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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday March 14th, 2023


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Finally, after a crazy week, I get time to post.  I usually at least get the FR & Daily read, but posting becomes a challenge.  Just know, I applaud everyone who works so hard to keep this community going so well!  


I have felt that I have a full time job as my volunteer duties with RC have grown exponentially.  I must have spent at least 1/2 of everyday on the laptop for the last week.  Still more to go, but today I have to attend a meeting about 2 hours away!  


I have a cute butterfly story to share.  When we lived in another home we had a butterfly bush in our backyard.   DH and I were enjoying watching the hummingbirds as they feasted on the lovely flowers.  Along came a very large butterfly and went right to the hummingbird.  With a swoosh of its wings, it batted the hummingbird away!!!  Guess butterfly was making sure that hummingbird knew that it was a butterfly bush, not a hummingbird bush!


We have had some crazy weather days in the last week in Western Colorado.  Bright sunshine, overcast, and even more rain than usual.  Right now we are almost 1" over average precipitation for the year.  Please remind me of that when I complain about how dry it is this upcoming summer.  Right now, snowpack is way above average, and with decent runoff, Lakes Powell and Mead should be a little higher.


I am starting to get things organized for packing for my cruise starting the end of the month.  I did such a good job of planning this trip that I will be gone on my birthday.  This is driving my step-daughter crazy as she thinks it should be a birthday month, and I will be gone!  I hate having any sort of celebration for my own birthday.


Hoping that everyone has a great day!  Sending prayers for those on the Cares List.

Mary Kay



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Good morning all!

Not sure how much sleep I got last night, I do know I was awake for hours (wide awake).  What's up with that?? I need a gently rocking BHB.  🙂     Anyway it's a beautiful sunny day, and I'm sure I'll wake up if I can get outside for a bit.  Besides that, the only thing on my agenda today is to plant some seeds inside.


I will celebrate butterflies and Pi Day (especially "pie").  I love potato chips but sadly it's one of many things I have to limit now since my doctor put me on a low sodium diet.  I'll also pass on the drink, wine and meal.  Tonight we'll be having pork chops.


Happy Birthday Brenda @bennybear, Sandi's @StLouisCruisersDB, and @Mr. Boston's DM!


Karen @luvteachingGreat news that your DH will be coming home and not to a skilled nursing facility.  Wonderful that he's doing better lately too!


Have a good day everyone!


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3 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Happy Tuesday Morning Dailyites!  Happy Pi Day, although I really wish it was Pie day,  hoping that a cherry pie will somehow make it to the house.....dream on.  Love the quote.  Improvising is the necessary item to beat extinction.   Back in one of my other lives, when I was a musician, I had a back up guitarist who hit the bottle a lot, and would make mistakes, I would turn to him and glare, and he would say "jazz". 


We had meatloaf last night, which means meatloaf for lunch, and meatloaf sandwiches for tomorrow.

I put BBQ sauce on it.  Yummy.  


DH, bad vision and all decided to drive himself to Home Depot to get something to fix two dripping faucets.  He also needed to get gas, I hope he remembers that he will be out of gas if he didn't stop there first, and he went to get smokes, and he's been gone an hour and a half.  For a one hour trip...Today is our busiest sales day of the year, CYO 3 or more go on sale,  I typed up the forms that need to be completed before we enter an order, and we are ready to go....


Dog will be walked before I start, and I start at noon today.


Our neighbors finally got back from Vietnam yesterday.


My friend Theresa called and invited us to dinner on Sunday.


I hope you all have a great day, and I'll check in when I can later sometime today..




Annie, good luck with the CYO sales.


2 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning!


@JazzyV Thanks for having DH on both lists! It's very kind of you. 


DH update - looks like we've dodged the "skilled nursing" bullet. PT finally came in yesterday afternoon and had him transfer from bed to wheelchair, wheelchair to mat table, and then stand at the bed. He did those tasks fairly well so the consensus is he can come home in a few days rather than skilled nursing! Yay! He wanted to come home by 5:00 PM yesterday and he wasn't happy with my explanation. 

Today I take in his wheelchair so he can practice transferring with that. We're going to meet with the palliative care doctor for an informational meeting about what that entails. DH has a sign outside his door now "Do not leave any food or drink in the room". He's setting off alarms if he sees a pudding cup or applesauce somewhere on the computer stand (they use them for giving him some meds still) and he wants it! I just laughed when I saw that. 

DH is being much more verbal and starting to advocate for himself which I'm loving. This is better than he's been in a few months. He's also off IV antibiotics and on oral meds. As for me - I did water aerobics yesterday and spent time with him. Today I'll make sugar cookies to take to the staff and head out by 11:00. 


Thanks for all the good thoughts and for reading my epistles! 



Karen that's great news that your DH will be going home not to skilled nursing.  I'm sure you are very relieved.


I'm headed to Waco to look at washers.  It is hard to find the ones I want on display in the stores.  We'd both like to see them in person before ordering, but that may not be possible.  At least, it's narrowed down to a few brands and models.



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Good afternoon!


Things here have been busy....we're leaving on Thursday for our cruise, and I haven't started packing yet!!! I just had to go out and buy a bathing suit (NOT fun, but definitely needed). Guess I'll start packing after I post here.....


Thanks to everyone for keeping this going every day. It's one of the first places I go on the internet every morning, and come back a couple of times a day to see who else has been posting.


Since it's Butterfly Day, I thought I'd share a few pictures of them from the butterfly garden in Key West, back in 2017.  We've also been to the butterfly garden in Victoria - it's so nice and relaxing to see them flying all around you!







Birthday wishes for those celebrating. Cheers to those already on cruises, and to those heading to one. Prayers for our family who are in need of healing. Everyone take care of yourself!!


Take care,


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52 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

washers.  It is hard to find the ones I want on display in the stores.  We'd both like to see them in person before ordering, but that may not be possible.  At least, it's narrowed down to a few brands and models.


I think I've mentioned this before, but the one I'd chosen based on reviews went on sale just as I was about to buy. There was one on display, so I got to see it before placing the order.

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3 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning!


@JazzyV Thanks for having DH on both lists! It's very kind of you. 


DH update - looks like we've dodged the "skilled nursing" bullet. PT finally came in yesterday afternoon and had him transfer from bed to wheelchair, wheelchair to mat table, and then stand at the bed. He did those tasks fairly well so the consensus is he can come home in a few days rather than skilled nursing! Yay! He wanted to come home by 5:00 PM yesterday and he wasn't happy with my explanation. 

Today I take in his wheelchair so he can practice transferring with that. We're going to meet with the palliative care doctor for an informational meeting about what that entails. DH has a sign outside his door now "Do not leave any food or drink in the room". He's setting off alarms if he sees a pudding cup or applesauce somewhere on the computer stand (they use them for giving him some meds still) and he wants it! I just laughed when I saw that. 

DH is being much more verbal and starting to advocate for himself which I'm loving. This is better than he's been in a few months. He's also off IV antibiotics and on oral meds. As for me - I did water aerobics yesterday and spent time with him. Today I'll make sugar cookies to take to the staff and head out by 11:00. 


Thanks for all the good thoughts and for reading my epistles! 



Wonderful news, Karen!   


2 hours ago, cruzn single said:



I am starting to get things organized for packing for my cruise starting the end of the month.  I did such a good job of planning this trip that I will be gone on my birthday.  This is driving my step-daughter crazy as she thinks it should be a birthday month, and I will be gone!  I hate having any sort of celebration for my own birthday.


Hoping that everyone has a great day!  Sending prayers for those on the Cares List.

Mary Kay




I'd love to be on a cruise for my birthday.  Enjoy!

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Good Afternoon, thanks for the daily fleet report.  Today’s meal suggestion sounds good to me.  Whenever I would make meatloaf DH would ask, “ What did I do to p*** you off?”  Today was an in office day.  I went home around lunchtime because the forecast was that the heavy rain would turn to snow and the evening commute would be a mess.  It did snow for a bit but right now is rain.  Lots of localized minor flooding.  I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.

I’m in need of some good potato chips, but no plans on getting back to PA.


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Our purchase path broke this morning, so I cant sell diddly squat.  It is ticket master, and if you call TM they seem to be able to sell, but not us.........can you hear the frustration in my voice?  All my morning (ca time) call backs are now set for this afternoon (ca time) so long day so far.  I wrote one order up and cant process it.  

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Happy Tuesday from a sunny afternoon in SE Wisconsin.  It's around 30 F, but the wind isn't so bad today so my walk wasn't too bad.  


A Brandy Old Fashioned and Supper Clubs are a "Wisconsin thing!"  Some use brandy, but Bourbon seems to to popular also.  Our son-in-law makes the best ones with Bourbon!  Then there is the fruit or olive garnish "discussion!"  People are very particular about that also!  I've found a recipe for meatloaf, not Paleo, but good-it's covered with mashed potatoes and then some cheese and chopped up bacon...yum.  It's my new "Take them a Meal" idea. 


Thanks for including me on the Cares list!  Prayers for all who need them, and cheers for the rest!  Karen

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Dinner tonight is apparently going to be roasted potatoes and Brussels sprouts, plus vegan taco mix minus any actual tacos. I suppose it could be made into a very non-paleo meatloaf, if I had the other ingredients needed for meatloaf.


YKW has started to fall again. I discovered this when I went out to bring in a delivery of the Junior Cat's wet food (she is finicky about it now) from Wally World.



Edited by kochleffel
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1 hour ago, ktbraun said:

A Brandy Old Fashioned and Supper Clubs are a "Wisconsin thing!" 


In Chicago, if you order a brandy old fashioned, or brandy and soda, the bartender will assume that you're from Wisconsin and ask if you want cheese with it.

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7 hours ago, aliaschief said:



OMG you had me laughing out loud on this one.  Reminded me of my “local” which was to alleviate the pain with my 2nd elbow surgery.  OUCH


only difference is the line is “you’ll feel a little pinch”. LITTLE?  


7 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning!


@JazzyV Thanks for having DH on both lists! It's very kind of you. 


DH update - looks like we've dodged the "skilled nursing" bullet. PT finally came in yesterday afternoon and had him transfer from bed to wheelchair, wheelchair to mat table, and then stand at the bed. He did those tasks fairly well so the consensus is he can come home in a few days rather than skilled nursing! Yay! He wanted to come home by 5:00 PM yesterday and he wasn't happy with my explanation. 

Today I take in his wheelchair so he can practice transferring with that. We're going to meet with the palliative care doctor for an informational meeting about what that entails. DH has a sign outside his door now "Do not leave any food or drink in the room". He's setting off alarms if he sees a pudding cup or applesauce somewhere on the computer stand (they use them for giving him some meds still) and he wants it! I just laughed when I saw that. 

DH is being much more verbal and starting to advocate for himself which I'm loving. This is better than he's been in a few months. He's also off IV antibiotics and on oral meds. As for me - I did water aerobics yesterday and spent time with him. Today I'll make sugar cookies to take to the staff and head out by 11:00. 


Thanks for all the good thoughts and for reading my epistles! 



Fabulous news Karen 👍 I am so very happy for you both.


The wind was making so much noise earlier you would have thought that there was an airplane flying right beside us.  Everything is blowing and snowing and near blizzard like conditions (when you could see outside).  I will call my friend early in the morning (checked on a time that suited) and we will see if physio is safe or not to go to.  I really want to go for the final measurements for my appointment with the surgeon next week but we will just have to wait and see.  

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We’re hanging in here! COVID is tiring but thankfully not too bad. Cold meds help. 
Happy to read so many have hopeful news, especially Karen @luvteaching!  Great that your husband will be coming home!  I posted last night and am out of sync… I’ll blame the cold meds!  

Storm here is wind through tomorrow. Actually so nice to see the sun!  

Blessings to all near and far in need of healing, comfort or hope!
Congrats to those celebrating, Cheers!  

Happy packing and Bon Voyage to those cruising away! (I feel like I never want to go anywhere again…. but I know better!). 

Good resting all!  And many thanks for your uplifting support, sharing happy pictures, fun food and drink ideas!  Life is good!  

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32 minutes ago, kazu said:


OMG you had me laughing out loud on this one.  Reminded me of my “local” which was to alleviate the pain with my 2nd elbow surgery.  OUCH


only difference is the line is “you’ll feel a little pinch”. LITTLE?  



Fabulous news Karen 👍 I am so very happy for you both.


The wind was making so much noise earlier you would have thought that there was an airplane flying right beside us.  Everything is blowing and snowing and near blizzard like conditions (when you could see outside).  I will call my friend early in the morning (checked on a time that suited) and we will see if physio is safe or not to go to.  I really want to go for the final measurements for my appointment with the surgeon next week but we will just have to wait and see.  

Fingers crossed for safe travel. I know you won’t take any unnecessary chances. Hurry up spring!

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Feeling a bit better today. We are supposed to get some wet weather so the fact that I still do not feel up to getting out and about is a good thing. I am still sleeping a lot during the day which makes sleeping at night difficult. Dogs and I are going to try to get back on schedule tomorrow.


Did another test this afternoon just to see..... still negative. Others are reporting the same thing. Our local Health Department reports lots of this gong the rounds.


Off to find some supper.... my appetite is making a return. Best wishes to all and stay well.




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3 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Ruby’s battery is dead.  She jumped started but would not hold the charge. Luckily my DH had a lot of car buddies and I am sitting in one of their shops now. Next I need to clean her up for tomorrow’s ride. 


I'm glad you found out today and not when you were on your ride.


4 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Our purchase path broke this morning, so I cant sell diddly squat.  It is ticket master, and if you call TM they seem to be able to sell, but not us.........can you hear the frustration in my voice?  All my morning (ca time) call backs are now set for this afternoon (ca time) so long day so far.  I wrote one order up and cant process it.  

If it isn't one thing......

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Good evening after a long afternoon, but I accomplished what I set out to do.  First, I got what I needed at Sam's and Walmart.  The washer search was between two models each from two brands.  No store had all four models on display.  I found three at one store which let me rule out one brand.  The one I really wanted was at a different store.  After seing it, I began rethinking which one to buy, because the last one would not work as well in the space available.


Now, we have three options -- one of two washers or repair our old washer.  Decisions, decisions.  The good thing is both washers are on sale.


5 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Our purchase path broke this morning, so I cant sell diddly squat.  It is ticket master, and if you call TM they seem to be able to sell, but not us.........can you hear the frustration in my voice?  All my morning (ca time) call backs are now set for this afternoon (ca time) so long day so far.  I wrote one order up and cant process it.  


Annie, what a mess.  I hope it gets straightened out soon, and you can make some sales.


5 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Ruby’s battery is dead.  She jumped started but would not hold the charge. Luckily my DH had a lot of car buddies and I am sitting in one of their shops now. Next I need to clean her up for tomorrow’s ride. 


Lorraine, that's good news one of your HD's car buddies could help you and Ruby.


2 hours ago, kazu said:

The wind was making so much noise earlier you would have thought that there was an airplane flying right beside us.  Everything is blowing and snowing and near blizzard like conditions (when you could see outside).  I will call my friend early in the morning (checked on a time that suited) and we will see if physio is safe or not to go to.  I really want to go for the final measurements for my appointment with the surgeon next week but we will just have to wait and see.  


Jacqui, I hope you can make it to your therapy session and back home safely. If not, could the therapist work you in before you see the surgeon?


1 hour ago, durangoscots said:

Feeling a bit better today. We are supposed to get some wet weather so the fact that I still do not feel up to getting out and about is a good thing. I am still sleeping a lot during the day which makes sleeping at night difficult. Dogs and I are going to try to get back on schedule tomorrow.


Did another test this afternoon just to see..... still negative. Others are reporting the same thing. Our local Health Department reports lots of this gong the rounds.


Off to find some supper.... my appetite is making a return. Best wishes to all and stay well.





Susan, I'm glad you are beginning to feel better and to want to eat.  It's good news you are still testing negative.



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I ended up getting two sales, but I was so far behind, because the second sale took forever, because, she kept changing the prices and seats and concerts that she wanted so the last 7 i never got to, and I rescheduled them for tomorrow and Thursday.  I hope they didn't go over to the TM side.



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