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Review of Freedom of the Seas - 3/17/13 (Western) - Of All Things "so nice"

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Welcome to Labadee! If you don't believe me, read the sign!




Me and my sweet ride:




After getting off the ship around 9:15, we were herded to the right which put us on the path towards Barefoot and Nellie's Beach.


Barefoot Beach reminds me of that episode of Seinfeld when they are at the airport:


Jerry: Elaine, have you ever flown first-class?

Elaine: No.

Jerry: All right then. See, you don't know what you're missing. I've flown first-class. I can't go back to coach. I can't, I won't.

Elaine: We flew here coach.

Jerry: Yeah, that's true.

Elaine: Oh, alright. If the plane crashes, everyone in first class is going to die anyway.

Jerry: Yeah, I'm sure you'll live.


Like the curtain separating First Class and Coach, there's a wall between the path and Barefoot Beach. Similarly to balcony vs. inside cabins, I know as Jerry said, once you are on the other side, you can't go back to coach. Maybe someday we will cruise with access to Barefoot Beach, but not this trip. :-)


Nellie's beach (not to be confused by the rapper Nelly) is nice, but pretty small. It's primary purpose seems to be a base of operations for the cabanas that are available to rent. We initially set up chairs here. The chairs are not set up ahead of time. There are beach attendants that will get the chairs and set them down for you. Welcome to the Caribbean! Tip opportunity #1. I don't mind tipping a buck or two for a service, but to me (especially at an RCI owned property), it seems silly that the insinuation is that these guys work only for tips - I don't know if that is the case or not. We are already paying a lot of $$$ for the cruise - and if RCI doesn't pays them they should. No one tips the tram operators at Disney World - if RCI operates trams at Labadee, why do the drivers have signs posted that they work for tips? OK - I'm off my soap box. :-)


The view from Nellie's Beach:



We spent a few mins here, then decided to continue on to Columbus Cove because Nellie's Beach seemed like the "default" beach where most people stopped and set up shop, so we headed up and down the stone path that separates Nellie and Columbus, and sure enough as late as 9:30, we (after another tip) had a pair of chairs set up beachside (and under shade) at Columbus Cove Beach. My advice if you will be on this side, and plan to be on the beach, bypass Nellie's and head to Columbus. By 11:00, most of the prime real estate at Columbus was claimed. This is based on a ship Freedom's size and we were the only ship there that day. I'm not sure how the crowds change with two ships or an Oasis class in port.


Our chairs under the shade tree @ Columbus Cove:



My view for most of the day:



Columbus Cove is the launching point for activities like the water slide and aqua park. There are convenient bathrooms near Columbus (with attendants that appreciate tips). We also ate lunch there. They serve lunch at the three locations between 11:30 and 1:30. We ate around 12:30 and it took about 10 minutes to get through the line. It was pretty good (chicken, ribs, corn on the cob, slaw, burgers, hot dogs). The Diet Coke was available from any of the bars that are near the buffet locations (free with Coke plan).


After lunch, laying around, and a few mins in the water, we took the long way back to the ship. There is a path that goes up through the vendors and down into the "Town Square". We bought a couple of things along the way. It is good bartering practice. Haggling isn't really something I like to do, but the vendors sometimes force you into it. When they say something costs $5 and I say I'm not interested, 95% of the time I'm really not interested - it's not my opening bid. :-)


We took the tram from Town Square to Adrenaline Beach so we could check it out. The next time we are in Labadee, we will set up shop here for the day. The difference is that Adrenaline is on the Atlantic, and Nellie's and Columbus are in the bay. You are not allowed in the water at Adrenaline, but if you are laying in a chair for the day, in my opinion the sound of the waves crashing and the sea breeze coming in cannot be beat!


Adrenaline Beach (no swimming) - zip line in the background




After hanging out on Adrenaline for a few minutes enjoying the ocean vista and watching some zip liners cruise by, we headed back to the ship. It was a nice relaxing day at Labadee.



To be continued with my opinions of the Labadee excursions and what we did back on the ship…





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Welcome fellow CC'ers to my first attempt at a trip report from our recent cruise on the Freedom of the Seas! If you at least crack a smile once or twice while reading my sometimes dry brand of humor, then I will consider this a task worth doing!


I have learned that a clever title for a review goes a long way. If you spend more than two minutes on the pool decks, you will understand the subtitle of my review. Coming in a close 2nd was "Tipping Our Way Through the Caribbean" :)


It may just be me, but a majority of the trip reports I could find for Caribbean cruises seemed to be Eastern Caribbean. This cruise was Western, so my goal is to detail our experiences in the four ports that we stopped at along the way (Labadee, Haiti - Falmouth, Jamaica, George Town, Grand Cayman - Cozumel, Mexico). Based on a lot of research (mainly here on CC) our port adventures ranged from a very small groups to RCI chartered tour busses. My hope is our experiences will help in other folks future planning...


I will also include some commentary of the events we did on the ship (shows, concerts, etc), and of course an account of our runaway victory in one of the trivia contests! I will also sprinkle in tidbits in regards to the other usual stuff around the ship.


A little background on us: We live a little south of Atlanta, and this was only our second cruise - our first one was a three nighter about three years ago on the Monarch, which for a few reasons (20+ foot swells, missing Coco Cay, etc) was not the best experience. Not to be a spoiler, but not that much time will pass until our next cruise! We had a wonderful time!


We were celebrating our 20th anniversary this trip, so our two kids (19 & 15) were invited to stay home this vacation. ;)


I thought it would be better overall to get the bad stuff over with first - that being the end of the vacation and back to normal life today, because as I sit here, all I can think of is my next vacation!:



Day 9 - aka "Back to the Grind" (not a typo, Day 1 will follow shortly)



The plus side of a Sunday to Sunday cruise is the need to only burn 5 vacation days. The down side is returning to work less than 24 hours after being on the ship. :mad:



Here is what I have been used to seeing every morning the last 7 days:





Here was what I saw this morning (along with 35 degree weather):





And my cube which was just how I left it:






I also learned that our employee cafeteria does not care that I have a SeaPass card with the Coke plan on it when I got a drink this morning. Some habits are heard to break!


Now that the Debbie Downer portion of the review is over with, I will head to the happy place in my mind and emerge later today with my Day 1 report!!





Home, sweet, home...

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Two questions:


1) How come swimming is not permitted at Adrenaline?


2) I love to collect small shells....did you see any at any of your pit stops?



1) I'm not 100% sure but I believe swimming isn't allowed because there are a lot of rocks out in the water along the beach. Also, there are no lifeguards out there, and maybe there are liability issues if there are people in the water under the zip liners.


2) Yes, we collected about 3-4 small shells in the water @ the Columbus Cove beach

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... Still working on the difference between port and starboard.


Waiting anxiously for the rest of your review!


Port = left (both have 4 letters) that is the only way I could remember. :rolleyes:


Works for me...

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cannot wait to hear the rest! My parents are going this weekend so I was doing a little research. I want to get them a giftcard or pay for an excursion - so I am super interested in what you all did.


PS: love looking at those pics. It was snowing here in ATL when i left for work!!! #jealous (And by snowing i mean small teeny tiny snow flurries or course)


Yes, its been brutal for me coming home to this weather! It was 29 this morning. That's cold for ATL @ the end of March.... :-(

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Thanks so much for sharing! We are also cruising on the Freedom this year, with a week at Kidani beforehand :) I can't wait!


Fun! We are taking the kids to WDW in July. It will be our first time in a Treehouse Villa. We're excited!

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In my last post I hit the six picture max, so here's another one from Labadee. Columbus Cove has a great view of the mountains! I went to college in Utah and live in Georgia, so I am used to mountains and / or beaches. This was the first time I have been at a beach with "mountains" right there on the water. Reminded me of Jurassic Park… :-)


View of the mountains from Columbus Cove:




After getting back to the ship, Jen wanted to go to Schooner's for the 4:00 Scattergories game. That was fun, but it was the most thinking I have had to do in 4-5 days so I'm glad I only had to do it for 30 minutes. :-) We did ok, finishing in the middle of the pack.


When Scattergories was finished and we were still dressed for the beach, we headed up to the Flowrider. Jen didn't want to do it, but I had to give it a try (boogie board - not surf). During boogie boarding, they have the divider set up which helps the line move along. Below is a photo of me shredding the waves! I did it twice, and the second time I had an epic wipeout. Glad there is no photographic evidence of that one. It made me feel old when a got some courtesy thumbs up from the 16 year olds in line. :-)


Flowrider (I'm the one in black):




After that, we got showered and changed and headed to the 7pm show of Now You See It in the Arcadia. The magician was Phillip Kaiser, and I would not miss this show! It was excellent. He has a great stage presence and gets the audience involved in the show. You can YouTube him if you want a preview. It is an all ages show and his tricks - make that illusions (sorry - that was an Arrested Development joke) range from up close card tricks with an audience member to disappearing type of illusions. Again, like the other Arcadia shows, this one runs about 55 minutes.


Our MTD reservation was 8:30, but we went directly from the show to dinner and were seated right away at 8:00. The MDR menu theme for today was Shiitake, which makes me laugh to say it out loud because it reminds me of that scene from Austin Powers from Goldmember. I know, I'm a 42 year old guy with the maturity of an 18 year old… :-)


We returned to the room to find our towel creation for the night hovering above the bed!


Towel Bat:




Now, I can go over the Labadee "excursions" that come to mind with some comments and pictures:


Floating Beach Mat - Although not an excursion, it is listed with them by RCI. Possibly the record holder for cheapest "excursion" :-). Over at Columbus Cove, the crowd was light enough in the water where there was plenty of room for people to peacefully float around. This is worth it if it is of interest.


Aqua Park - Accessed from Columbus Cove, it looks like a lot of fun for the kids. I believe it is divided up into several sessions through the day. They all looked well attended without being over crowded and there is a lot of staff supervision. Our kids would have loved it. Here's a cool photo with the FOS in the background:


Aqua Park:




Labadee Walking Tour - Some folks we talked to did this and said it was a total waste of time and money. It is basically a walk around the stuff that is on the Labadee maps that you will see over the course of the day for free. They were hoping for more of a historical discussion because there are some old buildings on the property from before RCI leased the area, but they did not get that.


Waterslide - This is accessed from the Columbus Cove area and looks to be pretty fun. I almost did it, but I couldn't talk myself out of my chair. :-) It is around $20 for unlimited rides that day and looked to never be crowded. It is something that can be purchased spur of the moment. No need to pay ahead for it.


Cabana Rentals - The ones available to all are at Nellie's Beach. They look awesome! I would pay for one if our whole family of four were on the cruise. It is a central place to get out of the sun as well as a place to keep all of our stuff in one place. To me it was too much to pay for just two of us. Looking back, I should have posted on the Roll Call board to see another couple wanted to go in halves on one!


Zipline - This is the activity that is likely the most polarizing one on the CC boards for Labadee. The pros are that it is an exhilarating ride down the mountain and across the water to the end and I would love to do it. The cons all revolve around the finance term called the "time value of money". The value comes into play in that $90 is very expensive (in zip lining terms) for what you get. As a contrast, last summer we went to Utah on vacation. Park City hosted the ski jumping for the 2002 Olympics. They built a zip line that follows the ski jumping course and is billed as the steepest zip line in the world (

) It also has a great view of the mountains:


The ski jumping ramps are behind the bush on the left



Now, this zip line @ Olympic Park costs $20 per ride. I could do that 5 times for the price of one ride in Labadee. The other factor discussed is time. From discussions here on CC, there is about a 2-3 hour time commitment between doing the practice zip line (near Nellie's Beach), the trucek ride up to the top, and the ride down).


That's why it seems to be a polarizing topic. Some people love it and the ride itself is I bet breathtaking. Others do not want to spend the $$$ and essentially half of their time in port for the 60-90 second ride. All a personal decision. In my case, I don't mind the time but it was the cost that held me back.


Zipline view from Adrenaline Beach:





That's all from Labadee! Next stop is Falmouth, Jamaica and our 20th anniversary day!





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In my last post I hit the six picture max, so here's another one from Labadee. Columbus Cove has a great view of the mountains! I went to college in Utah and live in Georgia, so I am used to mountains and / or beaches. This was the first time I have been at a beach with "mountains" right there on the water. Reminded me of Jurassic Park… :-)


Where did you go to school in Utah? I'm at Weber State right now!

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Today was our 20th anniversary and also the first of three days of ports that I had planned excursions for. You only get one shot at milestone events so I did A LOT of planning to try and make it a perfect few days. This is where major props come in for you great folks on the CC boards! Without this main RCI board, the various Ports of Call boards, and the FOS Roll Call board, I would have been lost!


My tip to everyone planning, get involved with these boards and it will make your lives a lot easier! I also used TripAdvisor a little to get some extra opinions.


Here's the daily forecast for Falmouth:


Partly Cloudy

High: 85

Humidity: 67%

Wind: ENE @ 13 mph

UV Index: 11 (extreme)


After a quick breakfast in the MDR, we headed up to the bow to watch us approach Falmouth.


Pulling into Falmouth (Navigator beat us to port):




Here are our excursion details:


Vendor: knowjamaica (Marva Shaw) http://knowjamaica.com

Tour Name: Falmouth-Trelawny

Size: 6 people

Cost: $45 pp + $20 pp for Dunn's River Falls admission


First a little plug for the tour company and how we found it. Marva Shaw's tour company is highest regarded Jamaica company on both CC and Trip Advisor. She is very easy to work with and the Falmouth-Trelawny tour is basically a day of telling the tour guide what you want to do or if you want you can ask him/her for suggestions and they will gladly offer them.


Also another plug for the CC forums. Originally it was just the two of us doing this tour, but some other cruisers found us on the roll call board and joined up with us. It was a lot of fun! We met up with Nancy, Les, and Nancy's brother and sister-in-law a few minutes before 10:00 and the six of us headed out and we were in the Falmouth shop area by 10:10.


We quickly found our driver / tour guide for the day - Avril. He was a great guide! Very funny and knowledgeable about the area. When I set up the tour, I said we wanted to go to Dunn's River Falls, lunch at an authentic jerk chicken place, and sightseeing in Ocho Rios to places like Ferngully.


We had a quick drive through Falmouth and out to the highway that runs the perimeter of the island. Dunn's River is about 2/3 of the way to Ocho Rios.


On the way to Dunn's River, Avril pulled over several times to show us some plants that are popular in Jamaica but not seen often or at all in the states. These included: castor bean plants, breadfruit trees, cashew trees, ackee trees, plantain trees, banana trees, and almond trees.


It was an unexpected but very enjoyable part of the tour as there were facts about these that I had never heard before (besides not knowing that breadfruit and ackee existed). Below are some of the pictures I took of some of these.


Castor Bean Plant:



Breadfruit Tree:



Almond Tree @ Discovery Bay:



Banana Tree - Bananas grow down (right side of pic) before they start growing up (left side of pic):




On the way, Avril also pulled over to show us a shack that was labeled "Future Wal-Mart". That was funny and will eventually be the 1st Wal-Mart on the island… :-)


"Future Wal-Mart":




To be continued….





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Before getting to Dunn's River Falls, we stopped for a few minutes at Columbus Park, located on a bluff overlooking beautiful Discovery Bay, which is thought to be where Christopher Columbus landed when he discovered Jamaica in 1494 (although as Avril pointed out, there were already people here when he "discovered" it) :-). It was here that I had my first almond fresh off the tree. Almonds are my favorite nut, so that was a lot of fun for me.


Columbus Park has a small walking loop fashioned into an open air type of museum with a pirate ship replica, old structures and examples of farming equipment and other different artifacts like cannons, sugar cane mills, anchors, and water wheels.



Water wheel and pirate ship in background:





Jen teasing me with an almond and a coat of arms from 1774:



Discovery Bay:




Next: Bring on the falls!!



To be continued….





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Dunn's River Falls is a really neat place. I know it is very "touristy", but since we were tourists there I guess it was meant to be. Also, come prepared to get wet at the minimum to waist / chest level. There are places where they stop at rest areas for pictures where you can get all wet if you want to. This is what we brought with us (the rest of the stuff: towels, shoes, socks, etc we left in Avril's van):


- small water proof case that was big enough to fit SeaPass, drivers license, and cash

- I bought a waterproof case for my iphone4 made by DicaPac (thanks to the CC camera forum!)

- We bought an inexpensive waterproof camera for photos - Nikon Coolpix S31

- watershoes


We got there around noon ship time and it was there that we met up with Marva and paid her for the tour and that sort of thing. She does a great job of keeping track of her tours. She called us twice during to day to check in and ask if we were having a good time!


After finishing up the accounting with Marva, Avril was on top of things as he led us to the "fast" line to buy our wristbands to get into the falls. If anyone is wondering, both Marva and the Falls took US currency, and we paid for everything that day in cash.


Avril then led us to the area where we meet up with a river guide to lead our group up the falls. Despite the $20 entry fee, the river guides work for tips as well. So keep that in mind when you plan and budget for the trip. We ended up giving our guide a $10 tip for the two of us. They then lead us down a series of steps down to the beach where the hike up the falls begins:





Be prepared to say "hot hot hot" a lot as the guides get the people excited to go. You also may want to keep saying hot hot hot to yourself because when you first step foot in the water it is cold cold cold! Funny thing is that the sensation of cold only lasts for about a minute or so, then it feels great.


We then proceeded up the falls. Each guide had a group of about 10-12 people that linked hands. The falls seemed crowded, but not over crowded. The guides did a good job of spacing the groups:





Not nearly as intimidating as it looks:





One of the guides and a great view of the ocean below:





About 2/3 of the way to the top looking down at the section below us:





We made it! No worries mon!





After that, we met up with the other half of the group that didn't climb and we all headed for Ocho Rios!



To be continued….





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Good to know the ATL will be well represented!

Have sailed on Freedom a number of times and look forward to another in September. Those pictures of the ATL surely did look familiar...........SO cold here lately. You'll just have to book another cruise soon and glad you enjoyed that beautiful ship!

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After the Falls, we dried off a bit and headed into Ocho Rios to get some lunch. I had requested a local place to get jerk chicken. I thought we would end up at Scotchies, but Avril took us to a place in the center of town called the Ocho Rios Jerk Centre.


Don't be fooled by the sign - they serve Coke products also… :-)




This is a great little place with a live band playing in the middle of the day. It is open air with a cool breeze running through it. We had jerk chicken wraps, with bottles of "Coke Light" and my new favorite snack - Jamaican Festivals! A festival can best be described as a cornbread fritter but it has sugar in it to give it some sweetness and deep fried in the shape of a skinny eclair. Apologies for no photo but they weren't around long enough to photograph! :-)


After lunch, Avril drove us up into Ferngully, which is an area that canopies the road with vegetation to create a very beautiful and unique ecosystem. The road is a former riverbed which dried up from an earthquake a hundred years ago. Although at some points it was very dimly lit, the word is that it was once so dense that some places were virtually dark during the day. There are many species of ferns and a lot of really neat trees that are huge and have 4-5 feet of roots exposed. There are also vendors that dot the few turnoffs along the way, some of whom sell some very interesting carvings… :-)


There is major road construction leading up to the fern gully entrance, which was another advantage to having a small group, because I don't think larger busses would have been able to make the trip.


Here is a sample photo of Ferngully:





After leaving Ferngully, Avril took us up into the hills where there was a cool scenic overlook of Ocho Rios. Just out of frame to the left in the picture below was the NCL Pearl docked in Ocho Rios:





After the drive in the hills, we headed back to Falmouth. We saw a lot of kids walking around after school in their uniforms. Avril told us that many of the schools are overcrowded, so some school kids do either a morning or afternoon shift. Jamaica is divided into 14 parishes. The school kids uniform color is unique to their parish. Falmouth is the capitol of the Trelawny parish.


All aboard time was 6:30, and Avril got us back to the port just before 5:30, so we had some time to pick up some souvenirs for the kids and parents in the Falmouth shopping area. Here's our ship looming over the shops:





While Jen was getting ready for the concert and dinner, I went down to Guest Services to see if they could help me out with a surprise anniversary gift of chocolate covered strawberries delivered to my room. I was skeptical that they could commit to it with 2 hours notice, but they got it done and it was a great after dinner surprise!


We got back to the ship where our entertainment for that night was announced by Drew Devine the night before. It was a concert in the Arcadia from a Bon Jovi cover band called Blaze of Glory. I'm not sure how long they have been on Freedom or how long they plan to be, but it wasn't on the list of entertainment that was available pre-cruise. They did 7:00 and 9:00 shows just like the other productions.


A couple of times he ventured into the crowd during songs:




Bon Jovi is one of our favorite bands, so we were excited to top off our anniversary day with a fun rock concert. They put on a great show. They did all of the Bon Jovi hits. It was scheduled to end at 7:50 when Drew came out, but he was "cheered" off the stage as everyone called for an encore. They ended up playing until 8:10, but no one with 2nd seating in the MDR seemed to mind. :-) We had 8:30 MTD reservations, so we were actually 20 mins early, but again were seated right away.


The MDR theme for the day was Pimiento. During dessert, our wait staff (Head, Main, and Asst.) all came over and sang a modified anniversary song to us.


We got back to the room where the strawberries were waiting for us, along with our animal of the day - romantic swans w/ a heart:





Today was the best anniversary ever! I hope the bar hasn't been set too high for future ones… :-)


Early day tomorrow as port tenders to George Town start at 8am!





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My cruise on the Freedom will be absolutely the best if the cover band Blaze of Glory is still on the entertainment list! I hope, I hope!!!!!!!!!


(Um, I'm a bit of a Bon Jovi fan...:D:D)


Thanks, Fletch, for giving me something to dream about!

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I am an early riser, at home and at sea. Really enjoy drinking coffee on deck, before others arise. After sunrise, I eat at WJ, then take DW breakfast in bed each morning. I might add, that the tips are pretty good for this service.:D

Edited by Georgiagolfer
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that's too funny...my wife and I will be on FOS in June, for our 20th anniversary as well.


Happy Anniversary fletch and mrs. fletch.




Congratulations on your anniversary cruise. DW and I will celebrate our 46th anniversary in June also. We went on our 1st cruise, Nordic Empress, for our 25th anniversary.:D

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that's too funny...my wife and I will be on FOS in June, for our 20th anniversary as well.


Happy Anniversary fletch and mrs. fletch.




Thank you very much! Congrats to you as well!


Regarding celebrations on the ship, I am probably a little spoiled by Disney. When we make Disney reservations, they ask if we are celebrating anything. For example for our 10th anniversary we spent a week at the Polynesian Resort and I told them that we were there for our 10th. When we got up to our room, there were balloons and a cake (complimentary) waiting for us!


When I booked the cruise on the RCI website, there is a place to notate a special event. I put our 20th anniversary in there, but there was nothing awaiting us. I was at least expecting a door sign or something.


There is plenty available, but it is all w/ a cost attached.


But to be fair to RCI, there are anywhere between 3000-5000 people on each of ships across the fleet, and probably at least half are there to celebrate a special event. If they did a lot of extras for each one, the labor and cost would be noticeable, so I'll let them off the hook. :)

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Where did you go to school in Utah? I'm at Weber State right now!


I went to BYU from 88-90, then I was living in Provo again in 1992. Got engaged and moved back to GA in 92 and we have been here ever since. I can honestly say that I miss the mountains!


Enjoy Weber - go Wildcats! :D

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I am an early riser, at home and at sea. Really enjoy drinking coffee on deck, before others arise. After sunrise, I eat at WJ, then take DW breakfast in bed each morning. I might add, that the tips are pretty good for this service.:D


Awwww sookie sookie now!

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