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*Important: Generosity of Cruise Critic Members Regarding Donations


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Hi Folks:


We've always been so proud of our Cruise Critic members who unselfishly pack goodies, supplies and yes...even send money...to organizations located in various ports of call around the world. We applaud your efforts and hope you continue to do so on an individual basis.


However, judging by the number of e-mails I have received over the years, as well as a few heartbreaking incidents that have diminished our trust in some of these organizations, it is clear that many of you are also concerned regarding the validity of some of these projects. We are aware that many are now posting on the forums in order to obtain donations. Additionally, there is an undercurrent of competitiveness with regard to these agencies, which many of you are displeased with.


Therefore, since Cruise Critic has no control over the validity of the information we do not allow organizations to "ask" our members for donations through the forums. Additionally, posts from members offering to "collect" items or money to bring with them on the cruise will be removed from the forums.


All posts/discussions soliciting donations or the bringing/passing out of supplies/donations are not allowed and will be removed from the boards, thus allowing our members to continuing discussing visiting these ports, and finding interesting and fun shore excursion information. Repeated violations will result in suspension of posting privileges.


As always, thank you for exhibiting the kindness and generosity toward those less fortunate than us in ports of call.


The above applies to all forums on Cruise Critic, even ROLL CALLS.

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