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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday October 5th, 2023


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Happy Thursday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

Sunny and warm day today. Working from home today. 

Fancy is feeling better. Thinking she may have tweaked something jumping off the sofa the other day while simultaneously trying to avoid landing anywhere near the large cat. 

Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 

Image result for thursday cat memes

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Good morning everyone. Currently 70 degrees but this coming weekend we will experience some temperatures in the low fifties. Fingers crossed that Waste Management will pick up our two large mirrors laying side the road. Our painter feels he should finish the job today. It’s probably going to take a few weeks for the new mirrors to be installed.

House cleaner is returning this afternoon to finish her duties as yesterday she had to leave early for a medical appointment. So our week has been pretty much dictated with what’s going on around the house.

Vanessa thanks for doing such a great job on the Care/Celebration List and thanks to all our other main contributors with recipes, pics etc.

Looks like those of you in New England area will have pretty rough weather with Tropical Storm Philippe headed in your direction. Wonder how that may affect cruise ship schedules in that region?

Need to get my walk in. Have exceeded my steps goal every day this week.

Have a great day. Bruce

PS: The mirrors just got picked up.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻






Edited by aliaschief
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Best wishes and strength to all those on the care list .

@StLouisCruisers thanks for the Tromso info and pictures. I'll be looking for future cruises that go there! 

And thanks for the reminder to do something nice for someone today. That seems daunting until I remember that the smallest thing.....a thank you, a compliment, assisting with a task, just engaging   with a smile and a short conversation, can be a turning point in a person's day. I know I've had times when I have been miserable and the smallest positive encounter with a neighbor,  acquaintance or stranger in a  store or a message board does worlds of good for me. 

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Good morning from central Texas.  It is mostly cloudy, 69F and feels like 69F.  The sun is just now rising, so it is still fairly dark out.  The humidity is 100% with a dew point of 69F, so it looks like another day without a walk.  It looks like our overnight rain has ended, and it was raining pretty hard between 10:30 and 11:30 last night, but I haven't checked the amount of rain we received yet.   Our predicted high will be a pleasant 83F.  Depending on the rain situation I may make a quick run to the grocery store.  Otherwise, I'll be taking DH to get his Covid and pneumonia shots and a back x-ray.  The x-ray is in preparation for his 12 month and final visit with the spine surgeon on Wednesday.


So far, I'm doing all right from my flu and covid shots yesterday.  I got them both in the same arm, and only the site where the flu shot was administered is sore, but nothing I can't live with.  


I try to do something nice every day, but I'm not that much into random acts of poetry.  The good teachers, which are most teachers, deserve their day.


The W.H. Auden quote is interesting.


We'll pass on the food, drink (I prefer the regular smores) and the wine.


We spent a wet day enjoying Tromso in 2005 on the old Marco Polo.  I'll post my pictures next.


Today in history was a busy day, with three days to celebrate and a sad day in India with the horrific loss of life.  The Beatles first song, "Love Me Do". made me a life long fan.


@seagarsmoker  I'm glad you had no side effects.  As I said, I can live with the sore arm for a day or two.

@puppycanducruise  Melanie, I'm glad Benadryl and AfterBite helped with whatever bit you.

@rafinmd  Roy, I hope the transition from Queen Mary 2 to Crystal Serenity goes smoothly.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, thanks for your pictures from Tromso.  It looks at least once you had the same weather we had.

@smitty34877  Terry, we are all hoping it works out with the new aide.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, I hope they have the new Covid vaccines in and that your DH's phone consult goes well.  It seems you are making good progress toward the move to NJ.













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Good morning, everyone!  


It is a rainy day here in mid-Michigan.  Temperatures will be falling to a more fall like level.  That's ok, I love sweatshirt weather!   Yesterday we got up all the leaves in the back and side yards.  We filled 6 leaf bags.  Today it looks like we didn't do a thing.  We decided we wanted to get a start on the leaves.  Last  year the previous owners never raked a leaf and left them all for us.  We moved in on a Saturday and the leaves had to be at the curb on Monday for city pickup.  


Today I have an appointment with Social Security.  I will get retroactive benefits to April, but from here out, I get almost enough to cover my Medicare premium.  I should be getting more, but because I have a pension from the State Teachers Retirement System, I am considered a double dipper and they reduce my social security by 2/3rds.  Oh, well.


Today's meal sounds really good, but the squash is a starchy one and with the rice puts it over the top on carbs for me.  This first one is great for the vegetarians and you can leave out the cheese for the vegans.  https://www.aheadofthyme.com/stuffed-butternut-squash-with-wild-rice/




We had a stuffed butternut squash a while back so this recipe might look familiar.  Today's meal is specific to stuffing it with wild rice.  This next recipe includes chicken sausage with mushrooms and cranberries along with the rice.  https://www.skinnytaste.com/stuffed-butternut-squash/




This next one cooks the squash, scoops it out and mixes it with the rice, goat cheese, pecans, and cranberries.  Then, the mixture is stuffed back in the squash shells.   https://inspiralized.com/wild-rice-stuffed-butternut-squash/




Wishing you all a wonderful day!

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We should try to do something nice every day; you never know what kind of day others are having.  Random acts of poetry - most unusual.  Bless all the teachers; I've been married to one for 46 years and know what they have to go through.


It's definitely looking like fall out there this morning - we've got a temp of +6(42) and it's only going up to +8(46).  Yesterday was exactly what we would expect of fall on the "frozen tundra" - cold rain from early morning until late afternoon.  We didn't even have enough sunlight for the solar garden lights to come on.   All the plants will be brought in from the deck tonight as we're looking at an overnight low of -4(24) and we don't want to lose them.


Yesterday morning I received a text from our local pharmacy saying the RSV, Covid and flu vaccines were now available for booking.  Being Johnny-on-the spot, I immediately went to the online site and booked us in for appointments at 11:00 and 11:10.  We drove over to the pharmacy and upon arriving were told that the RSV vaccine had not actually been received, and that there was a charge of $280 plus injection fee for it.  Hmmm, re-thinking that one.  We were handed some paperwork to complete, sat down, and as we were doing that, a tech came over and said the Covid vaccine was only available 6 months after your last one and ours isn't due until October 17th.  We got the flu shot.  That's what happens when you're a keener!  So far neither of us has had a reaction, which is not unusual for us.


Later this morning I'm making a brownie because friends are coming over this afternoon for a respite from their family; their daughter and her 3 children (ages 11, 8, 3) have moved in "temporarily" due to a marriage breakdown, and they need a break.  I have a feeling they'll stay longer than just for coffee, and I'm thinking we'll be enjoying Chinese food with them at the dining table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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2 hours ago, summer slope said:

Smmmores cocktail:


1 part Pinnacle® Whipped® Vodka
1 part DeKuyper® Creme De Cacao Dark Liqueur
1 splash Soda Water

Serve over ice. Garnish with marshmallows.


Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 6.59.17 AM.png

Isn’t there a song about this drink.


Smmmores than the greatest drink the world has known

This is the drink I’ll give to you alone.  😳

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@luvtoride    Thanks for sharing the article.    Our biggest pet peeve on the ship is over aggressive scooter drivers.   We had a tall man on the whole Grand South America cruise who drove through the Lido like he owned it.   Another time I was sitting in one of the inside tables in the Lido (the tables near the aisle) someone went buy on a scooter so fast she almost ran over my foot.   All that said most people were very polite on the Grand South America other that a woman who got kicked off the ship in Buenos Aires for being rude to the crew and kicking a waiter.  I will remember her name forever.  


Good morning everyone,  thanks for the Daily Reports @richwmn.   Teachers definitely should have their day, our two neighbors across the street are teachers.   A strange quote today.    I will pass on today's recipes, as Debbie said too carb laden.    Today's drink could be a dessert.   I like pinot blanc wine and get a nice one from Willamette Valley winery.    Sandi,  thanks for the lovely photos of Tromso.  I look forward to more of them.   


Prayers for everyone on our care list and thanks to @JazzyV for keeping us updated each day.   Prayers for everyone on our care list and the people of Ukraine   Prayers for Baby Murphy's family.   


We are going to get almost an inch of rain today.    I will be doing a lot of catch up stuff and be happy to be inside all day.    All the lawn aerating got done and the gypsum pellets spread so the lawn will be appreciating the rain after virtually no rain since we returned  from the cabin.    Have a nice Thursday.  Nancy 


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Along with two cruising friends, and to celebrate the birthday of one friend, we did b2b cruises on Marco Polo.  On August 21, 2005, we docked in Tromso on a wet and rainy day.  Even with the less than desirable weather, DH and I saw quite a bit of Tromso and enjoyed our day.  Unfortunately, on the rest of our Norway cruises, Tromso was not on the itinerary.  I'm hoping to get back there sometime.


Tromso from the Marco Polo





MS Polstjerna is Norway's best preserved sealing ship.  It is owned by the Tromso University Museum.



This building is Polaria, an artic adventure center.



Tromso Kunsfforening is the oldest art institution in Northern Norway.



One of many streets in Tromso



The traditionally built wooden town hall



The Mariner statue with the Artic Cathedral in the background across the water.



There was a display of old steam powered vehicles, and DH wanted a closer look.



The view from the Artic Cathedral side.  By the time we made it to the Cathedral, it was locked, so we only got to look through a window in the door.









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42 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning everyone. Currently 70 degrees but this coming weekend we will experience some temperatures in the low fifties. Fingers crossed that Waste Management will pick up our two large mirrors laying side the road. Our painter feels he should finish the job today. It’s probably going to take a few weeks for the new mirrors to be installed.

House cleaner is returning this afternoon to finish her duties as yesterday she had to leave early for a medical appointment. So our week has been pretty much dictated with what’s going on around the house.

Vanessa thanks for doing such a great job on the Care/Celebration List and thanks to all our other main contributors with recipes, pics etc.

Looks like those of you in New England area will have pretty rough weather with Tropical Storm Philippe headed in your direction. Wonder how that may affect cruise ship schedules in that region?

Need to get my walk in. Have exceeded my steps goal every day this week.

Have a great day. Bruce

PS: The mirrors just got picked up.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻






OK Chief, my memory ain’t so good but me thinks I have seen half of these cartoons before. You will have to do better next time for me to award you with laugh symbol. 😀😀😀

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Good Thursday Morning Dailyites!


I get random poetry every day.  I call people all day long, and I hear things on the answering machine like

This is Paul, thanks for the call.

I cant get to to the phone right now, leave a message if you can somehow.


DH and I made a hard decision yesterday, which probably cost us a friend.  And it is all down to finances. We had called our cat sitter two days ago, and got no answer, no call back no response.  I told Donna (the woman I walk the dog for) that I was worried that the cat sitter was not up to the job, and she offered to take over the job.  For Free.  Now of course I will pay her, but free is a wonderful offer.  I texted the cat sitters wife, and said that we were going to have Donna baby sit.  And within one minute the phone rang.  I told DH it was probably the cat sitter.  Sure was. He told the cat sitter that Donna had offered to take the job, as I had helped her out so much over the last three years.  And free was free. We both felt bad about not letting him earn some money, but we also realized that we have not been happy with his past cat sitting.  He shows up when he wants to, plays our guitars. Watches the tv, and told me after our Alaska trip, he had no idea how many cats we had.  We always buy enough cat food before we go to last the entire trip, and yet when we get back, we have over half of the cat food cans still sitting there.  So we know he wasn't here half as many times as he said he was.  And the neighbors confirmed, that they didn't see him.


The wife texted me later and asked why I was doing that.  I explained that free was free, and with us having to pay for the driveway to get fixed, insurance didn't cover it, to pay off the rest of the repairs post the tree falling on the house to met the deductible, we were accepting the free offer. I feel guilty because they are such good friends to us, but my fur babies come first. We are taking them out to dinner on Saturday, and now i'm thinking they wont show up.


Then Theresa one of my old book club friends emailed me last night, telling me they were going to start their trip, and i emailed back telling her I was going to call when i got off my shift.  Realized I had not seen them since we got back from Alaska.  Oh my, I have been living in a bubble for the last 3 months.  All I do is work, walk the dog, visit with the daily for my dose of humanity, go to dr's appointments and grocery store.  I am hoping that this cruise will snap me back to reality, and make me  realize that  I dont need to work so much, that I need to take more time for friends, and myself, and learn to find joy again.  But for now, off to work.  Hug yourselves for me, you are all wonderful!







Edited by marshhawk
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I love today's days - where would we be w/o awesome teachers? We should act as though everyday were do something nice day - doesn't that sound marvelous?

I'm good on the first part of the quote, but lost in the back half 

Pass on the meal, would try the wine, not been to Norway. 

The days all certainly made their own impact on the world; love the Beatles, not so much Mr Bond but acknowledge "he" impacted the world, lol.

70° headed to 82°. It rained last night!! That's worth celebrating. 

Shoulder is not happy today - I'm sure it's angry about the sideways move the surgeon & Chriro attempted to get it to do yesterday, but how are we to know what it can do if we don't see what it can't do? Probably not that deep - it just doesn't move that way yet, lol.

DH was prescribed a new med - didn't know he was given reading material on it until I found scraps of it in the yard that the dog had not quite finished eating. Ugh

Oh, rec'd notice someone at work nominated me for recognition as a Compassionate Leader. How humbling, no idea who so I guess I'll thank everyone. 

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 



Edited by Haljo1935
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It's discouraging that there is a special day for doing something nice.


I would want to know what the squash is stuffed with, or is it stuffed with wild rice? I might like the drink, but not too frequently. For a Finger Lakes Pinot Blanc, I'd consider Weis Vineyards Pinot Blanc 2021, although I couldn't buy it, as the sale is restricted to "club members." In other words, an annual subscription that is sort of like a CSA. I've been to Norway but not to Tromsø.










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1 hour ago, RedneckBob said:

OK Chief, my memory ain’t so good but me thinks I have seen half of these cartoons before. You will have to do better next time for me to award you with laugh symbol. 😀😀😀

I erase all of them after they’re posted. There are repeats now and then as there are several of us on the Daily posting them. No laugh symbol? I’m devastated!☹️

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Good morning. Sunny, chilly and no rain in forecast. High expected around 67F. Same for the rest of the week and then some. But I notice a bit of white on the mountain peaks.


Deb.... I have the same thing with Social security.... really reduced due to state pension. It is not like we are asking for our salaries for Colorado to be eligible.... but I contributed for years for work in Maryland, New Mexico and Wisconsin. Oh well. My Medicare is covered.


Little new here. The dogs are fully recovered from the dental work yesterday when they both lost some teeth. Gave them meds this morning in case they were needed but I think not. Both were ready to chow down as soon as we got home yesterday. Monty gets his in liquid form since he is so tiny (5 lbs) and I find it is very hard to squirt liquid into a fighting chihuahua mouth. Fortunately premeasured. Only have to do it one more time.


Pulled out some more cruise clothes to try on and none of them fit to off the thrift store with them and I am going to have to do some shopping after I finish the closet cull.







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Good morning from a sunny PNW. 


We're in for a 4-day stint of nice sunny warm weather and no rain until Monday. I can handle that. 

Today is a trip to BC to see my mom and some friends. I'm told I'm taking mom (97 and a going concern) shopping for new black pants, a stop at a bakery, and then to a pasta place for lunch. I can do that. Oh yes - I'm to stop and get Maple Nut ice cream for her on the way up (the old 1/2 gallon size). It will be a full day with leaving here about 9 and getting home close to 8 tonight. 


Have a great Thursday!


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Good morning Dailyites 


Goodness,  a nice cool 66 degree morning with a high of 82. Finally!!


Sounds like @rafinmd our Roy had a nice 1st leg of his cruise. Hope you get some help down to pier 30.


Prayers for all on Vanessa's finely tuned care list. I am feeling fine this morning. No back pain or numbness!


We had a gaggle of friends over last night sitting out on our patio. It was great to enjoy the first time since our long hot summer.


Thank you for the beautiful pictures of Tromso. Looks like a place I would love to visit.


Hoping Jacqui is having a well deserved vacation. Enjoy every minute!


When we visited England,  Scotland,  Ireland, there would be people in the pubs who would stand and break out with a poem. It was fun.


My niece and her SO are teachers and I commend them on their hard work. Special education is not easy tasking.


Wishing you all a great Thursday. 

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Good morning again.   The rain gauge says we received 1.42 inches of much needed rain.  My rain gauge says close to 2 inches, but since I hadn't emptied it since Sunday, part of what's in there is from the sprinkler.  After such a big rain, I could turn off the sprinkler for a day or two.


2 hours ago, Denise T said:

Happy Thursday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

Sunny and warm day today. Working from home today. 

Fancy is feeling better. Thinking she may have tweaked something jumping off the sofa the other day while simultaneously trying to avoid landing anywhere near the large cat. 

Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 

Image result for thursday cat memes


Denise, I'm glad Fancy is feeling better.


2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning everyone. Currently 70 degrees but this coming weekend we will experience some temperatures in the low fifties. Fingers crossed that Waste Management will pick up our two large mirrors laying side the road. Our painter feels he should finish the job today. It’s probably going to take a few weeks for the new mirrors to be installed.

House cleaner is returning this afternoon to finish her duties as yesterday she had to leave early for a medical appointment. So our week has been pretty much dictated with what’s going on around the house.

Vanessa thanks for doing such a great job on the Care/Celebration List and thanks to all our other main contributors with recipes, pics etc.

Looks like those of you in New England area will have pretty rough weather with Tropical Storm Philippe headed in your direction. Wonder how that may affect cruise ship schedules in that region?

Need to get my walk in. Have exceeded my steps goal every day this week.

Have a great day. Bruce

PS: The mirrors just got picked up.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻







Bruce, the painter made quick work on those bathrooms.  I'm glad they picked up the old mirrors.


2 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We should try to do something nice every day; you never know what kind of day others are having.  Random acts of poetry - most unusual.  Bless all the teachers; I've been married to one for 46 years and know what they have to go through.


It's definitely looking like fall out there this morning - we've got a temp of +6(42) and it's only going up to +8(46).  Yesterday was exactly what we would expect of fall on the "frozen tundra" - cold rain from early morning until late afternoon.  We didn't even have enough sunlight for the solar garden lights to come on.   All the plants will be brought in from the deck tonight as we're looking at an overnight low of -4(24) and we don't want to lose them.


Yesterday morning I received a text from our local pharmacy saying the RSV, Covid and flu vaccines were now available for booking.  Being Johnny-on-the spot, I immediately went to the online site and booked us in for appointments at 11:00 and 11:10.  We drove over to the pharmacy and upon arriving were told that the RSV vaccine had not actually been received, and that there was a charge of $280 plus injection fee for it.  Hmmm, re-thinking that one.  We were handed some paperwork to complete, sat down, and as we were doing that, a tech came over and said the Covid vaccine was only available 6 months after your last one and ours isn't due until October 17th.  We got the flu shot.  That's what happens when you're a keener!  So far neither of us has had a reaction, which is not unusual for us.


Later this morning I'm making a brownie because friends are coming over this afternoon for a respite from their family; their daughter and her 3 children (ages 11, 8, 3) have moved in "temporarily" due to a marriage breakdown, and they need a break.  I have a feeling they'll stay longer than just for coffee, and I'm thinking we'll be enjoying Chinese food with them at the dining table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, we're rethinking getting the RSV vaccine, too.  In the US it is by prescription only.  Medicare Part D (drug plan) covers it, but not the Plan B that covers the flu, pneumonia and Covid vaccines.  Since we have not needed expensive drugs, yet, we don't have Part D.  That would be a big out of pocket expense.  I was told about $200 per shot and saw up to $295 a shot.


1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

Good Thursday Morning Dailyites!


I get random poetry every day.  I call people all day long, and I hear things on the answering machine like

This is Paul, thanks for the call.

I cant get to to the phone right now, leave a message if you can somehow.


DH and I made a hard decision yesterday, which probably cost us a friend.  And it is all down to finances. We had called our cat sitter two days ago, and got no answer, no call back no response.  I told Donna (the woman I walk the dog for) that I was worried that the cat sitter was not up to the job, and she offered to take over the job.  For Free.  Now of course I will pay her, but free is a wonderful offer.  I texted the cat sitters wife, and said that we were going to have Donna baby sit.  And within one minute the phone rang.  I told DH it was probably the cat sitter.  Sure was. He told the cat sitter that Donna had offered to take the job, as I had helped her out so much over the last three years.  And free was free. We both felt bad about not letting him earn some money, but we also realized that we have not been happy with his past cat sitting.  He shows up when he wants to, plays our guitars. Watches the tv, and told me after our Alaska trip, he had no idea how many cats we had.  We always buy enough cat food before we go to last the entire trip, and yet when we get back, we have over half of the cat food cans still sitting there.  So we know he wasn't here half as many times as he said he was.  And the neighbors confirmed, that they didn't see him.


The wife texted me later and asked why I was doing that.  I explained that free was free, and with us having to pay for the driveway to get fixed, insurance didn't cover it, to pay off the rest of the repairs post the tree falling on the house to met the deductible, we were accepting the free offer. I feel guilty because they are such good friends to us, but my fur babies come first. We are taking them out to dinner on Saturday, and now i'm thinking they wont show up.


Then Theresa one of my old book club friends emailed me last night, telling me they were going to start their trip, and i emailed back telling her I was going to call when i got off my shift.  Realized I had not seen them since we got back from Alaska.  Oh my, I have been living in a bubble for the last 3 months.  All I do is work, walk the dog, visit with the daily for my dose of humanity, go to dr's appointments and grocery store.  I am hoping that this cruise will snap me back to reality, and make me  realize that  I dont need to work so much, that I need to take more time for friends, and myself, and learn to find joy again.  But for now, off to work.  Hug yourselves for me, you are all wonderful!








Annie, if you are very good friends with the cat sitter and his wife, I would hope they would get over the switch in cat sitters, and remain friends.  It might take a while for that to happen though.  I'm glad Donna volunteered to cat sit for you.


1 hour ago, Haljo1935 said:

I love today's days - where would we be w/o awesome teachers? We should act as though everyday were do something nice day - doesn't that sound marvelous?

I'm good on the first part of the quote, but lost in the back half 

Pass on the meal, would try the wine, not been to Norway. 

The days all certainly made their own impact on the world; love the Beatles, not so much Mr Bond but acknowledge "he" impacted the world, lol.

70° headed to 82°. It rained last night!! That's worth celebrating. 

Shoulder is not happy today - I'm sure it's angry about the sideways move the surgeon & Chriro attempted to get it to do yesterday, but how are we to know what it can do if we don't see what it can't do? Probably not that deep - it just doesn't move that way yet, lol.

DH was prescribed a new med - didn't know he was given reading material on it until I found scraps of it in the yard that the dog had not quite finished eating. Ugh

Oh, rec'd notice someone at work nominated me for recognition as a Compassionate Leader. How humbling, no idea who so I guess I'll thank everyone. 

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 




Congratulations on the Compassionate Leader nomination.


23 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

I erase all of them after they’re posted. There are repeats now and then as there are several of us on the Daily posting them. No laugh symbol? I’m devastated!☹️


Bruce, after I realized that I couldn't remember if I'd posted a meme or just seen it many times in the file of memes to be posted, I moved the memes I posted to a file of posted memes.  That way, I can check if it's been posted.  Let's face it, sometimes I need all the help I can get.  😉


18 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. Sunny, chilly and no rain in forecast. High expected around 67F. Same for the rest of the week and then some. But I notice a bit of white on the mountain peaks.


Deb.... I have the same thing with Social security.... really reduced due to state pension. It is not like we are asking for our salaries for Colorado to be eligible.... but I contributed for years for work in Maryland, New Mexico and Wisconsin. Oh well. My Medicare is covered.


Little new here. The dogs are fully recovered from the dental work yesterday when they both lost some teeth. Gave them meds this morning in case they were needed but I think not. Both were ready to chow down as soon as we got home yesterday. Monty gets his in liquid form since he is so tiny (5 lbs) and I find it is very hard to squirt liquid into a fighting chihuahua mouth. Fortunately premeasured. Only have to do it one more time.


Pulled out some more cruise clothes to try on and none of them fit to off the thrift store with them and I am going to have to do some shopping after I finish the closet cull.





Susan, I'm glad the dogs are fully recovered.  Sometimes shopping can be therapeutic, but if you can't find what you want, then it's a chore.  Good luck with the shopping.


14 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning from a sunny PNW. 


We're in for a 4-day stint of nice sunny warm weather and no rain until Monday. I can handle that. 

Today is a trip to BC to see my mom and some friends. I'm told I'm taking mom (97 and a going concern) shopping for new black pants, a stop at a bakery, and then to a pasta place for lunch. I can do that. Oh yes - I'm to stop and get Maple Nut ice cream for her on the way up (the old 1/2 gallon size). It will be a full day with leaving here about 9 and getting home close to 8 tonight. 


Have a great Thursday!



Karen, safe travels today.  Enjoy your visit with your DM.


@rafinmd  Roy, I'm glad you are at the Crystal terminal, and that the transfer was not terribly difficult.



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