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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Welcome, Andrea & Dave!!! As you saw on Facebook, we have lots of Daves in our group. Sounds like this cruise will have the most Daves yet! I am married to Rancher Dave. You met Cruisin Dave in the post above. Then we have Marathon Dave, Chicago Dave & Just Another Dave. We will have to see what your Hubby becomes!


You are so right, we are a chatty bunch, and lots of our group rarely post here, so you can imagine how we are in person. We have lots of fun, & welcome new friends, the more the merrier!


Esther, have a great cruise next month!


Got Callie home yesterday. She was subdued & slept a lot, but that's to be expected. She seems to feel better today. Still pretty slow, but seems happier.

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Good Morning!


I know 3 people on cruises this week. I want to go back so bad. :rolleyes:


I had to go to an early meeting at the OG today. It was a makeup meeting for one I missed when I was on my cruise. It was a total waste of time except for the fact that I got paid for it. At the main meeting that i missed the servers and hosts broke up into groups so that hosts went over host stuff and server went over server stuff. Because there were only a few of us today we didn't break u into groups and really only went over server stuff. We're getting new menus next week so there are a lot of changes. We are also getting a new dress code. No more white shirts and ties. We can wear any kind of plain black shirt. it just has to be very plain. No ruffles or designs woven in.


We went to the wake for that friend of Dave's last night. There were a lot of people there. One of Dave's old room mates was there. We hadn't seen him in about 25 years because he moved to Texas. He works for American Airlines so it was easy for him to come home for the funeral. The funeral is today but we don't plan to go. Tim was not a real close friend of Dave's. Like I said before, he was really a close friend of Dave's brother and hung out here at the house when it was just a bunch of guys living here. It was a big party house back then. LOL.


Sue - glad to hear Callie is doing well. In a couple of days she'll be back to normal and that's when you'll have to watch her to keep her from over doing. I think we were told to try and keep Snickers from running and jumping for a couple of weeks. That was kind of difficult since she loves to chase squirrels and we have a ton of them. Every time we let her out she'd see one and go after it. We tried to keep her indoors most of the time but of course we still had to let her out now and then to do her business.


Have a good weekend

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Callie is feeling much better today! I was worried about her yesterday because her tummy felt a little hot, but the incision looked perfectly fine so I just watched her real close all day and she was fine. Today she is much more back to normal. Heidi, the vet told us to keep her quiet for a week, not to let her run or jump. So far it's been easy, but you're right, once she feels better it will be harder.


Heidi ~ is the menu change for all O.G.'s? It will probably be next fall before we get to go to O.G. again; we always eat there at least once in Eugene during football season. Bend has an O.G., but Greg doesn't like going there much, although he always manages to scarf down a lot of food when we do go! :rolleyes: He had a girlfriend in high school/college who LOVED the O.G., and I think it just has bad connotations or memories for him still.


I'm with you, Heidi, thinking about Donna & Mimi on a cruise this week makes me wish I was on one too. I had a weird cruise dream last night that we went with Greg, and he checked us in but forgot to get our S&S cards, so we didn't know our cabin number or anything. :p


Dave actually PAINTED yesterday! I am the painter in the family, and he has never painted anything in the house before in his life. But he wanted to get the basement wall painted, and I wasn't feeling the best, so he did it himself. I figured, what the heck, it's only the basement! He actually did a nice job and it looks SO MUCH better. This is a wall that Dave's parents put in...they were going to build another bedroom (the boys bedrooms are both down there) and they got the wall studs in and then for some reason, never finished it. We have lived here in this house for almost 23 years, and had never done anything with that room other than storage for our pool supplies. That is the room we turned into a bathroom last year when we remodeled, so the inside has been done for a year, but Dave just finished putting sheetrock on the other side that faces out into the basement a few weeks ago.


Still BITTER cold here. This morning it was 7 degrees when I got up about an hour ago. Yesterday it finally did get above 30...maybe 35ish. This cold air is supposed to hang around until at least Tuesday. I'm getting very tired of it, especially when I talk to the boys and it was 50-plus degrees in Bend! We are getting gyped!!


Is anyone going to do the Faster to the Fun thing for our cruise? VIP boarding would be nice, and the other perks like getting to your cabin sooner and luggage delivered sooner would be good too. Is it worth $50? Maybe. I'll have to think about it some more, but it may be something we do.


On the other hand, we always get to the cruise terminal early enough that we rarely have to wait very long at all to board. So, would it be worth the extra money or not? Have to wait and see what we think as we get closer.

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Good Morning!


It has gotten cold here. It's down in the teens today. Last night I was just sitting in the living room watching TV when I heard the wind start to howl. I saw a couple of Facebook posts from people who live in the area that said their power was out, most likely due to wind. Ours stayed on. We haven't lost power for any length of time since Dave invested in a generator a couple of years ago. I guess that's one of those things you buy but don't really ever want to use. We still haven't had any real snow though. That's not good since we suffered a pretty bad drought over the summer.



Is anyone going to do the Faster to the Fun thing for our cruise? VIP boarding would be nice, and the other perks like getting to your cabin sooner and luggage delivered sooner would be good too. Is it worth $50? Maybe. I'll have to think about it some more, but it may be something we do.


On the other hand, we always get to the cruise terminal early enough that we rarely have to wait very long at all to board. So, would it be worth the extra money or not? Have to wait and see what we think as we get closer.


Mimi and Andy bought FTTF for their cruise this week. It will be interesting to hear from them whether or not they think it was worth it. I'm not sure I would want to spend $50.00 to get it.


Not much is going on here. I have to work tonight.


Have a good day.

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Heidi, I agree, it will be interesting to hear what Mimi thought about FTTF. Getting onboard early & getting luggage early would be nice. Worth $50? I don't know. Possibly.


I still don't feel the best. Not super sick, but just not great. Crud has been going around here, just like everywhere.


Dave is on a real basement kick. He has decided to build more shelves down there, which is great. He's been cleaning out junk & getting rid of a lot of stuff too. It needed it! When we get all done cleaning down there, we are going to paint the concrete floor with the same paint we used in the garage.It's the kind that you put flecks on the wet paint & it looks really cool.

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Dave is on a real basement kick. He has decided to build more shelves down there, which is great. He's been cleaning out junk & getting rid of a lot of stuff too. It needed it! When we get all done cleaning down there, we are going to paint the concrete floor with the same paint we used in the garage.It's the kind that you put flecks on the wet paint & it looks really cool.


Are you sitting down? MY DAVE IS WORKING ON THE BATHROOM!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, it's true. While Staci and I were on the cruise he took the week off to work on the house. He didn't get the bathroom finished but he continued to work on it this weekend. Hopefully he will actually finish it soon. Right now he's working on putting the shower walls up. There are several pieces and each time he puts a piece up he has to put braces up and then leave them in place till the adhesive dries so it's taking time. While we were gone he also worked on the old attached garage. Since we built a new garage we plan to eventually turn the old one into a den or something. For the last 5 years it has mainly been used for storage but it was a mess. He cleaned it all up and is temporarily using it as a work room. He needs a large space for doing things like laying out large boards that need cutting,etc. This way he doesn't have to go out to the new, detached garage to do it. We're going to also need a place to put the bathroom doors when we are ready to finish them since they are unfinished right now. Dave hung the unfinished doors years ago just for privacy since we do have a working toilet and sink in there. All that's really left to do in that bathroom is the shower, finish on the doors and grout on one wall of tile. The grout is done on the other walls.


We are experiencing our 1st single digit temps of the winter. It was 9 when I got up and may have been colder earlier. I didn't get up till 9:15 so I didn't check till the sun had been up a while to warm things up a bit. I thinks it's been 2 years since I've experienced single digits. LOL. Last winter was really mild and they only days temps in single digits occured while we were on the cruise so we missed it. I just remember Staci texting us before sailaway and telling us how jealous of us she was because it was so bitter cold at home. Then a month after the cruise we had a record heat wave (in the 80's) while Staci was in Cancun. I was texting her there and telling her it was just as warm at home as it was in Cancun and she was soooo mad. LOL


Have a great day.:)


Have a great day.

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Hi folks. I just decided to book us on the Splendor out of NYC instead. Was able to get a Spa balcony cabin for cheaper than my Spa interior on this Breeze trip, plus will be able to drive to the cruise port, and save at least $1K on airfare.


Have a good time!

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Hi folks. I just decided to book us on the Splendor out of NYC instead. Was able to get a Spa balcony cabin for cheaper than my Spa interior on this Breeze trip, plus will be able to drive to the cruise port, and save at least $1K on airfare.


Have a good time!


Sorry you won't be joining us but I hope you have a great cruise.


It is soooo cold today. One degree when I got up this morning. Brrrrrrr! It has warmed up a bit since then though.


I came home this afternoon and found my kitty with the tumors all messed up. she scratches at them and makes them bleed. I think she's OK but she looks horrible. One of these days it's going to get infected.


I'm a little concerned about my dad. I talked to my sister yesterday and she said that he has been having real bad headaches. He went to the doctor and because he had had a cold she thought it might be a sinus infection so she prescribed antibiotics but they didn't really help so now she has ordered a CT scan. I think she's concerned it could have been a mild stroke. He's Ok though. My sister also mentioned that a couple of times lately she has noticed he was confused about a couple of things. I know a certain amount of confusion and memory problems is normal for someone 85 years old but it could also be a red flag for something serious. He's having the CT scan tomorrow.


Today is a long day for me because I work both jobs (I'm in between right now) but I'm off tomorrow.


Have a good day.

Edited by HeidiHo
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Heidi, two jobs??? Monday and Tuesday are our days "off" from the backpacks. I started a diet two weeks ago (South Beach) on doctors orders and so far I've lost 12 pounds. Of course it is all in my butt so now my pants won't stay up! Is there any justice? On the other hand I also had to start an exercise program (as if trying to put thigh high compression stockings wasn't enough exercise) to strenghthen my legs after the surgery and I am up to 11 minutes on various equipment such as a tread mill and stationary bike that we have here in the community. I started at 7 minutes one and a half weeks ago. Unfortunately, it is my 36 year old pot belly (that's how long I have had it, not my age!) that is doing the damage to my back....not my butt!

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Are you sitting down? MY DAVE IS WORKING ON THE BATHROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!


I just fell on the floor! LOL. For those that don't know, Dave started working on this bathroom before our first cruise together, the Miracle in 2008. :D Sounds like he is really going to finish it, Heidi, that's exciting!

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It is soooo cold today. One degree when I got up this morning. Brrrrrrr


Welcome to MY world!!! It seems like our super cold may have finally left us. This morning, it was 38 degrees when I got up instead of zero-ish. It got above 40 here yesterday. Before that, our highs have not gone above 30 degrees for almost a month. Dave has to take the backhoe each day to break the ice in the creek so the cows can have water. It will be nice to have a bit of a thaw for a change.


Rick, good luck on the diet! 12 pounds in 2 weeks is really great! I have decided to try Weight Watchers, and lost 4 pounds the first week so that is a step in the right direction. Having Callie Dog has been really good for me, because I HAVE to go for a walk each day so she can run around and blow off some of her young dog energy. We try to walk for an hour each day. It's much more challenging with all this snow and ice around. I bought some wire thingys that go around your boots for traction yesterday, so that will help.

Edited by momofzeke
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I just fell on the floor! LOL. For those that don't know, Dave started working on this bathroom before our first cruise together, the Miracle in 2008. :D Sounds like he is really going to finish it, Heidi, that's exciting!


I'm not holding my breath. LOL He started it before 2008. Wasn't our Miracle cruise in 2006? I know that Eric was only 17 when we went because he kept trying to sneak into the disco at night but security always caught him. It had to be 2006 because he was 18 when he graduated high school in 2007. What year did Greg graduate college. Wasn't that his pre-graduation cruise? I know Dave started the bathroom when Eric was still in high school because we paid Eric a couple of hundred bucks to gut it during one of his winter breaks.


It has warmed up a bit today. It's already 14 degrees today. Still cold but better than the last 2 days. it will be warmer for the rest of the week yet. According to this mornings paper, February is supposed to be colder than normal but who knows, they (whoever "they" are) said that last winter was supposed to be brutal but it ended up being one of the mildest winters on record. I don't put too much stock in long rage forecasts.


Have a great day. :)

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Welcome Sexyredbone to our group!! Just tonight Kay and I were out in the Florida room drinking wine and eating celery with avocado dip (yes I'm trying to be good on this diet) discussing the Cheers program and doing the math as to whether it will work for us. (We think it will....)We are strictly wine drinkers so 15 drink limits is too much for us but on the other hand my SIL and BIL who are going with us on this cruise (their 25th. anniversary) and us drank 25 bottles of wine on an 8 day cruise down the Mexican Riviera this past March so we had to really crunch the numbers. The problem is we have another couple going also and if it becomes a 6-way split we are in trouble. Kay is opposed to the FTTF program because we always go early to the ship and we are going to Miami the day before the cruise so we will once again be there for early boarding. Given the ports we are going to, there doesn't seem to be much need for priority tender boarding which is one of the perks. Indeed,since we live on the beach we are not inspired to even leave the ship at Grand Turk or LaRomana.

Edited by Flick
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Hi folks. I just decided to book us on the Splendor out of NYC instead. Was able to get a Spa balcony cabin for cheaper than my Spa interior on this Breeze trip, plus will be able to drive to the cruise port, and save at least $1K on airfare.


Have a good time!


Viola - have a great cruise. I have been reading about the great rates on the Splendor. We will miss meeting you.


Hello everyone me and my hubby booked this on our own in April with another cruise RC allure of the seas this Aug 25 . Love to meet everyone :D


Welcome aboard!!!

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Welcome Sexyredbone to our group!! Just tonight Kay and I were out in the Florida room drinking wine and eating celery with avocado dip (yes I'm trying to be good on this diet) discussing the Cheers program and doing the math as to whether it will work for us. (We think it will....)We are strictly wine drinkers so 15 drink limits is too much for us but on the other hand my SIL and BIL who are going with us on this cruise (their 25th. anniversary) and us drank 25 bottles of wine on an 8 day cruise down the Mexican Riviera this past March so we had to really crunch the numbers. The problem is we have another couple going also and if it becomes a 6-way split we are in trouble. Kay is opposed to the FTTF program because we always go early to the ship and we are going to Miami the day before the cruise so we will once again be there for early boarding. Given the ports we are going to, there doesn't seem to be much need for priority tender boarding which is one of the perks. Indeed,since we live on the beach we are not inspired to even leave the ship at Grand Turk or LaRomana.


Rick, looks like we were on at the same time. :D I don't know about the FTTF program or the cheers program. It would be nice to get on the ship early and have our room ready, but not sure if it is worth $50. Now the cheers program might be fun. We rarely drink, but on vacation we let loose a little more. We probably wouldn't get close to 15 drinks, but I think I read somewhere that 6 drinks and you break even. Not sure if I would even be able to drink 6 drinks a day though. :eek:

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We're going to try the FTTF on our Magic cruise next month. Mostly for the priority tendering at Grand Cayman. I booked an early excursion and don't want to be late. Going back to Sting Ray City.


I don't see us using the Cheers program. DW usually gets enough credit in the casino for the "Drinks On Us" card so when I get thirsty, well you get the picture.;)

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SexyRedBone ~ WELCOME!! We love meeting new friends, or "Newpids" (New Cupids). Tell us a little about yourself! :D


Heidi ~ you are absolutely right, the Miracle cruise was 2006! Don't know why I put down 2008.


I don't see us doing the cheers program. I don't think there's any way we would drink 6 drinks a day, especially on days when the ship is in port and we are off the ship for most of the day.


Ed, you'll have to let us know if you thought the FTTF was worth the extra $50.


Our snow is finally going away! It's still dark outside, so I can't see how much is left out in the fields, but our lawn has no snow left on it. SO GLAD! Now it will be a muddy, mucky mess for a while, but I am so sick of snow & ice.

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Good Morning!


We got a little bit of snow yesterday but not much and it's cold again today. It was only 5 degrees when I got up but it's supposed to start warming up. the forecast for Tuesday is 55. LOL.


I don't know yet about FTTF and the Cheers program. I know Dave could gt his moneys worth with the Cheers program but I don't know about me plus, since it's 4 ports on this cruise we would be off the ship those days so it might not be worth it. It's kinda too bad they don't have a program that you can buy that's only good on sea days.


Eric will be coming home for a short time on either Sunday night or Monday morning. He's going to Chicago on Sunday for a Blackhawks hockey game but I'm not sure if he's spending Sunday night here or at his buddies apartment in the city. On Monday though he's coming here to sign for car insurance and to get his car. I guess he finally got tired of not having a car. We will finally only have 2 cars in our driveway. We have had 4 cars since Eric left for Vietnam in early July and were constantly playing musical cars. Staci took hers to school this semester and now Eric will take his. The nice thing about having extra cars though is the availability of an extra car when one is in the shop or something. We will miss that.


Welcome SEXYREDBONE. Should we call you Sexy? ;)


Have a great day. :)

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I read on another thread (one about the Cheers program) that you break even at 6 drinks. I assume that is per day.......Four Port days may make a big difference but at least one of those Ports (Grand Turk) we have been there, done that so it might work for us. Plenty of time to crunch the numbers. Speaking of numbers I've gone from 189# to 173#!!!But I still have that *@% pot belly. Yesterday afternoon I had to put on suspenders to keep my pants up while reaching up to repaint the front shutters on the house!

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Wow, talk about a warmup! ALL of our snow is gone & our meadows are lakes. I had to drive the feed truck for Dave yesterday because there is one dry spot on the whole ranch where the truck won't get stuck. I drove back & forth on a little hill in one of the fields for him to pitch the hay onto some dry ground.


There is a hint of spring, the cows, calves & horses were feeling it. They were bucking & jumping yesterday while we fed. I doubt winter is over, but it sure warmed up fast! Might be a storm coming this weekend though.


I'm so happy! Mallory got promoted to a Credit Analyst position at her bank! She still wants to do the testing to get her CPA license, but with Baby on the way, she is putting that on hold for a while. This new position is more CPA-like, & she can work from home a couple days a week, so she is very happy.


Heidi, that would be a great thing if Cheers program was available for sea days only. I could see us using it then. But with 4 port days, I just don't think we would get our money's worth. We tend to be off the ship pretty much the whole time it is in port.

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Good morning!


I mentioned a few days ago that I was worried about my dad because he was having headaches and was going to have a CT scan. well, everything came out OK. Nothing showed up so now they are back to thinking it is just a really nasty sinus infection and he was starting to feel better.


We got about an inch of snow yesterday. that's the most we've had all winter so far. It will melt Monday and Tuesday though since we are supposed to be up in the 40's and 50's then.


Have a great day. :)

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