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Bridal Shower & Batcholette Party */*


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Good Evening Ladies Or Gents,


Do U have Ur hand in ANY of the Planning for Your Bridal Shower(BS) Or Batcholette Party(BP)?


If you do, When or Where is it? Weeks before you go on your Cruise? Or are U doing it in the State of Your Cruise?


I Do have my hand in Planning (well Not really lol but they did have 5 questions for me) Then told me they(MOH & 1 of my Cloest BM) will take it from here.. BS here at home BP in South Beach.. So with that being said, Has anyone DID a BP in South Beach? Did U get a Package, Was The Customer Services good.. Or do U have a Link?? Ok, Hope that wasnt to much.. I just didnt really see a Thread For this, And this can help us ALL, in every Port. Can't wait to here all the different answers*=*,

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Someone at work (who is going on the cruise) asked me a few weeks ago, since my sisters live out of state and I don't have any BM's or a MOH if I knew if someone was throwing me a shower. I said no, and then she asked if I wanted one... and of course one of my other co-workers said, "Miss I love being the center of attention, of course she does!" LOL.


So I have NO idea if anyone is planning one or not. Usually at work we do stuff like baby showers and bridal showers, but it honestly never dawned on me that someone might want to throw me one! I've only got 45 days left until the cruise, so if they are going to do it, I would think they would be doing it soon. I'll let you ladies know if they do.

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Good Evening Ladies Or Gents,


Do U have Ur hand in ANY of the Planning for Your Bridal Shower(BS) Or Batcholette Party(BP)?


If you do, When or Where is it? Weeks before you go on your Cruise? Or are U doing it in the State of Your Cruise?


I Do have my hand in Planning (well Not really lol but they did have 5 questions for me) Then told me they(MOH & 1 of my Cloest BM) will take it from here.. BS here at home BP in South Beach.. So with that being said, Has anyone DID a BP in South Beach? Did U get a Package, Was The Customer Services good.. Or do U have a Link?? Ok, Hope that wasnt to much.. I just didnt really see a Thread For this, And this can help us ALL, in every Port. Can't wait to here all the different answers*=*,


I had no hand in mine except handing over the guest list and helping to pick a date. Lol! My friend who planned everything really wanted it to be a surprise.


My parties were originally planned for 2 weeks before the wedding. But my twin, who's in the Air Force, had an exercise or something put on her calendar for that weekend. So we pushed it up to a date in February when she could attend (she lives in Louisiana and I'm in the DC area).


Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

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LOL, Awwww That sounds nice.. Im happy that she asked U that.. Im sure Most Brides do want a BS OR BP.... I Was a lil Cray Cray when me and my Wife went to do the Gift Registry But we ending up having a Good time:p My BS isn't until Aug 17 and the Wedding is Sept 8. So U have time for them to Surprise You :) I cant wait to here what happens :)


Someone at work (who is going on the cruise) asked me a few weeks ago, since my sisters live out of state and I don't have any BM's or a MOH if I knew if someone was throwing me a shower. I said no, and then she asked if I wanted one... and of course one of my other co-workers said, "Miss I love being the center of attention, of course she does!" LOL.


So I have NO idea if anyone is planning one or not. Usually at work we do stuff like baby showers and bridal showers, but it honestly never dawned on me that someone might want to throw me one! I've only got 45 days left until the cruise, so if they are going to do it, I would think they would be doing it soon. I'll let you ladies know if they do.

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I happy it worked out so everyone could be there and Party with you... Tell Twin B Thank U 4 her Services, and with that being said its so hard from them to plan things/life U just never know when something can come up/// Thats cute U got to pick the same things I did.. The reason that I pick the Date is so both of us would have a party the same night and so that all the Out of Towners could come down one trip.. (their all couples.)


Did U get Ur gifts at the BP or BS?


I had no hand in mine except handing over the guest list and helping to pick a date. Lol! My friend who planned everything really wanted it to be a surprise.


My parties were originally planned for 2 weeks before the wedding. But my twin, who's in the Air Force, had an exercise or something put on her calendar for that weekend. So we pushed it up to a date in February when she could attend (she lives in Louisiana and I'm in the DC area).


Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

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Good Evening Ladies Or Gents,


Do U have Ur hand in ANY of the Planning for Your Bridal Shower(BS) Or Batcholette Party(BP)?


If you do, When or Where is it? Weeks before you go on your Cruise? Or are U doing it in the State of Your Cruise?


I Do have my hand in Planning (well Not really lol but they did have 5 questions for me) Then told me they(MOH & 1 of my Cloest BM) will take it from here.. BS here at home BP in South Beach.. So with that being said, Has anyone DID a BP in South Beach? Did U get a Package, Was The Customer Services good.. Or do U have a Link?? Ok, Hope that wasnt to much.. I just didnt really see a Thread For this, And this can help us ALL, in every Port. Can't wait to here all the different answers*=*,

Hey Shatima! So for me, I have four bridesmaids and they planned/are planning and throwing both activities for me. I had my shower 2 weekends ago and it was great! Everyone had a blast. I also only was involved as far as picking the date and providing the guest list for who was to be invited. The shower was held in the city where I live. for the bachelorette party, that will be the weekend of the wedding in south Florida. I also for that helped picked the day (2 days before our wedding day) and who was to be invited. I chose to have it that weekend because with several friends in different cities/states, it just made the most sense to have it the weekend of the wedding when everyone would be there and able to join in the fun! I can't wait! :D

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There U go, U hit it RIGHT on the Nose.. Everyone in one Place/state makes it Easier... Honey We have to make sure WE have those Guest List on point!!!!


Im glad U had a Good time at Ur BS :) In South Beach Its going down.. Gotta find a Cute outfit for that night too.. lol.. I sooooo feel U.. I cant wait either..


Hey Shatima! So for me, I have four bridesmaids and they planned/are planning and throwing both activities for me. I had my shower 2 weekends ago and it was great! Everyone had a blast. I also only was involved as far as picking the date and providing the guest list for who was to be invited. The shower was held in the city where I live. for the bachelorette party, that will be the weekend of the wedding in south Florida. I also for that helped picked the day (2 days before our wedding day) and who was to be invited. I chose to have it that weekend because with several friends in different cities/states, it just made the most sense to have it the weekend of the wedding when everyone would be there and able to join in the fun! I can't wait! :D
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So because of this thread, I had a dream last night that I was supposed to go to work early at 7am and it ended up being a bridal shower! LOL. I was working 7am to 11am this week due to spring break for my son (long story) so I think that and this thread contributed to my dream!


I told a co-worker about it and she said... hmmm.. well you never know! :)

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So because of this thread, I had a dream last night that I was supposed to go to work early at 7am and it ended up being a bridal shower! LOL. I was working 7am to 11am this week due to spring break for my son (long story) so I think that and this thread contributed to my dream!


I told a co-worker about it and she said... hmmm.. well you never know! :)


LOL aww. Dream it honey. Maybe its comin b 4 u know it... Make sure u let us now the day it happens *(*

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I had absolutely no part in the planning of the bridal shower or bacherlette party other than knowing the dates so I could fly up to MA for them both. My bridal shower was very traditional and had more guests than my wedding haha. I had a great time at both :)





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I did not have either. No one who was coming to my wedding lives within driving distance of me. I couldn't ask people to fly here twice in a short time frame, and it would be pretty rude to expect a bridal shower from people I didn't even invite to my wedding. I felt bad enough asking a couple of my friends to come over for my hair/makeup trial!


Since I didn't invite a lot of people I wasn't expecting a lot of presents, but I have to admit that there are a few people who I kind of expected to send presents who didn't. That was not really important to me, but it's definitely something to keep in mind when planning a small wedding.

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I happy it worked out so everyone could be there and Party with you... Tell Twin B Thank U 4 her Services, and with that being said its so hard from them to plan things/life U just never know when something can come up/// Thats cute U got to pick the same things I did.. The reason that I pick the Date is so both of us would have a party the same night and so that all the Out of Towners could come down one trip.. (their all couples.)


Did U get Ur gifts at the BP or BS?


I will tell her. She'd appreciate that. Thank you!


I got my presents at the bridal shower, which was the same day as my bach party.


Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

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Woow, Congrats On doing Doing School.. That's Big.. I wish U well With it All :) I say Have it when U can have, it and have fun..


Hey girl,


My shower is June 28th a little early but I am working full time and completing my masters this summer do my open weekends are far a few lol. I am super excited for my shower as I hope everyone who can't come to my wedding will be there!

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Thanks So much.. There is nothing I love more then to see some pix.. Looks like Yall had fun :)


I had absolutely no part in the planning of the bridal shower or bacherlette party other than knowing the dates so I could fly up to MA for them both. My bridal shower was very traditional and had more guests than my wedding haha. I had a great time at both :)
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Np, Oh yours was the same day, Mines will be two different days but Im guessing BS will be where I get them..


I will tell her. She'd appreciate that. Thank you!


I got my presents at the bridal shower, which was the same day as my bach party.


Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi! I had my BP this weekend. The only things I had a say in were the date and guests. My girlfriends handled the rest. We live in GA so we went to the mountains and got a cabin right on a waterfall(beautiful) with a hot tub. When I arrived they had the entire house decorated in Pink and Black. It was so cute. Boas, table cloths, paper lanterns. And my MOH's DH is a photographer. He took pics of all of us girls over the years and photo shopped them so they were black and white with just little hints of color in specific places and they were in black frames all over the place. We had wine glasses with pink and black polk a dots and each of our names on our glass. I had two (one choc and one vanilla) penis cakes that, to all of our surprises(even the one that ordered them) were cream filled. It was so funny.


My MOH and I both think alike. I made a weekend survival kit(as a thank you gift) for each of them with pepto, aspirin, brush, mirror, lip gloss, gum, nail file and polish, some candy and some spf. I bought all of these items at the dollar store and will be happy to share my rhymes if anyone wants to copy. My MOH made all of us baskets with similar things along with a blinged out cup and a small bottle of wine and PINK liquor of some kind. They pitched in and put together a "gag" box with honeymoon stuff inside (funny). We played a few games, the most fun was "Pin the Junk on the Hunk" the "junk" is sooo funny!


My BS is the end of this month. It will also be pink and black and that is all I know :) I wish you all well! Enjoy this special time for the two of you!

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WOOOW I love the sounds of UR pix, and that was so very nice of him... having Memories are a Blessing.. Your Gurls did the dern thing.. And I love your kit, May I please know your Rhymes? Penis Cakes with Filling funny.....




Hi! I had my BP this weekend. The only things I had a say in were the date and guests. My girlfriends handled the rest. We live in GA so we went to the mountains and got a cabin right on a waterfall(beautiful) with a hot tub. When I arrived they had the entire house decorated in Pink and Black. It was so cute. Boas, table cloths, paper lanterns. And my MOH's DH is a photographer. He took pics of all of us girls over the years and photo shopped them so they were black and white with just little hints of color in specific places and they were in black frames all over the place. We had wine glasses with pink and black polk a dots and each of our names on our glass. I had two (one choc and one vanilla) penis cakes that, to all of our surprises(even the one that ordered them) were cream filled. It was so funny.


My MOH and I both think alike. I made a weekend survival kit(as a thank you gift) for each of them with pepto, aspirin, brush, mirror, lip gloss, gum, nail file and polish, some candy and some spf. I bought all of these items at the dollar store and will be happy to share my rhymes if anyone wants to copy. My MOH made all of us baskets with similar things along with a blinged out cup and a small bottle of wine and PINK liquor of some kind. They pitched in and put together a "gag" box with honeymoon stuff inside (funny). We played a few games, the most fun was "Pin the Junk on the Hunk" the "junk" is sooo funny!


My BS is the end of this month. It will also be pink and black and that is all I know :) I wish you all well! Enjoy this special time for the two of you!

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WOOOW I love the sounds of UR pix, and that was so very nice of him... having Memories are a Blessing.. Your Gurls did the dern thing.. And I love your kit, May I please know your Rhymes? Penis Cakes with Filling funny.....


It is a little on the corny side, but my girls got a kick out of it. I went to the dollar store and picked up the plastic shiny chinese take out boxes and filled them with each of the items mentioned


Because you all are so great to give me this party and celebrate

I wanted to give back a little bit so I made a wkend survival kit

There's a mirror and brush to help you look cute when your done digging through all of your loot

To help make sure your lips look fine, I've added some gloss to make them shine

if a nail you should crack, just take a look inside your pack. No need to say "Oh Lord" because I have added an emory board.

Speaking of nails, tips and toes is where your pretty pink polish goes.

And because you are so sweet, I have included a chocolaty treat.

I am sure you realize, before you eat you need to sanitize.

Got bad breath? I've got a plan, keep some juicy fruit on hand.

If you happen to eat too much, pepto will help you keep down your lunch.

And if you've had too much wine...Aspirin will help you feel just fine

By now you must be thinking "what could be left?" Just a little SPF


While I've got you all in one spot, I want you to know this really means a lot.

I love you all more than words can say. And now I am finished rhyming for today :)

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i loveeeeeeeeeeeeee it, and thank you bc im gonna use it :) lol u did say u dont mind right? Lol wooow u really did that!!!!!! (meaning it was so nice to me) thank you sooooo much ree1009 u rock




it is a little on the corny side, but my girls got a kick out of it. I went to the dollar store and picked up the plastic shiny chinese take out boxes and filled them with each of the items mentioned


because you all are so great to give me this party and celebrate

i wanted to give back a little bit so i made a wkend survival kit

there's a mirror and brush to help you look cute when your done digging through all of your loot

to help make sure your lips look fine, i've added some gloss to make them shine

if a nail you should crack, just take a look inside your pack. No need to say "oh lord" because i have added an emory board.

Speaking of nails, tips and toes is where your pretty pink polish goes.

And because you are so sweet, i have included a chocolaty treat.

I am sure you realize, before you eat you need to sanitize.

Got bad breath? I've got a plan, keep some juicy fruit on hand.

If you happen to eat too much, pepto will help you keep down your lunch.

And if you've had too much wine...aspirin will help you feel just fine

by now you must be thinking "what could be left?" just a little spf


while i've got you all in one spot, i want you to know this really means a lot.

I love you all more than words can say. And now i am finished rhyming for today :)

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i loveeeeeeeeeeeeee it, and thank you bc im gonna use it :) lol u did say u dont mind right? Lol wooow u really did that!!!!!! (meaning it was so nice to me) thank you sooooo much ree1009 u rock


I am glad you like it. Yes, by all means, use it! I love helping when I can! I knew they had been planning for a while and a "gag" type gift is awesome for my peeps. They are great.

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10 4.. I love to help and share too.. Yeah alot of work goes into planning party's so they should get a lil something, on top of the bm gift's :)


i am glad you like it. Yes, by all means, use it! I love helping when i can! I knew they had been planning for a while and a "gag" type gift is awesome for my peeps. They are great.
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Hi! I had my BP this weekend. The only things I had a say in were the date and guests. My girlfriends handled the rest. We live in GA so we went to the mountains and got a cabin right on a waterfall(beautiful) with a hot tub. When I arrived they had the entire house decorated in Pink and Black. It was so cute. Boas, table cloths, paper lanterns. And my MOH's DH is a photographer. He took pics of all of us girls over the years and photo shopped them so they were black and white with just little hints of color in specific places and they were in black frames all over the place. We had wine glasses with pink and black polk a dots and each of our names on our glass. I had two (one choc and one vanilla) penis cakes that, to all of our surprises(even the one that ordered them) were cream filled. It was so funny.


My MOH and I both think alike. I made a weekend survival kit(as a thank you gift) for each of them with pepto, aspirin, brush, mirror, lip gloss, gum, nail file and polish, some candy and some spf. I bought all of these items at the dollar store and will be happy to share my rhymes if anyone wants to copy. My MOH made all of us baskets with similar things along with a blinged out cup and a small bottle of wine and PINK liquor of some kind. They pitched in and put together a "gag" box with honeymoon stuff inside (funny). We played a few games, the most fun was "Pin the Junk on the Hunk" the "junk" is sooo funny!


My BS is the end of this month. It will also be pink and black and that is all I know :) I wish you all well! Enjoy this special time for the two of you!


Omg that's awesome! Very cute and clever! If I had a bridal party I would totally borrow this. Maybe I can change a verse or two and make it for wedding guests!

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