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Discover Shopping Warning!!


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....I don't know where to go from here other than the VISA card we charged this to...


Sorry you are having so many problems. I've never been convinced buying in the Caribbean is the "best" bargain, but we've done it as it is fun and adds to the enjoyment of our trip. It is too bad this has turned into a big pain for you instead of the nice memory it was intended to be.


At this point, why not start contesting the charge? Sounds like you've more than fulfilled your responsibility for getting action before that step. While it is never clear cut that you'll get the credit reversed it sounds like you have good grounds. Clearly seems like things have been misrepresented to you by both the store and their agent - (seems like the Discover Shopping is clearly an agent of the store since they receive payment for referrals and part of their referral process is the guarantee they gave you on the ship which is not being honored). I wouldn't hesitate to contest the credit card. I'd write a short letter to the company telling them your are doing so and asking them for directions on how to return the product at their cost after your credit has been refunded.

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Sorry weeble for your problem which is the point of your post - that the remedies available are not satisfactory relative to the misleading promotional hype (for hire) that retailers get from cruiselines passengers trust.


I hope you can get some satisfaction from your card issuer but I doubt you will (so don't get your hopes up).


Card issuers are far more reluctant to reverse charges today than 10-20 years ago (back before they pushed cards on all sorts of marginal debtors). A few might choose to act as a "judge" of the purchase, but most won't. If you received goods, the typical card issuer will not pass judgment on the quality of the transaction (if you are charged for something you never received, different story). As card issuing lenders have consolidated and become behemoths they even have a minor institutional interest in NOT weighing in... After all, a card holder that typically pays in full monthly might not be inclined to when there is a problem like this arises... and who's charging and collecting interest when that happens?


If you get satisfaction from you card issuer - trumpet them from the highest point. Until then, stick to your guns with the retailer and try not to let the b*st*rds get you down.

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  • 3 years later...

Here's one positive story about dealing with Onboard Media..... & I didn't even know they would be involved in my issue.


In Jan 2009, I saw a gorgeous handbag featured in one of the shopping magazines in our stateroom. We made a beeline to the store and purchased a Parazul handbag at the only authorized vendor on St Kittts. (There is usually one shop in port which sells the bags & charms & matching scarves.. although now they do sell them on line)


I love the bag & wear it mostly in the Spring --it is not worn daily or subject to hard use so I was shocked to see that the edges of both handles were cracking with fraying threads.. Hoping the bag could be repaired I contaced the Customer service rep at the website for Parazul. She called back the same day & told me to mail back the bag & they would send me a brand new one-- just like that!!! I am so pleased.


The address to return the bag is c/o Online media so I realize there is some connection between the bag, Parazul & my good fortune....Not every cruise purchase works out but I am very pleased with the customer service for this one & wanted to share it!!!


PS-- This had nothing to do with Discover Shopping lecture--I only knew of the bag from the in-stateroom magazine & the choice to purchase it was mine!

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Years ago, while on a RCCL cruise, I bought a very expensive gold and emerald cocktail ring from Columbian Emeralds as a gift for my mother's birthday. It had a cascade of marquis (?) cut emeralds separately mounted in gold. Beautiful ring.


Within a month of giving it to her, two of the emeralds fell out of their mounts and were lost. Her jeweler had to replace them and also redo every other mount on the ring. That was the first and last time I ever made such an expensive purchase more than 10 miles from my house.


Now my island purchases are limited to local beer, tee shirts and large pencils with tassels that say "I've Been To Jamaica...How Bout You?".



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Don: Someone told me that the Cruise Lines owns these shops. Is there any truth to this?

Thanks, Jane


The cruise lines do not own the shops. In fact, they don't even own the shops onboard their ships.

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We contacted our credit card as soon as we got home and they said we should try to work out the situation with the company first. My husband called and he has a slight tendency to hang his head and say, "OK" to just about anything to avoid confrontation. I begged him to let me try to settle this when it first happened, while we were still on the ship, but he trusted Eric and Celebrity to do the right thing. Now we're....well, not in a very good condition. Maybe I should contact the Columbian Emeralds in Aruba?


Put everything in writing (pain), send it certified (pain), and then send a letter with the photo copies of the letter and cert slips to your credit card company.

This is all a pain but shows you did "due diligence" in trying to correct the issue. If you spent that much money it is worth it. The card company will always ask you to work it out first. You will need proof you attempted. In the end they must support you if the seller is not living up to their end of the bargain.

By the way, is the watch a fake? If it was a "name brand" I would take it to a reputable jeweler in your town and they most likely can tell you. Could be from China....

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Maybe I should have started a new thread (sorry)--but was just so happy they will replace my handbag! I bought it at a jewelry store so I don't think the ship owned it but there must be some connection with the advertising on board & fact they were only marketed in select stores in port..


I think some stores at Crown Bay St Thomas were going to be cruise line (Royal C) owned but we haven't been back to that port since they opened most of the stores.


I agree with above poster, generally we do not make big purchases esp. Jewelry on Board or in ports anymore...although we never had any problems in the past & got some good buys. A few weeks ago I got a beautiful necklace & bracelet in Cabo-- Britiannia 950 silver & coral.. Price seemed fair & I really liked it...

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Maybe I should have started a new thread (sorry)--but was just so happy they will replace my handbag! I bought it at a jewelry store so I don't think the ship owned it but there must be some connection with the advertising on board & fact they were only marketed in select stores in port..


I think some stores at Crown Bay St Thomas were going to be cruise line (Royal C) owned but we haven't been back to that port since they opened most of the stores.


I agree with above poster, generally we do not make big purchases esp. Jewelry on Board or in ports anymore...although we never had any problems in the past & got some good buys. A few weeks ago I got a beautiful necklace & bracelet in Cabo-- Britiannia 950 silver & coral.. Price seemed fair & I really liked it...


I wasn't complaining about the thread being opened but you would appreciate going back through it and seeing many familiar names that no longer post...

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Even if the watch is not fake if Colombian Emeralds is not an authorized dealer for that brand watch any and all warranties are invalid. It is very important when purchasing a watch or piece of electronic equipment to buy from an authorized dealer so that you can get it fixed under warranty. You also can not take the word of the store clerk that they are an authorized dealer as they almost will always say yes. You can look it up online or call the company.



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This thread is three years old and reopened today. In going through the thread it is weird to see so many old timers who have left the board....


It's also interesting to go back and read your own post from three years ago........

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Keep in mind that the shopping guides do not work for the cruise line. Thus, complaining to the cruiseline won't get you very far. The shopping guides work for On Board Media. On Board Media, not the cruise line, are supposed to settle disputes.


You can contact them here: http://www.onboard.com/customer.asp


Know before you go. If you want perfume/jewelry etc. price the item at your local store

The price (with coupons/discounts) @ local store is often +/- a few $. Remember the speech given @ the shopping lecture is a total script. Its amazing how many (male) shopping experts JUST got engaged and are on their way to DI :)


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The bottom line is that the cruise lines generate significant revenue for 'recommending' shopping stores. For the most part, they receive a monthly stipend and in some cases an actual commisison on the transaction. Who do you think really pays for that? Another issue is truly understanding what you are buying....what is the quality of that stone and how does the price compare to home, what is the quality of the setting, and finally are you really getting the carat or the weight of gold that you think you are. This is further complicated by stary eyed customers who are about to make an emotional purchase in a location that they will be leaving in hours...no opportunity for a sober second think. Add those up and you have a huge opportunity for retailers. My last experience was in St. Thomas. We had a piece of gold jewelry weighed. Then I asked for it to be weighed on another scale in the same store. The clerk was resisted my request but ultimately conceded. Yes, the weights were different, by about 15 percent. It is buyer beware. And this is before you get to the warranty part of the transaction. If you ask most knowledgeable people in the trade who have no interest in your purchase you will find that most feel that the bargains on gold and stones are few. And as for that appraisal...it is a piece of paper for insurance purposes that has no meaning whatsoever. It is nothing more than a sales tool to play on your emotions.

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The bottom line is that the cruise lines generate significant revenue for 'recommending' shopping stores. For the most part, they receive a monthly stipend and in some cases an actual commisison on the transaction. Who do you think really pays for that? Another issue is truly understanding what you are buying....what is the quality of that stone and how does the price compare to home, what is the quality of the setting, and finally are you really getting the carat or the weight of gold that you think you are. This is further complicated by stary eyed customers who are about to make an emotional purchase in a location that they will be leaving in hours...no opportunity for a sober second think. Add those up and you have a huge opportunity for retailers. My last experience was in St. Thomas. We had a piece of gold jewelry weighed. Then I asked for it to be weighed on another scale in the same store. The clerk was resisted my request but ultimately conceded. Yes, the weights were different, by about 15 percent. It is buyer beware. And this is before you get to the warranty part of the transaction. If you ask most knowledgeable people in the trade who have no interest in your purchase you will find that most feel that the bargains on gold and stones are few. And as for that appraisal...it is a piece of paper for insurance purposes that has no meaning whatsoever. It is nothing more than a sales tool to play on your emotions.


I agree with everything you said. It should make everyone think twice about purchasing expensive jewelry on any of the islands/ports of call where you might be visiting for a few hours, regardless of what any brochure or advertisment says.

I have always assumed that the relationship between the "recommended" stores and the cruise lines is a symbiotic one that benefits both the business and the cruise line, NOT the customer.

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The so called "shopping expert" tries to whip everyone into a buying frenzy at her lectures. Implying that this is a once in a lifetime shopping opportunity. Try to count how many times she says: "Only shop at the stores on my approved shopping list! I can't stress this enough!" It's almost comical.


The #1 criteria to get on this approved shopping list is that the store pays big advertising bucks to the cruiseline. The #2 criteria is way below #1. The "shopping expert's" whole livelyhood revolves around how much cruisers spend at the "approved" stores. If you should ask her a question about a "non-approved" store, she won't give you the time of day.


I just can't imagine buying expensive jewelry on a cruise. It is best to establish a relationship with a local store, and to know your prices. The port jewelry shops could never match the prices and quality that we have at some of our local stores. And I know if there is a problem, they are right there to take care of it.


They say they will give you a refund for jewelry if it it appraises for less than what you paid. Well guess what? All jewelry appraises for much more than what you pay. Typically 1.5-2X more. They use retail prices for appraisals, and nobody pays retail prices. If you think you got a great deal, try selling it on the secondary market for what you paid for it.


Please don't buy expensive jewelry on a cruise.

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Some unfortunate shoppers get lured in by three of the jewelry retailer's top tools...The first is that old slogan 'duty free'-some shoppers jump to the conclusion that it must be cheaper. The second is the appraisal certificate. Think of that certificate as a blank form that the jewelry retailer fills out in order to aritificially inflate the value to his/her benefit. The third is the cruise ship recommendation....sure they recommend but only when they get a commission. How impartial is that? Those pleasant salespeople are well paid, highly leveraged commission salespeople. They know how to close a sale. They also know how to spot the buyers from the lookie loos.

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I hope this doesn't get censored because this is really important information for those who sail Celebrity and use their suggested shopping program, putting your trust in the shopping "Expert", the "MUST SEE" stores and the cruise lines' ability to make you believe "untruths."


I'm one po'd little Cruise Critter right now. I don't know exactly how much info I can divulge without getting censored, so I'll take it easy. I don't think any of you are gonna believe what happened. Steve and I went to one of the "MUST SEE" SHIP'S SUGGESTED stores in Aruba (you know...the ones where you can buy with confidence?). To celebrate our anniversary I picked out a gorgeous dark alexandrite ring and Steve picked out a NO NAME watch that cost an arm and a leg (name brand would go here if I weren't afraid of getting censored). Within 12 hours the watch has broken, the little piece designating the number "4" had fallen off and was just floating around the face of the watch. The first thing we did when he was available was to go talk to the NO NAME male shopping "expert" (again, censorship?) and told him what happened. You know how the "Guarantee" on the back of the Discover Shopping page says that if you encounter a problem on the cruise to let them know immediately? Well, we did that, got a form and a ton of promises of resolution before we moved on to make more commissions with other shoppers.


We were promised that the NO NAME store would make it right, that we would be able to deal directly with the store itself, promises that they would make it right and it wouldn't cost anything, that postage would be refunded, etc. etc. yada yada poo poo.


When we got home we called the NO NAME store and were told that yes, they will repair the watch at their leisure and at no cost, but they WILL NOT refund postage, NO GUARANTEE as to how long it will take and they WILL NOT refund our money.


What's with the super-duper shopping guarantee? :confused: We would have been SO much better off to buy here in the states. What's with the promises? :mad:


Mad and sad at being let down by the NO NAME store we purchased the items at, but mostly really disappointed that we were told "untruths" by the NO NAME shopping guide. Any ideas on who I can complain to who might care? I really trusted the NO NAME Cruise Line, the NO NAME Shopping "Expert" and the NO NAME store.


Yeah, I'm upset about the taxi situation in Barbados, but that's another story.



I am so sorry for you and I know exactly how you feel! The same thing happened to me about 4 years ago in St. Maarten. Finally the store agreed that if I shipped the items back they would credit my credit card. So, I shipped it all back, insured, signature required, etc. They did receive it and credited it all back EXCEPT $1,000! After that point that was it. The person I had been talking to refused to take my phone calls, every effort I made was a dead end! The credit card company said they could not help me, the cruise line said the store was taking care of it. The store said it was settled! So that was it! I was ripped off for $1,000!

The ONLY decent transaction we made was that we purchased an excellent watch for my DH for over $6,000 and overall we saved about $500. It was a Breiterling watch and he had looked at them for a couple of years, he was almost positive that it was not a copy and we purchased it at Little Switzerland which we did have 'some' faith in. That was also about 4 years ago and the watch has been excellent.


BUT we will never again purchase ANY expensive jewelery in the Caribbean! For what we lost on my "deal" we could have purchased his watch at our local jeweler. IT IS JUST NOT WORTH THE RISK TO US!!


I am sorry for you and hope that you can get some resolution. I do not think that the Cruise Line will help you at all, you will have to try the Better Business Bureau in New York and see if they can help you. Good Luck!

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The ONLY decent transaction we made was that we purchased an excellent watch for my DH for over $6,000 and overall we saved about $500. It was a Breiterling watch and he had looked at them for a couple of years, he was almost positive that it was not a copy and we purchased it at Little Switzerland which we did have 'some' faith in.


Wow, you made a purchase of over $6,000 and your husband was "almost" positive that it was not a copy and both of you only had "some" faith in the store? That was a pretty risky decision. I am glad that it has worked well but had you checked whether it was genuine when you came home from the cruise? (An acquiatance of mine was given a counterfeit watch several years ago (discovered it was a fake when she wanted to have it appraised) and it still works well..go figure :))

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I have spent lots of time, both on land packages and on cruises, in St. Thomas and in St. Marteen... Also, DH and I purchased many, many pieces of jewelry in both locations. NEVER, ever have I had an issue, and please do not take this as bragging, because it's not, but I purchased a 3 carat G.I.A. rated diamond ring (valued at over $30,000), a nine carat tanzanite ring, many, many gold necklaces, bracelets, etc and have always been so pleased with my purchases and the prices/quality. In fact, I was just in St.Thomas in March 2010 and my mom and I both purchased 7 carat diamond tennis bracelets. We had them both appraised back home in San Diego and they appraised at much, much more than we paid! In fact, we even found very similar braclets at our local, warehouse/membership store that is known for GREAT bulk deals, and they couldn't touch the pricing! I have also mail ordered from stores in St.Thomas and everytime, things have been GREAT!


Sorry -- I just had to chime in that I LOVE shopping in both SXM and STT and have always been thrilled with my quality and pricing. :rolleyes:

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Wow, you made a purchase of over $6,000 and your husband was "almost" positive that it was not a copy and both of you only had "some" faith in the store? That was a pretty risky decision. I am glad that it has worked well but had you checked whether it was genuine when you came home from the cruise? (An acquaintance of mine was given a counterfeit watch several years ago (discovered it was a fake when she wanted to have it appraised) and it still works well..go figure :))


Well, I suppose I should have said we were as sure as we could be that it was authentic. They explained how the serial numbers showed that it was a genuine Brittling Watch.


BUT, the ring I purchased was stamped Breitling, but when I took it to my jeweler at home it stated that it was and absolute fraud and he touched heat to it and the 14K yellow gold that it had been "dipped" in, melted right off. It was 14K white gold. Now, you could argue, as the salesman did, that he had not been fraudulent as it was 14K gold. He showed me the ring in white gold and I asked if it could be "reset in yellow gold" and he said "yes". I did not ask for him to "dip" it! We did have the watch appraised and it is a genuine Breitling with a genuine warranty and a genuine serial number.

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I have spent lots of time, both on land packages and on cruises, in St. Thomas and in St. Marteen... Also, DH and I purchased many, many pieces of jewelry in both locations. NEVER, ever have I had an issue, and please do not take this as bragging, because it's not, but I purchased a 3 carat G.I.A. rated diamond ring (valued at over $30,000), a nine carat Tanzania ring, many, many gold necklaces, bracelets, etc and have always been so pleased with my purchases and the prices/quality. In fact, I was just in St.Thomas in March 2010 and my mom and I both purchased 7 carat diamond tennis bracelets. We had them both appraised back home in San Diego and they appraised at much, much more than we paid! In fact, we even found very similar braclets at our local, warehouse/membership store that is known for GREAT bulk deals, and they couldn't touch the pricing! I have also mail ordered from stores in St.Thomas and everytime, things have been GREAT!





Sorry -- I just had to chime in that I LOVE shopping in both SXM and STT and have always been thrilled with my quality and pricing. :rolleyes:


I am sure you do, and if you have received 100% genuine products I am truly happy for you. If I had not taken my diamond earrings to my jeweler to have them reset I would have never known that the 14K yellow gold settings were 14K gold dipped over stainless steel! And the diamonds are NOT a matched set of diamonds. I first took them to a Mall jewelry store and they gave us an appraisal of much more than we paid, if I had stopped there I would have thought I had a great deal. BUT I took them to our jeweler that is a trained and educated gemologist and he and his family have run this business for over 100 years. That is how I found out how much I had really been ripped off! He told me if I had told him I would accept such "junk" he could have sold me a pair like that for 50% of what I had paid. The only difference is that I would have had to pay sales tax. Boy did I feel stupid!

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Seablue...do not feel badly. At least you found out early in the game and it was just on one pair of earings.


There are thousands of people walking around with more expensive jewelry items that have also been `appraised` by unqualified people. The difference is that you found out about the scam early on in the process. I have no doubt that there are reputable firms but who has the expertise to really know who these are and to truly understand what they are buying---very few of us. It amazes me that people actually think that a piece of jewelry can increase in value by several fold just by transporting it from St. Thomas to Kansas City. This is an international market. The only variables are excise tax and to some extent overhead.

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