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too strict on the dress code

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Hi All,


We will be going on our 1st cruise in July, and I also have been getting stressed as to what to wear in the dining room. I thought I signed on for a casual beach vacation, and did not realize there were so many rules in play concerning the appropriate way to dress for the dining room. WE are a family of 4, and I dread the thought of having to take another suitcase for formal wear. If I wanted that I would have chosen a different kind of vacation. My travel agent touted this as a casual family friendly ship. In all the commercials I've seen for RCI, it seemed that way to me too. It was only when I started to read some of these posts that I started to get concerned. My boys always have to wear a jacket and tie to school, and I don't think they should have to on their vacation. That is not to say we will be in the dining room in shorts and t shirts. We will be very neatly dressed in dockers, collared shirts and so on. I'm sorry if anyone takes offense to this. However, I do promise not to let my boys run up and down the halls, press all the elevator buttons, hang around "Adults Only" areas, and I will not sneak down in the morning to save any pool chairs. That being said, I am really looking forward to our 1st cruise.

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Have felt a hugh weight lifted from my shoulders, THANK YOU!!! I appreciate all of your kind words.


The people who made you feel that way...need to focus on REAL PROBLEMS.


What would you wear if you were going out to a nice restaurant? Well thats it! Fine.

By the way....On a casual night I wore a pair of designer jeans - dressy top...dressy sandals...and nobody NOBODY cared. Except my husband...and he thought I looked great.

Formal night...people wear gowns, cocktail dresses, and lots of other things..., Just don't wear a sundress...a nice dress is fine.


Just be happy... no one will judge you...the people on the ship are much nicer than some of the people on these boards.

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Just remember....your participation in formal nights is totally optional.


If you choose to forego schlepping formal wear, and even more so, stressing about it, there are other venues for dining on the ship on formal nights. You may order room service or have dinner in the Windjammer. It's really not a major issue. The choices are yours to make. ;)


....and she may forego schlepping formal wear and STILL enjoy the dining room on formal night. Dress codes on RCI are "suggested guidelines", not rules. There is no reason she should be banished to the Windjammer on formal night.


On my last cruise, my wife & I were seated at a table with a couple who had scraped together enough money for a belated honeymoon cruise, and did not have "appropriate" clothes for formal night. It didn't ruin my night, or upset anyone in the general vicinity. In fact, each of the folks at our table took off jackets and ties and evening wraps so that the couple would feel less uncomfortable. We had a great evening with wonderful people, which we would have missed if we had sent them off to "an alternate venue".


To the OP, I really believe that most of the people you will run into on a Royal Caribbean ship are very easygoing in this regard. If you dress with respect for your companions, you will never feel out of place. Don't let the vocal fashion snobs that sometimes post on these boards intimidate you.

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Just remember, actions speak louder than any formal wear when it comes to being appropriate.


There was a couple at the table next to us on our April cruise. Our dinner was at 6pm and these people NEVER showed up until 6:30. This was an ELEVEN night cruise and they were late every night. They had the same waiter and asst waiter as our table and they would cause these poor guys to run like mad trying to get their drink/appetizer order when they were serving everyone's main course. Plus, our servers had to dash to get their table ready for the 2nd seating.


Now, did these people wear tank tops and jeans? No. In fact, they were elegant every night. On formal night the woman was in a floor length frilly tafeta pink thing and the guy was in a tux. They were annoying and self-centered but dressed quite nicely.

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In fact, each of the folks at our table took off jackets and ties and evening wraps so that the couple would feel less uncomfortable. We had a great evening with wonderful people, which we would have missed if we had sent them off to "an alternate venue".


jtmalt, that's just a super thing your table did. It shows way more class than those fashion "snobs" will ever have, regardless of how many tuxedos or ball gowns they're wearing!

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jtmalt, that is the attitude I hope most people would have. It was so nice of you to make them feel comfortable instead of complaining about their lack of "formal" clothes. I love to see people dressed up and enjoying themselves but I would hope there aren't too many others like the op who are so upset by some of the comments on this board. A cruise should be FUN and you just need to wear the best you have and enjoy every minute. I have to say I had relatives with us who showed up in jeans (not on formal night) and I wanted to smack them because I had made a point of telling them about dress codes. BUT, they are adults and it is not my place to play "mom" so we laughed and had a great dinner. People, please relax, you can wear a black skirt and a nice blouse and look fine. (guys forget that, I would be too upset to see you in that outfit, but you know what I mean)

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I made no mention of being banished to the Windjammer. I was simply letting the OP know her options. If the OP feels displaced by not wearing "formal" clothes on "formal" nights, she should know that there are alternatives.


Hmmm...I would think that if you and your tablemates didn't care what this couple was wearing that you would have kept your garments to yourselves. What others wear in a diningroom is a non-issue for me.


Oh, and btw, a "vocal fashion snob" is hardly a phrase to describe me. Perhaps you should read my other posts on this very thread. ;)


....and she may forego schlepping formal wear and STILL enjoy the dining room on formal night. Dress codes on RCI are "suggested guidelines", not rules. There is no reason she should be banished to the Windjammer on formal night.On my last cruise, my wife & I were seated at a table with a couple who had scraped together enough money for a belated honeymoon cruise, and did not have "appropriate" clothes for formal night. It didn't ruin my night, or upset anyone in the general vicinity. In fact, each of the folks at our table took off jackets and ties and evening wraps so that the couple would feel less uncomfortable. We had a great evening with wonderful people, which we would have missed if we had sent them off to "an alternate venue". To the OP, I really believe that most of the people you will run into on a Royal Caribbean ship are very easygoing in this regard. If you dress with respect for your companions, you will never feel out of place. Don't let the vocal fashion snobs that sometimes post on these boards intimidate you.
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Hi "Mom" --


I can't believe you are still somewhat stressed, but I totally agree with you about the foolishness of this dress code business. All the middle of the road cruise lines should abolish the "suggested dress." NCL did it and it's been hugely successful.


Think of it this way -- what would you wear to a restaurant at night at a nice resort, like Four Seasons Maui, or the Bellagio in Vegas, or some other similar property? Would you drag along fancy and/or sequined dresses and a dark suit/tie or tux for the men? I should think NOT! Maybe on New Year's Eve, but that's another matter.


Unless one is attending a formal business meeting or formal wedding these days, the order of the day is CASUAL. If you are traveling in warm weather, it's even more likely you will want to be casual.


My guy and I plan to sail the Navigator this summer, and plan to dress casually, i.e., "resort casual" style collared shirts, slacks, shoes (sandals for me), every single night, AND we will eat in the dining room on "formal nights" if we so choose!


Trust me, based on my last 35 cruises, you will be FINE there or anywhere else aboard ship on "formal nights" so long as you are not wearing shorts, flip flops, tennies or tank tops. Jeans are also FINE anywhere on the ship other than "formal nights" in the main dining room.


You will find that some people who dress way up for formal night dinners return to their cabins afterward and put on casual attire for the balance of the night. Look for this phenomenon; it is more common than you'd think.


And let's not forget that everyone has a different idea about what constitutes "formality." Some people look ludicrous in their fancy duds while others look elegant. You will see everything and anything -- it's quite entertaining and if you are not one of those who is dressed outlandishly, no one will be looking at you at all!


I would probably be singing a different tune if I were crossing the Atlantic on the Queen Mary circa 1952. But that's not the case -- things change and all the cruise lines ask is that you not look like a ragpicker at night in the dining room.


So let up on your family, Mom, and just have a good time out there, OK? ;)


Okay, I have just got to vent. I am packing for my cruise and am totally stressed!!!! The pressure is taking the pleasure out of planning and packing. I am talking about feeling like I'm going to a junior high dance and if I don't wear the right clothes people are going to point and laugh at me. I have seen people on these boards blast people over their choice of clothes. I have been upset, barking at my family and I don't think it's right. I am going to pack the best clothes I have, if I don't look right or appropriate, please forgive me, I am on vacation and enjoying my time with my family. I want to thank you who offered excellent packing tips and a wealth of other information. Thanks for letting me vent, now it's back to packing.
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Dont worry about what people think of what you wear. :) We are young (late 30's:D ) and we plan to relax and enjoy our vacation. Most of the day you see people walking around in bathing suits and shorts.:rolleyes: At night it depends. Older people like the dress up show but young people like to be in the regular day to day attire. I for one am taking three capris and long dressy black pants for that formal night everyone is talking about. :D We are going to the eastern caribbean, what else can I say about dress up?? It's the islands mon! :cool:

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Hi "Mom" --


All the middle of the road cruise lines should abolish the "suggested dress." NCL did it and it's been hugely successful.


Unless one is attending a formal business meeting or formal wedding these days, the order of the day is CASUAL. If you are traveling in warm weather, it's even more likely you will want to be casual.


My guy and I plan to sail the Navigator this summer, and plan to dress casually, i.e., "resort casual" style collared shirts, slacks, shoes (sandals for me), every single night, AND we will eat in the dining room on "formal nights" if we so choose!


Trust me, based on my last 35 cruises, you will be FINE there or anywhere else aboard ship on "formal nights" so long as you are not wearing shorts, flip flops, tennies or tank tops. Jeans are also FINE anywhere on the ship other than "formal nights" in the main dining room.


I would probably be singing a different tune if I were crossing the Atlantic on the Queen Mary circa 1952. But that's not the case -- things change and all the cruise lines ask is that you not look like a ragpicker at night in the dining room.


So let up on your family, Mom, and just have a good time out there, OK? ;)


NCL is no more "hugely successful" than Celebrity and HAL, known for formality and tradition. They are a budget line who has carved out their niche in the industry by offering casual cruises to those that prefer them.


A for "middle of the road cruise lines" abolishing the dress code, there is certainly good reason they have not. Their answer to those that prefer to be casual are the variety of casual restaurants onboard, something unseen as recently as ten years ago.


And what in the world does the temperature have to do how one dresses?


Perhaps you and your BF prefer to dress "casually" but please do not make declarations that the "order of the day is CASUAL". Perhaps it is for you, but do not speak or decide for me, please.:mad: I dress for dinner when I go out to dinner at a nice restaurant at home and I dress the same when cruising.


IME, with 108 cruises over many years, MOST passengers do dress up on formal nights.


Actually, RCI does have a suggested dress code, and I do not seeing any mention of ragpickers discussed.:cool:

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I made no mention of being banished to the Windjammer. I was simply letting the OP know her options. If the OP feels displaced by not wearing "formal" clothes on "formal" nights, she should know that there are alternatives.


...and I was just clarifying what one of those options are. I didn't intend my post to be negative toward you, or to imply that you were the "banishing" type.


Hmmm...I would think that if you and your tablemates didn't care what this couple was wearing that you would have kept your garments to yourselves. What others wear in a diningroom is a non-issue for me.


We didn't care what they were wearing, but the couple felt awkward. Rather than have them feel uncomfortable, we "dressed down" to help them feel less out of place.


Oh, and btw, a "vocal fashion snob" is hardly a phrase to describe me. Perhaps you should read my other posts on this very thread. ;)


Again, although I quoted your post, the comments were not directed at you, and I apologize if you took it that way. :(

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I am one who doesn't particularly like to dress up for formal nights, I take 1 nice dress and wear it both formal nights. I enjoy seeing the people who do get all decked out but that's just not for me. Also, keep in mind, it will be mostly the ones who go all out hanging around getting formal pictures taken before dinner, so don't be discouraged if that's all you see before going to the dining room. For the other nights, I wear dress slacks and a button down or pull over blouse. I usually wear my tops to dinner one night then during the day the next day with my shorts.


As for doing formal nights in the Windjammer or somewhere else, I don't recommend that if you like Lobster tails and/or Prime Rib, these are usually only offered in the main dining room on the formal nights. One is usually lobster and the other is prime rib.


Just go and enjoy yourself, remembering it takes all kinds of people to make up the world and the cruise ship is a small sampling of all kinds.

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I would love it if every night were formal personally but I know I am in the minority on that subject!:)


My DH loves to dress-up for dinner. He says its just as easy for him to wear a tux, as it is a shirt and tie. That's why he loves the QE 2---every night is formal!! ;)

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We enjoy dressing up for formal night. Usually, before the show--after dinner we stroll the deck. It is very romantic to stroll the deck all dressed up. Also, our best family pictures have always been taken on formal night. As a teenager, my daughter felt very out of placed if not dressed up. Once, she came down to the dinning room, and after seeing how everyone was dressed, ran back to the cabin and quickly changed into her prom dress on a formal night. This was completly her decision, we were already seated. We love it, it is part of the cruise experience. However, if you don't want to--thats your decision. My husband and I will enjoy the moment and each other. I'm sure you will too.

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I think Mark Cuban put it best yesterday when asked if he would wear a suit if the Mavericks won the NBA Championship. He said, "NO! Why do I need to dress for someone else?" That's the way I feel. I will be comfortable and if my tablemates don't like it THEY can dine elsewhere!

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I think Mark Cuban put it best yesterday when asked if he would wear a suit if the Mavericks won the NBA Championship. He said, "NO! Why do I need to dress for someone else?" That's the way I feel. I will be comfortable and if my tablemates don't like it THEY can dine elsewhere!


I completely agree!!!

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Mariner 05/28/06


Nice jeans on casual night fit in perfectly fine. I saw a LOT including my own. I wore nice shirts, high heel sandals and quite frankly, I didn't even realize jeans weren't officially considered casual until yesterday reading one of these threads.


If they're faded, dirty, sloppy, frayed, holey, tight - yeah, they would be underdressed and more noticable, but nice, especially dark, certainly designer jeans are casual!


Shorts were widespread on kids, I wasn't looking to see if adults had any on.

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Another point...less than 1% of the passengers who will be on your cruise are CC members. That should put things into perspective for you.


Enjoy your cruise and R - E - L - A - X. ;)


true.. and the poster who said no one will even notice what you are wearing is correct, and the poster who said no one will say anything to you if they think it is inappropriate is correct... they wait till they are home and then complain about it here :D


Please don't worry.. dress comfortably and have a great vacation.. its supposed to be fun, not stressful.. relax and have a great time.. :):)

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I enjoy formal nights. My wife always looks amazing in her evening gown. I usually rent a tux from the cruise line so I dont need to pack for that night, and its in the room closet pressed and waiting for me. We go take some nice pictures to update the photo of us in the frame in our living room from the last cruise we were on. We have a nice dinner and then find a lounge with a band we can dance to. We dance have some drinks and dance some more. Sometimes we will take a walk on the deck arm in arm and look at the stars. Its a wonderful evening that we never ever get at home and being dressed up makes it even more fun and out of the ordinary. We are a 32 year old couple thats been married 10 years and would miss the formal nights if the cruise line did away with them.

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Okay, I have just got to vent. I am packing for my cruise and am totally stressed!!!! The pressure is taking the pleasure out of planning and packing. I am talking about feeling like I'm going to a junior high dance and if I don't wear the right clothes people are going to point and laugh at me. I have seen people on these boards blast people over their choice of clothes. I have been upset, barking at my family and I don't think it's right. I am going to pack the best clothes I have, if I don't look right or appropriate, please forgive me, I am on vacation and enjoying my time with my family. I want to thank you who offered excellent packing tips and a wealth of other information. Thanks for letting me vent, now it's back to packing.


I'm sorry, I didn't read all of the replies to this post and I do hope your packing went well.


I'm sure after you return from your cruise, you will wonder why you worried so much. I've never seen anyone point and laugh, I've never seen anyone blasted. All I've ever seen is a bunch of very average people on a cruise ship.


That one would stress out over ther clothes is such a shame, you're right, your vacation planning should be full of enjoyment. I'd also add that the comments written on these boards do not reflect the majority of cruising pax.


I'll bet you have just about everything you need to cruise, perhaps the formal nights may require a bit of shopping, but the everyday and most evenings are not what I would call a fashion show at the very least. As a matter of fact, every interpretation of dress is represented on formal nights, starting with what people might wear to the office, Sunday best, all the way to full skirted ballgowns.


From my own experience (and yes, I did stress about it a lot before my first cruise), don't expect a lot of well dressed folks onboard a cruise ship. Expect the same people you see in your neighborhood grocery store on a Saturday afternoon. Surprisingly, a lot of people wear clothes I would only wear while cleaning out the garage.


So, if you have any fashion/makeup/shoe/hair questions, head over to the fashion board. Not only will they be nicer and give more honest answers, we are not quite so serious and grouchy about the whole subject.

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The fashion police are going to be critical of everyone, so why let yourself be bothered by them? As Schplinky says, they'll be the only ones who aren't having a good time!


Once I saw a couple of women in beautiful Indian saris on formal night. And another in a gorgeous Japanese kimono. Can you imagine what the FP would say??


Be yourself and feel beautiful. You're going to look great.


Have a terrific time!




The FP (at least on the fashion boards here) would say they thought those women looked gorgeous!

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IF someone DOES make a negative comment on what you're wearing, or tries to be sassy about it, just pull them aside gently as if to lower your voice, and say:



"I'm sorry. Are you a member of the fashion police?"

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I think Mark Cuban put it best yesterday when asked if he would wear a suit if the Mavericks won the NBA Championship. He said, "NO! Why do I need to dress for someone else?" That's the way I feel. I will be comfortable and if my tablemates don't like it THEY can dine elsewhere!





LOL: that is exactly what my dad would have said!

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