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"Humor" for the Over Planner going on their First Oceania Cruise


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3 minutes ago, nparmelee said:

I too am the planner, what I find annoying is the questions from me of "what do you think about....?" Followed by the "just do what you think is best." Then a month later, "why are we doing that?" Have a wonderful time! I know I will on our trip in a month, the other 3 will just have to live with it at that point.

@nparmelee I laughed as I read you first few sentences.  YEP, YEP, YEP and did I say YEP.  My wife just said, I want to go here, vs. here.  My reactions with many weeks before our trip was, "Sounds GREAT to me!"  All we want is feedback.  Take one tenth the time I did to read what I found out and make a recommendation. When we get "nothing", or "it does not matter" it is upsetting and rude because it DOES INDEED MATTER.  


Cruise well and enjoy every moment. 

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@Sthrngary Can’t wait to share your post with DW as she does all the planning (with a few what do you thinks so I feel included).  I am extremely grateful for her planning as I become overwhelmed and then can’t make any decision especially when there are so many good places, excursions, restaurants etc. to choose from. To her the planning is part of the enjoyment and anticipation of the trip and I feel fortunate to have a partner (like you) who is good at it!  Enjoy your trip!

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2 hours ago, Sthrngary said:


Funny, my wife just said to me, "Honey, there is no way we can do everything we want to do in Athens. We will be jet lagged and tired.  We need to hire a car to show us around Athens." I fully agree with her.  I will hire the car, and tell my friends the cost when we get in the car.  Worst case is I pay for it.  I would have done it anyway.  What will happen is my guest agree reluctantly.  Just the way things work.


Really enjoyed reading the details of your experience. As I remarked on another thread, I go through some similar ______ (insert word) when planning, though I confess to not being quite as detailed as you are. No YouTube videos (although I do make them after traveling).

One note if you're interested: In Athens we used a car with a driver (who was sort of a guide also) from a company called Warm Penguin (yes, really). I emailed the owner, who lives in Athens but is from the UK, directly and arranged exactly what we wanted to do. It was definitely a good choice.

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1 hour ago, YourWorldWithBill said:

In Athens we used a car with a driver (who was sort of a guide also) from a company called Warm Penguin (yes, really).

@YourWorldWithBill at dinner just now, that is exactly what my wife wanted to do. If there is a way to gain that email, without breaking CruiseCritic.com rules, please do share.  Thank you, perfect suggestion. 


Cruise well and enjoy every moment. 

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4 hours ago, njhorseman said:

Isn't that the truth!


I use the Amazon, UPS and FedEx apps as well as USPS Informed Delivery in order to know when anything is supposed to arrive and then eagerly go outside to retrieve it immediately upon arrival.


My wife just asked me "Did I just hear that (the nickname we use for our postal service delivery employee) arrived ?" When I said yes she dashed out to the mailbox, only to face the disappointment of yet again getting nothing but junk mail. 


I think she has a Pavlovian conditioned response ever since a check from the State of NJ for almost $1 million intended for our local school district was mistakenly delivered to our house about 30 years ago, buried in a pile of state checks paying her for services she performed for state agencies. Not reading the name and address on the mailing as it looked identical to the other checks, her jaw dropped when she saw the amount...but then looked closely and saw that the check was intended for the school district, which had its offices in the elementary school about two blocks from our home. When she took the check to the school office they looked none too pleased that she had opened it.


Wife did the honorable thing, and was reprimanded by SD.


Could have just torn it up and no one would have known.  


When school tax bill arrives each year, a nice reminder of her experience.



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4 hours ago, Hlitner said:


 There are even some days when we might say, "we are tired and do not want to do anything," and would simply stay on the ship (if on a cruise) or perhaps spend much of the day just sitting in a well-placed outdoor cafe (and people watching).  On our many cruisers, I cannot even count the number of times folks will say to us (often at one of the bars) "we have this long excursion tomorrow and really do not want to spend the day on a bus."  But, of course, they have already paid for the excursion and feel obligated to follow through.



I agree entirely.

Flexibility on deciding the pace in port during port intensive cruises  is also an important factor for us.

Especially important for us when on longer cruises.


I think, (someone will correct me if I'm mistaken), that those taking the 25% discount shorex package, don't (didn't) realise that ALL shorex become non-refundable once onboard under that package.

(I think that's correct under both O Life and SM) ????


Selecting all those excursions whilst back home is easy, however some only come to realise what it involves once they are experiencing it onboard.

Edited by Tranquility Base
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3 hours ago, Sthrngary said:

@YourWorldWithBill at dinner just now, that is exactly what my wife wanted to do. If there is a way to gain that email, without breaking CruiseCritic.com rules, please do share.  Thank you, perfect suggestion. 


Cruise well and enjoy every moment. 

If you just enter Warm Penguin on Google it will pull up his website. There is an email address there to write to him. His name is David McLaughlin.

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“I felt proud to find a unique dining experience on the highest mountain with the best view of Athens, Greece.  The restaurant's name is, Orizontes Lycabettus.  This can be a hard reservation to gain and I booked it months ago.”


I’m planning Istanbul to Athens on Vista next August & also obsess a bit about scheduling well ahead.

I made dinner reservations at this restaurant for 8/15/24 last night after reading your review. Thanks!!



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20 hours ago, SATaxman said:

I have read that the evening entertainment is sometimes not so great. I would pay to have you present this in the theater with AV slides and handouts! Thank you


Maybe with a little jazz trio in the background performed in William Shatner style? Dark stage, bar stool and one light from above, one spotlight. This could be comedy gold. Especially if we can see a re-enactment of the YouTube video complete with the vodka..... 🙂 

Edited by CruisingWalter
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It seems I am being nominated of sorts, to be one of the "Enrichment Speakers" from CruiseCritic.com members on this topic stream.  I am honored, really, honored but "NO" thank you.  When I hold court, usually late night, in a bar (Always in a bar), after a few drinks, no one in my family will JOIN me.  If seems, I have embarrassed  them SO often, I am put into "time out" after a drink or two. Sometimes I feel like Lenny Bruce.  Completely misunderstood and put in jail for speaking my mind. Lenny Bruce is a reference that Oceania guest will understand but my adult children roll their eyes at.  


Seriously, I hope everyone with a cruise scheduled for the future goes at it with a sense of humor. Look for the unexpected, unplanned, unique event and have a good laugh. I personally plan on waking up early, on a sea day, with a big black plastic bag I am bringing from home.  I will go to the pool deck and put all the reserved lounge chair stuff where no one is sitting, in the bag and give it to a crew member for retrieval the guest.  Then go to the illy barista coffee shop, get a cappuccino, get a chair above the pool and watch the show.


I won't do that but it is fun to think about it. Anyway, engage with folks and let your inner self come out with amusing stories especially about travel.  Except my wife who never remembers the "Punch Line".  Opposites attract. 


Cruise well and enjoy every moment. 

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As a definite planner, your planning is pretty next level.  I might even feel intimidated by your plans yet impressed. I’ve traveled with my best friends a few times as well.  The bf wife is not a planner and one who gets more interested the week before.  Sometimes I don’t even think she knows the ports!  So I feel your pain.  Have patience with them and just realize the trip will be smooth due to all your hard work that hopefully is appreciated in the end. 
As far as Athens, we were there for a port stop with no plan other than going to the Acropolis to see the Parthenon.  My DH was pretty hung over (after a night of some shots with 20 somethings on the ship) but he did rally a bit and our taxi driver convinced us to go Olympic stadium and Zeus Temple afterwards.  It was pretty easy to see that in a few hours.  That paired with your fabulous restaurant sounds like an easy, doable first day!

I’m cruising end of next month and do not have definite plans in all my ports in Spain yet!  I need to step up!!

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14 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Leave some room for surprises,  You will be amazed.

With all your planning you have removed virtually all opportunities for a nice surprise.

Enjoy your cruise.


@Cruzin Terri Absolutely.  I used to plan every minute. Key word, "Used to".  It never worked out.  Now I plan what CAN be done, let the group choose what they want to do from the list.  Leaves the day open and all I ask is give me a heads up so I can book our entry or train/bus online prior.  The only items in my agenda that are in stone are: 1) The Airline flights; 2) the Pre/post Hotels; 3) the specialty restaurant reservations on Oceania; 4) the one cooking class on a sea day on Oceania; 5) The special restaurant in Athens the day before we embark; 6) The Best Steak Place in Florence, Italy with white beef for lunch. 


I know my list looks like I have every day, every moment booking.  Quite the contrary.  I just want choices, then let the group decide now or the day of.  I don't want to say, "I regret I did not do that because I did not know about it." I would rather say, "I was to tired, so I passed.  However it was my decision.


Cruise well and enjoy every moment. 


PS: I am about to be in S.C. at the BMW plant for a "Driving School" on October 1, 2023.  I love your state. 

Edited by Sthrngary
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I absolutely loved your post! We are doing a 10 day cruise from Istanbul to Athens on October. 24. We booked this over a year ago and I have done all the planning for the four of us...pre cruise hotel, post cruise stay on Santorini, all private tours, all Oceania tours, all specialty restaurant reservations, walking tours, car rentals, etc. I can relate to everything you shared and enjoyed laughing through the post...the best part was reading it aloud to my husband who also makes jokes about my over planning! Thank you for taking the time to bring a little laughter to my morning. 

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21 hours ago, KBrote said:

I absolutely loved your post! We are doing a 10 day cruise from Istanbul to Athens on October. 24. We booked this over a year ago and I have done all the planning for the four of us...pre cruise hotel, post cruise stay on Santorini, all private tours, all Oceania tours, all specialty restaurant reservations, walking tours, car rentals, etc. I can relate to everything you shared and enjoyed laughing through the post...the best part was reading it aloud to my husband who also makes jokes about my over planning! Thank you for taking the time to bring a little laughter to my morning. 

@KBrote It was MY pleasure to provide even the smallest amount of joy and laughter to your visit with your spouse.  For years, I thought I was the only one that felt the way I did when planning a detailed family vacation.  I thought, I was the issue, problem and causing all the conflict in my family.  Then I posted my real life experiences and BINGO, like with you and your spouse, I am NOT alone. It is nice not to be alone on the lonely Island of "Over Preparation" with only my laptop, excel spreadsheet and social media.  


Lets add some more crazy Preparation to our already long list.  WHY, because it JUST HAPPENED. I upgraded my Stateroom with a "Guest Paid Upgrade".  Long story what happened and not really the issue.  The issue is, I had cruise travel insurance on the OLD amount. My travel agent was having a hard time updating the amount to be covered.  So I said, "Never Mind".  Just leave it.  Last night, at 03:33 AM, I know this because for what every reason, I wake up at 03:33 AM every morning because I am OLD and YES have to use the rest room way to many times at night.  People my age don't laugh at that, they live that.  Young people laugh at that and I say, "Laugh now but you will be in my position soon enough".  


When I woke, all I could think about while taking care of "Business" was my Cruise Travel Insurance amount.  I had to commit to myself I would fix it in the morning to "ALLOW" myself to go back to sleep. This morning I called the insurance company first thing and FIXED IT.  After, a sense of calm and satisfaction came over my mind and body.  My mind said, "Gary, you can let this go now.  You have done your due diligence.  HUMMMMMM, HUMMMMM (that was verbal meditation)."


To be honest with everyone and myself.  I am not sure if I like the actual  cruise or the preparation for the cruise better.  That is yet another discussion with my Phycologist (I know NO ONE is surprised "I" need help mentally).  Yet another day in the life of a anal retentive cruise planner.  What can I say.


Cruise well and enjoy every moment.



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On 9/21/2023 at 1:11 PM, Sthrngary said:

@Vineyard View No, this is the first time we have gone with this couple.  They are our best friends but always do family things due to the size of their family.  



We learned some "life lessons" early in our marriage. We both liked travel, so have always been OK with cruising, etc, and open to travel ideas. The trouble started when we had several "good friend" couples who up and said things like "let's rent a cabin in Big Bear together", or "let's drive up to San Francisco and spend a long weekend sight-seeing."


THEN we found out that people that we enjoyed socializing with, weren't always the best travel companions. Most of these schemes ended in disaster. The lesson was to treat good travel companions like diamonds, really really precious (that includes my wife of 45 years).


People we met while boating, RV'ing and on cruises, on the other hand, were generally already primed to deal with the ins and outs and ups and downs of travel. We learned a lot from them, and deeply value their friendship. We do plan and study, but we always allow for serendipity to lead to new experiences.


Thanks for your thoughts and experiences. 


PS: One RV story really got to us. We met a couple who booked up their RV park reservations a year in advance(!) They knew exactly where they would drive, where they would stay, etc. Needless to say, we didn't do that, often "following our nose".


When we met them, they were dealing with a minor scheduling glitch, and it required them to cancel ALL of the year-ahead reservations, and re-book ALL of them, so that they would be exactly on schedule. Nope. Not for us.





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Hi Gary...The anticipation of a trip truly excites me.  The planning is a delightful challenge.  Due to the pandemic and the need for a knee operation or two for my husband and me, we have canceled four planned trips in the last few years.  My Marriott Bonvoy account is a roller coaster of ups and downs due to my cancellations and rebooking.  My TA's patience is noble. I should be packing for a lovely Canada New England trip next week...instead, I'll be getting a new knee.  I started a roll call for the journey I was forced to cancel.   I'm still active on that site and getting tips for our trip next year.  That trip has evolved from a simple Canada/ New England 10-day trip to a 26-day NYC to Copenhagen on O sailing the Arctic Circle.   This happens when my dear husband says, "I would like to see Iceland. Can we do that on a Canada cruise?"  We have rationalized the extended cruise by counting the trips we missed.   I'm very fortunate to have a partner ready to go anywhere as long as he doesn't need to plan the trip.     

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1 hour ago, Nashna said:

Hi Gary...The anticipation of a trip truly excites me.  The planning is a delightful challenge. 


Indeed, to us, planning is as much a part as the actual travel.


I see from your signature, that you are booked on the Insignia from New York next year. We booked the entire cruise in 2019, planning for summer of 2020. Then canceled. Then booked for 2021; cancel; 2022; cancel. Didn't even try for 2023.


We have been on the Holland "Voyage of the Vikings", and loved the itinerary, but were disappointed with the rest (the cruise line, ship and service were just awful). That experience had us looking forward to a similar itinerary with Oceania.


Hope you enjoy those segments. We found Iceland to be wonderful.

Edited by bobnsandi
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On 9/23/2023 at 10:27 AM, Sthrngary said:

@KBrote It was MY pleasure to provide even the smallest amount of joy and laughter to your visit with your spouse.  For years, I thought I was the only one that felt the way I did when planning a detailed family vacation.  I thought, I was the issue, problem and causing all the conflict in my family.  Then I posted my real life experiences and BINGO, like with you and your spouse, I am NOT alone. It is nice not to be alone on the lonely Island of "Over Preparation" with only my laptop, excel spreadsheet and social media.  


Lets add some more crazy Preparation to our already long list.  WHY, because it JUST HAPPENED. I upgraded my Stateroom with a "Guest Paid Upgrade".  Long story what happened and not really the issue.  The issue is, I had cruise travel insurance on the OLD amount. My travel agent was having a hard time updating the amount to be covered.  So I said, "Never Mind".  Just leave it.  Last night, at 03:33 AM, I know this because for what every reason, I wake up at 03:33 AM every morning because I am OLD and YES have to use the rest room way to many times at night.  People my age don't laugh at that, they live that.  Young people laugh at that and I say, "Laugh now but you will be in my position soon enough".  


When I woke, all I could think about while taking care of "Business" was my Cruise Travel Insurance amount.  I had to commit to myself I would fix it in the morning to "ALLOW" myself to go back to sleep. This morning I called the insurance company first thing and FIXED IT.  After, a sense of calm and satisfaction came over my mind and body.  My mind said, "Gary, you can let this go now.  You have done your due diligence.  HUMMMMMM, HUMMMMM (that was verbal meditation)."


To be honest with everyone and myself.  I am not sure if I like the actual  cruise or the preparation for the cruise better.  That is yet another discussion with my Phycologist (I know NO ONE is surprised "I" need help mentally).  Yet another day in the life of a anal retentive cruise planner.  What can I say.


Cruise well and enjoy every moment.



So the agent couldn’t do it but you could with a call?  I’m sure they could’ve called and should’ve called for you.  But I’m glad you resolved it even though it was their job 

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Just now, Pandazoo said:

@rxlowry If he purchased travel insurance privately ( not through the cruise line) the insurance agency would not talk to his travel agent.  

True but you can purchase insurance not through cruise line but from an agent.  The fact they “tried” makes it seem like this is how he purchased 

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3 minutes ago, rxlowry said:

So the agent couldn’t do it but you could with a call?  I’m sure they could’ve called and should’ve called for you.  But I’m glad you resolved it even though it was their job 

@rxlowry In every story there is one side, the other side and in the middle the truth.  I try to stay in the middle even if it was an issue I had done to me.  My agent called me to ask how I got the paid upgrade when she could not do so.  I shared the story and that lead to her saying, "Let me update your total cruise insurance amount to cover the upgrade amount".  Seemed like a good idea so I said yes.  After five or so minutes where my agent was getting frustrated, I said, "Just skip it. What the insurance company won't pay, I will apply to AMX Platinum." 


Then I woke up in the middle of the night saying to myself, "Fix this in the morning". So yes, I called the insurance company and increased the amount.  Gave the my credit card for the added premium and set to go. 


I know I am over answering your question but I do have a point.  44 years booking cruises has taught me a few things. 1) I love great cruise travel agents and the one I have now is the best.  2) When a travel agent can't fix and issue with the cruise brand or cruise related topic, I can. 3) I have much more time then my travel agent because I am retired and the issue for me is personal.  So when she can't get the job done, I do it and have no issue with that.  I hope all that makes sense.  As so many say online, and in my personal life, "Gary you are one off the wall dude."


Cruise well and enjoy every moment. 


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