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What Were They Thinking? Jewel of the Sea


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When OP talks about the "old ships" she could be talking about the Titantic fer crying out loud!




Let's reign things in a bit here. While I did question a few things while reading the OP's OP - some folks here seem to be getting a bit mean spirited!


The OP made a few legitamate points. Even if you had booked the cabin for two adults and a child, it does not appear that the room should be triple occupancy - the lack of clearance between the bed and the wall unit is a bit small and in the case of an emergency might cause a problem. The mattresses on RCI's sofa beds (as is the case with many sofa beds) are not really fit for sleep. We book triple occupancy and always make certain that there is a pullman for our DD (10) rather than a sofa bed - the first cruise we took with DD was over six years ago, we were lucky to have a really good TA who made certain we'd have a room that met our needs. We still use the same TA - she still watches out for us.


There are some tables in some of the DR that are not very convenient for the waiters to serve. That appears to me to be a valid observation - if indeed diners on the outside of the table had to "hand" over plates to diners at the inside of the table, that is not good design.


Most of the rest of her post was her opinion, which you can respectfully agree or disagree with. But a post such as this about the Titanic seems to me to be picking on the OP's age and another recent post (good naturedly) makes jabs at the OP's weight, and several seem to question her intellegence (expressing surprise that she could "find" her way to the boards).


The OP did not care for her cruise experience. You can differ with her opinion but let's be nice about it!:)

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To the poster above I give 3 cheers...it has been totally uncalled for the abuse lashed out on these 3 people who had a dissastrous cruise due to some avoidable and some unavoidable events. It is completely unacceptable to continuously relieve RCI of responsibility for things that clearly are. It is NOT a suitable bed. for ANY AdULT and should be designated as such... whether on the ground, on low legs (that as mentioned bend even under a child) or pull out. It is in RCI interest to assure that all passengers are suited to the accommodation they accept in booking them. Long before (we have already filled them in for 2006) you sail, you fill in guest registration forms online or booking forms thru the TA.. that give details including date of birth ..specifically requested in advance by RCI. Therefore, the profile of the guests in that cabin are known to RCi and at mature ages that they were, should have clarified the type of beds offered and explained that this type were not advisable. Also when the mistake happened, it is appalling that very little appears to have been done to help alleviate the problem." Hoorays", went up at the mention of vouchers..How ungrateful these passengers that received them. However,that was a gesture mainly meant to protect RCI, though it was at least a step forward. " What if these people were seriously injured as a result of theis bed? More Importantly, SUPPOSE A FIRE BREAKS OUT AT NIGHT? " I wonder How Safe it would be in Total Darkness. with lack of Access..trying to escape out the door in a burning ship? " How would everyone feel about it then...if you were trapped trying to escape and were falling all over each other.This danger applies to Any Age using these beds that block access.In researching in advance, Not everyone can surf the net or understand everything available..but most of all NOT EVERYTHING is noted..especially not in the brochures.for example..I have 2 connecting cabins booked on LOTS for Aug 2006 for my 2 dd and 2 bf..but no where is there a diagram..photo or..description of this room..just a symbol representing connected. I have asked the TA and she has no idea..also telephoned RCI and after several attempts at explaining..they went along with my assumption that the internal door would be where the sofas normally are. Any experts on here that have more info let me know..Cabins 3032 and 3034 on LOTS or other vision ship experience. Regarding the other problems.If you have no sleep for 12 nights on end and suffer pain as a result of a fall or already have aches and pains..Suffer extra stress on top of it..seeing your dream cruise become a survival course instead..you are going to find small problems magnify and multiply. I suffer pain related illness.. that keeps me awake at night.. and know full well the effects this has on my life.What wouldn't normally be a problem.. suddenly becomes a massive situation. My DH and I can also relate to the dining room experience at lunchtime..we went in on the Legend only once and that was enough. Suffice to say we waited in a line..or should say formed the line.. for an empty room that had plenty of seats for 2. We, however, were made to wait for 7 to fill a table..half pleasant and half not speaking. to add to this chill in the air..we had the only 2 unfriendly and indirectly rude persons serving onboard ship. We were made to feel very uncomfortable..all of us ..and ate all the other lunches,every breakfast and nearly half our dinners in the windjammer. We Loved it here, never had to wait or share a table and the views were wonderful..service fantastic (have regular Emails from a waiter that befriended us) and the food was very good we felt. We loved the whole cruise and all facilities.. as well as the food and service. However, as supportive and as firm a Fan of RCI and the wonderful experiences I have had and hope to have again next year, things do go wrong and do happen..some people on these threads will Not Accept Any Faults and jump all over the person with the criticism and blame them as in this case.These people seemed genuinely despondent and upset, rather than spiteful and arrogant. they were not trying intentionally to spoil anyone elses cruise..as some people that complain on here do. I am also sick of everyone Shouting "Get A Suite".at every opportunity..like it's a matter of choice. I Don't know what professions anyone else is in but on our income it is all we can do to afford an Ocean View cabin. My husband served 25 years in the Navy and has been a teacher for 20 years..So we are educated. We had to wait nearly 25 years of marriage to afford this cruise. In between these years,I have previously worked..We have raised 3 kids (2 and BF still at home)..cared for and had living with us my elderly parents.. now deceased.. and shared our home with my son, our grandaughter , and our daughter in law.Who Just moved into their own home and Things are now easing off for us. To simply say because you are 3 people and want to travel together, get a suite or a balcony..as if it's a drop in the bucket. the slightest upgrade costs from 50% more ..to more than double each person extra for a suite. Not everyone has these funds. And our ocean view room was lovely and spacious. It would be a viable market.. and popular I would think..for cruise lines to offer larger size normal staterooms that will comfortably accommodate 3 or 4 adult family or friends traveling together. At present the jumps in price from standard to anything larger is enormous. There needs to be a middle ground. I also cruised in the older days (1970's) many times..nothing like the Titanic. Be ware! what you are told is true. "yesterday I was the 21 year old stylish girl traveling Europe when it was very fashionable to do so.. with the World at my feet." (and living in Florida) Today I am The nearly 56 year Old Well Worn Grandma..making a return to world traveling and despite feeling the same inside..like time has never past..the outside tells a different story. "Pensioner and Old" arrives before you know it! and long before You Want It To.!!!

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To the poster above I give 3 cheers.

"yesterday I was the 21 year old stylish girl traveling Europe when it was very fashionable to do so.. with the World at my feet." (and living in Florida) Today I am The nearly 56 year Old Well Worn Grandma..making a return to world traveling and despite feeling the same inside..like time has never past..the outside tells a different story. "Pensioner and Old" arrives before you know it! and long before You Want It To.!!!


Awwww, Carol, don't be calling yourself "Old Well Worn" when we know that you are still a spring chicken.:D :D Am so glad that you have decided to return to the Legend next summer, and if we were not already on the Jewel we would try to join you!!!

Great to see you jumping in on CC.



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some people on these threads will Not Accept Any Faults and jump all over the person with the criticism and blame them as in this case.These people seemed genuinely despondent and upset, rather than spiteful and arrogant. they were not trying intentionally to spoil anyone elses cruise..as some people that complain on here do. I am also sick of everyone Shouting "Get A Suite".at every opportunity..like it's a matter of choice. I Don't know what professions anyone else is in but on our income it is all we can do to afford an Ocean View cabin. My husband served 25 years in the Navy and has been a teacher for 20 years..So we are educated. We had to wait nearly 25 years of marriage to afford this cruise. In between these years,I have previously worked..We have raised 3 kids (2 and BF still at home)..cared for and had living with us my elderly parents.. now deceased.. and shared our home with my son, our grandaughter , and our daughter in law.Who Just moved into their own home and Things are now easing off for us.


My DH and I can also relate to the dining room experience at lunchtime..we went in on the Legend only once and that was enough. Suffice to say we waited in a line..or should say formed the line.. for an empty room that had plenty of seats for 2. We, however, were made to wait for 7 to fill a table..half pleasant and half not speaking. to add to this chill in the air..we had the only 2 unfriendly and indirectly rude persons serving onboard ship. We were made to feel very uncomfortable..all of us ..and ate all the other lunches,every breakfast and nearly half our dinners in the windjammer. We Loved it here, never had to wait or share a table and the views were wonderful..service fantastic (have regular Emails from a waiter that befriended us) and the food was very good we felt. QUOTE]


I do not interpret the posters -myself included - that did not agree with the OP as being on the side of the cruise line. I have issues with RCI in several areas where they have fallen off to the detriment of my enjoying my cruise as much as I used to (kids in the adult areas is a big one.)


I think that people do need to take responsibility for some of the research necessary to ensure a good vacation. Yes, RCI has small cabins, they are known for that. Carnival has large cabins. Is the difference in size enough to change cruise lines? Perhaps for some it is.


I also never share tables at open dining meals in the dining room. All it takes is a request to the person seating you to dine alone. WHy be miserable as you say you were when this problem is so easily corrected? It is nice that you enjoyed Windjammer but I would not consider dining there unless I absolutely have to. I don't like buffets or noise or serving myself.


I always request a table for 2 when travelling with my SO and a large table if travelling solo or with friends. If I am not happy, I politely ask to be moved. I have always been accomodated.


I do a lot of research on my stateroom if it is a cruise of a week or longer. I had an E3 and shared with one person and I ended up sleeping on the pull out because it gave us both more room and more privacy.


I do not book suites but have been upgraded and loved the experience. However, they are generally not in my price range. I simply think the OP could have done more to make the trip more enjoyable for them.

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cruiser carol - very well said. The 'book a suite' remark gets really old on here. I've never known anyone personally that sails in suites and we've been cruising since '89. I'm always amazed by the number of people on here that do.


caviargal - not everyone who plans a trip is as obsessed with the planning as many of us on here are. As I said before we had friends in a quad on the Jewel. It is represented as a quad in brochures, on line and was verified as being such by phone through RCCL customer service and yet ended up not being a quad. How much research do you suggest every single person taking a vacation do before booking? Apparently those three avenues are not enough. Many people assume that they should be able to trust what any company represents in their sales materials and they should. My 83 year old mother has travelled all over but she has trusted brochures and travel agents for everything. She does not sit for hours on the internet researching - she doesn't even own a computer so what do you suggest she and others like her do?


If the brochure says it sleeps three or four and the cruiseline allows you to book it with that many then the customer should certainly be able to count on the info being accurate.

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Awwww, Carol, don't be calling yourself "Old Well Worn" when we know that you are still a spring chicken.:D :D Am so glad that you have decided to return to the Legend next summer, and if we were not already on the Jewel we would try to join you!!!

Great to see you jumping in on CC.



Hi Rick,You do manage to find me. Here I am doing battle again. I swear I am on here only to read the news..I will not get involved or tell my life story..but seem to end up doing both. I have said all I can about the Legend of the Seas in Praise and recommendation ..and of course, highly recommend RCI as well. However, I did feel sorry for these people as I could envisage them trying to get up and down and around that low bed and appreciated how hard a time they must have had. It would have made anyone irriitable. Thus making everything else that happened to them seem worse and cause for complaint. It does worry me if these beds extend out too far and block the way..are they in danger of obstructing the exit? That was my main point. The company should check who these beds are allotted to. Thanks for the "Spring chicken" btw..the description certainly fit onboard as far as energy.. I was full of life and never sat a minute.It was a wonderful cruise. But the daily life and its' tolls have taken over. Actually it's a wonderful day today..my son has moved into his First Home and my little 2 year old grandaughter is doing amazingly well...she has a serious heart complaint and has had open heart surgery. But today she is happy as can be, running around like mad ,and showing me her new Princess Bedroom. That sight is Worth everything!! I Received your Email and sent a reply..hope you received it. Your crossing to Europe and thru scandinavia sounds wonderful. Have you sailed before on the Jewel? Be sure to tell us all about it when you return. We are booked for August 5 on the Legend for the Meditterranean treasures itinery...as described in my Email. We booked onboard at C & A and paid a deposit .. contacted our TA on arrival home as suggested..who is now handling our cruise. We were very:) disappointed to lose the allowances for my daughters cabins..we had hoped they'd be included as it was the same booking. I am just hoping the weather will be good. They have never been on a ship nor have their boyfriends. Regards, Carol

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Rick, Wow, Just read your cruise schedule for the next year..3 cruises.. sounds fantastic. On the Baltic, I assume you will be seeing St Petersburg? If so please send a review of it as I would love to see it one day. It's only my desperate search for sun..that keeps me from looking into these itineries. In summer, they are probably as warm or warmer than here. Take care, carol

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Sorry about the Titanic crack. I am sure it spewed forth because of our recent experience on the Enchantment. There is a certain level of mobility required to "navigate" on board a cruise ship. Good grief, just making it through the buffet line is an exhausting (and time consuming) process for some of our shipmates. It's a good thing that the lifeboat muster doesn't actually require that some folks actually get into a lifeboat. I dread to think how many broken hips occur on wet teak or marble decks. I am in my 60's, so get off my case about age...I will be there someday, but I sure as heck won't be cruising if I can't climb out of bed.



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Lightsluvr.....I Wasn't aware I was on your case, and hadn't meant to be.Apologies. The comment of being there someday, was simply a statement of opinion. It was meant for a few people who had made comments hinting at being older in a rude and insulting way.Thus, Their turn will come....As for navigating a ship, age isn't always the deciding factor. My mom was fit as a fiddle..lived till 93.. and only started traveling and cruising.. long after pension age and was able to navigate on and off of a freighter..even climbing off onto a launch while at anchor. A very different experience to being on a cruise ship. On the other hand, at 55 I have had arthritis since my 30's and it is not the problem of walking around, but the bending and getting up from low levels. There is a big difference to getting out of a normal bed at normal height and one near floor level. This thread just made me feel some sympathy for these 3 people and I still say these foldout beds should be designated as for children only. Especially if a large amount of money has been paid for it. I don't know what, if any, discount were offered for the 3rd person. My reply back regarding the Titanic... was meant to be taken litely..the same as your original remark. No criticism intended. btw..everyone seems to mention the crowds and noise at the buffets onboard..We had no problem at any time in the Windjammer..and often had a very quiet meal and few people.At the busiest times we entered..we still never faced a line and only once took time to find a seat and we were on in height of summer and the ship was full. We did always eat at different times..perhaps that helped..and there were lots of Bar b ques on deck.

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Honestly - I have been in a room with four adults before - in my early twenties. We were all pretty thin as well. Not trying to be mean, but that is the only way it would work. I couldn't imagine three "average size" adults in one cabin (I'm 5 feet tall). I also assume they are talking about "college days" of traveling when putting lots of adults in a room (I once had a friend who had 7 roommates for a 2 bedroom apartment).

As far as the advertising - that is the same at rental car companies when they say "this car seats 5 adults" - we all know they aren't talking about average size adults.

Again, not trying to be mean - but if a group "fall" made everyone sore - this was definitely not a configuration for the three of you. Next time you will probably have to have separate cabins. You may have to go down a grade or find a travel buddy for your sister to cut the cost if that was the reason for sharing.

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Thanks Lightsluvr for your message.It is very much appreciated . I never mean to say as much as I do....and always have the good intentions of just answering a question or making a brief comment. but it never seems to end that way. Let's Hope all of us on here live long, healthy lives and enjoy many good cruises. All the Best, carol

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