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Why Chair Hog Bullies Proliferate


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I am like this too. 30 minutes up to an hour max is all I want to spend on a sunbed. I don't go looking at the crack of dawn so in most instances all I get a walk twice around the deck carrying a towel. I suppose I can count it as bit of exercise so not all bad. Then the awkward problem of what to do with the towel that has been on the journey with me?

How about a short stay area?



That’s a great idea! Reminds me of sign up sheets for university lab time.

Perhaps we should begin a short stay thread lol. Thirty minutes max before the chair gently tosses us to our feet:')

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.... We have breakfast etc but never leave he lounger for longer than 45 mins or so......

Don't you think 45 minutes or so is a bit long to be leaving the lounger empty? What if everyone did this? I think that's hogging the chair a bit to long. Let someone else use it or bring your food back with you.

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Don't you think 45 minutes or so is a bit long to be leaving the lounger empty? What if everyone did this? I think that's hogging the chair a bit to long. Let someone else use it or bring your food back with you.

Yeah, what is "or so"? 45 minutes is already 15 minutes to long.

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Don't you think 45 minutes or so is a bit long to be leaving the lounger empty? What if everyone did this? I think that's hogging the chair a bit to long. Let someone else use it or bring your food back with you.


Exactly! Though I think it’s hogging the chair too long if people take more than a bathroom break or order a drink from the bar. With public restrooms and a bar right there, neither should take more than 15 minutes max. If you want to go to lunch, gather your all belongings and used towel and go! Don’t prevent others from using the empty chair!

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In a perfect world that would work, but alas it's not a perfect world and I don't see X or any other line, risking the loss of someone's business over a lounge chair and that's part of the problem.


Funny, I would think just the opposite. I would think enforcing your rules would be encouraging to your present AND future customers. While I don't always lurk around these boards too much, it seems there is only issues when enforcement is not followed, not the opposite.



Along these lines, I wish they would enforce the unaccompanied child issue in the pools. I am amazed at what parents will allow their children to do and in many cases flaunt the rules. And in case you are wondering, my wife and I raised two rather active boys.

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Along these lines, I wish they would enforce the unaccompanied child issue in the pools. I am amazed at what parents will allow their children to do and in many cases flaunt the rules. And in case you are wondering, my wife and I raised two rather active boys.

To what rules are you referring? Other than for the Solarium pool, Celebrity has neither an age limit for children nor any any policy that they be accompanied in the pool; they just have to be toilet trained.

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To be perfectly honest, I think we should take a photo of the loungers, add a description and post them on the Chair Hog bulletin board that Celebrity supplies. ahaha...


Disclaimer: I am not, in any way, an employee of RCCL/Celebrity!


You would see lots of pics with those stupid towel clips to sub for pretending they are actually going to read the book they placed on the chair, or they only have one foot as they need to spread their split pair of sandals on two chairs. That’s when you know you’re dealing professional chair hogs.


After my morning walk to the juice bar I pass the through the pool deck and it’s the same old story on every X ship. The most I’ve seen is 8 in a row ch’ogged ;p immediately pool side. All set up alike with an assortmetment of those stupid clips. It’s rediculous.

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You would see lots of pics with those stupid towel clips to sub for pretending they are actually going to read the book they placed on the chair, or they only have one foot as they need to spread their split pair of sandals on two chairs. That’s when you know you’re dealing professional chair hogs.


After my morning walk to the juice bar I pass the through the pool deck and it’s the same old story on every X ship. The most I’ve seen is 8 in a row ch’ogged ;p immediately pool side. All set up alike with an assortmetment of those stupid clips. It’s rediculous.


Not everyone who uses towel clips are chair hogs. They are designed to secure the towel on a windy day even while you are using the chair.

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You would see lots of pics with those stupid towel clips to sub for pretending they are actually going to read the book they placed on the chair, or they only have one foot as they need to spread their split pair of sandals on two chairs. That’s when you know you’re dealing professional chair hogs.


After my morning walk to the juice bar I pass the through the pool deck and it’s the same old story on every X ship. The most I’ve seen is 8 in a row ch’ogged ;p immediately pool side. All set up alike with an assortmetment of those stupid clips. It’s rediculous.


Love the term ch'ogged!

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I agree. I've seen people looking for a place to enjoy their coffee or tea and all tables were full. Some of these table were occupied by card players, people using their computers or just talking to each other. Guess it's legal, but showsto em a total lack of courtesy to others.


I'm in grad school and going on a cruise for spring break. I park either in the buffet, a bar, or poolside (in the shade because I'm a pasty-white redhead) and study for *hours* in the name of passing classes. I keep an eye out and leave when it gets busy. I don't hang out in the buffet during mealtimes. I will also share my table if you ask, as long as you don't disturb my study time. My balcony is also a choice study spot if I'm reading a text and the sun is on the other side of the ship. (see pasty-white redhead comment).


If that makes me discourteous, so be it.

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Same in the sense that the behavior is not respectful to others. There are also many quiet places to just chat. I don't mind if people have ordered something and casually consuming it. I do mind when people claim a seat in a food venue and don't plan to eat or drink anything while people are carrying hot coffee or tea are looking for a place to sit. Thank goodness for Michael's Club! I can and do go there, but there are many who don't have that option.


Every seat on the ship has a bar nearby. That turns everything into a "venue" where you can't morally sit down without ordering a drink. Cafe De Bacio is just another place where guests can sit down, and despite its name, it's just as much a "venue" as the chairs next to the pool.


Cafe De Bacio is just one of the nicer places on the ship to sit. Actually, it's the only place with nice chairs and big windows where you can actually enjoy the sea. I happen to always order a drink, but that's not because I feel I'm using a chair that should be paid for by ordering something. I'm certainly not leaving because someone else is carrying hot coffee as if that's a magic ticket to get an empty chair when the place is crowded.

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Al Bacio is a 'table service' venue, so unless you can find a seat you can't order a pot of tea. It can be pretty annoying to see numerous tables occupied by guests just looking at the view, but there is nothing to stop all the tables to be taken this way. I love to stop for tea at Al Bacio but often have to move on and make my own inferior cup of tea in the buffet 😕

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Every seat on the ship has a bar nearby. That turns everything into a "venue" where you can't morally sit down without ordering a drink. Cafe De Bacio is just another place where guests can sit down, and despite its name, it's just as much a "venue" as the chairs next to the pool.


Cafe De Bacio is just one of the nicer places on the ship to sit. Actually, it's the only place with nice chairs and big windows where you can actually enjoy the sea. I happen to always order a drink, but that's not because I feel I'm using a chair that should be paid for by ordering something. I'm certainly not leaving because someone else is carrying hot coffee as if that's a magic ticket to get an empty chair when the place is crowded.

You see, I totally disagree. Cafe Al Bacio is a venue with seats, but it's a cafe venue. Of course if someone wants to go and sit there without any intention of having refreshments they can and they can sit and chat and look at people who want to be there for the intended purpose of the venue ie have a cup of coffee. If I'm in a venue like Cafe All Bacio or the Oceanview Cafe and am aware it's busy then I drink my drink or eat my food and move on to let someone else in. There are lots of other places around the ship I can sit. To me it's all about consideration, but sadly the evidence I see more and more now is that is being lost and it's all about "me".



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You see, I totally disagree. Cafe Al Bacio is a venue with seats, but it's a cafe venue. Of course if someone wants to go and sit there without any intention of having refreshments they can and they can sit and chat and look at people who want to be there for the intended purpose of the venue ie have a cup of coffee. If I'm in a venue like Cafe All Bacio or the Oceanview Cafe and am aware it's busy then I drink my drink or eat my food and move on to let someone else in. There are lots of other places around the ship I can sit. To me it's all about consideration, but sadly the evidence I see more and more now is that is being lost and it's all about "me".



I have to totally agree with you Phil. The number of times we have walked through both places looking for 2 seats to either eat or have a coffee and left to return later. You can see whole tables being blocked by those who have finished eating or drinking an hour before. I don't want to drink a coffee in a paper cup in my room because of the chair hoggers in Cafe Al Bacio. I can go to Michael's but I really don't like the coffee that comes from the machines there.

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Isn’t bullying about control ? and isn’t a chair hog controlling who has access to a pool chair?




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Absolutely right - bullying is about control.


But it only succeeds when the person being bullied allows it to continue. If we don't challenge the bullying (in this case, remove items from empty chairs, or remove the chairs and replace it with your own in the same location), it will continue. If a chair/lounger has been left unattended for more than 30 minutes, IMO that's ch'ogging, and it needs to be challenged.

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I believe that was the first time I've ever seen a Chair Hog post on cruise critic and try to rationalize their bad behavior. Amazing.




I don’t quite understand why 10 people traveling together have to sit ALL together unless they are joined at the hip. A row of 10 lounge chairs is not very conducive to conversation.


We had 10 family members traveling together and we were only ALL together at dinner. We had a wonderful cruise. We didn’t even want to all do the same thing at the same time.


A couple or more would gravitate to the pool. My nephew was off with his boys by the water slides. His mother-in-law and uncle were mostly in the casino.


My husband and I headed for the pool with drinks in hand and found a couple of chairs in the shade. My sister was there in the pool and another of our party was sitting in a lounge chair with both of their towels and stuff - they were sharing. My nephew’s wife joined us at an empty chair in the shade for a bit, then she swapped out with my sister.


It’s not really difficult [emoji41]. I really don’t know why so many groups need so many chairs in a row. I honestly don’t. It never occurred to us to have someone go out early and secure a row of chairs. We were taught to share [emoji6]. I don’t think I’ve ever had a lounge chair all to myself on a cruise!



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Not everyone
Not everyone who uses towel clips are chair hogs. They are designed to secure the towel on a windy day even while you are using the chair.


So true. I don't know why so many people hate the towel clips. Maybe because a lot of chair hoggers use them, but people who don't hog chairs also use them. I have 4 pairs of them. I like the different animals and the margarita ones and I'm definately not a chair hog. We have been on 10 cruises and never went to the pool/solarium until the last 2. I'm just not that much of a pool person. Now stick me in the ocean and I never want to come out. :D When I do go to the pool I need somewhere to put my stuff so I put it under the chair right at the edge so it can be seen. I'm always watching it because I will usually have my phone with my stuff and also if I see someone looking for a chair I tell them that it's available and I just need somewhere to put my stuff. Now if small lockers were available by the pool then that would solve my problem.



Absolutely right - bullying is about control.


But it only succeeds when the person being bullied allows it to continue. If we don't challenge the bullying (in this case, remove items from empty chairs, or remove the chairs and replace it with your own in the same location), it will continue. If a chair/lounger has been left unattended for more than 30 minutes, IMO that's ch'ogging, and it needs to be challenged.


True and I don't understand why others say just to let the chair hoggers be. Even if they want a chair by the pool they will just go somewhere else and so the chair hogging continues.

Edited by ReneeFLL
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I don't know why so many people hate the towel clips.


Now if small lockers were available by the pool then that would solve my problem.



I really think this would help. I usually just need someplace to put my stuff while I use the pool. I have asked people sitting in chairs near the pool if they mind if I tuck my stuff under their chair. Most don’t mind if you ask nicely.


And I agree about the towel clips - they are so cute! I love them.




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To the original question "Why Chair Hog Bullies Proliferate?" Because they can. I don't feel other guests should take it upon themselves to be the the chair police, for many reasons. It should be the cruise line employees (for all rule enforcement really).


If they started seriously enforcing it, it would drop dramatically. Remove items from the pool area and then let them try to sort it out at the end of the cruise in a dark hallway with "you're so vain" playing in the background.






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I have to totally agree with you Phil. The number of times we have walked through both places looking for 2 seats to either eat or have a coffee and left to return later. You can see whole tables being blocked by those who have finished eating or drinking an hour before. I don't want to drink a coffee in a paper cup in my room because of the chair hoggers in Cafe Al Bacio. I can go to Michael's but I really don't like the coffee that comes from the machines there.


This has nothing to do with chair hogging. I never reserved a chair by leaving a towel or similar to return hours later. I'm not sure the specialty coffees in Ocean View are any different from Al Bacio.


Never did I feel that you're supposed to down your coffee or tea and get out of Al Bacio. It's simply the nicest place on the ship. If it's too busy, X should create more similar places. Most of the other venues have a feeling of a nightclub at 2PM, because there are curtains, explained to me as "people don't like to see the lifeboats". X having too many guests who actually enjoy looking at the sea or even daylight is not my fault. If they'd simply remove the curtains in other venues I'd be sitting there.

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This has nothing to do with chair hogging. I never reserved a chair by leaving a towel or similar to return hours later. I'm not sure the specialty coffees in Ocean View are any different from Al Bacio.


Never did I feel that you're supposed to down your coffee or tea and get out of Al Bacio. It's simply the nicest place on the ship. If it's too busy, X should create more similar places. Most of the other venues have a feeling of a nightclub at 2PM, because there are curtains, explained to me as "people don't like to see the lifeboats". X having too many guests who actually enjoy looking at the sea or even daylight is not my fault. If they'd simply remove the curtains in other venues I'd be sitting there.

Indeed, it doesn't have anything to do with the usual chair hogging, but seeing as you brought it up.....Nothing you've said changes my mind. I don't think anyone would advocate chugging their coffee or food down to make room for another. What I was talking about is being sensible and considerate to others. Sitting in Cafe Al Bacio looking out of the windows with no intention of drinking or eating anything and chatting at the table when there are others who would like to use the facilities of the venue is inconsiderate. From time to time I've seen signage in the Oceanview Cafe to this effect when there has been a real problem.


There are plenty of places to look out without curtains. The Sky Observation Lounge for one. That is just an excuse.



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