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Hello Everyone,

Dayna-hey 3lbs is nothing to sneeze at!:) Careful with the nuts, perhaps cheese sticks, hard boiled eggs, turkey, protien shake in a thermos?

Sugar Free Sheila has great recipes for induction, I got my pumpkin recipes there.

Well, talk about falling off the wagon...I've been at this since 09/03 and been doing good. And all of sudden...WHAM! In one fell swoop I had a piece of ice cream cake [B][U]AND[/U][/B] this wonderful choclate mint cookie/pudding concoction someone made at work. Every taste was wonderful, but the fall out is always worse.:( I really felt yucky later! And now I'm craving sweets. Dang! I got right back on the wagon and am trying not to go jump on the scale and depress myself! Why is it when you're so close to something you sabotage yourself???? Ah well, thanks everyone for being so honest, I don't feel so alone.

How did the gum chewing work for you Jean?:) Hope you all stayed away from the candy!!!
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Hi Gang,
Just wanted to drop a line and let you all know that I got back VERY late Tues night from a Fabulous 7 day cruise with 3 days after in Puerto Rico. I will try to catch up on the posts and write a full review of my vaca when everything settles down and I get back into the swing of things:) For now, thank you for still being here....now, back to work and Induction:eek: :D
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hey Donna,[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] Last night I got pushed off that wagon :eek: - - well, actually... I fell off too!:o [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]AND I feel yucky too...... Gum lasted a while - but not as effective as I hoped! :( [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I was doing great this morning until about 11:00 and a bite sized Kit Kat Jumped into my mouth!! I stood there looking at the wrapper wondering 'What did I go and do that for?!?!?!" :eek: then swallowed. Arrrgh![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]- Ok, It's 1:00 today and I am going to have to put my Carb protecting cape around me and Pay Attention to what I'm doing! The extra candy from last night........off to work with my DH - they'll eat anything! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Monday is going to look pretty ugly if I don't get a grip on myself!:mad: [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Joceyln - Glad you are back![/FONT]
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Did everyone survive HAlloween? I had dark chocolate (about 4 carbs per couple squares thanks to Lindts 85% Excellence bars-yummy) and that was it. So proud of myself. And we went to visit my folks and daddy dearest made me eggs and steak for breakfast so I stayed on plan there! It felt good not to cheat cause gosh, it's easy in other people's houses! I am only 6.5 lbs from goal. So close. Can't wait to get there as I climb these rungs with NO SIGNS OF LACTOSE INTOLERANCE. My only tummy issues lately have been due to spinach that was a day or two expired (we're not going that route anymore) and after sfs's shake with eggbeaters.

I wanted to share that I tried sugar free sheila's shakes a few weeks ago and didn't feel so well each day that I tried them (I tried em on 3 days spaced 1 day each apart). I don't know if it was the eggbeaters or what... but they tasted funny and made me feel not so well. So, I substituted 4 oz milk (OWL appropriate but no longer induction friendly) for the eggbeaters and voila! No more tummy aches!! The consistency is a little thinner but they're still awesome. And might I recommend Raspberry (I also use 2 tbl of da vinci's sugarfree syrup in mine cause the flavor is stronger and tastier for me that way) and then I call them 10 carb shakes due to the milk and extra tbl of syrup. So, definitely a splurge item. I have like 1x/week now but yum. Way to go Sheila and thanks for sharing your recipes.

Jocelyn-- Please share details of your cruise when you have a chance. 5 weeks left till mine and I CANNOT WAIT!!!!

Stay strong through these holidays everyone. We picked up cornish game hens the other day for Thanksgiving...any suggestions for preparation? We're working on the actual day but will cook them up the weekend after to celebrate... I'm working on a new side dish every week so that we can have a table full of dishes. I tried sheila's pb pie which hubby hates but I like. So I guess I need to try a new dessert for us to share... it's hard feeding someone so used to lots of sugar a dessert thats sugar-free... cooking for someone who is off plan will certainly be a challenge. At least we're sharing main courses now (chicken fajitas- I eat mine without a tortilla, steaks, omelettes, chicken curry- I eat mine without rice).

Have a great weekend all!

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[quote name='NMCruzzin'][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I was doing great this morning until about 11:00 and a bite sized Kit Kat Jumped into my mouth!! I stood there looking at the wrapper wondering 'What did I go and do that for?!?!?!" :eek: then swallowed. Arrrgh![/FONT][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Joceyln - Glad you are back![/FONT][/QUOTE]

Jean ~ you crack me up! That image was priceless!

Jocelyn ~ welcome home! Can't wait to hear about your trip!

Pinkbikini ~ way to go!!! You are going to look wonderful for your cruise! For some reason the shakes haven't been great for me either, so I modified with protein powder & flaxseed. I use 2 T. too. My best dessert is a cherry cheesecake with a nut crust, but that probably won't work with your lactose issue....:( A basic poultry method...it's easy to do with a crispy skin & tender meat. Butter in the cavity & rub pepper, garlic powder & Italian seasoning on the skin & coat skin with oil. Low oven.

Have a great weekend, everyone!
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i just found this thread and lost around 50 lbs on atkins 5 years ago, and of course quit following it and gained it back plus some....soi saw the link for kimkins...[url]www.kimkins.com[/url], has anyone else been on it or tried it?, it sounds alot lower fat than atkins, which i like the idea of.......we are crusing on dec 8th on freedom and would like to lose at least 15 more lbs. I ve been doing WW for the past 2 months and always do good at first then come to a stand still and get discouraged and end up giving up!! catn wait to hear from you all
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Hi Gang,
OK all caught up. BTW, thanks for the welcome backs', it's nice to be missed. Also, A Big HELLO and WELCOME to out new posters, nice to have you with us.

you crack me up, the kit kat just jumped into your mouth LOL You know the same thing happened to me on vacation but more about that later.

Gooselace, thanks for the quiche recipes...YUMMY.

Pink, great that your almost at your goal.

Now for the cruise....We left out of NY on a repositioning cruise to San Juan. It was Wonderful, I so enjoyed the ship (Crown Princess) and the weather was great for the week on the cruise, smooth seas all the way down. I did well sticking to WOE for the first 3 days then I was getting a little sick from having eggs and bacon in the morning so I graduated to strawberries. I had SF desserts when they were available but most of them did include flour:eek: but they were good so well worth it on the cruise. I did indulge in wine but mostly stuck to rum with a side of club soda and lime. It was very good esp since I had Appleton Jamacian Rum, very smooth and tastely:D

Now for the down fall, I was tired of eggs like I said so the on the 5th day I had a choc crossaint:eek: it was all down hill from their, pasta in Sabatini's etc. by the end of the cruise my stomach felt soooo bloated and I felt icky. The carb fest continued in San Juan, I LOVE SPANISH FOOD and I had mallorcas (a pressed sweet bread with butter) for breakfast and rice and beans for lunch. But OSJ is beautiful and I tried to walk everywhere I went.

AWCKK...as I am writing this I feel nauseous recounting just how much I over indulged:(

But I did have a great time and thoroghly enjoyed the cruise and the extra time in OSJ. We stayed at El Convento in OSJ and it was just beautiful. I returned home relaxed and tan

Anyway, needless to say that I did gain. I was going to wait a few more days until I weighed myself but I couldn't resist....so I weighed myself yesterday and I was up 5 lbs from a total of 11 lbs loss b4 I left. I am not happy about it of course, but what do I expect right....I went overboard in a big way.

But I am back on track since Wednesday, no Halloween Candy and back on Induction and you know what???? I feel so much better, I guess I just got caught up with the carb frenzy of the cruise.

Thanks again for the welcome back.
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I had RNY Gastric Bypass surgery in July 2003 and lost 122 lbs. My post-op food plan continues to be very much like Atkins or South Beach although I do modify it for my particular needs. This will be my second cruise post-op and once the waiters understand that my small portions and leftovers are not because I dislike the food, they are very accommodating to my special needs. I am most happy that the cruiselines are becoming more health conscious and offering alternatives to the regular menus, particular the sugar-free desserts. Although I don't eat an entire serving of anything, I do enjoy having tastes of everything I want. My main tricks for allowing myself to enjoy the food on a cruise are to take the stairs everywhere and to walk at least a mile a day around the deck. (I'm on vacation, I'm not going to work out!) I also try to have some kind of physical activity planned for every port. Good luck to everyone who is trying not to gain weight on their cruise.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hey Jocelyn! I got my cape at Big Lots!! :D LOL!! You know - one of those things that I just had to pick up - and it was a great price - but of course it only works part time - because it was the only one they had and it was discounted!! LOL :D [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]You funny girl! Your Cruise sounds just great! So Glad for you! I'm glad you had such good weather and didn't get mixed up with Noel!:eek: [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]JPG1747- Very Interesting post! Glad you are feeling so good and do well on your Cruises too! Aren't Cruise waiters so great? - well all of ours has been so far![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Welcome Noel 383 and Geckospot![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Pink - Your soo close to your goal - keep going! We did Cornish hens one Thanksgiving - they are yummy! I think it's great that you were able to adjust the shake to work for your tummy! I really like Raspberry too! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Have a Great Weekeend Everyone! [/FONT]
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Hello Everyone,

Well, I am so glad this work week is over! It was hard getting back into counting my carbs again. On top of that it seemed like anything that could go wrong (or should I say weird) happened this week. :confused: And there wasn't even a full moon.

I am proud of myself for making it through the week with no "cheats". I brought a meat & cheese tray for our potluck and was able to eat that along with deviled eggs, black olives and guacamole. :)

I have been having one of SFS shakes each evening. So far I like the white chocolate flavor the best. I will have to find the raspberry soon. After my first one, just the thought of having one each night kept me from grabbing the homeless candy bars hanging around the office.

I hope you all have a great weekend! And don't forget to turn you clocks back on Sunday.

Take care!
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hey Dayna.... 3 lbs your first week is pretty good. Ask your self...are you drinking enough water? What are you doing for exercise? And...are you staying true to induction? These 3 questions usually help me to see where I might be sliding a bit. If you can honestly say to your self that all 3 are in check...then hang in there girl! Low carb is funny that you can stay at one weight for a few days, maybe even a week or so and then Whoosh...you'll see a good loss all of a sudden! Be sure to let us know how Monday is for you. Try and read the 'induction' chapter without a bunch of distractions....it really helps! Also, if you have other issues that can be stalling your loss...SugarFreeSheila - is great on helping to find where your glich is![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]TxGirl28 - wow...your doing so great and your commitment to low carb and taking a meat & cheese tray to a pot luck! Good Job![/FONT]
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Hello, everybody - I am writing from the high seas! We've left Spain and have been heading towards Madeira. I brought along my laptop, as I always do when I travel, so I heartily welcome e-mails for "menu cleanup" from anyone who needs it, or tips, support, encouragement ... or just a listening ear. I'm here to help! I tackle e-mails in my room every morning before hitting the gym. The omelets here are wonderful, by the way!

P.S: One thing I got a kick out of was that Halloween is celebrated in Europe - there were decorations in England, and little Parisian children trick-or-treating in costumes. Precious!! :)
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Dayna - Hang in there girl! The same thing happened to me my first 2 weeks on induction. I lost 5 lbs the first week and the second week 0!! And I "thought" I was being good! But the suggestions Jean gives you are time and true tested, I know because she gave them to me!:D Are you drinking your water? Only 3 -4 oz of cheese a day, and cut back on the salty foods like bacon, sausage etc. Also I found cutting my caffeine way back really helped also. By the 3rd week I dropped another 5 lbs. And click on Sugar Free Sheila's site, she's a great resource as well as the Atkins Diet Bulletin Board.com site for info.

Jumped on the scale today, dreaded it due to my landing face first in those desserts...NO GAIN!! No loss either, but hey, cheaters can't be losers!;)

I have to sing some praise for my great co-workers, since they've realized how important this WOE is to me, my co-worker with me today brought in a veggie platter and made FULL FAT dip just for me! YUM! Bacon! So talk up how important this is to people around you, make them part of your support staff! As well as post here!

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Jean, thank you so much for your reply. No, I can honestly say that I am not getting enough water, nor am I exercising as much as I should be. (Unless you count running after my little ones exercise.)


I am finding that working full time (teacher), having two kids under 3 yrs old, and a husband that works the 2nd shift very difficult. I don't have enough time to get the basic household stuff done, let alone find time for me.


Gosh, this sounds so much like a big pity party post, but it's my reality right now. If we weren't cruising in January, I'd put this diet off for bit, but then there's no guarantee that it's going to get any easier in the future.


So, I will keep plugging along. Hopefully I can stay strong. Thanks for the support. I greatly appreciate it! :)


Goal for the next few days: drink more water

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Dayna - Water will definitely help. Some of those little sugarfree flavored mixes help add variety. I use SF Tang at home and carry Wyler's Light Lemonade Singles To Go when I eat out.

Your situation isn't ideal, but with resolve and some tips and support from those of us who have been there, you can do it. Don't worry about a specific goal - as long as you work on changing your eating patterns, which you are doing, and avoid the obvious carbs, you'll make progress. Eventually it becomes a way of life.
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Hi Everyone,

Well, yesterday DH and I made a decision to eat out at our favorite Mexican Restaurant. I really gave this some thought and was really determined to be good. But, on the drive up there, I talked myself into having just one tortilla with butter. Let's just say that it was down hill from there. I had several chips, my one tortilla and about 1/3 of the bowl that the taco salad come in. The sad part was that I had weighed myself prior to going and I had lost 3 pounds for the week for a total loss of 30 pounds :mad:

Next time, and yes there will be a next time, I will bring a couple of low carb tortillas in my purse and have the fajitas with a side salad.

Jean - I was so proud of myself on Halloween, but then the weekend snuck up on me.

Here's to a better week (especially after my "official weigh-in this morning).

Take Care
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[COLOR=magenta]Good Mornig All![/COLOR]
[COLOR=#ff00ff]Welcome to all the new buddies. I have been on a "mini vacay" and I feel soooo bloated! We were in East TN and oh that mountain air and all the food! I'm afraid I just fell completly off the wagon:rolleyes: I am up 5lbs all together, but I have been to the grocery and bought my eggs and cheese and salads. I forget about the shakes:eek: I will make a quick stop after church today.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#ff00ff]Ya'll have a good week and I will report back next Sunday.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#ff00ff]Annie:) [/COLOR]
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[quote name='NMCruzzin'][FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]qosmo8 - "switching from Atkins" - You have been doing this WOE for awhile now? Results? [/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]


hi NMCruzzin
yeah, i"ve been doin Atkins or low carb for years, i lost a total of 120lbs only went off low carb to support my girlfriend(now ex) who went on weight watchers, but other than that i've mostly been low carbing it in my lifestyle except holidays and occassional cheats, but now i'm reading other books and yes missing somethings, and after maintaining for so long i find i can't lose weight, no matter how low or no carb i go even with exercise, so figured i'd kinda shake up the system a little

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Well, I went to Walmart this morning to pick-up a few things for the cruise. We don't leave for New Orleans until Dec 8th, but I want to be prepared. I did find a small bottle of the Davinci SF Raspberry syrup. So I am excited.

After taking my blood pressure (it was 123/91) I was dreading coming home and getting on the scale. But what a relief, I am down 4 lbs for a total of 31 pounds lost since March.:D:D

I should mention that my stomach has been upset since the slide at the Mexican restaurant yesterday and I have had a couple bouts of diarreha (sp). That is typical of when I cheat. :(

I have already made Gooselace's crustless quiche for next week (the piece I had for lunch was divine!!) and I have re-stocked the fridge.

Tomorrow I will begin working out again. So hopefully, I will see my blood pressure come down and more weight come off.

Have a great week!
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[COLOR=navy]Good Morning![/COLOR]
[COLOR=navy] Well, I think that is a way bit more cheery then I feel, but today was my weigh in and I'm stuck on the same as last week!:mad: But I went on 3 long walks and even horsback riding yesterday afternoon! hmmmp! So, I go back to my 3 questions....and I am lacking on my water in take! Now ... Taking my own recommendation - I'm drinking a glass of water at the top of each hour and see what that does! ....[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1]There better not be anyone standing in front of the Bathroom Door!! :eek: [SIZE=2]LOL! [/SIZE][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=navy][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=navy]qosmo 8 - After taking off 120 lbs...wow...did you hit your goal? Are you at a good weight now?[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=magenta]Annie - [COLOR=navy]How fun for you to be on a vacation during this beautiful time of year! Yeah....I stocked up on eggs, cheese, cream cheese, wings & salad. Funny how those things are always on my grocery list! LOL![/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#000080][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#000080]gooselace - I buy the sfs water flavorings, put them in my purse & desk at work and then at the end of the evening - yep they are still in my purse! LOL - I forget to use them! :p lol - so I just keep carrying them with me......jeesh! [/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#000080][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#000080]Denise - Hang in there...your doing great! It might seem like a long time that you've been eating this way - but you've lost a good amount of weight and your working towards a great goal![/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#000080][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#000080]SFS - Sounds sooo Great! How fun! My DH sailed the Med while he was in the Navy in the late 70's... He really liked Spain!:D [/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#000080][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#000080]Donna - "Cheaters can't be Loosers".....SO TRUE!! I keep telling myself this...sadly Myself hasn't been listening so well these days! :o [/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#000080][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#000080]Lisa - How you doing fighting off all of those Oreos?[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#000080]Catch ya all a bit later in the day,[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#000080][/COLOR][/FONT]
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