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No fooling - It's the April 1st weigh-in


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Down 2 lbs. Total for 3 weeks is 9 lbs. Need to lose 5 more in the next 2 weeks.


<applet code="countdown.class" CODEBASE="http://*************/java-sys" width="203" height="25">

<param name="font" value="lcdb0">

<param name="year" value=2004>

<param name="month" value=4>

<param name="day" value=17>

<param name="hour" value=16>




Sovereign of the Seas (11/89)

Monarch of the Seas (8/99)

Norwegian Sea (7/02)

Carnival Glory (4/17/04)


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Can I join in?????


Started thinking about my weight when I was at a superbowl party and could have rested the snack bowl on my stomach while sitting. It totally grossed me out. I'm a former collegiate baseball player....and I've always prided myself on staying in "Fairly" good shape.


When the aforementioned phenomenon occurred.....I have to think I was in the 230lb. range. I had to visit the Doc for a sinus infection, shortly thereafter, and found myself at 226lbs.


I bought a treadmill.....and I've been religiously hitting it 5, sometimes 6, days a week for periods of not less than 30 minutes.


I weighed in @ 208lbs, Sunday.....but was @ 209, yesterday. I hope I haven't "Plateau'd", yet. I wanted to be sub 200 by the time I boarded the Mariner on the 18th of this month.


After consulting my physician on March 15th (Physical), we decided on only counting calories and exercise. To maintain my current weight.....I'm allowed 2,222 calories per day. Since tht time....I haven't had a day in which I exceeded 1,900. I've gotten by on as few as 1,250.


Your stories are inspiring. Keep up the good work.



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Welcome JLI. This is the place to be to stay motivated for sure! I liked your superbowl snackbowl story.

Which would make an interesting topic...What was your "moment of truth?"

Mine was on Valentine's Day night when my DH was taking me out for dinner. I put on a dress that I had worn before, but not for awhile. Talk about April Fool's! I thought the mirror had turned into one of those "funny" distorted mirrors. I looked terrible. Bulged all over. So I decided to do something about it before our cruise. I set a goal, found this wonderful board and began working at it. I'm slow, but steady and people are noticing my weight loss. icon_smile.gif

DH is dieting too, and together we're encouraging each other.



Majesty of the Seas 06/01

Monarch of the Seas 06/02

Explorer of the Seas 05/03

Navigator of the Seas 06/05/04

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JLI, I too started my "healthier" ways as the result of a health issue, mine was high cholesteral. Welcome to this board, even though I have not posted a lot, I lurk all the time.


In 90 days both my weight and cholesteral are down and I am fitting into clothes I could not last year.




Last Cruise -- Maasdam - E. Carrib - 11/03

Next Cruise -- Volendam - Eastfarer - 12/04

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I am sorry to say I stayed the same. Hopefully it is an April Fool prank and tomorrow 2 pounds will havee disappeared. Oh well, I can dream.

Congrats to those who lost and hang in there for the rest of us.




<applet code="countdown.class" CODEBASE="http://*************/java-sys" width="203" height="25">

<param name="font" value="lcdb0">

<param name="year" value=2005>

<param name="month" value=2>

<param name="day" value=9>

<param name="hour" value=12>



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Happy to report I lost 2 more of my cruise gain. Another 2 to go to be at pre-cruise, then 20 until real goal. When is this current pledge ending? I think June ?, but I can't remember. Anyway, I want to shed another 8 by then. I am having so much trouble getting my mind set back since the cruise is over. Temptations are everywhere, and I am finding more excuses both to eat poorly and to avoid exercise. Help me get back on track. I am tired of always being hungry...

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Some one must be playing an awful April Fool's joke on me because the scale said it was up 4 pounds icon_frown.gif Not sure how that could be but we'll blame it on water weight and try harder next week.


<applet code="countdown.class" CODEBASE="http://*************/java-sys" width="203" height="25">

<param name="font" value="lcdb0">

<param name="year" value=2005>

<param name="month" value=4>

<param name="day" value=15>

<param name="hour" value=12>


Ryndam 15 Apr 2005

Oosterdam 4 Jan 2004

Zuiderdam 29 Mar 2003

Ryndam - Dec 2000

Noordam - Dec 1993

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Same here MrsSparticusicon_frown.gif up 3.5 for only a .5 pound loss for the two weeks. Water is all I can come up with. I had a real good eating week, I thought.




Paradise, 9-5-04

Holiday, 4-10-04

Inspiration, 11-30-03

Inspiration, 1-26-03


Sensation, 11-28-98

Holiday, 3-19-94




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Didn't get a chance to post after my weighin yesterday...... Drum roll please.... After one week on slim4life I officially lost 5.75 lbs. I know mostly water weight but still a loss and that is encouraging. I can tell a difference in how my pants fit. Now to increase the physical activity. (excercise which I despise) But I know it's important to my weight loss program.


Congratulations to all the losers icon_cool.gif

Hang in there to all the gainers and plateauers.

Just curious how much weight loss or how many weeks till I can expect to hit a plateau? I know enough to know that there will be one.


5.75 down 91.25 left...... icon_eek.gif


Have a good weekend everyone. We finally got some long needed rain here in Colorado hopefully our forestfire is out..... Sue



Serenade of the Seas Hubbard Glacier Cruise


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Sue thats a great start. Congratulations!


Suzy it is called SWIFT and ends June 21st if I remember right.




Paradise, 9-5-04

Holiday, 4-10-04

Inspiration, 11-30-03

Inspiration, 1-26-03


Sensation, 11-28-98

Holiday, 3-19-94




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sue, congrats.
that is a great way to start a new WOE.

34 down, 187 to go

gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now.....hurry december!!!

scandanavian cruise line 1987
cape canaviral - 1995
carnival jubilee - sept 2002
[img]http://escati.linkopp.net/cgi-bin/countdown.cgi?trgb=000000&srgb=00ff00&prgb=ff00ff&cdt=2004;12;26;16;00;00&timezone=GMT-0500[/img]  days to go!!!!!!
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