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.......idle jottings


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Here blondie and ho hum "rock up" to dinner with Zimmy and Lady Z (or has ho hum got it the wrong way round).

Ho hum and blondie are wearing outfits designed by Abenaki.


Wow - the photo is good likeness of you both.


In reality blondies legs are even loooooooooonger ... ;)


But dearest ho-hum, what kind of "defect" did gcmv descry?


You wear WHITE shoes for dinner - SORRY, but this is a nogo! :eek:

Fashion advisor Abenaki - please take over! :D

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Dearest ho-hum,

gcmv did an internet research about EUROPA 2 especially for my best matey - here is the result (found on cc):




I think it is a great, well-balanced review written by a Non-German cruiser on a German ship - perhaps also interesting for all your other chums ... :rolleyes:


Any amusing news about the Netherland family on board SD II?

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We are at anchor from early morning overlooking some of the finest waters ho hum has ever seen. Dark blues, turquoises, white caps, reefs and a backdrop of a splattering of various verdant islands all under a wispy white partly clouded sky set against deep blue with a fresh wind creating the most perfect of temperatures.


Heaven !


Ho hum and blondie have remained onboard in blissful solitude after a leisurely breakfast with a cold tumbler of Pellegrino and lemon twist balanced on the edge of the glass. Our fellow passengers are off snorkelling, re-enacting scenes from "Pirates of the Caribbean" (some scenes were shot here) or they will be partaking of fresh grilled lobster on the beach, remnants on land being gobbled up by large lizards, remnants thrown into the sea woofed down by majestic stingrays gliding inches under the clear waters.


There was some talk of the atrocities in Paris around breakfast time and mostly we are dismayed by the aggressive intolerance of radicalised religious zealots going around doing "Gods work" ! Just reporting the mood, no intention of adding anything else.


Well "Gods work" stretched out before us on such a fine day leaves one feeling so appreciative to be in this part of the world.....truly beautiful.


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Ho Hum,


Sounds like a very interesting couple to have dinner with! We have also stayed at A terrific hotel called Ladera. (Bang ) high up, right between the Pitons.

The views from the terrace at the bar are breathtaking!! And the rooms only have 3 walls...the fourth , open to the elements....it's all very captivating...until the sun goes down...haha... Then the big things begin to fly!! :eek:

But still... So hard to forget that view! 🌺

So, we have hit -27.c here in Montreal! With the wind chill, feels more like a balmy -35. Anyone of you are more than welcome to visit!! LOL

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Ho Hum,


The name Colin Tennant rings a bell actually!


There was big news in the local papers in St.Lucia when he passed away...

Supposedly, he left his fortune to his man servant ( Adonai ) a St.Lucian. leaving his heirs furious! Adonai devoted his life to Colin Tennant! Even sleeping on the floor beside his bed while they traveled. Now, the family seem hell bent on discrediting this poor soul. I Love this story!! Quite the interesting man, your Mr. Tennant! 😊

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Echo KathyandDanny, -29C here in our aerie this AM. Wind chill ... -37C



Do hope you will all think of us as you sip your Didier Dagueneau Silex on the aft deck gazing at the

azure seas.


Keep an eye open for our dear friend Penny Rose (from the posh UK burbs) who did the costumes

for all the "Pirates of the Caribbean" flicks. She hangs her hat in St. Vincents when she is not

working in la cinema or chilling with Johnny Depp.


Sounds like the crew additions are a hit. Can't wait to audition the pianist, as I need a

new sideman for my nightly gig at the bar. Maybe I can now increase the cover charge!

Viva Sinatra.


Love the decoupage on madams bosom or is it!








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Ho Hum,


Sounds like a very interesting couple to have dinner with! We have also stayed at A terrific hotel called Ladera. (Bang ) high up, right between the Pitons.

The views from the terrace at the bar are breathtaking!! And the rooms only have 3 walls...the fourth , open to the elements....it's all very captivating...until the sun goes down...haha... Then the big things begin to fly!! :eek:

But still... So hard to forget that view! 🌺

So, we have hit -27.c here in Montreal! With the wind chill, feels more like a balmy -35. Anyone of you are more than welcome to visit!! LOL


Hit 80F yesterday and not a cloud. Of course we are inundated with Canadians that are unable to tolerate the weather at home.:eek::D

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A gracious good morning to you...... Thank you for the Blondie shoe reports. New, they seem to be. At last some topical reporting on the part of HO. On another note, is there still English Bacon in the larder?


The shoes have seen several seasons actually my dear friend and quite a few when you have sailed with us but we shall talk no more about it and your normally feluable memory instead ho hum will jump to the subject of vittels.


Yes there is a whole side of English, smoked, back bacon with a thick rind in the larder alongside English butter, a keg of English ale and a west country cheddar wheel.

Talking of bacon. Your Canadian bacon...who in Gods name came up with this bland concoction ?

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Wow - the photo is good likeness of you both.


In reality blondies legs are even loooooooooonger ... ;)


But dearest ho-hum, what kind of "defect" did gcmv descry?


You wear WHITE shoes for dinner - SORRY, but this is a nogo! :eek:

Fashion advisor Abenaki - please take over! :D


The shoes were worn on "Caribbean Night" !

A relaxation of standards is actually encouraged my dear friend.

Ho hum hopes you are now fully at ease with this explanation and seeking recourse with Abenaki can be avoided, anyway he can't even remember blondie's shoes !

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Ho Hum,


The name Colin Tennant rings a bell actually!


There was big news in the local papers in St.Lucia when he passed away...

Supposedly, he left his fortune to his man servant ( Adonai ) a St.Lucian. leaving his heirs furious! Adonai devoted his life to Colin Tennant! Even sleeping on the floor beside his bed while they traveled. Now, the family seem hell bent on discrediting this poor soul. I Love this story!! Quite the interesting man, your Mr. Tennant! 😊


You know as much as Lord G who made all the headlines, it was Lady G who kept the family together and a sense of decorum even though she lost three of her children in terrible circumstances.

And quite rightly she fought to obtain what her family deserved whilst also rewarding Lord G's attendant commensurately.


"Alls well that ends well"

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Wow - the photo is good likeness of you both.


In reality blondies legs are even loooooooooonger ... ;)


But dearest ho-hum, what kind of "defect" did gcmv descry?


You wear WHITE shoes for dinner - SORRY, but this is a nogo! :eek:

Fashion advisor Abenaki - please take over! :D


Ho hum should have advised that the white shoes were worn for Caribbean Night when a more colourful outfit is de rigeur.

Certainly no need to call Abenaki, he gave up on ho hum quite sme time ago despite ho hum hanging on his every word.

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Dearest ho-hum,

gcmv did an internet research about EUROPA 2 especially for my best matey - here is the result (found on cc):




I think it is a great, well-balanced review written by a Non-German cruiser on a German ship - perhaps also interesting for all your other chums ... :rolleyes:


Any amusing news about the Netherland family on board SD II?


Thankyou gcmv for researching Europa 2.

Ho hum has two concerns following reading the reviews:

1. German food

2. Lack of efficient sound proofing between cabins.

3. Having to dress in lederhausen for breakfast ! Ho hum has not the knees for such a display.


Of course ho hum needs to check the menus, he is certain the menu/s would be international.


Surely you dont wish me to gossip about our fellow passengers !!!


But between us. The group from the "Low Country" are livi g up to their name !

No ho hum jests (jokes).... They have behaved without complaint though the doting father likes to parade around with baby on ocassions. But really no problem.


Another group on the other hand have become a tad fractious between one another.

They resemble characters one would imagine as US bounty hunters, car re-possession men and women, ex-wrestlers, pawn shop employeees. They wear t-shirts with logos displaying their attitude to life, Obama etc...

The table next to us contained seven members and it was like being on a Jerry Springer set !

The "talk" would become animated and accusatory to some participants then one would tell the other to "shut up" who would then reply by saying "no you shut up" which would then prompt the senior alpha male to inform both of them to "both of you shut up". It would go quiet. Then the first "lady" would mutter something and the second "lady" would react and it would alll start over again !

They slouched back in their chairs and wore sleeveless t-shirts to accentuate the many tatoos on their arms. They had moustaches which would wrap around the chin into short beards: dont know what the term is but ot gives a very hostile appearance. The "ladies" beards were less prominent !

They orderd full fat Coke and a bucket of chicken wings !


Ho hum and blondie tried to appear wholly oblivious to their presence and un-aware of their conversation in case we became the object of these persons. Ho hum tried interacting on a few occasions like saying "what a lovely evening" and received the reply "yep" as they looked straight ahead, seemingly incapable of eye contact.

They are always falling down with great big thumps ! And when assisted they laugh it off blaming the ground, the step anything except there inability to walk upright. Some of the other group members do mingle-ish and are pleasant enough. Bet they cant wait to get back to their "normal" lives though. The waiting crew and bar crew are most attentive and chatty with them and try to make them feel as welcome as possible. Several of the ladies had a fun evening at disco night and were all having a great time but they kept to themselves.


They were quiet most of the time and seemed a tad un-comfortable at cocktails and dinner. Do nt think this was their kind of thing if ho hum's honest.


But really they were fine. God bless every one of them. At least they will have something to tell their chums about when they return home.


There are a pair of guests that are considerably worse.....and English.

And there are another two "gentleman" from a Baltic country who was quite rude and another who piled up the caviar in a tower on his plate of six blinis !


The latter persons had probably had much more advantage in life and access to better education but in ho hum's opinion their conduct was worse.


Ho hum himself was the cause of one of them that our table of four at dinner ladt night was too loud and they left after giving stares of disgust at ho hum. They are right ho hum laughs very loudly.


So you see we all have this potential to be perceived as irritants though really guys nobody has been a real problem and the vast majority are a most courteous crowd.....yes really.

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Oh, my!


Thankyou gcmv for researching Europa 2.

Ho hum has two concerns following reading the reviews:

1. German food

2. Lack of efficient sound proofing between cabins.

3. Having to dress in lederhausen for breakfast ! Ho hum has not the knees for such a display.


Of course ho hum needs to check the menus, he is certain the menu/s would be international.


Surely you dont wish me to gossip about our fellow passengers !!!


But between us. The group from the "Low Country" are livi g up to their name !

No ho hum jests (jokes).... They have behaved without complaint though the doting father likes to parade around with baby on ocassions. But really no problem.


Another group on the other hand have become a tad fractious between one another.

They resemble characters one would imagine as US bounty hunters, car re-possession men and women, ex-wrestlers, pawn shop employeees. They wear t-shirts with logos displaying their attitude to life, Obama etc...

The table next to us contained seven members and it was like being on a Jerry Springer set !

The "talk" would become animated and accusatory to some participants then one would tell the other to "shut up" who would then reply by saying "no you shut up" which would then prompt the senior alpha male to inform both of them to "both of you shut up". It would go quiet. Then the first "lady" would mutter something and the second "lady" would react and it would alll start over again !

They slouched back in their chairs and wore sleeveless t-shirts to accentuate the many tatoos on their arms. They had moustaches which would wrap around the chin into short beards: dont know what the term is but ot gives a very hostile appearance. The "ladies" beards were less prominent !

They orderd full fat Coke and a bucket of chicken wings !


Ho hum and blondie tried to appear wholly oblivious to their presence and un-aware of their conversation in case we became the object of these persons. Ho hum tried interacting on a few occasions like saying "what a lovely evening" and received the reply "yep" as they looked straight ahead, seemingly incapable of eye contact.

They are always falling down with great big thumps ! And when assisted they laugh it off blaming the ground, the step anything except there inability to walk upright. Some of the other group members do mingle-ish and are pleasant enough. Bet they cant wait to get back to their "normal" lives though. The waiting crew and bar crew are most attentive and chatty with them and try to make them feel as welcome as possible. Several of the ladies had a fun evening at disco night and were all having a great time but they kept to themselves.


They were quiet most of the time and seemed a tad un-comfortable at cocktails and dinner. Do nt think this was their kind of thing if ho hum's honest.


But really they were fine. God bless every one of them. At least they will have something to tell their chums about when they return home.


There are a pair of guests that are considerably worse.....and English.

And there are another two "gentleman" from a Baltic country who was quite rude and another who piled up the caviar in a tower on his plate of six blinis !


The latter persons had probably had much more advantage in life and access to better education but in ho hum's opinion their conduct was worse.


Ho hum himself was the cause of one of them that our table of four at dinner ladt night was too loud and they left after giving stares of disgust at ho hum. They are right ho hum laughs very loudly.


So you see we all have this potential to be perceived as irritants though really guys nobody has been a real problem and the vast majority are a most courteous crowd.....yes really.

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Ho Hum,


Is this a good time ask if I should bring my BIG GULP thermos? Haha...

Or my own floaty for the pool? ...

First time we were on Seadream we were so nervous to hear there was going to be a large group on the boat, but all that changed as we met everyone. Great people from Texas!! We ended up having such fun! Because of that experience, we are hooked on Seadream!!:D and the staff sealed the deal!


ctbjr, do you keep in touch with Jim Abbott? Tell him hello for us Please!:)

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Great people from Texas!! We ended up having such fun! Because of that experience, we are hooked on Seadream!!:D and the staff sealed the deal!


ctbjr, do you keep in touch with Jim Abbott? Tell him hello for us Please!:)


Kathy (or is it Danny?), yes I do and rumor has it that he and I will be together the week of Jan. 24-31. Are you guys available? If so, you can tell him hello yourselves! If not, I'll certainly give him your regards.

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We will be on the feb 14 sail. So, please say hello for us...does Jim still charter seadream at times? Looking for the fall possibly!? :)


I actually have a call into Jim so will pass your message along to him. And, now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.


Have a great trip on Feb. 14!

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Just back from the caviar splash amd beach party at Mayreau: brilliant time had by all and all very well behaved, so you see it all turned out OK.


Back to Barbados tonight and the word is,it will be bouncy.


Had dinner last night with a charming English couple. Gazpacho and Osso Bucco divine.


The beach was lovely, plenty of shade but partly overcast which suited us perfectly.


How do you Canadian guys survive these winters ?

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Echo KathyandDanny, -29C here in our aerie this AM. Wind chill ... -37C



Do hope you will all think of us as you sip your Didier Dagueneau Silex on the aft deck gazing at the

azure seas.


Keep an eye open for our dear friend Penny Rose (from the posh UK burbs) who did the costumes

for all the "Pirates of the Caribbean" flicks. She hangs her hat in St. Vincents when she is not

working in la cinema or chilling with Johnny Depp.


Sounds like the crew additions are a hit. Can't wait to audition the pianist, as I need a

new sideman for my nightly gig at the bar. Maybe I can now increase the cover charge!

Viva Sinatra.


Love the decoupage on madams bosom or is it!



Dont we mean "decolletage" Commander ?

Ho hum will of course defer to Anenaki on this one.


But more importantly your highly regarding crooning may finally be accompanied by the new pianist.

And certainly tickets would sell like hot cakes !


You mention Didier Daguneau Silex ..... what a wine !

Sadly the young winemaker died a few years ago when he crashed his micro-light !

Ho hum was hosting a group of French amis and wanted a welcome aperirtif: the hotel's sommelier suggested this wine. Ho hum earned so much prestige that night ! Sadly it has been downhill since not even ho hum's foray into fashion have been succesful according to that doyen of fashion: Abenaki.

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Decoupage ... the art of decorating an object by affixing colored paper cutouts to it in combination with

special effects, gold leaf and so on. Now didn't those pasties fit this description? But I digress!


Just received three lovely bottles of the aforementioned wine as a Christmas gift and immediately

put two of them in the wine cellar awaiting your arrival in the fall. Thanks for the background, as I

can now appreciate it even more.


Temps have moderated a bit here, just -13C tonight and warmer yet tomorrow. God, get me outta here!

Sounds like you are have a swell time aboard ship...can't wait to see what the next week brings. Love

and kisses to Blondie and all the crew.






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Decoupage ... the art of decorating an object by affixing colored paper cutouts to it in combination with

special effects, gold leaf and so on. Now didn't those pasties fit this description? But I digress!


Just received three lovely bottles of the aforementioned wine as a Christmas gift and immediately

put two of them in the wine cellar awaiting your arrival in the fall. Thanks for the background, as I

can now appreciate it even more.


Temps have moderated a bit here, just -13C tonight and warmer yet tomorrow. God, get me outta here!

Sounds like you are have a swell time aboard ship...can't wait to see what the next week brings. Love

and kisses to Blondie and all the crew.


Commander it is always a pleasure to learn from the Master and with that ho hum swiftly apologises and fully accepts the correction.


But ho hum has more news concerning the piano player. Having imbibed a few late night "snifters" after dinner this evenng, ho hum is eager to report that the performance by said piano player was exceptional with fantastic soft jazz improvisation of classic songs. You will be in heaven or ho hum's uncle's a Chinaman.


We hope hope and pray that both your arse and Abenaki's have not fallen off just yet and that the "milder" weather will have averted the potential tragedy !

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The Club Members Party was a complete fiasco.

Duly collected from our cabins at 7.00pm by our stewardess for the amble to the Main Salon greeted by Club Director only (Captain un-available due to a severe cold) and errr that was it.......no awaiting champagne on a tray and a room full of fellow guests all scoffing the caviar supposedly reserved for the "creme de la creme" !


Waiters did frantically eventually arrive a few minutes later and sloshed out sparkling wine.

Captain trooped up later and told us Sea Dream was now debt free.....err did'nt he tell us the same thing a year ago ?

Most confusing !

Club Director next telling us about exciting events in Med this season.

We are sailing out of Cannes & Nice, France.

What ? Sure they did this before.....it was one of those nights.

Mad, confusing and dis-organised.

Ho hum confesses it may have been him who got things wrong (hell no, as if !).

Club Members not very special.......was the enduring impression if this was your first CM Party.

Next week there will be 85 Club Members.....better get it right next time.

To cock up once can be considered unfortunate, to cock up twice would be considered carelessness to paraphrase dear Oscar.


Caviar splash and beach party on the other hand was organised and executed perfectly and in style t'boot !

A fantastic job, well done guys.

Mayreau may even be better than Jost van Dyke in terms of facilities if not in terms of cache.

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