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Help us surprise DD13 for Christmas!


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Hello fellow cruisers!


We sailed on the Pride for New Year's and it was our first time on Carnival. We did not have our DD with us for this one. We had such a great time, that while onboard, we decided to cancel Alaska (which also would have been parents only) and rebooked the Pride for Christmas week and will take DD with us.


DD does NOT know that we have booked this cruise for Christmas! It has been so hard to keep it a secret from her. I even had to make a sudden run to Taco Bell so he wouldn't know I was calling Carnival about a price reduction. :)


So, we are trying to find a fun way to surprise her with this cruise. I want to keep it a secret as long as possible. I have considered sending her to a friend's house for the night before we leave, packing up her stuff and picking her up on the way. Or telling her we are going to Disneyland (which she has NO desire to do) and that would explain the packing & the long drive south.


But, I know that there are many of you that are MUCH more creative. We leave a couple fo days before Christmas so we won't even be able to play it off that way as a gift in a box, etc. And we really want to keep it a secret as long as we can... but she is bound to figure it out at least when we start to drive south! (it is a 7 hour drive) Any ideas?

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Hey suziehmkr:


My DH and I have cruised now for the past four years and have not taken the kids (teenagers) with us. We are going again in March 07 and have the guilties from the kids (why aren't you taking us...this sounds so neat, etc). So, we've thought about surprising them next year 2008 with a cruise vacation/Christmas gift. But we prefer to cruise in March (vs. Christmas week).


I did something similar two years ago, where I planned a trip for them (during Christmas week) and did not tell them where we were going. They just knew the when...Christmas day departure. Since I could not imagine packing for them the day before (we left at 5am on 12/25), we surprised them with some "hints" in the form of an early Christmas gift the weekend before.


We gave all three kids 5 small gift bags with clues inside. The main clue that we were leaving for someplace on 12/25...so be prepared. The other hints included stuff like an airplane, seashells, etc. So for that whole week before we left, we tortured them with nah, nah, googa, we know where we're going and you don't.


BUT, the best part... they got their laundry done and were packed ready to go on the early morning of 12/25 (all they knew was to pack for someplace warmer than Wisconsin, ie pack bathing suits and shorts).


Good luck and keep us posted.



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Hey suziehmkr:


My DH and I have cruised now for the past four years and have not taken the kids (teenagers) with us. We are going again in March 07 and have the guilties from the kids (why aren't you taking us...this sounds so neat, etc). So, we've thought about surprising them next year 2008 with a cruise vacation/Christmas gift. But we prefer to cruise in March (vs. Christmas week).


I did something similar two years ago, where I planned a trip for them (during Christmas week) and did not tell them where we were going. They just knew the when...Christmas day departure. Since I could not imagine packing for them the day before (we left at 5am on 12/25), we surprised them with some "hints" in the form of an early Christmas gift the weekend before.


We gave all three kids 5 small gift bags with clues inside. The main clue that we were leaving for someplace on 12/25...so be prepared. The other hints included stuff like an airplane, seashells, etc. So for that whole week before we left, we tortured them with nah, nah, googa, we know where we're going and you don't.


BUT, the best part... they got their laundry done and were packed ready to go on the early morning of 12/25 (all they knew was to pack for someplace warmer than Wisconsin, ie pack bathing suits and shorts).


Good luck and keep us posted.




Ok, so where did you take them?

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Do you have any family that lives out of town? Even distant relatives she may not even know about? You could always tell her you have volunteered the family to house sit in the location you depart from. Then instead of housesitting, you can be sitting on a boat. :) Pretty lame I know.

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We did the same this past Christmas for our kids - they are teenagers and knew we were flying to florida (so that helped in their packing for sunny weather)- They thought it was a great gift:) We really wanted to surprise them when we got to the ship, but they knew something was up after staying in Orlando only overnight, and then having to pack up again for the transfer to the ship! (also the carnival glory tags I put on in the am were a pretty good clue:D )

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For my 16th birthday, my parents took me to San Fransisco, since they wanted me to be packed on my birthday, they just gave me a card a few days before that said" Pack your stuff, be ready by the morning on your birthday"(12/29). It was crazy not knowing where we were going, but it was so much fun thinking about it and getting packed.


Your DD will love it!


I love the idea fromt he other poster, to give a couple of hints as the week before goes on. Just " Pack your stuff and be ready by ...." then give some small hints later in the week. Shell love it! Good luck and have fun!

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Tell her to pack her bags that you want to go to ________ (fill in the town you disembark from) to see some sights and have a little family holiday get away. Then the night before the cruise give her a box/present/card with something nautical inside or on the card (ie. boat, anchor, seashell etc) and have a note stating the name of the ship and destinations of where you are going!! Kind of a bait and switch. Thinks its a simple trip when instead its a SURPRISE cruise!!!! Good luck and have fun!!! :p

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Everyone has great ideas!! This will be tough to decide.


I think I read on here where someone actually printed on a t-shirt.... "Pack your bags, we are going to...." and they wrapped that up as a gift. That even sounds great! Oh the decisions!!!


I appreciate all of them.... any more?

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We did this once with an extended-family trip to Disney World. Told the kids (then 12, 11, 9 and 5) we were going to Atlanta to explain the packing and buying of warmer-weather clothes. Oldest child learned where we were really going the night before, due to a message someone left on the answering machine (curses!). Next-oldest figured it out somewhere along the flight. Other two were oblivious until we pulled up to our DW hotel. All of them got another surprise, though, when they found other relatives waiting for us at the hotel.


Definitely come up with some story to explain shopping and planning. And watch out who you tell - you don't want any unexpected answering machine messages!

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Hello fellow cruisers!


DD does NOT know that we have booked this cruise for Christmas! It has been so hard to keep it a secret from her. I even had to make a sudden run to Taco Bell so he wouldn't know I was calling Carnival about a price reduction. :)


So, we are trying to find a fun way to surprise her with this cruise. I want to keep it a secret as long as possible. I have considered sending her to a friend's house for the night before we leave, packing up her stuff and picking her up on the way. Or telling her we are going to Disneyland (which she has NO desire to do) and that would explain the packing & the long drive south.


But, I know that there are many of you that are MUCH more creative. We leave a couple fo days before Christmas so we won't even be able to play it off that way as a gift in a box, etc. And we really want to keep it a secret as long as we can... but she is bound to figure it out at least when we start to drive south! (it is a 7 hour drive) Any ideas?


Are you sure she will like this? Is she the kind of teenager who wants to hang out with her friends over Christmas break and will she be upset that she is not with them?


How does she handle surprises? Does she go with the flow or will she be stressed out by not knowing what is happening?


Do you have a passport for her and have you checked into whether or not she will need this? Hard to surprise her if you have to take her out to purchase a passport photo.


Are you sure she will like this trip?


And while a surprise could be nice....don't you have fun having something to look forward to? the planning, the shopping for new clothes, the wondering what it will be like? Do you want to deny her the opportunity of something to look forward to?


Like I said, just offering the other side of the coin

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Are you sure she will like this? Is she the kind of teenager who wants to hang out with her friends over Christmas break and will she be upset that she is not with them?


How does she handle surprises? Does she go with the flow or will she be stressed out by not knowing what is happening?


Do you have a passport for her and have you checked into whether or not she will need this? Hard to surprise her if you have to take her out to purchase a passport photo.


Are you sure she will like this trip?


And while a surprise could be nice....don't you have fun having something to look forward to? the planning, the shopping for new clothes, the wondering what it will be like? Do you want to deny her the opportunity of something to look forward to?


Like I said, just offering the other side of the coin

I do understand where you are coming from. She went on her first cruise last Christmas (a year ago) with us for our 15-day. She loved it! I was worried that 15 days would be too long for her first cruise. Now I wonder if she will be happy with 7 days. ;) She was mad at us all year because she didn't get to go on the Pride with us over New Year's.


She does already have a passport. In fact, she will be going to Costa Rica with 9 other students in a couple of months. She earned the majority of the funds herself thru fundraisers, so she is especially happy about this trip.


I know she will love this... she loves surprises, as long as they are for her! LOL She is a tomboy at heart, so hated when we were shopping for Hawaii - so she won't miss that either. hee hee But I really do appreciate the points that you bring up. There are always things that you dont' consider and some could mean the difference between success & disaster.


Thanks again for the great ideas everyone!

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Ok, I did a little research on-line, and figured maybe you could try this, only a suggestion. I saw where this past Christmas they had a Christmas Dinner aboard the Queen Mary by the Queen Mary's 3 famous restaurants, Sir Winston, Chelsea, & The Promenade Cafe. It was for $50 per adult & $12 for kids 5-11 years of age. It is in Long Beach, which is where that cruise leaves out of. Being as how your's is 13, you could try saying that you were given as an early Christmas gift (bend the days to suit your needs;) ), a reservation that is waiting on you all to eat there for Christmas by someone at work, and all you guys have to do is show up, that it's already been pre-arranged. You could tell her that this co-worker/friend went last year, and thought that you guys should definitely experience it. The reservation is only good for one night, and you have to go then........afterall, you can't do Christmas dinner just any old time can ya? This way when you get to the port, you don't have to explain it off, and instead of the Queen Mary deal, you go to the Carnival deal, and have Christmas dinner with them instead. Just a thought, but please let us know what ya decide.:)

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Ok, I did a little research on-line, and figured maybe you could try this, only a suggestion. I saw where this past Christmas they had a Christmas Dinner aboard the Queen Mary by the Queen Mary's 3 famous restaurants, Sir Winston, Chelsea, & The Promenade Cafe. It was for $50 per adult & $12 for kids 5-11 years of age. It is in Long Beach, which is where that cruise leaves out of. Being as how your's is 13, you could try saying that you were given as an early Christmas gift (bend the days to suit your needs;) ), a reservation that is waiting on you all to eat there for Christmas by someone at work, and all you guys have to do is show up, that it's already been pre-arranged. You could tell her that this co-worker/friend went last year, and thought that you guys should definitely experience it. The reservation is only good for one night, and you have to go then........afterall, you can't do Christmas dinner just any old time can ya? This way when you get to the port, you don't have to explain it off, and instead of the Queen Mary deal, you go to the Carnival deal, and have Christmas dinner with them instead. Just a thought, but please let us know what ya decide.:)


I loved this idea!!!

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How about telling her it is a surprise for DH. That way she gets to have fun with the surprise for the next 10 months. You know dropping hints then playing dumb. DH can play stupid and not get it at all. At the last minute let her in on the joke and that the surprise is for her.

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Ah, come on, you're all being too nice. Tell them my idea; tell her she's been so rotten that you can't take it any more, so you've packed up all her stuff and are taking her away to boarding school. :eek:

Remember I'll be on the Pride the the week after you, so if you forget anything, I can get it for you.:D



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You have to fly to a Company meeting (Your Job is sending you) so since you are flying down for a week during the holidays, I guess you can take your family with you as well. :D Tell the kids that it will be fun because you get to stay in a hotel.

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Ah, come on, you're all being too nice. Tell them my idea; tell her she's been so rotten that you can't take it any more, so you've packed up all her stuff and are taking her away to boarding school. :eek:

Remember I'll be on the Pride the the week after you, so if you forget anything, I can get it for you.:D



Hi Ron! - we have tossed around a version of your idea that you gave me a few weeks ago! LOL We considered telling her that she was going to her grandparents while we head to one of our timeshares for the week... pack her all up and leave while it is still dark so she doesn't know where she is. They live about 2 hours away. By the time she figures we have been in the car too long..... we can just make her wonder. But it just seems too cruel to make her think we are leaving her for Christmas. ;) I have also considered driving her over there when she gets out of school.... tell her she is staying the weekend, and then show up the next day with our car all packed and a box in hand that has some sort of clue... I love the idea of giving her clues. Maybe have a bunch of the little boxes like was suggested earlier, and each hour of the drive, give her another box to open???


It's a good think I have some time to plan, huh?

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Over Thanksgiving my friend and I took her daughter and my son to Hawaii. Everyone knew about it except my son who had been bugging us to take him. I packed his stuff and took it to her house the day before while he was in school. She packed her car and picked us up early in the morning and he had no idea that we were going anywhere but out to breakfast until we got to the airport. That was fun!


Now his 16th birthday is Thursday and my husband and I are surprising him with an 8-day cruise next weekend and I am going to wrap a CruiseCritic magnet and when he opens it I'll tell him it's to put on his cabin door. Then he can go pack himself!

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Our last cruise was a suprise Christmas gift to our college age girls. They had been on four other cruises with us, we decided to pull a suprise on them.


It was tough to keep a secret for so many months. We booked in February. Our cruise departing port was Tampa and we had never sailed from that port before. We also decided to make this a road trip with an overnight stay away from the port.


We told them on Thanksgiving that we had a Christmas vacation planned but were not going to tell them where. We would send them email each day with hints. So for the next 30 days, we emailed hints like "We might be going south", "We might be a western", "We'll dress up for dinner", "Get a tan", etc.


We expected that they would guess a cruise but we wouldn't comfirm. They would also be expecting to fly to the port so when we past the airport they got a little tessy. We stayed the night in Gainesville and were going to have the camera ready for the suprise when we saw the ship in Tampa.


But, the youngest was too much of a dective and discovered the plan in our computer's history file (Carnival website with the booking). She played along until dinner that night. But all in all, my DW and myself had a wonderful time planning this gift for 10 months.

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