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Cruising with Baby

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Hi all,


We've cruised several times and have packing down, more or less. This year we will have our baby girl with us! She'll be 8 months old. Does any Moms out there have a packing list for cruising with a baby or any other must haves, helpful tips.....I would be grateful for any info. Thanks! :o

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Hi all,


We've cruised several times and have packing down, more or less. This year we will have our baby girl with us! She'll be 8 months old. Does any Moms out there have a packing list for cruising with a baby or any other must haves, helpful tips.....I would be grateful for any info. Thanks! :o

You should check out the family forum, lots of information about traveling with babies. Here is a link to it.




Important things to bring are a sheet for the PNP, the cruiseline just uses a single sheet that the wrap aroud mattress, and a small blowup tub for bathing baby since most cabins only have a shower, not a tub.

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This is an honest question... I'm 25, have no kids yet, single so maybe I don't understand where you're coming from...


but why in the world would you want to bring an 8 month old? It has to be unpleasant for you.


BTW, please don't leave your boat sized stroller in the hallway like our next cabin neighbors on my last cruise.

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This is an honest question... I'm 25, have no kids yet, single so maybe I don't understand where you're coming from...


but why in the world would you want to bring an 8 month old? It has to be unpleasant for you.


BTW, please don't leave your boat sized stroller in the hallway like our next cabin neighbors on my last cruise.


completely. unnecessary. post.


If the OP wants to bring octuplets it's not for you to judge.

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This is an honest question... I'm 25, have no kids yet, single so maybe I don't understand where you're coming from...


but why in the world would you want to bring an 8 month old? It has to be unpleasant for you.


BTW, please don't leave your boat sized stroller in the hallway like our next cabin neighbors on my last cruise.

Mommy and Daddy are going to be home soon, go do your homework!:rolleyes:

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This is an honest question... I'm 25, have no kids yet, single so maybe I don't understand where you're coming from...


but why in the world would you want to bring an 8 month old? It has to be unpleasant for you.


BTW, please don't leave your boat sized stroller in the hallway like our next cabin neighbors on my last cruise.


No more "unpleasant" than being home with no one else cooking, cleaning, serving, etc.

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Be aware that you pay full fare for babies -- 3rd or 4th person rate if both parents are going -- but no discount for a baby vs. other ages. I think you can pay for babysitting if you want, but I don't think there is any free Adventure Ocean. I think kids have to be potty trained for that.

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Based on your signature, it looks like you are talking about your upcoming cruise on the Oasis. We took DD on the Oasis at 6 months old and had a great family vacation. We used the nursery a few evenings for "mommy and daddy" time. There are also lots of great activities for the under 2 crowd (open playtime, storybook time at night, puppet show).


Don't forget sunscreen, baby Tylenol, teething tablets/Orajel (whatever your ped recommends for teething if your LO is getting teeth)...the baby items are likely not sold onboard and you don't want to wait for the next port stop to get them if you need them. Be sure to bring swim diapers as the Oasis has a small splash pool for children that are not potty trained. Bring plenty of formula (if not nursing) and baby food, again, since these might be hard to come by should you need them onboard. RCI also has a "Babies 2 Go" program where you can preorder diapers, baby food, etc. to be delivered to your stateroom in case you want to save on suitcase space. I haven't tried that service since we always drive to the port and don't have a limit on our luggage like those who fly.


I hope you have a great time. Vacations as a family are what make the best memories for you all. I'm not against an adults only getaway once in awhile, but family time is important for all of you.

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This is an honest question... I'm 25, have no kids yet, single so maybe I don't understand where you're coming from...


but why in the world would you want to bring an 8 month old? It has to be unpleasant for you.


BTW, please don't leave your boat sized stroller in the hallway like our next cabin neighbors on my last cruise.

I think you've asked a brave upfront question that a single 25 yr old without children wouldn't know the answer to or be able to empathise with.


I can't help you with an answer but I'm really sorry you got pounced on and flamed so badly.


Happy Cruising :-)

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I think this is a legitimate question! Don't pay attention to the flamers...



This is an honest question... I'm 25, have no kids yet, single so maybe I don't understand where you're coming from...


but why in the world would you want to bring an 8 month old? It has to be unpleasant for you.


BTW, please don't leave your boat sized stroller in the hallway like our next cabin neighbors on my last cruise.

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I think you've asked a brave upfront question that a single 25 yr old without children wouldn't know the answer to or be able to empathise with.


I can't help you with an answer but I'm really sorry you got pounced on and flamed so badly.


Happy Cruising :-)


Up front? Yes.

Brave? No.


It was a question tinged with a preconceived notion that "it has to be unpleasant for you" and concluded with a whine about someone leaving a stroller in the hallway. It was nothing more than a jab at the OP, who was asking for some packing advice.

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Based on your signature, it looks like you are talking about your upcoming cruise on the Oasis. We took DD on the Oasis at 6 months old and had a great family vacation. We used the nursery a few evenings for "mommy and daddy" time. There are also lots of great activities for the under 2 crowd (open playtime, storybook time at night, puppet show).


Don't forget sunscreen, baby Tylenol, teething tablets/Orajel (whatever your ped recommends for teething if your LO is getting teeth)...the baby items are likely not sold onboard and you don't want to wait for the next port stop to get them if you need them. Be sure to bring swim diapers as the Oasis has a small splash pool for children that are not potty trained. Bring plenty of formula (if not nursing) and baby food, again, since these might be hard to come by should you need them onboard. RCI also has a "Babies 2 Go" program where you can preorder diapers, baby food, etc. to be delivered to your stateroom in case you want to save on suitcase space. I haven't tried that service since we always drive to the port and don't have a limit on our luggage like those who fly.


I hope you have a great time. Vacations as a family are what make the best memories for you all. I'm not against an adults only getaway once in awhile, but family time is important for all of you.


Thank you! You said this much more sweetly than I would have managed. I know many here are not fans of babies on board, we brought our 17 month old with us because she is important part of our family and we enjoy having her with us, and it was a wonderful time for all of us (grandparents included) to spend uninterrupted time together as a family - without distractions!


You just need to plan a bit more carefully. My biggest help - I brought along an extra bookbag with extra zippy pockets that I used for all trips around the ship. Extra diapers, wipes, snacks, toys, sippy cup, bibs, more wipes, etc.


Bring more diapers than you think you'll need.


Most of the passengers and crew were awesome, but you at need to pack extra patience.


If your LO is eating table food, or eats snacks like Cheerios, the Wind Jammer always has little boxes of cereal that are the perfect size to bring back to the cabin.

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Some suggestions:


1. Try to still be breastfeeding the baby, it will make your life traveling with a baby so much easier. No bottles or formula to worry about.


2. Get a cabin with a balcony. Chances are you will be spending a lot of time in the cabin while the baby is sleeping, so having a balcony to enjoy while the baby is napping will be wonderful for you.


3. Remember to use room service while you are in the cabin with the napping baby. Also, something to read and maybe a laptop loaded with some movies.


4. Get a good baby carrier, such as a Maya Wrap, Moby Wrap or Mei Tei. Being able to walk about with your baby hands free (Daddy can wear the baby also) will greatly enhance your vacation.


5. Leave your big stroller home. Buy an inexpensive umbrella stroller. It folds up small and is so much easier to travel with.


I can't think of anything else off the top of my head. We have traveled and cruised with babies of all ages (3 months old to teenagers) and have had a wonderful time every time.

I think one of the best reasons to travel with children is that these days with everyone so busy and off in dozens of directions every day it's important that children and their parents get to spend time together getting to know each other without work, cooking, cleaning, shopping, errands, appointments, sports, etc. getting in the way. Cruising is perfect for this, and don't let the anti-children CC folks hamper your great family vacation! And remember, the VAST majority of people on cruises love babies and children...don't let a few grumps get to you.:)

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This is an honest question... I'm 25, have no kids yet, single so maybe I don't understand where you're coming from...


but why in the world would you want to bring an 8 month old? It has to be unpleasant for you.


BTW, please don't leave your boat sized stroller in the hallway like our next cabin neighbors on my last cruise.



I understand your question because when I was 25, I hated even being seated at a restaurant near families with babies. I thought babies were loud, annoying, smelly and a huge hassle to take care of.


But now I am 31 and have my own beautiful little two year old. Next week my husband and I are going on the Adventure of the Seas, our first week long trip alone (she's having her own "vacation" with her grandparents.). And my biggest anxiety is how am I going to have fun/relaxation on this trip when every minute I'm going to be missing her pretty little face?. I know it will be a great cruise, but every moment I will be missing her.


So to answer your question, you probably won't get why people bring babies on a cruise or on vacation until you have your own kids. :).

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I understand your question because when I was 25, I hated even being seated at a restaurant near families with babies. I thought babies were loud, annoying, smelly and a huge hassle to take care of.


But now I am 31 and have my own beautiful little two year old. Next week my husband and I are going on the Adventure of the Seas, our first week long trip alone (she's having her own "vacation" with her grandparents.). And my biggest anxiety is how am I going to have fun/relaxation on this trip when every minute I'm going to be missing her pretty little face?. I know it will be a great cruise, but every moment I will be missing her.


So to answer your question, you probably won't get why people bring babies on a cruise or on vacation until you have your own kids. :).


We took a cruise alone when my oldest was 8 months old. He stayed with Grandma and Grandpa. It was really tough after day 5 I missed him so much. We go on Allure in a week and half leaving both kids with grandma and can't wait!!!


I'm a stay at home mom and with two young boys I have come to appreciate the break cruising gives me and the alone time with hubby do much more. My husband travels a lot for work, 20+ nights in the last 8 weeks so often I feel like a single parent.


Good luck and relax, have fun and reconnect with yourself and your husband.

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Up front? Yes.

Brave? No.


It was a question tinged with a preconceived notion that "it has to be unpleasant for you" and concluded with a whine about someone leaving a stroller in the hallway. It was nothing more than a jab at the OP, who was asking for some packing advice.


Agreed, except that the "whine" about strollers in the hallway is justified. We've seen them and we've watched people and stewards try to navigate around them. In fact, the cruise lines specifically state that wheelchairs, scooters, strollers, etc. may not be parked in the passageways due to the safety hazard and the inconvenience to other passengers and crew, especially other passengers in wheelchairs or scooters or using strollers, cabin steward who have enough to contend with moving their carts around, and room service personnel who are pushing carts or carrying large trays.


As for the rest, I think it's a personal choice. Just because we would not have cruised with our daughter at that age doesn't mean that I think it's wrong for someone else to do so. We did travel with her camping and other land adventures starting at that age. It's especially sad to assume that parents would find it "unpleasant" to be with their child. It is true that some parents have reported back things like, "We had a pretty tough/unhappy cruise and will wait to cruise again until our child is older." That's okay too because it's personal experience and preference. Not all children, regardless of age, are good travelers and some really don't enjoy cruising. Other parents and other children do great and love it from day 1. I think it's best to assume that it will be a good experience, but it's also important to consider a child's personality and needs.


In any case, I hope the cruise goes beautifully and that everyone has a wonderful time.



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I am so glad my 26 year old daughter did not read this.


Why? Is she also one to make rude comments to people asking for advice on traveling with young children, and apt to be traumatized to see someone called out for it? :D

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This is an honest question... I'm 25, have no kids yet, single so maybe I don't understand where you're coming from...


but why in the world would you want to bring an 8 month old? It has to be unpleasant for you.


BTW, please don't leave your boat sized stroller in the hallway like our next cabin neighbors on my last cruise.


Being 25 has nothing to do with inability to comprehend someone's desire to take a vacation, that's just pure ignorance on your part. As far as bringing an 8 month old, she's traveled 3 times already since she was 3 months old. Once you mature out of your self-absorbed world, you will realize that when you have a child, they are part of your life and what comes with it.


No need to worry about our stroller in the hallway, we will have plenty of room in our cabin to store it. Thank you for your concern though. :)

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Yes, it is a shame that someone would consider an innocent child to be unpleasant.



THANK you, Mema. Biting my 'tongue" here.

Can't imagine cruising without my kids..been doing it since the youngest was 6 months old..12 years of great vacations.

And I always kept our boat-sized triple stroller in our suite.


And you are certainly NOT a bully...i have learned a lot from your posts and I like you.

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I'm not a Mom (I'm Dad), may I reply? ;)


Lysol wipes

Viva kitchen towels


A white noise machine


We started taking our daughter on cruises when she was about 6 months old. She's 4.5 now and has done 7 or 8, and will be doing her 4th TA next month. She's always eaten in the MDR and... what a surprise... she somehow learned how to behave in restaurants both at sea and on land.

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