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1st Cruise Ever...Huge Disappointment-Carnival Liberty


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Lucky for you, you had the money to bounce around Denali....not everyone can have the funds for that...be a bit more respectful.


I feel bad for the OP and they were just venting how Carnival didn't help her, which if I was in the OP's place I would be mad too. I am sweating bullets right because I am on the last sailing of the liberty before she drydocks...and if they canceled the cruise like they did to todays....we would have been stuck in Galveston. I think the point is, CCL needs to give more adequate communication to it's paying clientele. After all, we pay their paychecks by cruising with them.


And this is my 9th Carnival Cruise in 10 years....and I have one more booked for Feb.....I love cruising, so I am trying to be more open about this situation because this is a rare case....


I am not being disrespectful. We had insurance and should we have missed the ship, we would have been reimbursed the costs of the trip. Therefore, I was more than prepared to put that money to a different trip. Denali is a national park, and so entry fees are minimal We would have only had to pay for our hotel, food and rental car, which was likely equal or cheaper than the costs of the cruise and the VERY expensive Alaska shore excursions, that we would have no longer been taking. And if I couldn't have afforded the extra flight to Anchorage (which again would have been reabsorbed by insurance and savings), we could have still made a lovely vacation between Seattle and Vancouver. Two points here:1) If you can afford the cruise and carry insurance, you aren't "out" anything by simply changing the nature of the vacation when things go wrong; 2) you can always make the best of a less than ideal situation.


And in the OP's circumstance, what on earth would you have had Carnival do to provide "more adequate communication?" Let them know that seas can be rough? Skies can rain? Ports can be missed? Seems to me the first two are obvious to an adult, and if you take the time to read the contract, it is very clear that ports can be missed, delayed, shortened etc.


This was a clear situation of the OP having high expectations that weren't met, all due to unforeseen circumstances. Cruising is NOT for people who cannot adapt and go with the flow. It's all about attitude.

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I am not being disrespectful. We had insurance and should we have missed the ship, we would have been reimbursed the costs of the trip. Therefore, I was more than prepared to put that money to a different trip. Denali is a national park, and so entry fees are minimal We would have only had to pay for our hotel, food and rental car, which was likely equal or cheaper than the costs of the cruise and the VERY expensive Alaska shore excursions, that we would have no longer been taking. And if I couldn't have afforded the extra flight to Anchorage (which again would have been reabsorbed by insurance and savings), we could have still made a lovely vacation between Seattle and Vancouver. Two points here:1) If you can afford the cruise and carry insurance, you aren't "out" anything by simply changing the nature of the vacation when things go wrong; 2) you can always make the best of a less than ideal situation.


And in the OP's circumstance, what on earth would you have had Carnival do to provide "more adequate communication?" Let them know that seas can be rough? Skies can rain? Ports can be missed? Seems to me the first two are obvious to an adult, and if you take the time to read the contract, it is very clear that ports can be missed, delayed, shortened etc.


This was a clear situation of the OP having high expectations that weren't met, all due to unforeseen circumstances. Cruising is NOT for people who cannot adapt and go with the flow. It's all about attitude.


Insurance does not pay immediately. I guess you are lucky you have thousands of dollars laying around that you can plan a whole other vacation immediately. Most people don't have this "luxury".


The OP had the trifecta of things go wrong on their first cruise. Cut them some slack. They literally had 5 hours in the only port they visited and rain the rest of the time. Not to mention the stress of a delayed return where they had to make child care arrangements and miss work. Maybe they don't have an understanding boss or work for a company that doesn't allow for extra time off that is not pre-planned. Geez, let them vent and maybe when they are done being disappointed they can try again. Or not.

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I understand the disappointment relative to what was in control of Carnival. I had a similar situation years ago on Royal Carribean when the engine had an issue.


While the rough seas and return to port may have had additional impact, those are issues that can happen on any cruise, so completely out of the cruise lines control.


Most of the time the cruise lines avoid bad weather and rough seas when possible....face it, they only want to provide a great vacation so you will come back and spend more money.


As far as the partial missing port goes and late return, I think that there would have been some type of compensation already given. I would have been disappointed in missing half the day...snorkeling in Cozumel is great! A gesture to bring you back, ala 25 percent credit of what you paid for your base fare toward a future cruise would have been appropriate imo.


As far as raising the concern whilst still on board, when I experienced this, there were hundreds of people doing this at guest services and the lobby was full. They moved the crowd to the show lounge where the Captain came and explained and offered compensation then and there. Otherwise it would have been mayhem. I would not have subjected myself to all of that negativity and would have just waited until I got home.


Maybe I was more upset at the time, but I have probably taken nearly 20 cruises since then, at its been 10 years, and now I don't really care.


One experience shouldn't cause you to form an overall opinion hence you want to try it again and requested a credit...give it another go and better luck! And do try other lines...while most are similar, each has a bit of a different personality. Bon voyage.

Edited by rickechambers1@aol.com
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Insurance does not pay immediately. I guess you are lucky you have thousands of dollars laying around that you can plan a whole other vacation immediately. Most people don't have this "luxury".


The OP had the trifecta of things go wrong on their first cruise. Cut them some slack. They literally had 5 hours in the only port they visited and rain the rest of the time. Not to mention the stress of a delayed return where they had to make child care arrangements and miss work. Maybe they don't have an understanding boss or work for a company that doesn't allow for extra time off that is not pre-planned. Geez, let them vent and maybe when they are done being disappointed they can try again. Or not.


I have a credit card, so I don't need insurance to pay me that instant; it will all come out in the wash before payment is even due. And I am a FIRM believer that if you cannot cover such a circumstance, and do not have a credit card with plenty of cushion, then you have no business taking this type of trip.


If you go back to my original post, I did say I was sorry that they had a bad experience. But again, all these things you site about work issues, child care issues etc, again support my position that cruising may not be the best vacation for them because just too much can go "wrong."


90% of the OP's complaints aren't Carnival's fault, and then it's only after she feels "sick" - which as another poster noted can come from being on board for a few days - does she call carnival a day later FOR A FUTURE CRUISE CREDIT. And when she doesn't get what she wants, she then wants to complain and say she will never sail Carnival. Logically inconsistent isn't it????


To me, the OP has no justifiable beef against Carnival. And in an effort to help her make future vacation decisions, I have made my case why cruising is likely not the right choice. Her needs and expectations are unrealistic and I would hate for her to cruise again without an understanding that these things can and do happen and if she is going to cruise, she needs to embrace them and have a back up plan and positive attitude.

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I wanted to make Carnival (and others now) know of the sheer dissatisfaction of my very FIRST cruise experience EVER, via the Carnival Liberty from Galveston to Cozumel-10/27/16 to 10/31/16. I was sooo excited to celebrate my 17th year anniversary with my husband...and on a cruise for that matter! We never had the opportunity to honeymoon or vacation without the kids...so this was a HUGE deal! Okay, the trip....Thursday evening, after about an hour of leaving the Galveston port we noticed the ship turning around...an announcement was made that a guest had an accident and we were turning around to get them medical care. So, after we dropped that person off...off to sea again...The entire day Friday was spent raining and the ship majorly rocking (to the point everyone walking like they were drunk and some were vomiting in the hallways). Now I understand Carnival can't control weather, but just wanted to describe the experience thus far...We were initially scheduled to arrive at Cozumel around 9:30a Saturday morning...we arrived about 2:30pm because apparently one of the engines blew on the way, so we weren't able to travel at full speed...It was well after 3pm when we were allowed off the boat to explore the port. We had initially decided to choose an excursion upon arrival to Cozumel, but opted not to, as we were to be back on the ship at 7:00pm (less than 4 hours in Mexico). On our way back to Galveston, Sunday...more rain, more rocking...Oh and we paid for "internet service" that barely worked. Then, Sunday night, we were told because of the mechanical malfunctions of the ship, we would be late coming back on Monday. Try...we were scheduled to be back at 8:00am Monday and did not arrive back to the port until 6:00PM!!! As a bonus, they shut the AC off in our rooms before noon in hopes that we would get our luggage and wait on certain decks, so they could clean our rooms for the next herd of people scheduled for that evening...After disembarking, we finally made it to our car about 8:00PM! An entire day lost...not to mention a half day of work missed and childcare rearranging that inconvenienced several people. I felt horrible Tuesday (body aches, disoriented, headaches,etc), so decided to reach out to Carnival customer service on Wednesday. After waiting about 10 minutes, a woman came to the line, pulled up my booking and listened to my experience. I was very polite and explained that I wasn't asking for my money back, but maybe something for a future cruise...She unapologetically (was not sincere at all) said Corporate office has made the irrevocable decision that NO one from the 10/27 Liberty trip would receive ANY type of compensation...I asked if I could speak with someone else, and her snide remark was, you can speak to my Supervisor's Supervisor and it's not going to change a thing. The decision has been made and is final." I could not believe the sheer unconcern for their customers by Carnival! I had to go back to work at the time, so couldn't go round with the rep anymore and had to hang up...In a nutshell, I tried to extend the courtesy of keeping my experience between Carnival and myself (via customer service line), but since that was unsuccessful, I decided to take it to social outlets...Hopefully, others can read this and think twice before booking with Carnival. I know I am! 😪😞


LOL your cruise was basically like our first cruise on the Jubilee in 2001 it was HORRIBE and here it is 20 cruises later we are still cruising. We have stated multiple times cant believe we ever went on a 2nd cruise . So there it is from a veteran cruiser . Sometimes you get the elevator sometimes you get the shaft:D

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But you totally could have made lemonade out of lemons and didn't. Some people weren't even able to get onto their cruise due to the ship. It sucks your first experience sucked, but you could have made it as good or as bad as you wanted.... on my second cruise we hit a storm in the Bahamas and then followed it up the coast to Baltimore, where it dumped feet of snow. We were sea sick, we missed a port, and it was freezing the last three days, but guess what, we still decided to have a good time and enjoy ourselves.


And we haven't had a bad experience since. It's also ridiculous to expect compensation for a product you used. They don't pay out for bad weather.

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We are booked on this cruise also and definitely worried crazy that its going to be canceled last minute and we have five family members flying down from New york to Austin the day before just to go on this cruise with us. Might need to book a contingency vacation at the woodlands or some other resort.


Yeah, we are flying from Chicago to Houston.....and sweating bullets...we booked an additional few days after the cruise to stay in Texas with non redfundale hotel....this is nerve wrecking since we have had this cruise planned for almost a year!

Edited by ILCruzr
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I have a credit card, so I don't need insurance to pay me that instant; it will all come out in the wash before payment is even due. And I am a FIRM believer that if you cannot cover such a circumstance, and do not have a credit card with plenty of cushion, then you have no business taking this type of trip.


If you go back to my original post, I did say I was sorry that they had a bad experience. But again, all these things you site about work issues, child care issues etc, again support my position that cruising may not be the best vacation for them because just too much can go "wrong."


90% of the OP's complaints aren't Carnival's fault, and then it's only after she feels "sick" - which as another poster noted can come from being on board for a few days - does she call carnival a day later FOR A FUTURE CRUISE CREDIT. And when she doesn't get what she wants, she then wants to complain and say she will never sail Carnival. Logically inconsistent isn't it????


To me, the OP has no justifiable beef against Carnival. And in an effort to help her make future vacation decisions, I have made my case why cruising is likely not the right choice. Her needs and expectations are unrealistic and I would hate for her to cruise again without an understanding that these things can and do happen and if she is going to cruise, she needs to embrace them and have a back up plan and positive attitude.



You have no business telling people that! Some people don't have credit cards, so if it is not their fault because it was not weather related, CCL should fess up and help the customers that help pay their paychecks.....its unfortunate the OP first cruise ended like this....our first cruise on the Victory only went to one port during a 7 day cruise....it sucked and it took me a few years to get back on a ship and I love cruising now.....just this situation sucks and wish it would handeled differently...

Edited by ILCruzr
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I have done nine Carnival cruises...taking my 10th in January. I've cruised on several different Carnival vessels and yes we've had some rough weather along the way. It happens. When you cruise you have to know ahead of time that you'll need a certain amount of flexibility. Ports get missed. Engines break down. We pray it won't happen but sometimes it will. I have been extremely pleased with all nine of my CCL cruises to this point. Try it again. I bet you will have a totally different experience.

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Funny how everyone is looking for something different out of a cruise. I am often disappointed when my cruise has nothing but fair weather and calm seas. I want at least one day or evening in which the boat is really rocking. I like to know that I am on a boat.


Am I the only one who wants at least one rough day?

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I wanted to make Carnival (and others now) know of the sheer dissatisfaction of my very FIRST cruise experience EVER, via the Carnival Liberty from Galveston to Cozumel-10/27/16 to 10/31/16. I was sooo excited to celebrate my 17th year anniversary with my husband...and on a cruise for that matter! We never had the opportunity to honeymoon or vacation without the kids...so this was a HUGE deal! Okay, the trip....Thursday evening, after about an hour of leaving the Galveston port we noticed the ship turning around...an announcement was made that a guest had an accident and we were turning around to get them medical care. So, after we dropped that person off...off to sea again...The entire day Friday was spent raining and the ship majorly rocking (to the point everyone walking like they were drunk and some were vomiting in the hallways). Now I understand Carnival can't control weather, but just wanted to describe the experience thus far...We were initially scheduled to arrive at Cozumel around 9:30a Saturday morning...we arrived about 2:30pm because apparently one of the engines blew on the way, so we weren't able to travel at full speed...It was well after 3pm when we were allowed off the boat to explore the port. We had initially decided to choose an excursion upon arrival to Cozumel, but opted not to, as we were to be back on the ship at 7:00pm (less than 4 hours in Mexico). On our way back to Galveston, Sunday...more rain, more rocking...Oh and we paid for "internet service" that barely worked. Then, Sunday night, we were told because of the mechanical malfunctions of the ship, we would be late coming back on Monday. Try...we were scheduled to be back at 8:00am Monday and did not arrive back to the port until 6:00PM!!! As a bonus, they shut the AC off in our rooms before noon in hopes that we would get our luggage and wait on certain decks, so they could clean our rooms for the next herd of people scheduled for that evening...After disembarking, we finally made it to our car about 8:00PM! An entire day lost...not to mention a half day of work missed and childcare rearranging that inconvenienced several people. I felt horrible Tuesday (body aches, disoriented, headaches,etc), so decided to reach out to Carnival customer service on Wednesday. After waiting about 10 minutes, a woman came to the line, pulled up my booking and listened to my experience. I was very polite and explained that I wasn't asking for my money back, but maybe something for a future cruise...She unapologetically (was not sincere at all) said Corporate office has made the irrevocable decision that NO one from the 10/27 Liberty trip would receive ANY type of compensation...I asked if I could speak with someone else, and her snide remark was, you can speak to my Supervisor's Supervisor and it's not going to change a thing. The decision has been made and is final." I could not believe the sheer unconcern for their customers by Carnival! I had to go back to work at the time, so couldn't go round with the rep anymore and had to hang up...In a nutshell, I tried to extend the courtesy of keeping my experience between Carnival and myself (via customer service line), but since that was unsuccessful, I decided to take it to social outlets...Hopefully, others can read this and think twice before booking with Carnival. I know I am! 😪😞


the first time I took a cruise with my wife it sucked. the weather was awful. cold and windy in nassau. 2 good hours on half moon key, before the cold front came through, and they made everyone leave the island. You think half moon key is nice? you should see it when a squall line comes through with 40 mph winds. It pour rain on our bike ride on key west, and we got soaked. We had the most annoying lady as a tablemate, so much so, we didnt go to dinner one night.


Guess what it was my worse cruise out of 4 I had taken at the time. Felt bad it was my wife's first. She had a blast, and I did too. Why we made the best of it. I'm not saying you didn't have a bad cruise, but life is what you make of it. If you have a crappy attitude, then every little thing will be a big deal.


The only thing that you said that made sense, was you feeling bad the next day. It happens. You were on a moving vessel for 4 days, and all of a sudden you stopped moving. It affects your body if you're not use to it. Again not carnival's fault.


Cruising isn't for everyone. Heck vacation isn't for everyone. I'm sure your co-workers enjoyed your time away from work though, so there's that.

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Sounds like Carnival ships are falling apart with their expert maintenance schedule. Hopefully the poster realizes their are many other cruise lines out their that can deliver the service they deserve.


Driving to work the other day I noticed one stalled school bus, a regular bus waiting for a tow, a couple of cars with their hoods up (one brand new with its temporary plates still on). At home my toaster was acting up, the handle on my almost new microwave is coming loose, and my internet went down for several minutes. Anything mechanical may break down or become sluggish at anytime no matter how well it is maintained or how new it is.

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If it happened on the Destiny, it was sometime ago. It is time to let it go.....



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Yep - 2010 to be exact and I've since recovered nicely, thank you :rolleyes:. For the record, I wasn't b******g about the incident itself - I've sailed again many times, including with Carnival. Things happen and one deals with them. But that doesn't mean it's pleasant. It was the PP's glib and pointless attempt at a joke that irked me and I'm left assuming that person has never been in a similar situation.

Edited by ronandannette
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I wanted to make Carnival (and others now) know of the sheer dissatisfaction of my very FIRST cruise experience EVER, via the Carnival Liberty from Galveston to Cozumel-10/27/16 to 10/31/16. I was sooo excited to celebrate my 17th year anniversary with my husband...and on a cruise for that matter! We never had the opportunity to honeymoon or vacation without the kids...so this was a HUGE deal! Okay, the trip....Thursday evening, after about an hour of leaving the Galveston port we noticed the ship turning around...an announcement was made that a guest had an accident and we were turning around to get them medical care. So, after we dropped that person off...off to sea again...The entire day Friday was spent raining and the ship majorly rocking (to the point everyone walking like they were drunk and some were vomiting in the hallways). Now I understand Carnival can't control weather, but just wanted to describe the experience thus far...We were initially scheduled to arrive at Cozumel around 9:30a Saturday morning...we arrived about 2:30pm because apparently one of the engines blew on the way, so we weren't able to travel at full speed...It was well after 3pm when we were allowed off the boat to explore the port. We had initially decided to choose an excursion upon arrival to Cozumel, but opted not to, as we were to be back on the ship at 7:00pm (less than 4 hours in Mexico). On our way back to Galveston, Sunday...more rain, more rocking...Oh and we paid for "internet service" that barely worked. Then, Sunday night, we were told because of the mechanical malfunctions of the ship, we would be late coming back on Monday. Try...we were scheduled to be back at 8:00am Monday and did not arrive back to the port until 6:00PM!!! As a bonus, they shut the AC off in our rooms before noon in hopes that we would get our luggage and wait on certain decks, so they could clean our rooms for the next herd of people scheduled for that evening...After disembarking, we finally made it to our car about 8:00PM! An entire day lost...not to mention a half day of work missed and childcare rearranging that inconvenienced several people. I felt horrible Tuesday (body aches, disoriented, headaches,etc), so decided to reach out to Carnival customer service on Wednesday. After waiting about 10 minutes, a woman came to the line, pulled up my booking and listened to my experience. I was very polite and explained that I wasn't asking for my money back, but maybe something for a future cruise...She unapologetically (was not sincere at all) said Corporate office has made the irrevocable decision that NO one from the 10/27 Liberty trip would receive ANY type of compensation...I asked if I could speak with someone else, and her snide remark was, you can speak to my Supervisor's Supervisor and it's not going to change a thing. The decision has been made and is final." I could not believe the sheer unconcern for their customers by Carnival! I had to go back to work at the time, so couldn't go round with the rep anymore and had to hang up...In a nutshell, I tried to extend the courtesy of keeping my experience between Carnival and myself (via customer service line), but since that was unsuccessful, I decided to take it to social outlets...Hopefully, others can read this and think twice before booking with Carnival. I know I am! 😪😞


Sorry to hear about your experience. Many years ago, our secondary cruise was on the Nordic Empress, before it became part of RCCL Lines. We also sailed to Cozumel and experienced very rough seas, and horrible weather. After getting off of the ship we said...never again. That was over 20 years ago and we have sailed since then over 20 additional times. There have been some bad cruises, but most of them have been great. My advice...try again.

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Give cruising another chance...dont go in the fall ( weather in the tropics is unpredictable). I have 30+ cruises in my past and have never had the bad luck you had...so your experience isnt common so..try again.



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I have taken 19 out of my 35 cruises during Hurricane season with most of them in September or October. Only 2 were disrupted by itinerary changes due to hurricanes and one was late coming back to Galveston because the port was closed due to a storm. We had perfect weather on all these cruises, even though we went somewhere different.


The worst weather we have had was in mid January - cold, windy, rainy and rough and in mid March - rain and wind.

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We cruised during hurricane season last year out of Galveston on the Magic and for five of the seven days it was great. But on the last sea day my sister got majorly ill she was nauseated and spent a few hours running back and forth to the ladies room...can't tell if it was sea sickness, something she ate, or allergic reaction but that was a pretty miserable day for her. On top of that we had choppy waves for the last two days and it rained so much that all the pools were closed and everyone was inside so all the activities were filled to capacity. That being said we are both so excited to go on our second carnival cruise in December on the Conquest! Maybe it's just being glass half full people but we tend to weigh the entire vacation experience and since 5 out of 7 days were great one incident didn't dampen our spirits. We booked later in the season and have purchased Dramamine and a deck of cards just in case :D.


To the OP some of your complaints are valid others like weather and ill passenger can happen on any cruise or vacation. I do hope you'll reconsider cruising it's truly the best vacation you can get for your money and if Carnival isn't for you there are other lines to try.

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