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Meet and Greets


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Is the gift supposed to represent your area? We are doing a $20 gift exchange for our PC cruise next April. $20 is an easier amount. More choices. But for $10, I would consider a wine bottle caddy or wine bottle opener, a t shirt, art if you are artistic. I am making Raku (pottery) ornaments representing Illinois.


Good luck.

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I think it would be nice to receive something that is representative of your area. A special jar of local jam, a spice mix for a chip dip or casserole, perhaps a kitchen towel (nothing too tacky of course:)) or anything else easy to pack to and from. Or you could wrap up the price of an onboard cocktail and a photo from a magazine to show what the money's for....

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I think the gift exchanges can be challenging because you do not want someone to be disappointed. I gave a mug and t-shirt for our Philly one. I love the idea of a drink or photo coupon.


I received an Amish cookbook and loved what I received.

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We did this on our RCI cruise back in 2007. Some brought local stuff and others were artists and painted stuff. We put our bags up on the stage of Ellington's Bar very top of Mariner of the seas and we all went up and grabbed a bag then left ours....I got two small watercolors paintings from the artist in our group.


I brought things from Florida magnet, sunscreen, germ X, chocolate covered coconut patties, downy wrinkle releaser etc.


I would like maybe a Christmas Ornament, cruise care package etc..


Its all in fun so folks will like whatever you do. Get one of those mazes that you can put the money in and then someone will have to work to get it out lol....

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Have done lots of these and usually have always given or received something local from your area or state. Such as:


Cleveland Browns Christmas ornament

Pittsburgh Steelers Tshirt

Bottle of local wine

Local wine glasses

Embossed local wine opener

Hot sauce collection from Texas

drink coupons

Local cook book

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Always fun and we do it with a twist!;) I've done shirts, drink and photo coupons, and local coffee!:) If interested; here's how we play!;)


Everyone who brings a gift picks a number from the hat which is the order for picking a gift. Now here’s the twist. After the first person picks, the second person can either pick a wrapped gift, or take the gift from person #1. If the second person takes the gift from #1, #1 picks a new wrapped gift. Then person #3 has the choice of the known gifts; or picks a new wrapped gift. So; when we pick the numbers, you want a high number so you’ll basically get to choose from all the gifts! Play nice and sign up!;)

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Always fun and we do it with a twist!


Everyone who brings a gift picks a number from the hat which is the order for picking a gift. Now here’s the twist. After the first person picks, the second person can either pick a wrapped gift, or take the gift from person #1. If the second person takes the gift from #1, #1 picks a new wrapped gift. Then person #3 has the choice of the known gifts; or picks a new wrapped gift. So; when we pick the numbers, you want a high number so you’ll basically get to choose from all the gifts! Play nice and sign up!;)


We did it this way too and had a blast!!

Have fun!! :D

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Always fun and we do it with a twist!;) I've done shirts, drink and photo coupons, and local coffee!:) If interested; here's how we play!;)


Everyone who brings a gift picks a number from the hat which is the order for picking a gift. Now here’s the twist. After the first person picks, the second person can either pick a wrapped gift, or take the gift from person #1. If the second person takes the gift from #1, #1 picks a new wrapped gift. Then person #3 has the choice of the known gifts; or picks a new wrapped gift. So; when we pick the numbers, you want a high number so you’ll basically get to choose from all the gifts! Play nice and sign up!;)


Three twists we have added to this at a Disney Pin Trading weekend I go to twice a year (We call it "Let's Make a Steal"):


1. When you try to steal someone's gift, you have to pull a slip of paper from a hat. It will either say "no" or "go." If Go, you can steal, if No, you pick a gift.


2. An item can only be stolen 3 times and then it is out of play. No one can take it


3. After each perso has played, the person who went first gets their pick of everything the has been opened and is still in play!


The first two speed the game along a bit as we play with nearly 60 people each time! It's a really fun game!

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not impressed with the gift exchange - it just takes way too long and distracts from the point of the meet and greet - which is to meet people.

did a M&G on the breeze and we all arranged to meet at the bar at the back from boarding until sail away - got chance to meet with plenty of people and actually chat to them.. I thought it worked out much better than an organized m&g with gifts etc.

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Travel mugs come in handy during a cruise yet many forget to pack them. You can team it up with a coffee gift card too.


In the past, our "Yankee Auctions" or gift exchanges have involved hometown items or things that are useful on cruises. I've seen items including scrapbooks, journals, cruise-related books and over-the-door shoe holders to store items in tight bathrooms. Happy shopping! :)

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not impressed with the gift exchange - it just takes way too long and distracts from the point of the meet and greet - which is to meet people.

did a M&G on the breeze and we all arranged to meet at the bar at the back from boarding until sail away - got chance to meet with plenty of people and actually chat to them.. I thought it worked out much better than an organized m&g with gifts etc.


We tried the gift exchange one cruise and was not totally successful. Some either forgot to bring a gift or didn't bring one. They seemed to feel awkward. Best M&G was on Liberty when we did a 1 hour open bar. Had 60 + to attend.
We usually have one or two M&G's and have the gift exchange at a cocktail party!;) This way everybody's happy and it doesn't take long at all!:D My next is in October and can't wait!:eek:
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