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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday February 5th, 2023


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1 hour ago, HAL Sailer said:

@0106 I can't attest to Hokey Pokey as I'm ONLY a mint chip girl. And, my DH's memory no longer remembers his Hokey Pokey pursuits. From the following web description, I'm guessing he loved the toffee bits. And, all the dairy products in NZ were extra rich and flavorful from grass grazed herds, so Hokey Pokey's vanilla base was likely delicious, too.





"If you’re a Kiwi (New Zealander), Hokey Pokey needs no introduction! For the rest of the world though, those words are just hocus pocus. Hokey Pokey ice cream is one of the most popular ice creams in New Zealand, perhaps second only to plain ol’ vanilla. It’s a quintessentially Kiwi treat where rich creamy vanilla ice cream is mixed with crunchy bits of honeycomb toffee (i.e. hokey pokey). It’s incredibly tasty and incredibly addictive, so much so that they even have rehab centers in NZ to treat those with hokey pokey addictions. Actually, that’s a lie. I made that last bit up. But you know what I mean. Whether you call it Hokey Pokey or Honey Comb or Sponge Candy, those who have tried it will attest to the fact that it’s one of a kind!"



I love hokey pokey ice cream. On our recent New Zealand trip i was bound and determined to find it. We found it in Tauranga. Was delicious! In fact, I had it twice that day! LOL

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Good morning all!

I won't be showering with a friend, don't have a jerk to dump, but do depend on weather reports a lot.

The quote is funny, will pass on the drink but will take any NZ SV so would like to try this one.  We aren't huge fans of brussel sprouts, but would probably like Debbie's recipes, so maybe as a side dish in small amounts.  We've been to Ireland a couple times but never to Waterford.  Thanks for all photos!


Today the painting continues, I hope to get the upstairs finished.  And as usual now I'm looking at what else I can paint. 😂  There's one area downstairs that could use a fresh coat.    


Ann @cat shepardmy deepest condolences on the death of your nephew Matt.

Laura @dobiemomBon Voyage!

Roy @rafinmdI'm sorry you didn't sleep as well last night.  Hoping you can nap today.

@ottahand7Yikes on the burst pipe!  Glad to hear you were able to move to different cabins, I hope yours will be livable before too long.  Scares me, as we're booked for 94 days on the Volendam in January....24 years old.


Joy @Seasick SailorI hope too that nothing is cracked -- good that you're going for x-rays.





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@dfish, Debbie, oh my ,brothers,right? My DB was much the same after his knee replacement  What could I,  PT for many years,possibly know about rehab and post op care!!I brought him a cane and he was insisting that it be used in his right hand for a right TKR.The ortho walked in as I was remarking that he was wrong and told him to " stop acting like a know it all".I hope all goes well tomorrow. 

@Seasick Sailor,  Joy, I am officially worried about  your pain and pray the xray is negative. 


@luvteaching,  Karen, my heart aches for you but I am glad yesterday was a good day.Would you consider help at home, even for a few hours?It is devastating  when the Docs bring up Hospice.

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Good morning. It is supposed to be into the mid-40's today before colder weather returns.


I am late this morning as the dogs and I had a very bad experience this morning. They were attacked by 3 large loose dogs!!!! And we were still in the driveway near the condo. Fortunately the owner came running and hauled them off but Bandit has a small cut on the head which I will be watching closely  the next couple of days. The owner came by later to check on them and to tell me that if they have to go to the vet that she will pay the bill and if needed will go with me to help handle them. Monty seems to have escaped with no injury and it did not stop them from eating breakfast later. They are both exhausted and sleeping now. This is my greatest fear while walking them and I do stay close to home.... usually walking back and forth in the same area. I also worry about me getting knocked down. Not a good start to the day but it could have been much worse. I have no idea why they were loose, she usually has them on leash.


All for now.





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1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:


The quote is funny, will pass on the drink but will take any NZ SV so would like to try this one.  We aren't huge fans of brussel sprouts, but would probably like Debbie's recipes, so maybe as a side dish in small amounts. 



So that is why Henry was so willing to give me his brussels sprouts!   


1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

@dfish, Debbie, oh my ,brothers,right? My DB was much the same after his knee replacement  What could I,  PT for many years,possibly know about rehab and post op care!!I brought him a cane and he was insisting that it be used in his right hand for a right TKR.The ortho walked in as I was remarking that he was wrong and told him to " stop acting like a know it all".I hope all goes well tomorrow. 


I'm sure all will go well tomorrow.  They are keeping him overnight and may be able to knock some sense into him.  I'm not going to push him on the cane bit.  That just makes him mad.  But, you're right!  Brothers can be maddening.  I laughed at the fact that yours would think you didn't know anything.  


When my dad died, my DB had to find a place to live as he had always lived with Mom and Dad.  He claimed he knew a guy who was going to help him.  Nevertheless, I suggested he check out Washington Woods, a senior living facility run by the city where rent is based on ability to pay.  You have a private apartment and opt in or out of a meal plan, depending on your wishes.   He scoffed at that idea and told me it was ridiculous.  Well, a couple days later the guy who was helping him said he couldn't do anything for him, so Jeff went down to Washington Woods.  They had an apartment available immediately, ran the numbers for him, and it worked out.  He moved in and has loved it ever since.  Imagine that!  Sister Deb had a good idea for a change.


51 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. It is supposed to be into the mid-40's today before colder weather returns.


I am late this morning as the dogs and I had a very bad experience this morning. They were attacked by 3 large loose dogs!!!! And we were still in the driveway near the condo. Fortunately the owner came running and hauled them off but Bandit has a small cut on the head which I will be watching closely  the next couple of days. The owner came by later to check on them and to tell me that if they have to go to the vet that she will pay the bill and if needed will go with me to help handle them. Monty seems to have escaped with no injury and it did not stop them from eating breakfast later. They are both exhausted and sleeping now. This is my greatest fear while walking them and I do stay close to home.... usually walking back and forth in the same area. I also worry about me getting knocked down. Not a good start to the day but it could have been much worse. I have no idea why they were loose, she usually has them on leash.


All for now.






That is scary!   I am glad that you weren't injured and that the dogs don't seem to have any serious injuries.  At least the owner took responsibility.  Many wouldn't.


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1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

Good Sunday Morning Dailyites!


I'm surprised we have not heard from @grapau27with a Father David post.  I hope all is well with the Graham, Pauline and Sarah family.  


I wouldnt mind showering with a friend, if they could give my itchy winter skin on my back a good scrub....but it would have to be a big shower.....Yes, I have dumped my share of jerks.  My dad told me once, that I will never find a trout in a barrel of pickled herrings, but it took me a long time to learn that.  and I think that some of my old flames were glad I dumped them, so they didnt have to dump me.  Like @4966and556my first hubby was a super Jerk, the second husband had some good moments, but his addiction problems were too much for me, that and he believed the world was going to end, and to arm himself to the gills so that what he had, no one could take....If the rest of the world was gone, I didnt want to be the only one on earth with him...  and the beau after him, was a jerk, in so many ways, but he had mental health issues, that I was too blind to see when we started dating, so my dad was right. In regards to the weather people, where else can you keep a job, and be wrong 50% of the time?


@cat shepardI was very sad to read about your nephew.  Turning the corner, getting straight, and then lose the battle is very sad, prayers to you and your family.

@ottahand7I am thinking that perhaps some crew members might have had to move to give up those cabins, or they leave them empty to cover any unknown disaster.

@dobiemomBon Voyage!

@Seasick SailorIf your ribs or side are still hurting, please get them checked out.  There is nothing so sad, as not being able to laugh, because you are in pain.

@rafinmdSorry the sleep last night wasnt' better.  I hope though that you are feeling better a little more each day.

@dfishYou have taught me to love my veggies by roasting them.  I used to hate Brussel sprouts, and then I went to a dinner, at a friends mother in law, who roasted the sprouts, and they were good!  Then I had them at Red Lobster, and yes they drizzle some wonderful sauce on them, but they were fantastic, and then I tried to duplicate it, and that was a disaster, I will try one of the recipes you posted.

@smitty34877I am glad to read that your hip is doing well.  Tell those puppies to behave, and all will be well.


We went out for dinner at our favorite Vietnamese Restaurant last night after work - during our work hours, we drink coffee, last night with dinner we had Vietnamese Iced coffee, DH and I were up until 2:30....






I was going to say maybe Graham @grapau27didn't have good wifi today, but I see he's just added Father David's sermon.  I still need to see/listen to it.



1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

No showering with a friend for me and fortunately no significant jerk. Weathermen try to get it right, I think. Funny quote. The meal sounds good as a side dish. I'll pass on the drink and wine.

I haven't been to Waterford, although I have some of the crystal made there. 


Heat wave! It's 43F and partly sunny, after -4F yesterday AM. No special plans today. I've been having some pain/numbness on my right thigh, which I wonder if it's related to the bursitis on that side. Another reason I've been trying to sleep on the better side. Mail tracking shows my passport is "in the system" but delayed (original delivery estimate was 2/3); it's coming from Tucson.


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting us up today and keeping up with our lists. Great photos as usual.

@ottahand7 Oh my on the flooding in the hall and your cabin! The food looks good. Not good to hear that repair of the broken pipe may be problematic. And no fun having to pack up and move for a few days, but at least they have open cabins. I couldn't tolerate the cabin being so cold you needed a blanket!

@0106 Wow on the ship rolling so much that DH fell out of bed. Good to hear he's ok. 

@dobiemom Good to hear you arrived safely. Bon Voyage and have a great cruise!

@cat shepard Continued prayers for your family as you navigate this difficult time.

@rafinmd Thanks for checking in. Maybe a nap or two today, since you didn't sleep as well last night?

@Cruzin Terri Safe travels to Miami.

@dfish Thanks for today's recipes. Enjoy meeting more neighbors today. Wishing the best for your DB's knee surgery tomorrow.

@smitty34877 It's good to hear your hip is doing well. My knee varies; one day it is very painful, then it will be ok for a few days, then painful again. Steps aggravate it, especially when I do laundry (today) which involves several trips down and back up from the the basement; most days it's one time down to the first floor in the morning and on the first floor all day until bedtime.


@Seasick Sailor I hope you're feeling better today.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Take care everyone.


I hope your knee and thigh are feeling better soon.  I can empathize.  🙁




1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

@dfish  Debbie, you might just put the cane in the car on Tuesday when you take your DB home.  You could even take into the apartment and leave it "just in case". 😉


On our one visit to Waterford we toured Waterford Crystal; then, on to the Jameson Distillery.  All my pictures were taken on the tour.



The William Maddock crystal clock



Some of their crystal pieces are molded and some are hand blown





This shows the various steps in finishing a glass bowl.







Some of their pieces are cut by a computer driven machine.



This piece is called In Remembrance and was dedicated in Memory of Father Mychal Judge and the 342 other first responders who lost their live on September 11, 2001.





Thanks for the photos of the Waterford factory and museum.  About 25 years or so ago we bought a Waterford crystal 10 inch bowl with gold rim.  It's for decorative purposes not food usage.  I wonder if they used the machine to cut the crystal on the sides?  I would think so.




1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. 


I'm so sorry to hear of your nephews death Ann.

Roy I hope you get much needed rest. It helps with your healing.

Debbie I will put your brother in prayer and hope his surgery is successful. 

Prayers lifted for all on Sandi's care list. Jacqui, Tana, Sarah, Kathi...


Tomorrow I will call our clinic for an Xray. I'm pretty miserable and want to be sure I'm ok to travel on the 15th. Please pray nothing is cracked!


We loved Ireland and Scotland. We were on a tour then my niece was married in Adare. We've been back several times since. 


Meeting friends for brunch in a bit and having dinner with friends before our concert. I am not up for it, but my sweet husband has been looking forward to it.. 


Have a wonderful day.



Joy, I'm glad you're going to get yourself checked out.  Can you take Ibuprofen or Tylenol for pain?  I hope the brunch and dinner as well as the concert go okay.  Let us know tomorrow what they say.❤️




48 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 


No showering with a friend and no jerks to dump here! DH is the first and he's a keeper. He's still in the hospital but the last couple of days I'm seeing some good improvement. Yesterday the hospitalist had a chat about going home and mentioned hospice but I've talked with our DS and just don't feel that's a place we want to go at the moment. I do understand where the hospitalist is coming from as DH is taking longer to bounce back - I don't have my rose-colored glasses on (I don't think so anyway). However, yesterday he was very talkative, ate by himself and finished everything, no shaky hands, asked for his hat to wear, talked to the respiratory therapist and nurses with a decent conversation, and was asking me about family and friends. I think this particular bacteria just took the "stuffing" out of him. Anyway, I plan to say no to hospice at this point and hopefully we can come up with a plan to have him home soon. 

Thanks for all who have asked and keep him in your thoughts. Now on to make snickerdoodles for the nursing staff! 



You're making the decision that works for your family and that's the way it should be.  Your DH has you to help him, but as others say please take some time for yourself once in a while.  My DMIL was in hospice for quite a while but we agreed to it because she didn't have anyone to take care of her.  We lived 600 miles away and DSIL didn't want anyone near her during Covid.  DSIL did not visit her Mom for a year.  So we felt better having hospice nurses visit her several days a week to have more eyes on her besides the nursing facility staff.  Prayers that everything works out as planned.🙏




17 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Good afternoon.

Thank you Sandi for posting all of today's lists and the daily.

Last night's dinner.

Lovely bread.

Pumpkin soup.

Fillet mignon.

Prayers for everyone who is unwell.





Looks great Graham!  Thanks for posting Father David's sermon earlier.



1 hour ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. It is supposed to be into the mid-40's today before colder weather returns.


I am late this morning as the dogs and I had a very bad experience this morning. They were attacked by 3 large loose dogs!!!! And we were still in the driveway near the condo. Fortunately the owner came running and hauled them off but Bandit has a small cut on the head which I will be watching closely  the next couple of days. The owner came by later to check on them and to tell me that if they have to go to the vet that she will pay the bill and if needed will go with me to help handle them. Monty seems to have escaped with no injury and it did not stop them from eating breakfast later. They are both exhausted and sleeping now. This is my greatest fear while walking them and I do stay close to home.... usually walking back and forth in the same area. I also worry about me getting knocked down. Not a good start to the day but it could have been much worse. I have no idea why they were loose, she usually has them on leash.


All for now.





That's sounds so frightening!  I hope Bandit will be okay and is not hurt badly.  Those 3 large dogs had better not get loose again or the owner may find herself in big trouble next time. 

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43 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Okay! I promise this is the last one of the day!




44 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Okay! I promise this is the last one of the day!



Could you please adjust the antennas so I can get better TV reception.


Thats it for me too !

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@luvteachingyou mentioned bad bacteria and when elderly people get bacterial infections it can cause lingering confusion and weakness. I pray he continues to rally in cognition.

@marshhawk I think I have figured out why these cabins on Dolphin deck are open. We are in extremely high seas and there is quite a racket below us so I am thinking the stabilizer. The cabin is in great shape other than a wobbly desk chair.  I was able to take a nap through the noise.  

@durangoscots I am sure you were really frightened by the attack on your dogs. I hope that neighbor has them on a leash from now on. There are so many scary stories of dog attacks on humans and pets. 

The captain warned us on noon briefing the seas will continue to get worse through the afternoon.  Seas too rough to go to the gym. 

I just got a call from guest services to make sure my laundry was delivered and we got an extension cord so we could change more than one device at a time. She apologized and said if our carpet doesn't dry properly we will get new carpet.  For our inconvenience we have a complimentary dinner in the PG with a bottle of wine and $100 each spa certificates.  Have a great afternoon. Someone was at Guest Services when I was there from 7060 wondering when they can return to their cabin as it has passed the estimated three days. We are in 6062. 🙄  Nancy 



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Opinions, and they are only opinions:


On hospice, I concur with not considering it unless/until you think it’s time, but a friend of mine is a palliative-care physician. He says that he can do a lot for patients who have chronic, but not necessarily terminal, conditions, or who are recovering, albeit slowly and painfully, but is rarely consulted.


On canes, a friend who has joint problems won’t use a cane, because he doesn’t want to look like an old man, which he is. Instead he uses a pair of Leko trekking poles, which he thinks make him look like a hiker. And they were expensive enough to serve his vanity, maybe.

Edited by kochleffel
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3 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. 


I'm so sorry to hear of your nephews death Ann.

Roy I hope you get much needed rest. It helps with your healing.

Debbie I will put your brother in prayer and hope his surgery is successful. 

Prayers lifted for all on Sandi's care list. Jacqui, Tana, Sarah, Kathi...


Tomorrow I will call our clinic for an Xray. I'm pretty miserable and want to be sure I'm ok to travel on the 15th. Please pray nothing is cracked!


We loved Ireland and Scotland. We were on a tour then my niece was married in Adare. We've been back several times since. 


Meeting friends for brunch in a bit and having dinner with friends before our concert. I am not up for it, but my sweet husband has been looking forward to it.. 


Have a wonderful day.




Joy, I'm sorry you are so comfortable and miserable.  I'm glad you will be getting an x-ray tomorrow, and I hope it doesn't reveal any problems, and that you'll be cleared to travel next week.


3 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 


No showering with a friend and no jerks to dump here! DH is the first and he's a keeper. He's still in the hospital but the last couple of days I'm seeing some good improvement. Yesterday the hospitalist had a chat about going home and mentioned hospice but I've talked with our DS and just don't feel that's a place we want to go at the moment. I do understand where the hospitalist is coming from as DH is taking longer to bounce back - I don't have my rose-colored glasses on (I don't think so anyway). However, yesterday he was very talkative, ate by himself and finished everything, no shaky hands, asked for his hat to wear, talked to the respiratory therapist and nurses with a decent conversation, and was asking me about family and friends. I think this particular bacteria just took the "stuffing" out of him. Anyway, I plan to say no to hospice at this point and hopefully we can come up with a plan to have him home soon. 

Thanks for all who have asked and keep him in your thoughts. Now on to make snickerdoodles for the nursing staff! 




Karen, I agree family must make that difficult decision with what is best for them in mind.  It sounds like your DH is making good but slow progress.


2 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. It is supposed to be into the mid-40's today before colder weather returns.


I am late this morning as the dogs and I had a very bad experience this morning. They were attacked by 3 large loose dogs!!!! And we were still in the driveway near the condo. Fortunately the owner came running and hauled them off but Bandit has a small cut on the head which I will be watching closely  the next couple of days. The owner came by later to check on them and to tell me that if they have to go to the vet that she will pay the bill and if needed will go with me to help handle them. Monty seems to have escaped with no injury and it did not stop them from eating breakfast later. They are both exhausted and sleeping now. This is my greatest fear while walking them and I do stay close to home.... usually walking back and forth in the same area. I also worry about me getting knocked down. Not a good start to the day but it could have been much worse. I have no idea why they were loose, she usually has them on leash.


All for now.






Susan, that must have been a very frightening experience.  I'm glad Bandit was not seriously injured and Monty is all right.  For once, a dog owner did the right thing and took responsibility.  I can't help wondering if the dogs somehow managed to escape since they are normally on a leash.  I hope the owner is more careful about their whereabouts in the future.


19 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

@luvteachingyou mentioned bad bacteria and when elderly people get bacterial infections it can cause lingering confusion and weakness. I pray he continues to rally in cognition.

@marshhawk I think I have figured out why these cabins on Dolphin deck are open. We are in extremely high seas and there is quite a racket below us so I am thinking the stabilizer. The cabin is in great shape other than a wobbly desk chair.  I was able to take a nap through the noise.  

@durangoscots I am sure you were really frightened by the attack on your dogs. I hope that neighbor has them on a leash from now on. There are so many scary stories of dog attacks on humans and pets. 

The captain warned us on noon briefing the seas will continue to get worse through the afternoon.  Seas too rough to go to the gym. 

I just got a call from guest services to make sure my laundry was delivered and we got an extension cord so we could change more than one device at a time. She apologized and said if our carpet doesn't dry properly we will get new carpet.  For our inconvenience we have a complimentary dinner in the PG with a bottle of wine and $100 each spa certificates.  Have a great afternoon. Someone was at Guest Services when I was there from 7060 wondering when they can return to their cabin as it has passed the estimated three days. We are in 6062. 🙄  Nancy 




Nancy, I think all ships leave a few cabins vacant "just in case" even when they say the ship is full.  As you found out, things happen that necessitate a temporary move.  From what you heard at Guest Services, something must have happened on Deck 7 a few days ago.


8 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

Opinions, and they are only opinions:


On hospice, I concur with not considering it unless/until you think it’s time, but a friend of mine is a palliative-care physician. He says that he can do a lot for patients who have chronic, but not necessarily terminal, conditions, or who are recovering, albeit slowly and painfully, but is rarely consulted.


On canes, a friend who has joint problems won’t use a cane, because he doesn’t want to look like an old man, which he is. Instead he uses a pair of Leko trekking poles, which he thinks make him look like a hiker. And they were expensive enough to serve his vanity, maybe.


Thanks for the information from the palliative-care doctor.  It is something to keep in mind for the future.  Everyone needs to not only be aware of a patient's needs, but of their needs and capabilities.


DH has hiking poles he used on a couple of cruises where he knew we'd be walking on uneven ground or cobblestones.  They do help with balance.



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7 hours ago, cat shepard said:

Thank you for today’s Report & Daily, Sandi. You have done a stellar job filling in for Roy & Rich!


Thank you all for your prayers and condolences. We are all still a bit numb. My Sister said she braced herself for this news so many times over the years, but she was totally unprepared yesterday, since Matt had finally turned the corner. 

I head off to the gym, then Aldi, Bindi walks and will head up to my Sister’s later. 





Prayers for all who need our support: Tana, Sarah, Roy, Kathy, Jacqui and my Sister & Brayden - extra prayers heading your way. 

Cheers to all who are celebrating.  Get well & stay well everyone. 



Misha's Vineyard The Starlet Sauvignon Blanc 2021, Central Otago

This wine is so elusive, you might have to travel to New Zealand to find it. But it sounds lovely, and I would love to taste it. This vintage has probably just been released, so it might be easier to find in the next six months. Right now New Zealanders can find it for a reasonable $17.70.

Raymond Chan wine review


Review Date : 06-Sep-2022
Bright, even, pale yellow. The nose is gentle with richness, savoury aromas of stonefruit, papaya interweave gooseberry, cut herbs, white pepper, cardamom and a saline edge. Medium-full bodied, aromas of papaya, nectarine and hints of gooseberry, unfolding white spice, herbs and minerals. The mouthfeel is smooth and delicate, dressed in silky, dusty phenolics. The fruit is concentrated, lingers with the depth of flavours and integrated acidity, and lends a savoury, long finish. This rich textured Sauvignon Blanc possesses concentrated fruit and spice with integrated acidity. Match with pork rillette and fish pate over the next 5 years. Fruit from Bendigo, handpicked, few hours of gentle skin contact. Whole bunch pressed to tank for settling, 54% was racked, inoculated and fermented in stainless steel, the remaining underwent spontaneous fermentation in older French oak barrels. 14% alc, 5 g/l RS. 18.5/20 pts (93 pts) 

Sending you and your sister our condolences Ann for Matt's sad passing.


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3 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. 


I'm so sorry to hear of your nephews death Ann.

Roy I hope you get much needed rest. It helps with your healing.

Debbie I will put your brother in prayer and hope his surgery is successful. 

Prayers lifted for all on Sandi's care list. Jacqui, Tana, Sarah, Kathi...


Tomorrow I will call our clinic for an Xray. I'm pretty miserable and want to be sure I'm ok to travel on the 15th. Please pray nothing is cracked!


We loved Ireland and Scotland. We were on a tour then my niece was married in Adare. We've been back several times since. 


Meeting friends for brunch in a bit and having dinner with friends before our concert. I am not up for it, but my sweet husband has been looking forward to it.. 


Have a wonderful day.



Our prayers 🙏 are being sent your way Joy.


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49 minutes ago, kochleffel said:


On canes, a friend who has joint problems won’t use a cane, because he doesn’t want to look like an old man, which he is. Instead he uses a pair of Leko trekking poles, which he thinks make him look like a hiker. And they were expensive enough to serve his vanity, maybe.

I have a friend that uses the trekking poles exactly like that when not in his mobility scooter.  Yesterday I took him in my truck to pick up another scooter he wants to part out, he said we would have help.  Well the help was another guy in a walker, somehow the royal we, managed to get the scooter in the truck, 

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Thank you for all the reports, and prayers to so many of you right now.


Was going to get some renovation materials today and DW was going to test drive a car. We both woke up with a mild bug and decided to take it easy.  Only problem is that we ran out of wet cat food and the boys are screaming at us.  Dw is off to the store now.


So the car shopping is just becoming too complicated.  I have a good idea what my DW wants and needs, but still it is too confusing.  In the end its her choice.  Managed to cross a few off the list yesterday.  Interesting is the reason she really likes one model is that it has a perfect place for her purse. Well that seems to be important to her so whatever.  Honestly her only other wants are a backup camera and no sun roof.  Easy girl to please.

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I use trekking poles when I am walking distances outside.  They help immensely, especially with the stenosis pain in my hips and thighs.  I wouldn't go very far without them.  Yesterday I took my cane with me when shopping.  I was having sharp pain in my left thigh and my leg would start to go out.  I wanted to prevent a fall.  I may look like an old lady, but I'm not out to impress anyone with my beauty.  Aging does have some advantages.  As I told my previous doctor, I don't need to be beautiful and sexy anymore.  No more diets.  I'll just wear muumuus.  If I could find one. 


I think palliative care is something that many people are not informed about.  Palliative care is not just comfort care.  Patients can pursue curative care as well, but palliative care can make them more comfortable during the course of their disease and prevent hospitalizations.  The disease need not be one that leads to death.  Hospice is associated with death.  Palliative care need not be.  Doctors need to be more aware and make it available to patients.

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Good morning and thanks all!  A sad day as I lost my dear aunt this morning.   Her family was grateful for the hospice care.   I am sorry to lose a woman of great faith and support, not to mention her peach pies.  

sorry to hear of the flooding @ottahand7 

@lobsternight love my last two suvs that had a place for my purse, lol!   

Waterford is in a beautiful place, I have some lovely crystal to remind me.  


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7 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  A sad day as I lost my dear aunt this morning.   Her family was grateful for the hospice care.   I am sorry to lose a woman of great faith and support, not to mention her peach pies.  .  



My condolences on your loss.  I hope you have her recipe for peach pie.  We enjoy making my mom's recipes in remembrance.  

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39 minutes ago, lobsternight said:

Thank you for all the reports, and prayers to so many of you right now.


Was going to get some renovation materials today and DW was going to test drive a car. We both woke up with a mild bug and decided to take it easy.  Only problem is that we ran out of wet cat food and the boys are screaming at us.  Dw is off to the store now.


So the car shopping is just becoming too complicated.  I have a good idea what my DW wants and needs, but still it is too confusing.  In the end its her choice.  Managed to cross a few off the list yesterday.  Interesting is the reason she really likes one model is that it has a perfect place for her purse. Well that seems to be important to her so whatever.  Honestly her only other wants are a backup camera and no sun roof.  Easy girl to please.

I wish my car had a place for my sunglasses... 🙂

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26 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  A sad day as I lost my dear aunt this morning.   Her family was grateful for the hospice care.   I am sorry to lose a woman of great faith and support, not to mention her peach pies.  

sorry to hear of the flooding @ottahand7 

@lobsternight love my last two suvs that had a place for my purse, lol!   

Waterford is in a beautiful place, I have some lovely crystal to remind me.  



I'm so sorry to hear your aunt has passed away today, Brenda.  Prayers for you and all your aunt's loved ones.🙏

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28 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  A sad day as I lost my dear aunt this morning.   Her family was grateful for the hospice care.   I am sorry to lose a woman of great faith and support, not to mention her peach pies.  

sorry to hear of the flooding @ottahand7 

@lobsternight love my last two suvs that had a place for my purse, lol!   

Waterford is in a beautiful place, I have some lovely crystal to remind me.  



Brenda, I'm sorry for the loss of your dear aunt.  Our condolences to you and her family.  I hope the good memories of her and of course, of her peach pie, can be a comfort for everyone.



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