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19 hours ago, JDincalif said:

oh how the chills and memories are flooding back. 

I'll bet. I read whatever there was to read on the preview and got a taste of it. Very well written. I don't quite agree with his reference to 'being bored' during the journey however. When the 23rd came along, DW and I were just really getting into it - were hoping for a few more times at Mamson's for one thing. Besides, of course, anticipating the rest of the journey, I never did make it to the spa! That was my plan for the afternoon of the 23rd.  

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7 hours ago, OnTheJourney said:

I don't quite agree with his reference to 'being bored' during the journey however.

Perhaps a little literary license. A few hours into the emergency he writes, "Hell, I’d give anything to go back to the boredom of just a few hours ago."

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15 hours ago, JDincalif said:

A few hours into the emergency he writes, "Hell, I’d give anything to go back to the boredom of just a few hours ago."

Perhaps...I listened to an excerpt from the audio version and he refers to being bored for several days (?)  Doesn't matter....I've never found any trip - cruise or otherwise - to be in the slightest way boring. 

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30 minutes ago, OnTheJourney said:

Perhaps...I listened to an excerpt from the audio version and he refers to being bored for several days (?)  Doesn't matter....I've never found any trip - cruise or otherwise - to be in the slightest way boring. 


We're not exactly thrill-seekers but even with us there are those *moments* within gratifying travel experiences (yet another queue, yet another delay as examples) that we'd classify as boring. 


We've read the entire book with great pleasure, which helps place such excerpts in clearer context. The author elaborates, "Once accustomed to the dopamine hit that a new locale brings each day, your brain begins to take the novelty for granted. You develop a sudden aversion to the mundane. I did, anyway."

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1 hour ago, JDincalif said:

You develop a sudden aversion to the mundane.

Possibly, especially if you're doing repeated cruises on the same ship over and over - same itinerary. But since Viking, for us, was completely new, we weren't tired of any of it. On the contrary, were just at the point where we were really into the groove and ready to explore more on the ship. It was a very busy trip and so seemed to be going by quickly. 

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Thank you, OTJ, for mentioning the book. I just finished it and found it interesting. I learned many things from the author’s background research. Also, he had been in a different part of the ship, so his experience was different than mine. 

i, too, wrote a lengthy memoir upon returning home and found that process cathartic. I did much soul searching, just like the author. For me, it is awesome and wonderful that we were Providentially  rescued! 

weighing in on boredom: down time on the ship is relaxing to me. Sure international travel can have times that are monotonous even tedious. But that is part of the experience and I try to make the best of it. Furthermore, the monotony during the ordeal itself felt safe, even soothing. Because nothing further was going wrong. 

I look forward to the Chairman’s Cruise, when we can talk about this face to face. The distance of time may be helpful. I rejoice in all the things that went right. I am grateful to Viking, the crew, the officers, the rescuers, the tugs, the Norwegians, my fellow passengers, everyone who helped us. 

it was good for me to think about this again. 


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As I read the comments about this book I became a little confused.  I thought it was about our unfortunate incident and how is was handled.   Is this not correct?  When I see comments about his writing about boredom, I just don't get it or agree.  I found the cruise up to the incident to be very good.  I know Carolyn & I always find things to do when on a cruise, and this was no exception.  There were plenty of excursions, seminars, shows etc. so I am not sure how boredom factors in.  Someone please enlighten me if I am wrong about all of this.    JohnEB

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3 hours ago, johneb2 said:

As I read the comments about this book I became a little confused.  I thought it was about our unfortunate incident and how is was handled.   Is this not correct?  When I see comments about his writing about boredom, I just don't get it or agree.  I found the cruise up to the incident to be very good.  I know Carolyn & I always find things to do when on a cruise, and this was no exception.  There were plenty of excursions, seminars, shows etc. so I am not sure how boredom factors in.  Someone please enlighten me if I am wrong about all of this.    JohnEB


NPR review title says that Kwak  "...,turned a cruise ship ordeal into a metaphor - and memoir," so the book is not just a recounting of the facts of the emergency.  Reading the entire book with this understanding will provide answers to these questions.






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On 7/9/2021 at 10:05 AM, ptkelley said:

I look forward to the Chairman’s Cruise,

Yes...if there is going to be one. Any additional word on it? I do wish they'd at least tentatively come up with a month and approximate dates so as to adequately plan ahead. It could come down to making a decision on having to cancel / rebook some other trip...something we've all gotten really good at 😁

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On 7/9/2021 at 10:05 AM, ptkelley said:

weighing in on boredom: down time on the ship is relaxing to me.

Absolutely! Used to be when DW and I first started cruising we kind of looked down on itineraries that had a few sea days. Now, as we get older, we enjoy them. Our Baltic cruise, which I don't recall had any - or maybe one - was what a friend of mine refers to as "port intensive". Very busy with port stops basically every day. It was fantastic for all that we got to see, but was really like an extensive land tour only using a ship as your accommodations. Luckily, we enjoy land tours as well as cruising. 

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3 hours ago, OnTheJourney said:

Yes...if there is going to be one. Any additional word on it? I do wish they'd at least tentatively come up with a month and approximate dates so as to adequately plan ahead. It could come down to making a decision on having to cancel / rebook some other trip...something we've all gotten really good at 😁

OTJ, Carolyn & I are also eagerly waiting.  I am hoping we will hear shortly so we can block out the time from our schedule.  I have not heard anything additional since when I called up last month.  (I posted that info on this forum).  They did say it was very important to Mr. Hagen for it to happen, so we just have to wait.   JohnEB

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On 7/12/2021 at 4:51 PM, johneb2 said:

They did say it was very important to Mr. Hagen for it to happen, so we just have to wait. 

I believe that. He doesn't seem the kind of guy that goes back on his word. It has to have been among the worst incidents that Viking has experienced. As you say, anxiously (more like impatiently I suppose!) awaiting. 

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  • 1 month later...

Oh I know this question is an old chestnut BUT has anyone been given any indication when the Chairman's gifted cruise to us might be happening? In his last contact he assured us all that it would still be happening but the question is when.


Goodness, I fully appreciate the nightmarish difficulties Viking has experienced and the still existing uncertainties but next year is getting awfully booked up and we're wanting to plan a couple of months in Europe. It would be Sod's law that we make our plans (again!) and then have to reorganise everything.


Anyone had a conversation with a Viking rep who might have suggested when we might hear?


Hope everyone is keeping well.


All good wishes to you all x


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Thanks John. I might just give them a buzz and see what they have to say.


Enjoy the river cruise. We were just in Paris which was wonderfully empty, rather surreal actually. The galleries were a delight without the crowds.

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17 hours ago, map70065 said:

Hope to be heading out on the Sky again in a couple days.  I know this adventure is going to be different than the last one.  

Were you also on the infamous NL cruise in March of 2019?  We have a trip planned on the Sky in January and are not sure how we will feel the first time we set foot on that ship again after that experience.  I am sure we will do just fine very quickly after we experience some of the wonderful Viking offerings again.   JohnEB

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On 8/24/2021 at 9:24 AM, johneb2 said:

Were you also on the infamous NL cruise in March of 2019?  We have a trip planned on the Sky in January and are not sure how we will feel the first time we set foot on that ship again after that experience.  I am sure we will do just fine very quickly after we experience some of the wonderful Viking offerings again.   JohnEB

Yes, my daughter and I were on that one, too.  This is the first cruise we've taken together since.  I have cruised with others and solo since, but she hasn't.  I was kind of shocked on the first cruise after that I got a little choked up during the emergency drill and was a little upset that others weren't listening to the instructions.  After that everything was fine - and I didn't feel that way on cruises after that.  Looking forward to Iceland on this one.

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On 8/25/2021 at 4:36 PM, map70065 said:

and was a little upset that others weren't listening to the instructions. 

I had the same reaction when we did a cruise in October of '19 (first after that infamous Norway trip). I would say I felt more than "just a little upset" but held my tongue. 


On 8/23/2021 at 1:21 PM, DGHOC said:

Oh I know this question is an old chestnut BUT has anyone been given any indication when the Chairman's gifted cruise to us might be happening? In his last contact he assured us all that it would still be happening but the question is when.

I've had trouble logging in the past few weeks so am catching up. I've been thinking the exact same thing. Just when is this going to happen? Now that Viking has started sailing again and has plenty of itineraries into '22 and beyond, I'd say it's time to come up with something. We're now nearly 2 1/2 years after the Northern Lights cruise, so...I'd prefer either a definite yes or no. At this point I honestly don't mind if they just can the whole idea but my schedule is filling up so it'd be nice to have a yea or nay. We're all tired of rebooking / shifting cruises and other trips around so I'd hate to have to do it again to accommodate an invitational cruise. Much depends on where and when it would be. I might not even be interested anymore. The one they had chosen for us was outstanding and worked out so nicely as a B2B with the Iberian Explorer. If that same option comes along, I'd take it. Problem is, of course, all the unknowns associated with the variant. I'm sure that has slowed the process of coming up with an itinerary. 

On 8/23/2021 at 1:21 PM, DGHOC said:

Anyone had a conversation with a Viking rep who might have suggested when we might hear?

Hopefully someone will question it soon. I have two (US) trips booked for October that overlap. One is a fly/drive and the other is much closer and can do on our own. One of them has to be canceled. This is crazy. I had a western US trip to see several National Parks last October and canceled the whole thing (luckily didn't have flights booked then but this time I do). Been hearing tales of people not even being able to get rental cars that are reserved, plus the thought of getting ill with the hospitals becoming overcrowded. I use tripadvisor alot and so am getting feedback from people who live in AZ and TX. I think the safer and more relaxing trip at this point would be the non-flying option. 

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On Sept 19th, Carolyn & I will be embarking on a river cruise in Portugal, and I will approach them directly to find out more information on the Chairman's cruise.  I think they can contact the appropriate people to just get us an answer on its status, as I feel we are owed some kind of communication at this point.   JohnEB

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I spoke to the London office John. Still no decisions have been made and as with the first planned Venus trip they said that they'd send out a 'save the day' to us all. I suggested that as the Venus has sailed (without us!) that might they be considering the inaugural cruise on one of the two new ships planned for launch next year, one in May and one in Dec? The chap I spoke to went off to speak to management to confer and returned saying that they still have no further info they can pass on to us. 


It makes sense to me that that might be the plan as the inaugural cruises aren't a money earner as they are normally a trial run for friends, family, the travel trade and the press but, I know nothing!


Next year is filling up fast and furiously here, I'd hate to miss this as we'd love to catch up with everyone from the first time round. We've also a Baltic cruise planned at the end of May which I'd hate to have to cancel or have cancelled again. 


I truly understand the horrific difficulties experienced this year so I 'get it' but it's awfully tricky trying to plan ahead with folk barking at me to confirm stuff!.

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On 9/6/2021 at 4:48 PM, DGHOC said:

Still no decisions have been made 

Thanks for checking on it. My prediction is that it'll never happen. 2 years removed from the actual event, for many that were on the trip, is - at least for many folks I'll bet - almost too much time to really be that concerned about it anymore. I think alot of us have probably moved on from it. As dramatic as it was, it belonged to a different era and sort of pales in the wake of the pandemic.


I no longer feel the need for an invitational cruise and would be content - if they still want to do something - to just offer some sort of discount on the cruise of our choice.


I'll be more than content to simply get back out there for whenever that might be...regardless of the ship or itinerary. Plus, it won't be the same. Likely masking required plus other hoops to jump through. I would not feel comfortable doing any cruise at present and glad I have nothing till next spring. Not sure, quite honestly, if cruising will ever be the same again. I have several booked in '22 and '23, but depending on how things go might look more towards land / driving trips if covid is going to be with us for the long haul - as appears likely. 

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