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4-4-23 Thursday Weigh-In---It's That Time


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Time to weigh in today

Hope you have something good to say

That the week went your way


Hope the pounds did fall

Or didn't move at all

That you don't have any gains to call

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It's May Belle😁!

Couldn't resist.  Down 1 pound this week.  The older I get the slower the weight lose is.  

Going today to pick out tile for bathrooms.  Trying to hold on to little amount of sanity I have during this reno.  Also trying not to use it as an excuse not to snack.  Hope everyone is doing well.....Susan

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Susan OOPS!  Know it's May --Slip of my finger or my brain.😄

Isn't this the day they say--May the 4th be with you?

Down a pound is great especially when going through reno, know how you're feeling. I can't look at flooring till the 20th. Hope can find what I want. Good luck on not eating extra snacks.


Jan maybe you did better than you think. You'll see tomorrow. My weeks been ok, thanks for asking 

but been too lazy.  I leave on Sunday for Alaska cruise and haven't gotten ready yet.

I didn't weigh today either, slept late, had tea and forgot to weigh. Will tomorrow with you.


As I said leaving Sunday, only 10 days. Don't plan to get internet. Can call "kids", friends from Alaska.

Only thing will have so many e-mail when I get back--mostly "Junk Mail". Hate it.

Never been this early to Alaska, taking a heavy coat which I hate to wear but if cold will be glad

I have it. I just like light jackets or sweaters. Even taking the gloves. Go again in August when

it will be warmer. I've always had good weather in Alaska and just taken light jackets but

this year the weather is crazy all over. (will still take a jacket and sweater too) Who knows.

they could have a heat wave--70's😁


Have you two had unusual weather? We've had so much rain and cooler weather this year.

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We helped our daughter paint her son's bedroom in the house they bought.  Will need another coat tomorrow DH said he would finish the room.  The kids will be moving furniture in this weekend.  They have spent this week at our house - has been fun, but looking forward to a quite week next week.  


DH is having surgery on Monday.  Back the beginning of February he severed two tendons to his rotator cuff and he is having them sewn back on.  Also his bicept has a tendon torn that needs to be reattached.  They said two weeks of being down .... he says two days ... we will see what happens ... they are going to suggest all sorts of meds for pain.


It is going to be a beautiful weekend here - hope everyone has a wonderful week. Jan

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Good Afternoon Jan and Susan.


Jan forgot you had daughter and family staying with you. Nice of you to help them paint.

Bet their excited to move in. Best wishes for your husband that everything goes well

for him. Yes think 2 days is a little to much when usually men moan and groan more when sick.

then women.😊


Susan thanks and I hope I win big. Can't wait to see beautiful Alaska even if cold.

Good luck with whatever you're doing on reno today.


I should be packing and cleaning a little but on here. Am washing the towels and sheets now.

Better go and get busy. Have a good week.

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Hello everyone.  It has been a crazy two weeks.  I enjoyed my cruise. BUT  during the flight to seattle  ended up with nerve type pain left are that was April 27I thought it was shoulder issue I did not kayak, limited hiking to short hikes etc.    Back from cruise arm is very painful unless I’m still in recliner, continues difficult to sleep.  Finally saw chiropractor friend at dog park - it’s a disc issue C6,  I have a virtual dr appt this afternoon.    will need X-rays.
—— Much bigger concern is my ex had a stroke he’s alert , oriented, speaking, numbness on right side —- he lives 2hours from me.  The son who is living with me has been there since Friday.

il go this weekend.


needless to say my eating is out of control.  I’m doing a little better with junk food. 


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