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3 Hour Diet?

Blue Waters

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Cool Cruiser, I 've been waiting for someone to reply to your post because I too, am interested. I have Jorge Cruise's 8 minutes in the morning for esay weight loss and his flat belly books. I have not followed his diet. I did the easy weight loss exercises and lost inches but not weight. I think you do need to follow the diet too. I hurt my back trying to do the flat belly book and am now recuperting from that and on steroids and muscle relaxers. I decided to stick with my treadmill and exercise bike!! I am 58 and can not do some of the things I think I should be able to do!! Guess I need a begining exercise for older people!! LOL!! I would like to start weight lifting. I live in the country and 20 miles from the closest town which is very small and offers nothing in the way of exercise groups. I would like to know if you started any of his books or the diet and how you are doing. Another thing. I have not gotten e-mails if someone answers my posts. Do I need to do something special or does this website not e-mail?

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Just Cruisen' -

I have not looked into Jorge Cruise's 8 minutes in the morning, but I did decide to begin the 3 hour diet last week. Lost 5 pounds the first week. I too have back problems and have only been able to use the treadmill for excercise. I had lost 50 pounds on the Atkins diet but gained 30 of it back.


I bought Jorge's book and it seems to be working for me. You eat a 400 calorie breakfast (within an hour of getting up), 3 hours later a 100 calorie snack, 3 hours later a 400 calorie lunch, 3 hours later a 100 calorie snack, 3 hours later a 400 calorie dinner and then a 50 calorie treat. You can eat anything! You just have to watch the quantities. Your body goes into starvation mode when you go more than 3 hours between meals. The body starts to store fat instead of burning it and starts to burn muscle instead. Small meals throughout the day seams to be the way to go.


As far as you email question, there is a option that you need to select under additional options when you start a thread to make the email notification happen.

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I'm not doing the diet. But read some things on the internet about it. You basiclly eat small portions every 3 hours and don't eat anything 2 hours before bed. I'm sure there is more to it then that. But didn't really look that far into doing it.

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So glad the diet is working for you!! I had been on the Atkins too and lost 20 lls. and after a year went off. My husband cheated all the time and he lost 20 also. I know I was just getting too many calories. I also ended up with acid refluxe from too much fat!!(Fatty acid) Now, I'm just starting to exercise and eat a lot less and watch bad carbs. What I'm doing is similar to the JC diet. I eat a low fat cheese stick mid- morning and a yogurt or veggies in the afternoon. For me , just staying busy and getting out seems to help. I use food as my campinion as my husband is gone everyday and home around 7pm Then he's on the computer working!!

I did gain 5 lbs. back when I went off Atkins and started adding carbs. Boy, that cereal and milk sure taste good though!! I have that 5 back off and am ready for more!! My husband still thinks there is nothing like Atkins!! He's a beef eater!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello all, i noticed that a few people have been wondering about the 3 hour diet but nobody has looked into it, I have been on the what i call 3 hour/atkins diet for years now and have been able to keep the weight off and enjoy eating all day long, in the morning i have a low carb breakfast, usually an egg & sausage, then a few hours apart i will have some ham & cheese and later on maybe deviled eggs, by the time dinner comes i really am not that hungry so i usually have a veggie and a small piece of some kind of meat, the key is to not eat until you are full, but eat until you are not hungry, you can have higher carb items every once in a while (like pasta...yum) but in small portions like give yourself a little pasta and a big meatball on top and never eat within a few hours of bedtime. I have been doing this for 7 years and i love it, i put my husband on it and he being a big meat eater loves it also. Oh i also get an iced latte from starbucks almost every night because cream and milk are very low in carbs. I hope this explains it just alittle better.


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Hugh?? Did you read the posts above before you posted? We were talking about the Jorge Cruise 3 hour diet. It is nothing like the Atkins diet. It is a small amount of meat, lots of veggies, and small amouint of carbs. You can also have fruit at breakfast. You just eat a snack mid morning and afternoon. You can have a peanut butter cup in the evening. It's much more varied then the Atkins, which I've been on too.

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Of course i read the other posts, i am on the 3 hour diet and switched the foods to low carbs instead, it is my variation of the diet so instead of a peanut butter cup after dinner i have a latte or instead of fruit, i have eggs.

i guess i should have stated that this is my version of the diet that works for me.

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Exercises will tighten your muscles but muscle weighs more than fat.


I like the theory and the science behind the three hour diet. Lots of healthy vegetables, a reasonable amount of meat and a treat to stave off cravings. You eat often so you don't get starved. As a diet "expert" (when you were as fat as me you get to be an expert. For those of you who don't know I used to be 320lbs. I am not anymore) I have read it and tried it all! This is one of the diets that make a lot of sense and I do a version of it only it involved Twix instead of Reese's. I have lost my last 40lbs this way and kept it off without a problem.

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Congratulations!! You are an inspiration to all of us!! Now I just have to get started!! I did join an exercise club called "WOW", workout women. I have to travel 60 miles round trip since I live way out in the country, but I go 3-4 times a week. I've went 3 weeks now and I love it!! Now, I just need to add the diet to it!! Knowing you lost so much will help me to get started!! I'd like to loose 40-50lbs.

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Congratulations!! You are an inspiration to all of us!! Now I just have to get started!! I did join an exercise club called "WOW"' date=' workout women. I have to travel 60 miles round trip since I live way out in the country, but I go 3-4 times a week. I've went 3 weeks now and I love it!! Now, I just need to add the diet to it!! Knowing you lost so much will help me to get started!! I'd like to loose 40-50lbs.[/quote']


I read something once, or maybe it was something I heard on Oprah and I buy it. Do not worry if the weight does not come off right away, especially if you are over 35 or so. It takes a while for your body to regulate hydration etc when you make a big change. There are people who have argued with me on the boards but truly it's calories in/calories out.

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Well, if you want to do one of the gimmick diets, it's up to you. However, don't feel like you have to do that. I'll tell you below what I would do, but a couple of things before we move on:


* To lose one pound of bodyweight, you have to have a calorie deficit of approximately 3500 calories. This can come through exercise and/or diet.


* Don't try to lose more than 1-2 pounds per week. IOW, you are looking for a calorie deficit of 3500-7000 calories per week. Anything more and you will kill your metabolism.


Here's what I would do if I were you.


1. Figure out your daily caloric needs to maintain you weight. There are many websites that will calculate this for you. It usually is your bodyweight multipled by 14 (give or take a couple, depending on your level of activity). Just do a google search to find a website. For our purposes, pretend you weigh 150lbs. 150 x 14 = 2100. That is what you would need to maintain your weight.


2. Now, take the 2100 calories and minus 250 calories. That equals 1850 calories. If you eat 1850 calories per day, you will have a calorie deficit of 1750 a week (1/2 a pound). If you exercise and burn 250 calories a day, that's another 1/2 pound. That's one pound per week. You can adjust the diet and exercise as you like (e.g., if you eat 1600 calories and burn 250 calories a day during exercise, you will have 1 1/2 lbs of weight loss per week). Remember, however, you only want to lose 1-2lbs per week.


3. Eat 5-6 small meals per day.


4. Eat one gram of protein for each lb of bodyweight.


5. Limit your carbs in the evening.


6. Avoid processed foods and sugars.


7. Get a mix of protein, good carbs and good fats in each meal.


8. Drink LOTS of water.


9. If you can, do cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. You burn up to 300% more fat on an empty stomach than after a meal.


10. If you lift weights, you will increase your metabolism.

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Biffman I am not trying to be agumentative with you but I disagree about number 9. I run 5 - 10 miles in the morning and after mile 5 I need nutrition or I will bonk. I think that if you are doing light to moderate cardio then maybe not eating would be OK but for intense cardio it's not the best idea in the world (I carry Gu or one of the gels like it. Has the consistancy of snot, no kidding, but it comes in flavors).


Also any weight bearing exercise, yoga, lifting, Pilates will increase your muscle ot fat ratio and therefore increase your metabolism. A pound of weight needs fuel to maintain iteself. The same pound of fat does not.

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Biffman I am not trying to be agumentative with you but I disagree about number 9. I run 5 - 10 miles in the morning and after mile 5 I need nutrition or I will bonk. I think that if you are doing light to moderate cardio then maybe not eating would be OK but for intense cardio it's not the best idea in the world (I carry Gu or one of the gels like it. Has the consistancy of snot, no kidding, but it comes in flavors).


Also any weight bearing exercise, yoga, lifting, Pilates will increase your muscle ot fat ratio and therefore increase your metabolism. A pound of weight needs fuel to maintain iteself. The same pound of fat does not.


Well, we can agree to disagree. I think all available evidence shows thatdoing cardio in the morning on an empty stomach burns much more fat. I guess if you're running 10 miles it might be tough to do. However, most people do 30-45 minutes of cardio, so they should be ok.


Here are some articles re this issue:











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Oh my! You both have some good points!! I am 58, weigh175 and am 5'5 1/2"" I would love to get to 150 by June for our cruise. I will take all this into consideration. Thank you so much for all the info!! It does help. I only do 20 minutes of cardio right now but can see I need to up that!! Finding the time for all this is hard!! But, I will do it!!:)

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You're right, you ned to work out longer and push it a little (do not injure yourself). cardio five times a week and some weight bearing exercise. Cut your calories but DO NOT go crazy. On 1800 calories a day I stall out no matter what I do. I think my metabolism comes to a grinding halt. I am convinced this number is different for everyone. On 2000 calories a day with exercise I lose. You will need to play with it.


http://www.fitday.com is free and will track your food and exercise etc. It's been a blessing for me.


You can do your cardio in lumps of no less than ten minutes if you need to. I run in the morning (walking works too) and bike in the afternoon. DRINK WATER! Don't drown yourself tho. People over 150 lbs are more likely to drink too much than too little (recent study). Just drink when you are thirsty.


Have fun. If you aren't having some fun then why bother? I like to work out alone. I get competative in classes. Alone I just go and have fun or in small groups.


Walk or run? Then sign up now for a 5K near your goal date. It will keep you honest and they are a ton of fun! It does not matter where you end up in the pack. You get a T-shirt (usually) and meet some neat people who are doing what you are. I cannot say enough good about getting into a race to get you motivated. Feel a little nervous about that? Like you will be the biggest, slowest person out there? Guess what? I am behind you and I am probably bigger and I will guarantee slower than most people. I come in at the back of the pack. I still LOVE IT!


Lawsy I am Cheerleading again. You can do it!

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Thanks Nliedel!! I am going to do 20 minutes cardio at least 2X a day. I do WOW work out 3-4 times a week. I think I will start back on J.C.'s flat belly book for tummy exercises and do the ones that I can. They were helping until I hurt my back. My ab's are gone I think!! LOL!! Mostly I do work out alone because I live 30 miles from our nearest town where I go for WOW. I have a treadmill and a stationary bike. I need to start on the bike again too. Like I said, it's hard to find the time but by gosh, I am going to do it!! Thanks for cheerleading!!! I went clothes shopping today and there's nothing like trying on clothes in front of those big mirrors to get you in the mood!!!:eek:

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Just Cruisen'

I bought Jorge's book and it seems to be working for me. You eat a 400 calorie breakfast (within an hour of getting up), 3 hours later a 100 calorie snack, 3 hours later a 400 calorie lunch, 3 hours later a 100 calorie snack, 3 hours later a 400 calorie dinner and then a 50 calorie treat. You can eat anything! You just have to watch the quantities. Your body goes into starvation mode when you go more than 3 hours between meals. The body starts to store fat instead of burning it and starts to burn muscle instead. Small meals throughout the day seams to be the way to go.



So how have you been doing on this diet? I am going to start this today. So all you do is follow the 3 hour rules and you can eat anything up to that calore count right? Any helpful hints?



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BellyButton, I haven't started the diet yet. I'm still worried about the carbs since I had been on Atkins. I am mostly (just started) eating the protein and veggies and every 3 hours. It is good to know you can look forward to something else to eat in 3 hours. I need to read the book through before I can give any pointers since I don't know any more then what you said. The books I have are 3 of his exercise books and then just the little pocket 3 hour diet book. I did see Jorge on the morning show one morning. He was teaching Al Roker how to eat out at fast food places and still stay within your limit. He was doing breakfast at McDonald's the day I watched and he took the egg mcmuffin and coffee. He said no juice. Al asked about the pancakes and Jorge said you can only eat half of them and half the syrup. Actually low caloric syrup would be better. I really think itseems like a good diet becausse it includes all the food groups and teaches you not to be a pig (like me) and to keep your metabolism up through eatring every 3 hours and exercise. Are you doing any of his exercise books? I know 3 people that are doing the first one over and over, They like it. I don't like doing the exercises first thing in the morning because I like to have coffee with my husband before he leaves for work. Right now I'm doing treadmill and WOW so it's hard to work more in, but I definitely think they help! Some of them are super easy but the ab one is hard for me and I did injure my back trying to do them. Let me know how you do!! Good Luck!! Are you cruisen?

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  • 10 years later...

Hi, I started today. Read the book. It really makes sense and I see how sugar causes cancer. I am feeling quite full. I did my breakfast of 2 turkey sausages with a skinny muffin. Snack 1 was 10 almonds. Lunch was a salad of grilled chicken strips, cucumbers, tomatoes, artichokes, blue cheese dressing, seltzer water. I should be doing a snack of string cheese-mozzarella for snack 2 but feel full. I will do it anyway so I don't over eat tonight. I am having the 2 glasses of red wine with probably and ground turkey burger tonight. I have been drinking water during the day.


I must say right now I feel satisfied and full. LOL

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