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B2B Carnival Dream March 12-26 Review


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The sand itself was soft but hard packed. it was not rocky but very smooth sand; I did not see any shells. Did not notice a big drop off in the water, more of a gentle slope.


The only issue is the water was cloudy by the end of the day with people in the water kicking up sand and the sea grass when you got out to a certain point. It didn't bother me but I know it does bother some people.


I also didn't notice any "creatures" in the water (like the jumping fish we had in St. Thomas). Early morning there might be but we weren't in the water until around 2pm.


I wish I could have taken a picture from in the water down the beach outside of the cabana area (but my camera is not waterproof). The cabana area was empty as was the water in front of it (only a few people - mostly cabana renters) but to the sides of the cabana area it was packed - tons of full loungers and people everywhere in the water.


It was like our own little serenity area on the beach. :D



there are jumping fish in st. thomas?!?!?!?

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Quick question? How many people were allowed per cabana? I want to book this itinerary just to go there!


It says 4 people but around us there were several cabanas with 5 or 6. You may only get 4 wristbands (and 4 floats) but I don't think they really enforce the 4 people rule.


there are jumping fish in st. thomas?!?!?!?


Yes! When we were at Magen's Beach we experienced the jumping fish - little whitish silver things jumping out of the water around you.

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Yes! When we were at Magen's Beach we experienced the jumping fish - little whitish silver things jumping out of the water around you.


CREEPY!!! were going to magen's beach!! i dont like fish!! even more when they are out of the water!!!

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After our room service snack we rested for a bit in the cabin.


I watched the Valor pull out of the port through our portholes. I was surprised how clear everything was - the port holes really do give you a decent view. It was strange to be looking out the window while our ship started moving - it felt half way between driving away in a car and taking off in an airplane. We could feel the rumbling of the engines and a bit of shaking and then it was like the smooth motion of a car pulling away - you're moving but it's almost like you're still and it's the outside world moving.


We turned on the TV to find out that Elizabeth Taylor had passed away. That was sad. It's very odd, when I went to Disney World with Jenna's mom was when Michael Jackson passed away and here I was with Jenna when Elizabeth Taylor died.


While watching tv I sorted out some laundry figuring that I would do another couple of loads either tonight or tomorrow after we left Costa Maya. I rinsed out Jenna and my swimsuits by hand to get rid of the salt water. Jenna and I took turns in the shower to get rid of the salt water on us. A week and a half on the ship had really taken a toll on my hair - the texture was very rough and the curl was out of control. I was finally about to move my arms so I really brushed out my hair and added some leave in conditioner. I sat down to write some in my journal. I also charged my mp3 player and then my camera batteries.


It was an evening of routine.


Dinner was later than usual - it was almost 9pm by the time we got to the dining room. I think this was the only night we didn't have to wait even a few minutes.


We were sat at a nice table for two and because it was so late, I don't think we even had neighbours tonight.


For appetizers I had the beef and noodle salad and Jenna had the creamy potato soup.


The beef is separate from the noodle salad - the beef is thin sliced and on a kebob stick and the noodle salad is served on the side. It was very tasty and just the right portion for an appetizer. The noodles had a bit of spice and heat.


Jenna enjoyed the soup more than I did last week. I think she wanted something warm and creamy.


Jenna had steak again tonight and I had the lamb. It was wonderful - very tender. I enjoyed the sides more though - there was turnip and I think some kind of mashed potatoes. I am a big fan of turnip and other different veggies, so this was a good night.


For dessert I got the pineapple sherbet (which was not good - it didn't taste like pineapple and the texture was off). Jenna got tiramisu which she enjoyed.


Jenna said she was getting bored with Club O2 and it wasn't as fun this week as it was last week. I asked her if she wanted to do something else tonight and she kind of hemmed and hawed. We left the dining room and she decided to go to Club O2 "for a bit". I confirmed with her the password for our internet since I hadn't checked my email for a full two weeks at this point (we left Toronto on the Wednesday night two weeks prior - I had briefly logged into cruise critic but hadn't taken time to check my emails). I wanted to confirm that my parents had made it home okay and just check that there wasn't anything important or anything that would require my attention immediately on my return home.


I went down (or I guess it was actually up) to the ocean plaza and signed into one of the computers and brought up my email. I logged in to find I had over 200 hundred emails - most of which were just junk, facebook notifications, daily horiscopes, that kind of thing - so I just started deleting. The Blackjack band started playing. They weren't outstanding in their playing or singing but they were certainly enjoyable. I also recognized the songs they played so that's always a bonus! :p I sent my parents an email confirming the time and place they were picking Jenna and I up on Saturday and asking if they got home okay and blah, blah, blah.....the funny thing is I didn't log in again until I got home so I didn't get their answer until I'd already seen them. :rolleyes:


I went into the casino and ordered a drink, played for a few minutes and then went back to the ocean plaza to listen to the band. There were a few families and couples who were really into things and were up dancing and clapping along. I sat along the outside wall of the lanai and just enjoyed the music. When the band took a break most people just stayed where they were but a few people got up and left, including me. I went into the casino and played for a while. I actually had pretty good luck tonight playing a 2 cent machine. Again I was up, I was down, up again, down again, etc......


Eventually I threw in the towel and headed back to the cabin. Jenna was there changing into something comfortable. She asked if it was okay if she went to her friends cabin - it was a girl her age and her sister who were sharing their own cabin. She said they were just going to sit around and watch movies or tv. I said okay but asked for the cabin number. She grabbed a few cans out of her case of cream soda (enough for the 3 of them). I gave Jenna $10 in ones in case they ordered room service. I reminded her they could order juice or hot chocolate or milk to drink with no charge but anything else (like pop or bottled water) would be charged to her friends room. She thanked me for the cash and left.


I settled in to watch a little more coverage about Elizabeth Taylor'd death and then flipped around. I love to flip around on the tv but generally refrain myself when I'm with other people. I love watching 5 minutes of one thing and 10 minutes of another - and I NEVER watch commercials when I'm alone.


I looked at the baskets of laundry; they looked back at me. I decided to ignore them for now. I'd see how I felt about laundry tomorrow after Costa Maya.


I moved around the bathing suits so that they would complete drying for tomorrow. I packed our Carnival towels, sunscreen, etc into my bag. We didn't have any concrete plans for Costa Maya - just to get off the ship, Jenna could do some shopping (and actually I needed to as well since I hadn't bought hardly anything for people back home) and maybe swim in the pool at the port area. I didn't figure we'd get up too early - but I thought if we're up at 10am and off the ship by 11 - that would still give us 3 hours off the ship.


I went to bed about 2am but for some reason I just couldn't sleep. I just kept tossing and turning. I popped my knee out at one point so I realized that sleep would not come naturally tonight. I got up around 4am and took an extra strength liquid advil (cause my knee was throbbing now and so was my head). This might not have been the best course of action. It certainly made me sleep - but it worked too well and I didn't wake up until 1pm Thursday - so much for Costa Maya!

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Oh yes, the fish at Magen's Bay is one thing we were not a big fan of. We didn't see them jumping out of the water but definitely felt them at our toes. Ewww....


I posted a photo of them in my review. Hope you don't mind me posting a photo in yours. But here's the shot of those little fishies....



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seems like you are slowly missing home, was 17 days vacation too much? :(


This still is the best review ever. I share it with my co workers. we think you are funny.


Yes, 17 days of vacation was just a day or two too much. If I had a do over, I'd skip Disney - fly into Orlando on the Friday evening (having driven over to Buffalo that day instead of staying there overnight), stay at a Port hotel and then the first real "vacation" day would be Saturday we boarded the ship.


Oh yes, the fish at Magen's Bay is one thing we were not a big fan of. We didn't see them jumping out of the water but definitely felt them at our toes. Ewww....


I posted a photo of them in my review. Hope you don't mind me posting a photo in yours. But here's the shot of those little fishies....





That's them alright. Every once in a while one would jump up out of the water and scare the bejeebus out of us. Jenna HATED it but it didn't bother me all that much.

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Sorry, No Costa Maya......


Jenna of course came in around 6am and went to bed. I was completely zonked out due to the liquid advil so Costa Maya was a no show for us.


By the time I woke up at 1pm in the afternoon I felt like crap. My headache had returned, my mouth was dry and my back and knees were aching. I took a couple of aspirins to take the edge off (I only take advil when I know I won't be drinking in the next 8 hours).


I woke Jenna up to give her the bad news. She said she didn't care because all of she shopping was done and she only had $30 left anyways. She was more thankful for the sleep than anything else.....


We ordered room service for lunch and then decided what to do for the afternoon.


Club O2 was doing a couple of activities that Jenna wanted to attend - they had the "Fun Force" come in to teach them some dance moves and maybe a scavenger hunt?


I told her I'd do the laundry and then go looking for a little sunshine - I was taking my ereader to the Lido deck to see if I couldn't find a lounger.


By the time we finished lunch and decided on our afternoon activities the ship was leaving port and heading out to sea.


The other day when I was in the casino I'd gone to that machine where you put the quarters in trying to make the ones already in the machine fall (so you win them). I'd played it for a few minutes but really, I'd wanted the quarters for the laundry. I counted out my $12 in quarters for the laundry and made neat little piles. I grabbed $6 worth (for the washers), grabbed me two pop up laundry baskets and headed up to 11. When I got there all the machines were busy so I went down to 2 - when I got there, the machines were full AND there were people waiting. I guess after leaving Costa Maya is a very popular time to do laundry! I dragged my baskets back to the cabin, restacked my quarters and decided I'd try later.


I grabbed my ereader and went up to the Lido deck to see if I could find a chair. They were playing Michael Jackson's "This is it" on the big screen. I didn't find a lounger but I did find a table and chairs off to the side. I sat and read for a while but had difficulty concentrating because of the movie. I hemmed and hawed about moving but I was warm and I wondered what my chances were of getting an outside seat anywhere on the ship now that everyone on the ship had come up to the Lido deck (or at least, so it seemed). So I stayed. For a while. Until they started dancing. I think it was the thriller dance? That was my cue to exit stage right......


I went down to 5 and the ocean plaza intending to settle into a chair outside but then I heard this voice calling me......


"Trisha......Trisha.........come here......you know you want to......you know you want to......."


Damn Casino - it gets me everytime. :D


So I sat down at my favourite "Meerkat" machine and played a while. Actually, quite a long while. The machine keep me even almost the entire time (a little up, a little down, but always seemed to return me to my $40 I'd put in) and the servers weren't busy because the casino wasn't busy so there was no problem getting drinks. I stuck to the icy, creamy drinks which to me didn't seem to have too much alchohol in them - like the kiss on the lips, pina colada, BBC and mocha chocolate getaway. Don't get me wrong - I love those drinks, I just think that the other ingredients not only mask the taste of the alcohol but also much of the effect (it's like having brandy after a big meal - it's more about the flavour of the brandy then the alcohol effect).


Before I knew it, it was 7pm so I headed down to the cabin - my $40 back in my players bank.


Jenna and I got ready for dinner (another formal night) and headed up to the dining room. Again we had a bit of a wait but nothing bad - Jenna ordered one of her ice teas in the lounge tonight and then two in the dining room (I still had a number of beverage tickets left over).


For appetizers Jenna again had the green bean salad and I had the corn chowder. I liked the corn chowder more than the potato soup because it had actual pieces of recognizable potato and corn in it.


For entrees Jenna when with the Chateaubriand again this week and I again had the shrimp but ordered the fried chicken as a second entree.


For dessert we both ordered the warm chocolate melting cake. These are one thing I was really going to miss after we left the ship. I know that they are overloaded with fat and calories but, when cooked right, they are one of the best desserts I've ever had (but then I do like dark and bittersweet chocolate and I know not everyone does). I never fully finished one because the serving size was just that little too big but boy did I love to try. :p


At dinner Jenna says to me that she doesn't want to go to Club O2 tonight. I asked her if something had happened or if something was wrong. She said no, it just wasn't as fun this week and she was tired of it. I told her if she wanted we could find other stuff to do on the ship and she was in for that. I suggested we try the comedy club first.


She went down to the cabin to change and I told her I'd meet her in the burgandy lounge. When I got there it was packed so I stood at the back with the large group of people who were already there. The guy was funny but not hilarious (to me anyways); maybe I'm just jadded. We have a great club comedy chain her in Ontario (Yuk Yuk's) and our Comedy network on tv shows the "Just for Laughs" festival from Montreal. Maybe it was also because standing at the back, trying to look between people just wasn't my cup of tea. Anyways Jenna came in and found me. I suggested we leave and wait to see if we could get into one of the next shows. She agreed.


We went around the corner to the piano bar but it was the same guy as the other night and it was pretty empty in there. Jenna just looked at me and said, "you're kidding, right?". Just over from there is the Caliente Dance Club - they were having a Michael Jackson tribute from 10pm to 11pm and it was just getting started. Both Jenna and I could agree on that so we went in and found seats. There were lots of little kids in there dancing their little hearts out. And lots of Dads up on the dance floor with them. It was very cute. There was also a group of ladies in the club and everytime there was a song they could do a line dance to, they were up trying to get everyone to do the electric slide and whatnot with them (though many people decided to just keep dancing however they were dancing).


The drink special of the night was "The Thriller" - it was a $1 off and came to around $5 with tip. It was really good - I dont' know what all was in it but it was a purply / grey colour. When I was signing the slip I noticed that the tip wasn't very much so I added a dollar a drink extra tip (there's no space on the receipt, I just wrote it in and initialled it). Well, the next one was super strong - came with a slice of orange and 3 cherries. As did the one after that! In the club, a little extra tip certainly went a long, long way to much better drinks.


There was an opening in the couch area so I asked Jenna if she'd mind moving and she said no problem. At 11pm they said that everyone under the age of 18 had to leave the club. I asked Jenna if she wanted to stay and she asked if they'd let her. I said, if they ask you to leave, we'll leave but if they don't say anything, we'll stay.


Yes, I'm well aware that we were breaking the rules and you can flame if you like - I've got my big girl panties on, I can take it.


Anyways, security went around asking for ID but never approached Jenna and I.


The lights dimmed again and the music came back on and the dancing started again.


It was about 1/2 hour later when Jenna said she had to go to the washroom :rolleyes:. I told her we may not get back in but she said she didn't really have much of a choice.


So I ordered two "Thriller" drinks, handed her one and we walked out to find a washroom. Afterwards we walked back to the club - fully prepared not to get back in - if they'd asked for ID for Jenna I was ready to find something else to do - but we just walked right in and no one asked us for anything. Now, that's not to say I wasn't a little devious - the reason I'd handed Jenna a drink is because I was hoping that security would think that if she was carrying around one of the drink specials from the club AND if they had noticed that she had come out of there, they would assume that somewhere along the line, someone else had already checked her ID. And it worked.


At some point Jenna got up to dance but she didn't seem very into it. I got up and danced :eek: to a couple of songs as well and kind of moved her over into the bigger group of dancers and she got into things a little more; then I sat back down and enjoyed my drinks.


The couple (and their boys) who'd been at Nachi Cocum earlier in the week came into the club and I encouraged them to sit with us (at least the parents). Jenna and the one son were up dancing together.


Jenna came back and said she had to go to the washroom again. I told her this time she was on her own. I told her to take my drink, and when she got to the door to ask the security guard where the closest washroom was - MAKE SURE HE LOOKS AT YOU - and then hope that guy is still at the door when you come back and that he lets you back in. If not, she'd be on her own. She was okay with that so off she went.


She did what I said and had no problem getting back in.


Here's where she caused a bit of trouble though - she went down 1 floor to club O2 to "see what was going on" (she said) but she went there with the drink I'd handed her to get back into the Caliente club. They reported her and I got a visit from security the next day letting me know that Jenna had shown up to Club O2 with an alcoholic beverage.


Anyways, she came back up to the Caliente Club and we stayed for quite a while. It was about 2:30am when I decided to leave the club. Jenna stayed with her friend (the couples son) and I went to the casino for a little bit before heading back to the cabin. I stayed more than a bit.


One thing I haven't mentioned is that late at night in the casino they come around with hot snacks - pizza squares, samosas, and maybe something else? It was a nice late night snack.


I went back to the cabin and ordered cake through room service (and cheesecake for Jenna for when she got in). Even though it was late, I turned on the news and stayed up for a while longer. I was still up when Jenna got in. With such a late night I was very thankful that tomorrow was a sea day so no guilt about sleeping in.

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Excellent review, every day I come on I'm looking for an update. Yours and a lot of these great reviews has inspired me to write a review of my return trip on the Legend in July.


You have a great sense of humour (i spelt it that way for you) and I'm sure you would be great fun to cruise with.


Now finish the review soon, please?

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I have just found this review today and must say spent over half the day reading it in between other things. I have my note pad taking notes of the to-do's and not so greats! we are sailing on the dream in july and after this I am so excited (even more than I already was)!!!


Just a few questions cause I hate carnivals web site!!!!


is the pasta bar and the burrito bar free or maybe i should say included??


Is the buffet as good as the mdr?

we sailed disney magic our first cruise and i must say it ruined us for any other ship.....we did the seranade of the sea from royal and the mdr kinda sucked as far as time spent getting ready and waiting for the meal to progressi think we just had a bad waiter anyway we went to the buffet more than the mdr and found it good. done with my rambling......



can you tell me about the other little eating places on the ship that dont need a reservation? I remember seeing you talk about an indian place





can you get the chocolate melting cake from roomservice or does it have to be in the mdr??


I'll stop now but may have more if thats ok!:p;)

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is the pasta bar and the burrito bar free or maybe i should say included??


Is the buffet as good as the mdr?


can you tell me about the other little eating places on the ship that dont need a reservation? I remember seeing you talk about an indian place


Only the steak house on Carnival requires a reservation. All other food is included. They do have a small fee for "events" like the wine and martini tastings.

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I have just found this review today and must say spent over half the day reading it in between other things. I have my note pad taking notes of the to-do's and not so greats! we are sailing on the dream in july and after this I am so excited (even more than I already was)!!!


Just a few questions cause I hate carnivals web site!!!!


is the pasta bar and the burrito bar free or maybe i should say included??


Is the buffet as good as the mdr?

we sailed disney magic our first cruise and i must say it ruined us for any other ship.....we did the seranade of the sea from royal and the mdr kinda sucked as far as time spent getting ready and waiting for the meal to progressi think we just had a bad waiter anyway we went to the buffet more than the mdr and found it good. done with my rambling......



can you tell me about the other little eating places on the ship that dont need a reservation? I remember seeing you talk about an indian place





can you get the chocolate melting cake from roomservice or does it have to be in the mdr??


I'll stop now but may have more if thats ok!:p;)



The Dream has a lot of options on the Lido deck, but most of them are only open for lunch. There is a burrito bar, a pasta bar, an indian tandoor place, mongolian bbq (basically a stir fry place), pizzeria, deli, grille, and another hot option. The food on the Lido has ranged (for me) from excellent to meh. I have never had a bad thing.....just some things I didn't like as well. I am a big fan of their deli, so if all else fails that is always an option for me. :)


I personally think that the MDR is much better than the buffet. The MDR is also open for lunch on sea days and has an excellent menu.I have NEVER encountered subpar service in the dining room. We did have one issue (nothing major), but addressed it at the hostess counter and it was very quickly solved with many apologies.


Also on sea days, the Dream has a bbq down on the Lanai deck at lunch time - ribs, sliders, etc. I am not certain what all is served here, but it sounds yummy to me!


The WCMC is available every night for dinner in the MDR. I have occasionally seen it on the Lido deck, but I would not call it commonplace there.


The only upcharge restuarant is the steakhouse - $30, and on the Magic, there is a $10 upcharge for the Cucina Italian restaurant. As mentioned above, wine pairing and martini tastings do carry a fee. The coffee shop does also charge basic coffee shop type prices for coffee drinks, cakes, cookies, etc. I have personally never tried, but I have only hear positive things about it. Also, I have heard the Dream has a Slushee machine that does carry a charge, and I think popcorn (if you want it while watching movies on the Lido Deck) also carries a charge.


Hope this helps!

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so all food in the buffet, MDR, room service and Tea Time is included. Anywhere else on the ship ( the steakhouse, the coffee shop, popcorn for the movies, the slushie machine, the candy store, la cuchina and the red frog pub (on the Magic)) are all extra fees.


i've always wondered about the coffee shop snacks. good to know they're not included. You mentioned snacks at night in the casino. I take it as long as you're playing, those are included as well?


Thanks for your review. you know i'm a follower :)

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I have just found this review today and must say spent over half the day reading it in between other things. I have my note pad taking notes of the to-do's and not so greats! we are sailing on the dream in july and after this I am so excited (even more than I already was)!!!


Just a few questions cause I hate carnivals web site!!!!


is the pasta bar and the burrito bar free or maybe i should say included??


Is the buffet as good as the mdr?

we sailed disney magic our first cruise and i must say it ruined us for any other ship.....we did the seranade of the sea from royal and the mdr kinda sucked as far as time spent getting ready and waiting for the meal to progressi think we just had a bad waiter anyway we went to the buffet more than the mdr and found it good. done with my rambling......



can you tell me about the other little eating places on the ship that dont need a reservation? I remember seeing you talk about an indian place





can you get the chocolate melting cake from roomservice or does it have to be in the mdr??


I'll stop now but may have more if thats ok!:p;)


There is lots of free food all around the ship - the burrito bar, pasta bar, Indian tandoor - all free but all are ONLY at lunch. Service in the dining room was quite quick and overall the food was good.


The WCMC was not available through room service but they did serve an excellent chocolate cake and cheesecake through room service.


Carnival's not Disney but I didn't find there to be much difference in the level of service between the two lines - the servers were (mostly) fantastic on the Carnival Dream and doing Anytime dining for two weeks, we had almost all of them from that dining room. I don't know if it's on all sailings but there was a magician a few nights in the dining room who would go around and perform magic tricks as well (which was entertaining). The servers also dance and/or sing a few nights so you get the "dinner entertainment" like on DCL as well.


so all food in the buffet, MDR, room service and Tea Time is included. Anywhere else on the ship ( the steakhouse, the coffee shop, popcorn for the movies, the slushie machine, the candy store, la cuchina and the red frog pub (on the Magic)) are all extra fees.


i've always wondered about the coffee shop snacks. good to know they're not included. You mentioned snacks at night in the casino. I take it as long as you're playing, those are included as well?


Thanks for your review. you know i'm a follower :)


The snacks in the casino were free - one of the hosts walked around with the various hot items.

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Thanks for such an awesome TR. I have been LOL though the whole thing. It's so nice to see a fellow Scarberian with such a typical funny outlook on life. Jenna is so lucky to have an awesome Godmother like you.


Loved your Cabanna in Roatan, I am definitely putting this on our to do list. Looking forward to the end of your trip.



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OOOO you'll be on the Magic! Please come back and give us your review! I'm so anxious to see how my future cruise ship is.


Bon Voyage!


Hi Miss Rabbit......yes we are 2 days away from our flight to Venice for the Magic inaugural and are slightly excited. ;) I will be posting a detailed photo review shortly after we return home on May 13....stay tuned!

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