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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Hello Cupid's,


Jerry and Debbie - hope you decide to join us. :D


We had a quiet Thanksgiving. Frank does not like turkey so our tradition for Thanksgiving is lasagna. I was not going to make it this year because I put myself on a strict diet. However, they talked me into making it anyway. I did have 1/2 of a piece and it was good.


I did just get back from black Friday shopping. I didn't get up and go until around 8 AM. Made a good dent in my shopping list though. The crowds were out.


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Welcome Jerry and Debbie. Of course you are welcome to join us.


The OG wasn't really very busy today. We had a rush at 1:30 for about an hour but the rest of the day it was just kind of steady but there was no wait for a table. When I drove to work though the cars were lined up to get into the mall.


Have a great weekend. :)

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Good evening Cupids,

Bettie and I had a quiet Thanksgiving. Just the two of us. Today we went to the movies but stayed away from the malls and stores. We saw the new 007 flick. I thought is was one of the best ones since Goldfinger. We may try to see Lincoln on Sunday. Tomorrow I work and Bettie has a quilting thing to go to.


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College Football Rivalry Weekend! BIG weekend for the Ducks. A lot has to happen for us to get to the National Title game, but there is still a chance. We need to beat Oregon State. Then, UCLA needs to beat Stanford; Florida State needs to beat Florida; USC needs to beat Notre Dame! ALL DO-ABLE!!!!

GO DUCKS!!!!! :D


I am going to enjoy this day of football watching a lot more, because Zeke is feeling good today. Yesterday was a rough day for him (AND for me!). He has his good and not so good days. I am trying so hard to enjoy each and every day with him, and it's hard not to be sad. Today is good so far! Taking it one day at a time.


Dave ~ how funny, Brian & Staci went to see the new 007 movie last night also. Haven't talked to him today to see how he liked it, but how could you NOT like a James Bond movie!??


Rick ~ poor Kay! I am such a lightweight these days, one or two cocktails is all I can handle...whether it's wine or a mixed drink.


Kathy ~ lasagne sounds yummy for Thanksgiving!! That's funny, because my Aunt & Uncle also had lasagne this year. I love the turkey and fixings, but lasagne would be something different and still delish.


Heidi ~ glad you had a less hectic day at work yesterday. I guess people were too busy shopping to stop and eat!

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Good Evening!


I went to Walmart today. It was busy but not too bad. I try to avoid the stores on weekends after Thanksgiving but i really needed some things today so i didn't want to wait.


Dave is putting the Christmas tree up. After he gets the lights on then I will decorate. Hopefully Staci will be able to help me before she has to leave to go back to school tomorrow. She might be going out tonight though. She always wants to help but it seems like she always runs out of time and then has to go back to school. She did help put the branches on the tree this afternoon though.


I have a nice work schedule for next week. I work 5 shifts as usual but have Friday and Saturday off. I always have Saturday off but my other day off is usually Wednesday or Thursday.


Have a good evening.

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Had a good day yesterday! Zeke was feeling good. Ducks won BIG! The other teams we needed to win in order for us to play in the Pac-12 Championship game and possibly the National Title game did not win though. So, Ducks will most likely go to the Fiesta Bowl, which is still a great BCS game. The first bowl game our family ever went to was the Fiesta Bowl for the 2001 season, and it was great fun. We are not going to go to the bowl game this year though. We have been to 3 in a row, and this year the kids can't go, so we are going to stay home and save the $$$$.


As much as I would have loved for the Ducks to play in the Pac-12 Championship game, I am actually a little relieved that we won't be gone this next weekend, because it stresses me out so much to leave Zeke now.


Ed ~ the Lincoln movie looks like a good one too. Glad you enjoyed Bond!


Heidi ~ enjoy the nice schedule for this next week.

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We started doing the Christmas decorations today. Several neighbors already have their's up. When we moved into the neighborhood three years ago we were the only ones with outside decorations. Starting last year and apparently again this year there is some kind of neighborhood contest to see who can outdo the other neighbor. When we lived up North we won first place in the city of Elgin one year for our decor both inside and out so this crowd down here had better look out who they're messin' with! 'Course that was a custom built Queen Anne Victorian which was a Painted Lady so it started out lookin' good before it was decorated. On the other hand the previous owner of this house installed an indoor switch to control all the outside lights which makes it real easy to turn them on and off regardless of weather.

We hope to go see Lincoln this Wednesday. Tomorrow while Kay is working I have to go and get 34 gifts for the kids that we feed at a migrant camp.

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Good Afternoon!


We had a very brief visit from Eric last night. He was here for 5 whole minutes. LOL. He came up here with a friend to pick another friend up at O'Hare airport and then stopped by the house to borrow up a heater. Apparently the old house he lives in is very poorly heated.


I got some more Christmas shopping done yesterday. I'm having a hard time finding time to do it. It will get done eventually though.


Have a good day. :)

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Got the outside of the house done yesterday with Kay's help. We scaled back a lot this year due to my aches and pains (that surgery can't come soon enough!). We were informed last night to plan on 46 handicapped kids for the kids Christmas party a week from Saturday. Why in the world do people assume you have nothing to do because "you are retired and this will give you something to do"........With the toys I have already picked up for the kids in the migrant camp that makes a total of 80 gifts we have to wrap this coming Sunday! So much for "nothing to do".....

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Hey gang!


Posting from my brand new Kindle Fire! I love it! This is my Christmas present from Dave. We each ordered our own present this year....he bought himself a fancy digital weather station. We don't care about having something to open, so each got our gift early.


The last couple days have been pretty tough. Zeke is going downhill pretty fast. He still seems to enjoy his life, likes treats & pickup rides. But he has his ups & downs all day. He does not seem miserable, and I won't let it come to that. But he sleeps a lot & has less energy.


We have our yearly budget meeting for our operating loan today. Our banker is a good friend, so it's very painless. He comes to our house & I need to go get ready.


Have a good day!

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Sure hope Zeke feels good. I bought Kay a Kindle Fire last Christmas. Was NOT a very smart move...she only puts it down to re-charge it which she has to do every night!!! I have the Kindle wi-fi and I love it too but the weight of the Fire gets bothersome. In fact this year Kay is getting a new cover that is free standing for Christmas. Are you aware there are daily free books for the Fire and Kindle? I've bought a couple of books but otherwise I like the free ones.

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Well we got to go see Lincoln this afternoon. If Daniel Day-Lewis doesn't get the best actor Oscar then it doesn't exist! If you enjoy history at all, run don't walk, to go see this movie. I consider myself to be a history buff with an emphasis on the Civil War period plus being from Illinois you get a lot of Lincolniana and this movie is spot on.......

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Sue - I'm sorry things aren't going well for Zeke. When he was first diagnosed and you said that it wasn't a very aggressive cancer I hoped that he would remain pretty much symptom free for quite a while. I know how upset I would be if it was our dog. We are more attached to her than any other dog we have ever had. Hang in there.

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Good afternoon Cupids,


Sue, enjoy your time with Zeke. Hope his days are filled many trips in the truck.


Rick, I agree you about Lincoln. It's a great movie. Most of it was filmed in Richmond and Petersburg, Virginia. There are still many buildings there that date bak to the War between the States. I recognized many landmarks from my childhood.



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Well, as disappointed as we are that the Ducks do not get to play in the Pac-12 Championship game (even though we have the BEST record in the conference! :mad:), I am actually a little relieved not to be leaving today. The game is tonight, and we would be headed to Eugene right now. But with Zeke fading, I'm just not sure I could have left him anyway. Life has a funny way of working out, I guess.


Ducks should still go to a very good BCS bowl game, the Fiesta Bowl. It's just too bad we can't defend our 3 time Pac-12 Champion title. We are 11-1, but the team that beat us (by 3 points) is Stanford. Since they are in our division of the conference, that gives them the edge over us although they have lost 2 games. The other team playing in the championship game is UCLA, and they have lost 3 games, but since they won their southern division of the Pac-12, they are in. I love college football, but it's all about money now. That's why our conference went to 2 divisions last year, for money and TV money. I think it sucks.


Zeke had a couple bad days, but yesterday and today he is better. But I can see he is fading. It's so hard. He still eats and drinks, likes pickup rides and treats....but his energy is way down.


It has been raining here since yesterday afternoon, pretty steady. That is SO not typical for us! We need it though.


Have a great weekend, everyone.

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Let's just try that word again, shall we....Appomatox. My phonics teacher (who at this moment is sitting in the living room) would have my head if she saw how I originally spelled the town's name!


We visited the Appomattox Courthouse historical area several years ago. It's a nice place but is not in the original location. All the structures are still there but they were moved in order to preserve them. In Petersburg, there is a church near the Battlefield that has stain glass windows commemorating all the State of the Confederacy that were made by Tiffany.



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Heidi I just remembered you are going on a cruise with Staci next month. Now I don't want you to worry 'bout a thing.....in case Staci can't go I will gladly go in her place! I understand that the last month before a cruise things can get kinda hectic and stressful so try to relax and just go with the flow. I can be ready to go in a New York minute!!! (I even have my own luggage and will pack it myself.) So if something should happen to Staci such as a rescheduled class, an unannounced test, a nasty fall (not wishing THAT!) or some other calamity befall her...I'm thinkin' maybe a flat tire and missing the plane...anything at all...just call, yell, send the Pony Express, whatever and I'm outta here.

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Heidi I just remembered you are going on a cruise with Staci next month. Now I don't want you to worry 'bout a thing.....in case Staci can't go I will gladly go in her place! I understand that the last month before a cruise things can get kinda hectic and stressful so try to relax and just go with the flow. I can be ready to go in a New York minute!!! (I even have my own luggage and will pack it myself.) So if something should happen to Staci such as a rescheduled class, an unannounced test, a nasty fall (not wishing THAT!) or some other calamity befall her...I'm thinkin' maybe a flat tire and missing the plane...anything at all...just call, yell, send the Pony Express, whatever and I'm outta here.


I'l be sure and let you know. Not so sure Dave would understand though. LOL


Well, I found out the hard way today why it's probably better to use a credit card rather than a debit card when shopping on line. I really don't want to use credit cards for Christmas presents so last night I was ordering something on line for Staci. I tried using my debit card but I kept getting a message that it was invalid. After 3 tries I went ahead and used a credit card. I got an email confirmation and thought all was good. Then today I went to check my bank balance on line because I was waiting for a credit to come through from Walmart and there were 3 identical charges to my account from the store that I ordered from last night.:mad: I tried calling customer service at the on line store but they are closed for the weekend. I'll have to wait till Monday. Luckily I have enough money in the account to cover the charges (each one is $57.00 and some change) but now I might not have enough money to pay my JCPenney account and Kohl's accounts. I'll have to check and see. They are both due in few days and luckily have very small balances so maybe I can just make the minimum payment this month. Otherwise I need to borrow some money from Dave. I never received email confirmations for the 3 bogus orders so I don't know if they are actually shipping them or not. I only got a confirmation for the one I used the credit card for. I sure hope I don't have to fight the store on this. If all the charges had been on a credit card I could file a dispute with the credit card company but with debit, I am out the cash. If they ship all the orders I could return 3 of them but then I might get stuck with paying for return shipping and it might take a while for the credits to come through. I don't need to have my money tired up like that. UGH! I guess things could be worse though. It's not like we don't have money to put food on the table. We have a lot to be thankful for.


I heard from Char today. They will not be joining us on the Breeze. :( They will be doing a family cruise on the new Ruby Princess instead. I can understand that family takes priority. I told her to feel free to continue to come over and chat with us anyway.


That also reminds me, WHERE IS CAT? She hasn't posted in forever.


Have a good weekend.

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Howdy Cupids,


It's warm here. The AC has been on. :( I thought it was winter. :rolleyes:


Heidi, I heard from Char a couple days ago but thought she would post. I will miss her.


Rick, you are such an unselfish person to volunteer yourself to go in Staci's place. :D



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Hello Cupid's!!!


Sue, sorry Zeke is not doing well. Enjoy your time with him and I hope he has many more good days. The bowl games I think are announced today. If the Ducks go to the Fiesta bowl you will probably be playing Kansas State - they are the Big 12 champs and the Fiesta bowl is where the Big 12 champs go.


Dave, it is warm here too. Nice weather here for a few more days before a cool front moves in.


Heidi, Sorry about the debit card issue. Luckily we haven't had any trouble using our debit card on-line, but each time I do I keep my fingers crossed that there will be no issues.


Rick, you need to find you and Kay a cheap last minute cruise to enjoy. However with both of yours busy schedule that might be hard.


Cat - Where are you.


Char - we will miss you!!!


Ed - hope you and Dale are doing good.


Renee - hope all is going good. Did you have your dental surgery?


Frank and I hardly ever go to the movies. We usually wait for the DVDs. We did go see Red Dawn last week though with a friend of mine who wanted to go see a movie. We both enjoyed it. I did like the original one too though.


Everyone have a good week!



Edited by AKB10
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Heidi, Sorry about the debit card issue. Luckily we haven't had any trouble using our debit card on-line, but each time I do I keep my fingers crossed that there will be no issues.



I think I might have it figured out. I never got a confirmation from the 3 debit card attempts (only the credit card purchase) and on the bank websites the charges are in the "pending" section. I think the are only holds and they should drop off in 7-10 business days. At least, according to the stores website it says holds will drop off in 7-10 days. I never finalized the order. I'll bet that the holds went on my account when I first put my account number in. I still don't get why I got the message that the account I entered was not a valid Mastercard number. Obviously it was or else the holds never would have happened. I will still call them tomorrow just to make sure that it's just a hold. I might have to call the bank to have the hold removed or I might have to wait the 7-10 days. If the orders DID go trough and it's too late to stop them, I found out that I can return the items to the store. I might have to fight to get the original shipping charges refunded because they are non refundable but at least they are only about $5.00 each. That's not that big of a deal.

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Good afternoon Cupids,


Still quite warm around here. Not anywhere near normal unti next week.


Heidi, I try not to use my debit card for online purchases. I'd rather pay later than have someone hack in and get everything. There is just more protection using a CC.


Hope everyone has a great week.



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