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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday May 30th, 2024

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Annals of Stupidity: a man in Michigan had to attend a court hearing over Zoom about his suspended driving license. When he signed in, everyone could see that he was driving at the time.




He was ordered to report to jail by 6:00 p.m.



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1 hour ago, bennybear said:

@Cruising-along yikes on the safety!  We live near the world’s largest erratic,  but it’s in a field luckily. 



Wow, thanks for posting this Brenda.  Our erratic is taller than this one but less wide.  I would post a link, but we have enough trouble with looky-loos.   😉  I wish ours was in a field!  Before this development was built, it was all woods and teenagers used the rock as a party spot.  We've been here 30 years this August and teens still use it to party, but most often just to climb and make noise. 😞  We don't mind when groups of geologists come to look at it, just don't climb!





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26 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I try to be creative, when need be. I need to water my orchid today. Progress on treating MS has been made, but more is needed. Thought-provoking quote. Maybe for the meal, yes to the drink and I'll pass on the wine. I've been to Alaska, but not to College Fjord. Wow, the Indy 500 is pretty old.


It's a lovely day here. 67F and sunny. It started out quite nippy, in the 40's. Boy, I'm tired. First off I didn't sleep that long. I went to bed late, as I started watching a series on Netflix (one more, then I'll go to bed). Plus I had extra coffee yesterday. So it was a bit hard to fall asleep. Then I started errands. First to the pharmacy. Then to Walmart, where I hadn't been since pre-pandemic. And then I couldn't find what I wanted, which was supposedly in stock per the website. Then to the big box store, to shop for me and BFF. Just lifting things off a stack and into the cart was hard. And I had to walk all over to find some things he wanted, that I don't normally buy. Then get it all into the house. My legs and feet are hurting. I'll be in the recliner soon.


@kazu Happiest of Birthdays! I hope your legs are feeling better today.

@GTVCRUISER Happy Birthday! Aww, such cute pictures.

@StLouisCruisers Oh my on the train mishap with cruise passengers! I hope no one was hurt. I bet they were quite upset by the time they got to the ship. Thanks for the photos from College Fjord. And DD has outdone herself on that tree! Spectacular!

@grapau27 I'm glad that Pauline is feeling better, and I hope you are too, soon. Thanks for the photos of Newcastle and NS.

@St Pete Cruiser Thanks for the photos from Newcastle; I've not been there. Safe travels home on Saturday.

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad you got some good sleep last night. I'm glad your shoulder is feeling better after the injection. I had always gone to the hospital-affiliated PT, but they weren't working on the issues I was interested in (like trouble climbing stairs). Last year I went to an independent place that's in my insurance plan, and 5 minutes from my house, and it's great. I will be getting a script to go back after I see my Neurosurgeon next week.

@aliaschief Chioggia looks interesting; thanks for the photos.

@marshhawk Wow, 13 cats. You have your own animal shelter practically. Congrats on the bonus, but I hope you can get some more sleep.

@smitty34877 I can understand your concern about leaving; prayers that everything will be status quo while you're away. Enjoy the time with the DGC and the grand dog.

@Mr. Boston Enjoy Montreal. I haven't been there since Expo 67! 

@Nickelpenny Good for you with the studies. I just finished the respiratory study I was in. I'll be interested to see what your surgeon says. I go next week and am hoping to get the all clear to do stuff. I too feel my back is "tight" and I know I'm deconditioned. I need PT!

@kochleffel I've been resisting having someone come to my house for a wellness check. I did one via facetime a couple of years ago, but I tell them there's no need. I see a doctor in some form at least 3x/month, and see my PCP for an annual wellness exam. I check my BP at home. I also told them I'm in healthcare and I can take my meds appropriately (and probably know more about them than they do). So now I ignore all the emails and phone calls.

@summer slope Good luck with the insurance company.

@rafinmd Wishing you minimal pain with the extraction tomorrow.

@Seasick Sailor Reggie has that wind blown look, lol. And Oliver is cute, as always.

@XBGuy Thanks for you contributions to our wine knowledge.

@Copper10-8 Thanks for the laughs, John.

@durangoscots I hope the issue of the kids in the driveway gets settled. And ugh on your friend's terrible travels to go help her Father.


Prayers for the Care List and Woohoo for those Celebrating. 



Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV I hope you are resting now and the pain in your feet and legs disappear.

Take care.


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Had to pop in here today to wish Jacqui @kazu happy birthday and to echo everyone else's hopes and prayers that this coming year will be a healing one for you.

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Sorry, lost the description.  Our log house was  built in 1931 on a glacial erratic.  For some reason it was decided just to build over it rather than remove it.


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A very late good afternoon after a very busy day.  Our handyman neighbor came this morning, and now we have all new lights outside and in the storeroom.  They are all LEDs and very bright.  I did some straightening of my outside storage cabinets while he was working.  He has one of those scissor lifts, so to keep him from having to climb down to get the next light, I got them ready to hand to him.  He also fixed a piece of the porch roof that had been hanging down for years, and that we couldn't get put back up.  He is also the person we gave the golf cart to, and he's been working on it.  He has it running after working on the carburetor, and the lights are also working after he completely rewired them.  After a few more repairs, he is going to sell it, probably to the camper who helped us, so everybody wins in that scenario.  Since he will make a fair amount on the sale of the golf cart, he refused the payment we'd agreed on earlier.  I also took advantage of the motorhomes being out of the the port and blew all the leaves, dirt and stuff from the cedar trees out of the port.  It was better than it's been in years.


This afternoon, I got a hair cut and I'm no longer shaggy.  If a before and after comparison was made, I'd equate it with how Ivan looked when he first joined Jacqui @kazu and how he looked after his first grooming.


As I was driving home, I noticed dark clouds gathering to the north and west.  The storm hit about 30 minutes ago with high winds and a lot of rain.  It was raining harder than I've seen it rain in a long time.  I just looked and we've gotten 0.90 inches of rain, and it's still pouring.  The drainage ditch by the street is full and beginning to overflow.  The temperature has dropped from about 90F to 72F since the storm moved in.  The weather app says the wind is 13 mph and the gusts can be 65 mph.  According to the radar we're in a small portion of the storm, but it is the one that is the reddest on the map.  It should be through here in about an hour or so, but more is headed this way later this evening.  At least we won't have to water the plants for quite a while.


7 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. Yesterday I drove my brother home after the aide arrived for the day. I then drive to my son’s home in New Hampshire. We arranged an aide for tonight and tomorrow for the evening hours but I was still a bit worried to leave.

My DD DH and I were fortunate to be able to attend many concerts over the years but I never got to see The Rolling Stones live. My DS and DDIL are going tonight to see them in Foxboro Massachusetts and I am keeping the DGC’s and  grand dog company. I listened to the new album on my ride up yesterday and they sounded really good. The reviews from the NY show were great. I just hope it stops raining and is not as cold as the weather people say…It was only 50 earlier and tonight it is going down to  forty later. I threw my puffy jacket  in the car at the last minute!

I have now been to the port and like the recipes for today. I am making a shrimp scampi dish that the kids like tonight. My Father in law had MS and in his time there was very little that could be done for patients. He had to retire early from a job in the garment district and by the time I met him he could no longer walk. 

@kazu, A very Happy Birthday to you. I am hoping that you will have less pain soon.


@GTVCRUISER, A very Happy Birthday as well!


@aliaschief, I am sad that your wonderful cruise is almost over but have very much enjoyed your pictures and posts. Thanks!



Terry, I'm glad you were able to get away and babysit the DGC while your DS and DDIL go see the Stones.  I can understand your worry about leaving, but I'm sure between the aide and the family things will be handled. 


6 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I'm not particularly creative, will water the indoor plants, and hope a cure for MS will soon be discovered.  I just heard on the radio it is also National Milk Day - drink up!


Another cloudy, cool morning (12C or 53F) and its only supposed to go up another 4 degrees all day. We had some rain yesterday afternoon that lasted a couple of hours, so that meant we didn't have to water any of the outdoor pots.  The bad thing is that the rain basically glued all the fallen apple blossoms onto the patio, so I'll have to wait until they dry to scrape them off.  I usually sweep them up or use the leaf blower to blow them away, but that's not going to happen this time.


@kazuI hope you have an enjoyable birthday today and that you get some better results about your foot pain.  Enjoy the day, the cake, and most of all, the wine.

@GTVCRUISERHappy Birthday to you, too!


Not a lot happening on our agenda today; I think we're going to pick up our friend Ollie and take her out for lunch.  She's been getting out on her own, but I'm sure she'd appreciate having company to talk to over lunch.  After that we may head back to her place and go through more of Gord's things that we can help her donate and distribute.  


I'd like the drink of the day (have saved it for research purposes), will let others enjoy the wine, and I guess the menu suggestion could be a meal if you added in either cooked, seasoned ground beef or chicken.  DH has asked for hot dogs - how easy is that?  While we're out, I'll pick up a package of small sized tortillas to wrap them in, will cook the dogs in the air fryer and we can enjoy them along with potato salad (also bought) on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in the paths of storms and fires.  Cheers to all with celebrations!


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, thanks for letting us know about national milk day.  I usually have a glass of milk with breakfast, so I have the day covered.


6 hours ago, kochleffel said:

Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, I composed a reply in yesterday's thread and CC locked thread before I finished! I also read about the wellness check on the AMA website, which says that it's mainly to check for recommended screenings and immunizations.


The substance of the reply was that I'm willing to be examined by a PA or NP, but I won't accept medication changes that the doctor hasn't approved. About five years ago, the NP in the practice (not the current one) changed my blood-pressure medication in a way that required follow-up labs, but didn't order any, and I didn't know that they would be needed. If I hadn't broken my arm later that year, resulting in labs being done in the hospital, it could eventually have killed me.


As I said, I see the PA, and I have confidence in the new medicine he prescribed  He is very knowledgeable, and listens to his patients.  He doesn't hurry you in and out of the appointment, which may explain why sometimes he and our PCP are running late.  It also may explain the 1 1/2 hour lunch break.  After seeing patients into the lunch hour, it still gives them time to eat.  We are very lucky in our small town to have such a caring doctor and caring dentist.  I'm not really convinced the annual Medicare wellness visit does much good.  Most of what the site says they do, our PCP does on the annual visits.


5 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie for the  Fleet Report and Daily.  Three nice days to celebrate, especially MS Day.

I think there’s a lot of truth in Today’s quote.

Today is the traditional date for Memorial Day and it sounds like a nice start to the 500..

I have not been to College Fjord..

I’ll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Orange and Grapefruit Medley, Prime Rib of Beef au Jus, and Strawberry Sundae as served on MS Prinsendam May 30, 2015.

Best wishes for Graham and Pauline.  It  is bordering on chilly  today.   Primary doctor at 3:30 today.  My dental extraction tomorrow has been moved up 1:30 to 11.




Roy, I hope your visit with your primary doctor went well.  I hope the extraction tomorrow goes smoothly.


4 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

I had my post half written, tried to insert a quote and lost the whole thing. 😞  

I don't consider myself to be creative. I can follow directions to do a project, but am not good at making up the projects myself. That takes creativity.  My counted cross-stitch projects may be intensive and involved, but I didn't make up the directions myself, I followed them.


No need to water the flowers with all the rain we've been having.  Several members of our family have/had MS.  Terrible disease.  The quote can be quite true in some cases.  I would like the wine and the drink, but will pass on the meal, and I don't think any of our Alaska cruises have gone to College Fjord.  


We're going to have 2 days of sunshine, rain back on Saturday.  Only 60 today and mid 60's tomorrow, but I'll take it!  Today I need to get the top of the Mugo Pine de-candled since DH is home today to help me.  With my fear of heights I won't go that high without him here. I can't believe how tall it has gotten!


Since I can't insert a quote without losing this, I'll just say I'm always a little surprised (but shouldn't be) at the differences in health care around our country.  I noticed several posts from yesterday that mentioned not seeing their PCP with the Medicare Wellness Exam, and also that labs aren't done before those exams (?)  It's so different here -- I always see my PCP at those exams, not a nurse or PA.  Also I have labs done every 6 months, and always see my PCP after those labs -- wellness check too.  I must be in the minority too about being totally fine with what the exam entails.  I feel like I get a good check up.  Now maybe times will change, but for now my clinic is doing a good job.  (fingers crossed it stays that way)


Happy Birthday Jacqui @kazu!  I hope the next year is much, much better for you.

Happy Birthday Gary @GTVCRUISER!

Sandi @StLouisCruisers I love your DD's latest tree!  Now that's creative!  And yikes about the train and the bus!



Carolyn, I always assumed the wellness visit Medicare mentions was the annual physical, but it's not.  That is why I decided not to have that visit, plus a visit with the the PA and all the tests.  Most of the information gathered at the wellness visit is in my records, and they always check to see if there are any changes.  So far, I don't think I need a memory test.


3 hours ago, Copper10-8 said:


Pirate Jokes and Humor


Exploring the Wit of Sophisticated Pirate Jokes


4 Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day Jokes | The Optical Journal


Pirate Jokes and Humor


The Pirate Empire: 16 Terrible Pirate Jokes


Pirate Jokes and Humor | Pirate jokes, Spongebob funny, Pirate humor


A pirate walked into a bar and the bartender said, "Hey, I haven't seen you in a while. What happened? You look terrible!"

"What do you mean?" said the pirate, "I feel fine.'"

Bartender, "What about the wooden leg? You didn't have that before."

Pirate, "Well, we were in a battle and I got hit with a cannon ball, but I'm fine now."

Bartender, "Well, OK, but what about that hook? What happened to your hand?"

Pirate, "We were in another battle. I boarded a ship and got into a sword fight. My hand was cut off. I got fitted with a hook. I'm fine, really."

Bartender, "What about that eye patch?"

Pirate, "Oh, one day we were at sea and a flock of birds flew over. I looked up and one of them crapped in my eye."

"You're kidding," said the bartender, "you lost an eye just from bird crap?"

Pirate, "It was my first day with me hook!"


John, thank you for the great laughs today.


49 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

Annals of Stupidity: a man in Michigan had to attend a court hearing over Zoom about his suspended driving license. When he signed in, everyone could see that he was driving at the time.




He was ordered to report to jail by 6:00 p.m.




Paul, I've seen that sorry on several news sites.  I keep reminding myself, you can't fix stupid.


2 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning, barely,  and thanks all! 
@kazu good thing I got those wishes in very early for a wonderful day and year.   Thank you for all you have done for so many of us!  I hope the tulips will post today, I used my old phone.  Still no joy, so some apple blossoms instead. 
@GTVCRUISER happy birthday!  Have a great year!

@Copper10-8 love the jokes!  
@cat shepard nice to see a BC wine, they have some lovely ones,  we had one from Vancouver  Island that won against many Pinot Noirs,   Lots of great ones from the Okanagan valley as well.  Too bad we hadn’t known this a couple of weeks ago as we were very near Langley. 
@durangoscots the Joys of modern air travel.  We decided to drive home after our last airline fiasco took eight hours for a one hour flight! 



Brenda, the flowers are beautiful, and so are your tulips.


1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I try to be creative, when need be. I need to water my orchid today. Progress on treating MS has been made, but more is needed. Thought-provoking quote. Maybe for the meal, yes to the drink and I'll pass on the wine. I've been to Alaska, but not to College Fjord. Wow, the Indy 500 is pretty old.


It's a lovely day here. 67F and sunny. It started out quite nippy, in the 40's. Boy, I'm tired. First off I didn't sleep that long. I went to bed late, as I started watching a series on Netflix (one more, then I'll go to bed). Plus I had extra coffee yesterday. So it was a bit hard to fall asleep. Then I started errands. First to the pharmacy. Then to Walmart, where I hadn't been since pre-pandemic. And then I couldn't find what I wanted, which was supposedly in stock per the website. Then to the big box store, to shop for me and BFF. Just lifting things off a stack and into the cart was hard. And I had to walk all over to find some things he wanted, that I don't normally buy. Then get it all into the house. My legs and feet are hurting. I'll be in the recliner soon.


@kazu Happiest of Birthdays! I hope your legs are feeling better today.

@GTVCRUISER Happy Birthday! Aww, such cute pictures.

@StLouisCruisers Oh my on the train mishap with cruise passengers! I hope no one was hurt. I bet they were quite upset by the time they got to the ship. Thanks for the photos from College Fjord. And DD has outdone herself on that tree! Spectacular!

@grapau27 I'm glad that Pauline is feeling better, and I hope you are too, soon. Thanks for the photos of Newcastle and NS.

@St Pete Cruiser Thanks for the photos from Newcastle; I've not been there. Safe travels home on Saturday.

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad you got some good sleep last night. I'm glad your shoulder is feeling better after the injection. I had always gone to the hospital-affiliated PT, but they weren't working on the issues I was interested in (like trouble climbing stairs). Last year I went to an independent place that's in my insurance plan, and 5 minutes from my house, and it's great. I will be getting a script to go back after I see my Neurosurgeon next week.

@aliaschief Chioggia looks interesting; thanks for the photos.

@marshhawk Wow, 13 cats. You have your own animal shelter practically. Congrats on the bonus, but I hope you can get some more sleep.

@smitty34877 I can understand your concern about leaving; prayers that everything will be status quo while you're away. Enjoy the time with the DGC and the grand dog.

@Mr. Boston Enjoy Montreal. I haven't been there since Expo 67! 

@Nickelpenny Good for you with the studies. I just finished the respiratory study I was in. I'll be interested to see what your surgeon says. I go next week and am hoping to get the all clear to do stuff. I too feel my back is "tight" and I know I'm deconditioned. I need PT!

@kochleffel I've been resisting having someone come to my house for a wellness check. I did one via facetime a couple of years ago, but I tell them there's no need. I see a doctor in some form at least 3x/month, and see my PCP for an annual wellness exam. I check my BP at home. I also told them I'm in healthcare and I can take my meds appropriately (and probably know more about them than they do). So now I ignore all the emails and phone calls.

@summer slope Good luck with the insurance company.

@rafinmd Wishing you minimal pain with the extraction tomorrow.

@Seasick Sailor Reggie has that wind blown look, lol. And Oliver is cute, as always.

@XBGuy Thanks for you contributions to our wine knowledge.

@Copper10-8 Thanks for the laughs, John.

@durangoscots I hope the issue of the kids in the driveway gets settled. And ugh on your friend's terrible travels to go help her Father.


Prayers for the Care List and Woohoo for those Celebrating. 




Vanessa, I hope you get plenty of rest tonight.  Your BFF is as lucky to have you as a friend and to take care of him, and you are having him in your life.  How is he doing since the surgery?


I had planned to make stuffed peppers tonight, but I think instead, we'll finish the meatloaf and mashed potatoes.  The wind and rain has slowed down considerably, and there is some brighter sky to the west.  I just checked and our rain total so far is 1.22 inches.  The drainage ditch level has receded some, and the yard doesn't look like a swamp now.  I still hear thunder, and I guess the yard mowing will have to wait a day or two for the ground to dry some.



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13 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Vanessa, I hope you get plenty of rest tonight.  Your BFF is as lucky to have you as a friend and to take care of him, and you are having him in your life.  How is he doing since the surgery?




Lenda, BFF is doing ok. Luckily not much pain. HIs main issue is trouble getting around. He couldn't get the hang of crutches and uses a walker around the house. He ordered a knee scooter, and I set it up for him yesterday. It's pretty good indoors, but doesn't have a tight turning radius. He goes for a post-op check in about 2 weeks. I'll be visiting tomorrow, bringing some groceries.

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Good afternoon!  I made mustard chicken for lunch and it turned out to be more involved than I expected but turned out really good. I’ve never been to College Fjord. Not sure if I ever will. I have made a similar MOD and it’s always a hit during the summer.  Mine is more like the last recipe. 

Happy Birthday Jacqui!!  @kazu Enjoy your special day!


@GTVCRUISER , Happy Birthday!  I enjoy your San Diego pictures!


Have a great day everyone!

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Congrats🥳 to the Dallas Mavericks 🏀 


Luka was on fire! He definitely deserves the recognition he received. When presented w/the trophy, he said it was a team effort. 




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15 hours ago, grapau27 said:

A P&O poster kindly posted this photo for me of the original Nieuw Statendam in Hamilton Bermuda July 1975 when he was a shop manager on board.


Yes, looks like the Statendam. The present Nieuw Statendam was a compromized name by management as the president did not want to continue using the old dam names for marketing purposes. 

We enjoyed our first visit to Newcastle yesterday.

Looks like Fred Olson's ships use Newcastle. 

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15 minutes ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

Yes, looks like the Statendam. The present Nieuw Statendam was a compromized name by management as the president did not want to continue using the old dam names for marketing purposes. 

We enjoyed our first visit to Newcastle yesterday.

Looks like Fred Olson's ships use Newcastle. 

Yes Fred Olsen Balmoral home ports from here.

Brilliance of the seas is here getting rudder repairs.

Nieuw Statendam is due back here June 17th and July 18th.

Mein Shieff 3 is due June 3rd.

Seaborne Quest is due July 12th.

Norwegian Dawn due on July 21st.

Silver seas Silver Spirit is due June 20th.

Ambassador Ambition is embarking here August 16th.

Swan Hellenic SH Diana is here July 30th.

Aida cruises Aidasol is due here July 16th.

Saga,Regent seven seas are due to transit through here too.


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