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Scooters for the day?


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We're heading into Cozumel on the Miracle in 2 weeks. We ended up getting a map of cozumel (the "Can-do Guide-in-a-map") that talks about TONS of things to do here. This map is VERY informative and I recommend to anyone looking for ideas (EDIT: So far I recommend it - I'll confirm after the cruise:)). It recommends (for those that like to get away from the sheep herders) getting off the beaten path by renting a scooter (not near the ship apparently - double the price there) and seeing the sights for yourself - that there are tons of neat places to explore (beaches, bars, lighthouses, etc.) on coastal paths. We're thinking about doing this (although are a little hesitant to go off into the island on our own away from the rest of the tourists that will give me tell tale signs to high-tail it back to the ship because it's time to go). But I like getting away from the pack-rat mentalities of the cruise mobs. Anybody else doing this/have done this? What do you recommend? What should I do to ensure I don't miss my ship leaving that afternoon? My soon to be wife and I (10 days and counting) would appreciate all the help and info we can get.

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Hi changes


Yup, there are a LOT of things to do in Cozumel - have a search around on these boads and you'll find plenty of great advice.


One word of advice - if you intend to rent a scooter make sure you understand the risk you are taking first! If there are 2 of you I would suggest renting a car instead - you can get an open top VW Beetle (great fun!) for very little more than a scooter and - try as you may - you can't fall off (or be knocked off) a Beetle!


If you do insist on renting a scooter be sure to wear a good helmet, protective clothing and take out full insurance.


Have a great trip!



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My husband and I did this last January and had a great time. I wasn't sure at first but once we got away from the docks there was not that much traffic (on the far end of the island there would be several minutes go by with no one in sight). We stopped at several beaches and did the whole loop around the island. The damage from the hurricane was devastating but the island is still beautiful. We were supplied helmets and wore them. Luckily we had no problems and this was a fantastic day.


I will try to post some pics soon.



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I hate to be a wet blanked and offer a contrary opinion, but driving a scooter in Cozumel has a very high risk factor. I would recommend against renting scooters. Sure, people do rent them every day and have a good time, but just about daily someone gets injured riding one.

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In April while riding in a cab in traffic in downtown we watched a young woman fall off twice and the last time she and the moped were messed up. Rumor on the ship was she messed it up bad enough to have to pay for the moped, total rumor though.

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In April while riding in a cab in traffic in downtown we watched a young woman fall off twice and the last time she and the moped were messed up. Rumor on the ship was she messed it up bad enough to have to pay for the moped, total rumor though.
The incident you describe might be a rumor, but it is a fact that if you damage any uninsured vehicle or cause damage with a vehicle in Cozumel, you will have to pay for the damage in cash before you can leave the island. Your credit card provided car insurance doesn't count either. You would still have to pay then get reimbursed once you return home.
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Last time we were there, my wife and I rented a scooter, and had no problems, even with both of us on the one scooter. My advice is only do it if you have experience at riding a motorcycle or scooter, Mexico is no place to learn to ride! Wear your helmet, and pay attention to the road and other drivers. And stay on the paved roads. We had a great time, stopping at various beaches and seeing the sights.

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"I was lucky" people say..."I rented a scooter in Cozumel and didn´t have any problems."


In my opinion, rding a moped here is playing Russian Roulette. Here is my LUCKY story...I have driven a moped here for almost 9 years. 3 months ago I was riding from one pier to the other in the morning. I was in the right hand lane. A taxi passed me in the left lane, saw a passenger standing on the sidewalk ahead and cut over to pick him up. He did not even look to see if there was anyone in the lane next to him. All he saw was a fare standing on the sidewalk. He hit the scooter and I went flying. The next thing I knew, I was in the hospital. After a day in the hospital, several xrays and a very painful cleaning of all the cuts and scrapes all over my body, I went home and spent the next 4 days in bed. In this case, it was the taxi driver who was LUCKY. I never found out what his name was after he left the scene and me laying in the street.


Or the day I witnessed 2 locals driving between the SSA and Carnival Corp. piers shortly after Wilma. They were about to pass through the intersection as a large truck full of pigs pulled off the cargo ferry there and ran the red light. They were LUCKY because both didn´t suffer. They were basically decapitated.


Or the day I was waiting at a red light at the intersection of 30 and watched a tourist turn the wrong way down the street to go get gasoline. He ran head-on into a car. The moto was a mess as was the driver. He was LUCKY that the Red Cross ambulance was only few blocks away.


Or the day I saw 4 scooter accidents before 9am. They were LUCKY since they got the day off work since they were too banged up.


Or the night a friend´s fiancee was driving home from work and hit a pile of dirt that was unmarked in the road. She was LUCKY that her boyfriend was following right behind her and was able to call her family to let them know she was wouldn´t be home...she was killed instantly.


Or the day I saw a tourist wreck when he drove down the street and into a drain hole that wasn´t covered. He was LUCKY that they were able to find all the pieces of the moto to turn back in to the rental agency.


Or the day a friend was driving down 11th a few months back and a taxi ran a stop sign and hit her broadside. She was LUCKY to only total the scooter and brake 4 ribs.


Or the day last week when I saw a tourist driving on the sidewalk along the water and hit a person. He was LUCKY. He didn´t get hurt...he just went to jail.


Or the day 2 locals were riding back from the beach and were hit from behind and run over by a bus in front of Puerta Maya pier. The guy from the newspaper was LUCKY he got good shots of the passenger´s guts all over the street.


In other words, you can either rent a vehicle for about $20 more a day or maybe you too will be LUCKY renting a scooter.

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"I was lucky" people say..."I rented a scooter in Cozumel and didn´t have any problems."


In my opinion, rding a moped here is playing Russian Roulette. Here is my LUCKY story...I have driven a moped here for almost 9 years. 3 months ago I was riding from one pier to the other in the morning. I was in the right hand lane. A taxi passed me in the left lane, saw a passenger standing on the sidewalk ahead and cut over to pick him up. He did not even look to see if there was anyone in the lane next to him. All he saw was a fare standing on the sidewalk. He hit the scooter and I went flying. The next thing I knew, I was in the hospital. After a day in the hospital, several xrays and a very painful cleaning of all the cuts and scrapes all over my body, I went home and spent the next 4 days in bed. In this case, it was the taxi driver who was LUCKY. I never found out what his name was after he left the scene and me laying in the street.


Or the day I witnessed 2 locals driving between the SSA and Carnival Corp. piers shortly after Wilma. They were about to pass through the intersection as a large truck full of pigs pulled off the cargo ferry there and ran the red light. They were LUCKY because both didn´t suffer. They were basically decapitated.


Or the day I was waiting at a red light at the intersection of 30 and watched a tourist turn the wrong way down the street to go get gasoline. He ran head-on into a car. The moto was a mess as was the driver. He was LUCKY that the Red Cross ambulance was only few blocks away.


Or the day I saw 4 scooter accidents before 9am. They were LUCKY since they got the day off work since they were too banged up.


Or the night a friend´s fiancee was driving home from work and hit a pile of dirt that was unmarked in the road. She was LUCKY that her boyfriend was following right behind her and was able to call her family to let them know she was wouldn´t be home...she was killed instantly.


Or the day I saw a tourist wreck when he drove down the street and into a drain hole that wasn´t covered. He was LUCKY that they were able to find all the pieces of the moto to turn back in to the rental agency.


Or the day a friend was driving down 11th a few months back and a taxi ran a stop sign and hit her broadside. She was LUCKY to only total the scooter and brake 4 ribs.


Or the day last week when I saw a tourist driving on the sidewalk along the water and hit a person. He was LUCKY. He didn´t get hurt...he just went to jail.


Or the day 2 locals were riding back from the beach and were hit from behind and run over by a bus in front of Puerta Maya pier. The guy from the newspaper was LUCKY he got good shots of the passenger´s guts all over the street.


In other words, you can either rent a vehicle for about $20 more a day or maybe you too will be LUCKY renting a scooter.

Great post, rent a car, a taxi or a driver and don't drink and drive in Cozumel either.

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Although Cozumel isn't that big you'd need to be pretty fit to cycle around it without finding it strenuous - the first factor is the lack of shade and hot sun!


Downtown, I'm not sure a bicycle would be much safer than a scooter either.


Some hotels/B&Bs may have bicycles to rent/borrow, but I can't recall seeing any downtown.


Don't get me wrong, I love to cycle too, but if you're after a relaxing day it's probably not the best idea.


I still vote for renting a beaten up old VW Beetle convertible - they're cheap and great fun. Just make sure you rent from a good agency where they are well-maintained.


You may also find the Driving Tips on this Cozumel Mexico info site useful.


Best regards from Cozumel



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And don´t forget the constant headwind that seems to change direction just as you are at the turn around! I vote VW bug too. Less Pay is a good choice to rent one. Well miantained.


I have to agree with Solita. We rent from less pay all the time and have had great, fast (for the islands pace) service every time. Just call them when you get to the terminal and they will bring the scooters or car to you. We often get the safari, it just looks right and is a lot of fun also it has more room for tanks when diving. Whoever you choose call or email ahead, get a quote with insurance - check the educable - and bring a copy of the quote with you including local phone numbers.




As far as scooters being dangerous I have never had a problem. If you have never ridden a motorcycle or bike I guess it could be a problem but ridden right it is no more dangerous than any where else. Probably over 50% of the locals ride a scooter and many tourist ride them. Just be aware of signs like stop signs are 10 feet from the intersections. Going around the island is very safe in town you have to be careful just like in a car.

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Stupidly, I have done it with no problem, but looking back it was a stupid stupid thing to do, especially considering I'd never drove one before and my then 11 y/o son was on back. I am thankful that we had no problems, but would never do it again.


Rent a car or rent a taxi for the day. I've rented a car a few times and that is by far the best way to see the island. You are pretty much off the beaten path when you get out of town a few miles. It really is a gorgeous island and worth renting a car.


Solita, you still driving a moped??

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I rented a VW bug last time I was there and the thing barely kept running. The clutch didn't work so I had to slam it in gear every time I shifted. I was planning to rent a scooter this time to save on gas and avoid the hassles of a beat-up bug again.


I have over 10 years of experience riding a motorcycle and I've heard all of the horror stories. I would imagine that most of the accidents are caused by newbie riders who have never done it before and aren't used to driving as defensively as you need to drive on a two-wheeled vehicle. Us motorcyclists are much harder to see so we have to adjust our driving habits to be alot more cautious.

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Solita, you still driving a moped??

Nope...worse...I walk in Cabo now. Just moved here so have to contend with not only the 110 degree heat but all the crazys that think they are in the Baja 1000! I have never seen so many maniac drivers and I am comparing this place to Mx City, Houston, Manhattan,....

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I was planning to rent a scooter this time to save on gas and avoid the hassles of a beat-up bug again.


I have over 10 years of experience riding a motorcycle and I've heard all of the horror stories. I would imagine that most of the accidents are caused by newbie riders who have never done it before and aren't used to driving as defensively as you need to drive on a two-wheeled vehicle. Us motorcyclists are much harder to see so we have to adjust our driving habits to be alot more cautious.

A couple of things....

1. I have over 20 years of motorcycle and scooter driving experience. That didn´t save me. Alot of accidents are caused my newbies but so many others are not.

2. I wish I could purchase a life insurance policy on every person that was planning on renting a scooter. I would be a very rich woman!

3. Heck of a way to save on gas and avoid the hassle of a beat-up bug. For less than $50 a day, you can get a nice car or jeep. Why risk a few bucks renting a scooter for about $30 a day?

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I have no reason to doubt Solita's experience and opinion on this subject, she is a well known and respected poster on these boards.


In response to most accidents being caused by inexperienced riders - well, some maybe, but I suspect more are caused by bad or drunk drivers - locals and foreigners.


Bear in mind that to obtain a driving licence in Cozumel you need to do a multiple choice test with questions such as 'You are approaching a bend, should you a) put your foot down, b) flash your headlights repeatedly, c) turn hard right, or d) slow down and take it carefully'.


If you pass those tough questions then you may or may not have to take a practical too, involves driving around the block a few times with a policeman in the passenger seat... if you succeed in staying on the road without hitting anything you get your licence.


Okay, so I may be exaggerating a little (but not much!) but my point is: the standard of driving is much lower here and therefore more dangerous - no matter how good you are.


Apologies if I offend any locals, but I'm afraid it is true and I'm sure many would agree with me.


If you still want to rent a scooter go for it...



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