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Driving from Baltimore to Cape Liberty 10/27/13


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After getting stuck in traffic for 8 hours on a trip that should have taken 4, I need to know if there are any events that could affect traffic going from Baltimore to Bayonne on 10/27/2013.


Back story: We were driving to Ocean City, MD this summer and got stuck in traffic for the Firefly Festival in Dover, DE. What a mess. We sat, not moving for HOURS! Definitely trying to avoid that type of situation when drive to the port for our cruise which leaves on the 27th. We won't have the luxury of having the ship wait for us if we get stuck in such a mess.


Any locals out there know of any festivals, large sporting events, concerts, construction, etc that would/might have an adverse affect of the flow of traffic that day? It's a Sunday and we stay on the major highways 95, 13 and 295.


This will be our 3rd trip on the Explorer and we've never had a problem, but I just wanted to make sure there were no Firefly fiasco's in our future. It usually takes us a little less than 3 hours from house to port, so hopefully it will be uneventful.


I've done some internet searches, but luckily have come up with nothing that looks like it would be a problem.


Thank you to all the DE, NJ locals who might be able to give me some input!

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... Any locals out there know of any festivals, large sporting events, concerts, construction, etc that would/might have an adverse affect of the flow of traffic that day? It's a Sunday and we stay on the major highways 95, 13 and 295.


This will be our 3rd trip on the Explorer and we've never had a problem, but I just wanted to make sure there were no Firefly fiasco's in our future. It usually takes us a little less than 3 hours from house to port, so hopefully it will be uneventful ...


From Baltimore to Cape Liberty in 3 hours is reasonable on an early Sunday morning drive, except for holidays - for which yours isn't. But, it is still too close for comfort - used to do lots of weekend commuting between DCA and NY and "normal" traffic is unpredictable - bad weather, bus or jack-knifed tractor-trailer will ruin it for tens of thousands of road warriors on the Turnpike / I-95 corridor. I would allow at least 3 1/2 hour with a stop for restroom, gasoline or driver switch.


There are no major events on the Jersey side that I know of, as you are NOT coming into NYC via the bridges or tunnels - and if you are GPS-assisted and/or familiar with getting into the Port once you exit the NJTP - you are fine.


I would check that weekend's last minute traffic alert on one of our local network TV/news station for any advisories - and have someone check the NJPK website & if necessary, the live webcam links on a smartphone, NOT by the driver but by a passenger acting as co-pilot/navigator as you continue to head north in the morning - as it sounded like you wanted to play it safe & not take chances.




Leaving BWI area at 7 AM on a leisure drive, with a stop or two, should put you at or very close to Cape Liberty by 10:30 to 11 AM - just about right for being there early, dropoff the luggage, park the car & check-in early (unless you have priorities or status ...) - wait for your Boarding Zone # to be call & take the short shuttle bus over to the EOS (we're on her last May)

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Thank you for your response and especially for the NJ Turnpike website. It sounds like we should be fine. I forgot to mention that we usually leave a little before 8am, so you are spot on for your advice.


Thanks! I do plan to be a co-pilot for my hubby while he drives as I recently upgraded to a smart phone!


Good advice!

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