-don't-fit-you-must-acquit" defense. I have no resort but to rest may case and throw myself on the mercy of the jury! :D If I lose my case, can I be confined to my quarters on the Noordam as punishment???

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Although the remark which the other passenger made was unconscionable, no where in the article was it mentioned that the other passengers were not put off the ship..You are assuming this was not the case...


But I certainly will not assume that the other Psgr was not put off the ship, as you have done..






Yes, you've made it clear that I've assumed that the other passengers were not put off the ship, and you are absolutely correct. I've done that primarily because there was absloutely no mention of the other passengers being put off the ship. I would think that that the omission of such would lead to the conclusion that the other passengers were indeed, probably not put off the ship, as that would undoubtedly have been quite a salient point to have been mentioned in this article. Being put off a cruise ship is a big deal, and if, in fact, others had been removed....I wouldn't think this is something that would not have been mentioned.




That said....I find it quite disturbing and inappropriate that so many here have posted about how these people look. Comments about wrinkles, face lifts, etc. are absolutely uncalled for IMO. Getting personal like that can be very hurtful, and it's surprising how many have 'jumped into the fray' to attack these people time and again.


If this was your mom and dad being written about, I don't think you'd be very happy to read some of these comments.

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...I'm surprised that someone claiming to be an illegitimate son of Edward VIII:eek: was only asked to LEAVE a British ship, by a British captain. There was a time, or so my mum said, when he'd have been made to SWIM home!


The Duke and Duchess of Windsor were known to frequent French and Italian ships...

...and avoided the British liners.

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Yes, you've made it clear that I've assumed that the other passengers were not put off the ship, and you are absolutely correct. I've done that primarily because there was absloutely no mention of the other passengers being put off the ship. I would think that that the omission of such would lead to the conclusion that the other passengers were indeed, probably not put off the ship, as that would undoubtedly have been quite a salient point to have been mentioned in this article. Being put off a cruise ship is a big deal, and if, in fact, others had been removed....I wouldn't think this is something that would not have been mentioned.




That said....I find it quite disturbing and inappropriate that so many here have posted about how these people look. Comments about wrinkles, face lifts, etc. are absolutely uncalled for IMO. Getting personal like that can be very hurtful, and it's surprising how many have 'jumped into the fray' to attack these people time and again.


If this was your mom and dad being written about, I don't think you'd be very happy to read some of these comments.


That's true I would not like to read some of our comments, but I also know that I would never read this type of comment because my Mom & Dad would never act superior, be nasty to the crew or throw a fit if a venue was closed...I find their attitude most disturbing!


This couple went to the Media themselves & have given several interviews in which they blatantly stated.."They should be given far more regal treatment because of their connections."

Then Cunard posted a statement saying: "that it only refunded the couple £529 because they engaged in ‘multiple incidences of disrespectful and disruptive behaviour towards crew members and other guests

It added the company ‘fully supported’ the Captain's decision.


My parents would never act like this, would yours?




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Ok you got me there. I certainly can not claim to be able to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the photo was taken aboard the Lovely and Elegant MS Noordam. You make a good case with the "if-the-glove-don't-fit-you-must-acquit" defense. I have no resort but to rest may case and throw myself on the mercy of the jury! :D If I lose my case' date=' can I be confined to my quarters on the Noordam as punishment???[/quote']


Such confinement would be appropriate - and I am willing to bring you your bread and water (to go with your room service meals chosen from the MDR menu).

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Ok you got me there. I certainly can not claim to be able to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the photo was taken aboard the Lovely and Elegant MS Noordam. You make a good case with the "if-the-glove-don't-fit-you-must-acquit" defense. I have no resort but to rest may case and throw myself on the mercy of the jury! :D If I lose my case' date=' can I be confined to my quarters on the Noordam as punishment???[/quote']


But the glove DID fit. If you recall OJ kept his fingers spread. Ever wear driver's gloves? A tight fit is required. One must keep fingers close together to slip it on. OJ was well rehearsed by his attorneys.

Don't ask why the prosecutors didn't object. Their incompetence is legendary.

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