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I was drugged in Costa Maya - Majahual - BEWARE!!

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Momma Bean - I have just chatted to my DH who is a doctor. He agrees it would be more appropriate for you to see you family doctor tom. However - take that urine sample now. Many drugs do hang around and can be detected up to a week later. Also ifyou are happy to pay for a private toxicolgy report then lots of drugs do show up in the hair. Glad you are slowly feeling better physically - the test will really be academic as there is no chance of you finding the person who did this to you - but at least you will know that it was a drug and not just a reaction to something. Best Wishes to you and your friend. x

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Gina - I am SO sorry this happened to you! Thank you so much for posting about it and putting out the warning.


Oh, you're paying! What percentage of your salary is taken out in taxes for health care? You may not pay for the actual ER visit but your are definitely paying for it!


In the US if you have no insurance (heck, you don't even have to be a legal citizen!) you can still get into the ER without paying. It's those of us with insurance that pay for those without. Not the perfect system, by far, but still better than socialized health care, IMO.


Yes, we pay through our taxes. But what we pay comes no where close to what it costs. I have no problem paying for our health care; it is worth it to me. I don't have to worry about going bankrupt if one of us gets seriously ill. No insurance company to nickle and dime me to death, and have me have to justify why I need the treatment.


I gave birth to 2 kids in the hospital, and have had back surgery, at no extra cost to me. Blood work, x-rays, MRIs, CT scans, etc are all paid for. If you want these things faster, then you do have to pay more at a private clinic, although that is still controversial up here. I personally don't have a problem with it, but others do. My MIL's chemo was all paid for, as well. My husband has extended health through work, and our meds are free too.


No system in the world is perfect, and certainly Canada's system could use a revamping. But I would rather have ours than yours. Peace.:cool:

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No system in the world is perfect, and certainly Canada's system could use a revamping. But I would rather have ours than yours. Peace.:cool:


I have a few friends in Canada. I agree completely.. Although not considered perfect, I would rather have your system than ours.

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mommabean, I'm so sorry. Had this been almost anyone else but you posting this, I'd have taken it as a (bad) joke. You are a veteran and revered poster here on these boards and I believe all you are saying. I'm so sorry for your pain and suffering, and for your loss. I'm glad nothing more serious happened and that you are still with us.


God bless.

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I have a few friends in Canada. I agree completely.. Although not considered perfect, I would rather have your system than ours.


As long as you don't mind waiting months to have a simple procedure done. Many Canadians I have spoken with come to the US for medical treatment because they don't want to deal with the long wait time.

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So sorry you had to go through this! Thanks for the warning - we'll be in Costa Maya in July & I was already reading "negative" reviews about Cats Meow.


I also wanted to point out that I go to Hilton Head twice a year with my friends and this happened to one of them at a very upscale piano bar in Hilton Head Island, SC. It was very scary watching how she instantly changed. We all thought she was extremely drunk, which was impossible because we had not been there very long. We took her to the ER that night & it was GHB.


Be safe Everyone!



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Momma Bean - I have just chatted to my DH who is a doctor. He agrees it would be more appropriate for you to see you family doctor tom. However - take that urine sample now. Many drugs do hang around and can be detected up to a week later. Also ifyou are happy to pay for a private toxicolgy report then lots of drugs do show up in the hair. Glad you are slowly feeling better physically - the test will really be academic as there is no chance of you finding the person who did this to you - but at least you will know that it was a drug and not just a reaction to something. Best Wishes to you and your friend. x


Thank you so much. This is exactly what the rape treatment center told me and I feel comfortable with this. They didn't mention the urine sample but I did just a couple of hours ago do just that. I wasn't sure if it was of any use to take the same now and have it be good tomorrow. I placed it in the refrigerater. I hope that's OK. No....not the main fridge. :eek: The treatment center also said that since pressing charges isn't possible, the knowledge is as you said - stictly academic. I'd basically like to know for sure what I already know. Of course I don't know the exact substance. That would be interesting if it's still possible to know.


I understand the concern of others and their wish for me to go to an ER. But I don't feel in an emergency state - if I was going to die, I'd have done so by now. Well, I am...but hopefully in another 40 or 50 years with any luck and more careful attention to my drinking habits. ;)


I read that rohypnol causes urine retention. I told my sister many times that it was strange that I drank the whole liter of water that was in our room during that first night. Followed by lots of coffee in the morning and 2 diet cokes in Cozumel and more water at various times and I barely peed at all. I told her that maybe my kidneys were shutting down and I was being slowly poisoned. She said I was just dehydrated. Even when I said that, she didn't think to say I should see the doctor on board. That's what leads me to think she was worse off than she thought....after all it was her bright idea to not believe that cab drivers when they told us the walk to downtown Cozumel was 3 or 4 miles. It was her idea to walk in the pre-noon heat. How smart was that? Dumb.


She did say she felt bad that she's the big sister and is supposed to be watching out for us.

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As long as you don't mind waiting months to have a simple procedure done. Many Canadians I have spoken with come to the US for medical treatment because they don't want to deal with the long wait time.


Like I said not perfect, obviously not the place for a debate, but I'm sure you would agree that ours is far from perfect as well.

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As long as you don't mind waiting months to have a simple procedure done. Many Canadians I have spoken with come to the US for medical treatment because they don't want to deal with the long wait time.


I've met people on jets who say the same. They get so sick of waiting. They'd rather pay and get what they need in a timely manner so they go to the states. The most recent man said he drives over the border to Buffalo - I think that's the city in NY he stated.


We did speak to others in Vancouver before our Alaska cruise. They think their concept is nice but say it doesn't work in practice for most people. I guess many of those who live close enough cross the border for high quality and fast medical care in the USA.


Maybe I shouldn't complain about those long waits for hours in our emergency rooms...at least it's the same day. :)

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Thank you so much. This is exactly what the rape treatment center told me and I feel comfortable with this. They didn't mention the urine sample but I did just a couple of hours ago do just that. I wasn't sure if it was of any use to take the same now and have it be good tomorrow. I placed it in the refrigerater. I hope that's OK. No....not the main fridge. :eek: The treatment center also said that since pressing charges isn't possible, the knowledge is as you said - stictly academic. I'd basically like to know for sure what I already know. Of course I don't know the exact substance. That would be interesting if it's still possible to know.


I understand the concern of others and their wish for me to go to an ER. But I don't feel in an emergency state - if I was going to die, I'd have done so by now. Well, I am...but hopefully in another 40 or 50 years with any luck and more careful attention to my drinking habits. ;)


I read that rohypnol causes urine retention. I told my sister many times that it was strange that I drank the whole liter of water that was in our room during that first night. Followed by lots of coffee in the morning and 2 diet cokes in Cozumel and more water at various times and I barely peed at all. I told her that maybe my kidneys were shutting down and I was being slowly poisoned. She said I was just dehydrated. Even when I said that, she didn't think to say I should see the doctor on board. That's what leads me to think she was worse off than she thought....after all it was her bright idea to not believe that cab drivers when they told us the walk to downtown Cozumel was 3 or 4 miles. It was her idea to walk in the pre-noon heat. How smart was that? Dumb.


She did say she felt bad that she's the big sister and is supposed to be watching out for us.


Gina I have to say again, my heart goes out to you! You do seem like you are very upset, rightfully so, about this. I hope you are put at ease when you go to the Docs tomorow. Message boards are just that, and sometimes we get carried away, but you are nice person this is real, and I hope you are ok! :)

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Hi MommaBean:

I'm so terribly sorry that this incident happened. I too, have read your posts over the years and have come to think of you as a friend! Please take care of yourself and let us know what the doc says.


As other posters have previously said, it's not your fault and thank God you and your sister are safe.


Please keep us posted. My heart and prayers go to you and your sis.


Dona :)

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Mommabean, I got goosebumps when I saw it was you posting this. I have been reading your posts for months now, I feel like I know you.


Please take care and see your doctor tomorrow, and I thank God it wasn't anything worse than theft. My prayers are with you.


Thanks so much for posting this as so many of us are new to cruising, and don't know what to expect in ports. Now maybe we can all watch ourselves a little bit better.



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Gina, I just read your original post and had to send some good thoughts and wishes to you and your sister. Even though we have never met, I've always valued your opinions and comments here on CC.


Money can always be replaced and is often never missed........a life can never be replaced and will always be missed. Thankfully, it sounds like you and your sister are feeling better........the shock of the experience may take a while to heal.


I think your experience has really hit home to many of us as we so often take for granted some of the ports of call that we visit and basically think that the port is safe or we wouldn't be stopping here.


Please take care and know that your CC friends are here to talk and to listen.

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As long as you don't mind waiting months to have a simple procedure done. Many Canadians I have spoken with come to the US for medical treatment because they don't want to deal with the long wait time.



Agree. :) That is one of the problems. Funny though, when I needed back surgery, I was given a week's notice. I needed more time to prepare!

Luckily I have yet to experience the long waits for procedures, and sympathize with those that have to endure them.


I totally agree with Gina that a visit to an overcrowded ER is not fun. We have those here too.;)

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Thank you for your story. Because of your story, I WILL research our first trip to Costa Maya much more than I would have. Prior to today, I was thinking that we'll just take our chances at the beach since that seems to be the thing to do there...I did not know what "taking our chances at the beach" could really mean.


I'm praying that you are at then end of these horrible symptoms and that you get as many answers as possible from your doctor tomorrow.

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it's also possible they used a cheap, high octane grain alcohol to make your drinks. there could have been chemical contaminants in that as well.



I heard stories of Costa Maya during spring break this year where some of the less reputable 'bars' in Mahahual used a tiny bit of brand name alcohol in their drinks and filled the rest with moonshine. That could still be happening.


I'm thankful for the story of what happened last week. Everyone needs to be reminded of what could so easily happen to any of us. Be careful wherever you travel.

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Agree. :) That is one of the problems. Funny though, when I needed back surgery, I was given a week's notice. I needed more time to prepare!

Luckily I have yet to experience the long waits for procedures, and sympathize with those that have to endure them.


I totally agree with Gina that a visit to an overcrowded ER is not fun. We have those here too.;)


I've been on many cruises many different ports and this is the only place were I totally lost my cool.


In all my years of cruising this is the only time I ever got upset. I will probably never get off the ship if we port here again. By my experience I will never trust the people at this port.


Otto if you see this- you picked the wrong place to set up shop!!!!!!!!!


Its a pretty place but you can have it if you like it these people will rob you blind!!!!!!

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I've been on many cruises many different ports and this is the only place were I totally lost my cool.


In all my years of cruising this is the only time I ever got upset. I will probably never get off the ship if we port here again. By my experience I will never trust the people at this port.


Otto if you see this- you picked the wrong place to set up shop!!!!!!!!!


Its a pretty place but you can have it if you like it these people will rob you blind!!!!!!


Tell us more? Who is Otto?

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Oh, MommaBean ~ I am devastated to hear that this happened to you!! Thank the good Lord in the heaven that the intent seems to be robbery and not sexual assult. To the newbie's on this board, MommaBean is a very trustworthy, long posting wonderful person, so what ever she said happened, DID REALLY HAPPEN. I am so glad you posted this so we can all be especailly careful when traveling to this place. Thank you for posting this. I hope you are feeling your normal self very soon. Sending love your way XXOO. E-Beth



I, too, am so sorry that MommaBean had this experience and thank you for sharing with us - we can all be cautious from now on - will be thinking of you and praying for your 100% of being your normal person very very soon!!


Elizabeth - just curious - I saw the pic of your dog, I am assuming it's your dog - what kind is it? a weimeraner? -- Carol

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Just wanted to add that my thoughts and prayers are with you.


Your posts have been so very helpful to me (this one included).


My DD suffers from a rare sleep disorder and takes Xyrem (GHB) as prescribed by doctor.





Wow- thanks for the info as I never knew that GHB was something that could be prescribed. I have been an RN for 20 yrs and never knew that.. I always thought it was just a street drug, and never guessed that it could be something prescribed by an MD.


I am so sorry that Mommabean had this experiance, and it is a real eye opener for all of us. The one reason I want to go to Costa maya is for the swim up bar at the pier. It looks amazing, but now I have to wonder about the safety factors associated with drinks there. As someone pointed out already, crime and things of this nature does happen all over the world, you cannot even assume you are safe in your own home town, no matter where one lives... and it is true that folkd tend to let their guard down when on vacation... trying to relax and have fun. One can never be too safe, no matter where you are.

Best wishes to you Gina.

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It's nice so many people responded with support, thanks.

She did get drugged. She is still shook up.

My comment is regarding Lynnees, the Canadian, and his or her statements on Mexico.

It's true, like it or not. The police in Mexico make a few dollars a day. Any extra $ they can extract, that is how thay make ends meet.

We had a plant nursery here in Homestead, Florida for 31 years. Many of our employees were Mexican. They went back and forth to Mexico, and always had to hide their $ and belongings from the Mexican police as they traveled from the border to their hometowns.

You can go to Cozumel 100 times and never have a problem. You can go to South Beach in Miami once and get robbed or worse.

But, The cops in Miami are always on your side. The police in Mexico, may or may not help you.

In Mexico, you have to keep yourself out of harms way. You can't count on the authorities like you can in the rest of North America.

Anyway, thanks again for all your kind comments.

Donato (aka Pappabean)

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