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I was drugged in Costa Maya - Majahual - BEWARE!!

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Post this on the shipboard romance thread..threeare some women there who need to hear this!


Carnival won't do anything..it happened in international waters. You might post this on cruisejunkie.com as well.




On Wednesday my Carnival cruise stopped in Costa Maya. I took the bus with my sister and a cc friend to Majahual. I had only 2 margaritas and lost most of my memory. This was no alcohol. I began buying buying things I didn't want. My sister did, too. Our cc friend who only drank beer thought we just got weird and wanted to buy stuff. We definitely weren't raped or our friend would know it. He got us back to the ship but all my money was taken out of my zippered side compartment of my bag. I know it was there because I had a lot and plenty of ones for tip money. It was there, we had to go before the ship left without us, I got in the taxi and my money was gone.


There is a lot more to this story. I've been brain dead for days and am only now coming out of the fog. I'm still having difficulty dialing a phone and typing this isn't as easy for me as usual - you all know how I can type.


I want all of you - my RCI and cc friends - to know what is going on in ports in Mexico. I contacted the Jackson Memorial Hospital rape unit in Miami for rohypnol info. They think it might be too late to detect it in my blood but suggested I at least see my doctor tomorrow for a test just in case it's still in me. That way at least we will know for 100% sure. I am 99.9% sure at this point it was rohypnol but would like to know with a positive test result.


I have emailed Carnival about this but would like the blood test to verify it for them.


DON'T leave the immediate port area in Costa Maya. If you feel you must leave, do it with a tour. Or don't drink anything but a bottle beer that you open yourself.


I still feel very drugged. It's a wonder I made it home along yesterday on the plane. :(

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I, too, am so sorry that MommaBean had this experience and thank you for sharing with us - we can all be cautious from now on - will be thinking of you and praying for your 100% of being your normal person very very soon!!


Elizabeth - just curious - I saw the pic of your dog, I am assuming it's your dog - what kind is it? a weimeraner? -- Carol



oops! Elizabeth - I guess it's a dashound- from the pic I thought it looked like a weimer. anyway, they are all cute and wonderful dog-humans. Carol

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I am not sure why anyone would eat or drink anything in that dirty little town, especially someone who is an avid reader of the boards. If anyone goes to Costa Maya, just shop in the little mall area, taking a cab or van 4 miles to this little fishing village is a waste of time. I do find it interesting the OP has spent all the time on the boards talking about this and has not gone to the emergency room or an immediate care center or the ships doctor but has self diagnosed the drug and the way it was administered???? Probably be very embarrassing if it was just some powerful tequila consumed by a non drinking type. I have been to Mexico many times and I have seen with my own eyes individuals carried back to the ship by friends because they couldnt handle the strong tequila.

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I am not sure why anyone would eat or drink anything in that dirty little town, especially someone who is an avid reader of the boards. If anyone goes to Costa Maya, just shop in the little mall area, taking a cab or van 4 miles to this little fishing village is a waste of time. I do find it interesting the OP has spent all the time on the boards talking about this and has not gone to the emergency room or an immediate care center or the ships doctor but has self diagnosed the drug and the way it was administered???? Probably be very embarrassing if it was just some powerful tequila consumed by a non drinking type. I have been to Mexico many times and I have seen with my own eyes individuals carried back to the ship by friends because they couldnt handle the strong tequila.


Obviously you didn't read the whole thread before you decided you had the answers.

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I have been to Costa Maya and found it to be safe....

You were unfortunately in the wrong place at the wrong time.....


As soon as you realized something a miss -- your money... The Warning signs should have awakened you....


If you were still dazed and confused on the ship, I can't understand why you did not go seek medical attention....


Second, you said you weren't rape but you keep mentioning / reporting Rape.....??? Did you wash your clothes??? As soon as the thought of "Rape" came into your mind you would have had your undergarments analyzed....


You're reasoning for not going to your local hositpal is baffling....They are more equip in notifing the proper attorties....


One more thing, you have not mention that you called either the


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention





For any emergencies involving U.S. citizens in Mexico, please contact the closest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.


The U.S. Embassy is located in Mexico City at Paseo de la Reforma 305, Colonia Cuauhtemoc, telephone from the United States: 011-52-55-5080-2000; telephone within Mexico City: 5080-2000; telephone long distance within Mexico 01-55-5080-2000. You may also contact the Embassy by e-mail at: ccs@usembassy.net.mx. The Embassy's Internet address is http://www.usembassy-mexico.gov/.

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Wow, that is certainly scarey. I am glad you made it home safe and are seeking medical attention. As a single woman, I am always so conscious of my drinks at a bar, I never leave it unattended and if a guy offers to buy me a drink I walk with him to the bar and let the bartender hand it to me. Unfortunately, your bartender was the problem. It's a sad fact that there are a lot of bad people in this world who try to harm others. Thanks for sharing your story and feel better. :(

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You were on the same trip as my sis. She indicated that her husband was given VERY strong margaritas while hers was still a bit weak. This was in Costa Maya. While it was their first cruise, they definitely are not newbies with alcohol. They visited one of the places that you mentioned.


I hope that you recover and that all you lost was cash.


We will be in Costa Maya and be very cautious this summer as we always are. I just do not trust Mexican tourist areas....just like I don't trust some areas when I visit Wichita.


Thanks for the warning and God bless!

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I keep coming back to the computer all day to read the new posts and see what is going on with this story. You have been so kind to me on these boards when I was new and was stupid to how things worked. I feel like my sister has been violated. I am feeling so badly for you. Treat your body like you were coming off of the flu ~ lots of rest, extra vitamins, fluids and good sleep. Each day you should feel a little more "normal". Please keep us in touch and know that you are very well loved and cared about by all regular members of this board who respect your opinions. E-Beth

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I am lucky my husband doesn't blame me. My sister isn't so lucky - she can't even tell her husband what happened for fear of his reaction. It was my husband who insisted I warn my cc friends of what could happen. We all know it can happen anywhere but don't believe it will happen to us especially near the port where the ships take us all. I still say I shouldn't have been drinking - at least in port. It never dawned on me. I feel really stupid. Thank you for your kind post.


Please don't blame yourself for drinking, or feel stupid. It could've happened even if you had a diet coke. You are the victim here. Thank you for warning others; it shows me I need to be even more cautious.

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Rohypnol is detected in URINE. Go to a 24 hour walk in clinic or ER. Take a CLEAN cup with you just in case they tell you to wait. Pee right away if they don't take you back and then give them the sample! The clock is ticking!!


Within 72 house is best but depending on how much you might have been given, there may still be traces left.

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Just leave this lady alone. (mommabean) If anyone will take the time to read the entire thread here and elsewhere you may be able to see that she was just trying to alert other folks who maybe going to this port in the future. She is not looking for sumpathy(I sure that is misspelled) but is just letting us know what happen to her and sister and friends.


Me and my wife and 30 other friends where at this port of Costa Maya first week of April on NCL Sun. Some went "Downtown" otheres stay in port. We had no problems but that does not make what happen to mommabean any less or any more. Read the entire situation and hear her respones to what you all are saying to her. I do not know her at all and have not seen any of her post prior to this, BUT she seems to me to be classy lady who has her Stuff together. So in closing give her a break on what she has to say.


She is just trying to help folks. I think that I read that mommabean is a nurse in Florida. Just what does that tell you about her? Nurse=helping people in time of need.


I know I may be "on a roll" here, but so what. Life is what we make it.


JimmyJames ,


somewhere in South Louisana and I am a lucky one who had "only" four feet of water flooding from Katrina.

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OMG, Gina....... I just hate this happened to you. I'm in shock. I was anxiously awaiting your return because our "Panama Canal" board has been slow since you've been gone. We all look so forward to your post. You almost always have me laughing.


Take good care of yourself. And you will be getting lots of prayers sent your way from Georgia.

And just remember this is not YOUR fault. You are the victim.

Here's a big HUGG....


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Just leave this lady alone. (mommabean) If anyone will take the time to read the entire thread here and elsewhere you may be able to see that she was just trying to alert other folks who maybe going to this port in the future. She is not looking for sumpathy(I sure that is misspelled) but is just letting us know what happen to her and sister and friends.


Me and my wife and 30 other friends where at this port of Costa Maya first week of April on NCL Sun. Some went "Downtown" otheres stay in port. We had no problems but that does not make what happen to mommabean any less or any more. Read the entire situation and hear her respones to what you all are saying to her. I do not know her at all and have not seen any of her post prior to this, BUT she seems to me to be classy lady who has her Stuff together. So in closing give her a break on what she has to say.


She is just trying to help folks. I think that I read that mommabean is a nurse in Florida. Just what does that tell you about her? Nurse=helping people in time of need.


I know I may be "on a roll" here, but so what. Life is what we make it.


JimmyJames ,


somewhere in South Louisana and I am a lucky one who had "only" four feet of water flooding from Katrina.


Mommabean, you have my thanks and respect for trying to warn people and alert them to what happened to you. You SHOULD NOT feel stupid. You did nothing wrong. The person who did this to you should be strung up by their #$%*. You are in my prayers and have my support. I hope your doctor can give you the answers you need.

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Just leave this lady alone. (mommabean) If anyone will take the time to read the entire thread here and elsewhere you may be able to see that she was just trying to alert other folks who maybe going to this port in the future. She is not looking for sumpathy(I sure that is misspelled) but is just letting us know what happen to her and sister and friends.


Me and my wife and 30 other friends where at this port of Costa Maya first week of April on NCL Sun. Some went "Downtown" otheres stay in port. We had no problems but that does not make what happen to mommabean any less or any more. Read the entire situation and hear her respones to what you all are saying to her. I do not know her at all and have not seen any of her post prior to this, BUT she seems to me to be classy lady who has her Stuff together. So in closing give her a break on what she has to say.



I would just like to second this. I realize not everyone knows Mommabean, but please, take the time to read the thread and just not skim it. This is why so many victims of even worse crimes are afraid to share their story- the questions and the ridicule!


Instead of questioning her to death, just appreciate the thread for what it is. An opportunity for all of us to be reminded of how dangerous ANY port can be with ANY cruiseline or on ANY type of vacation.


She's not blaming anyone, she just wants answers to what happened.


I think that much is clear if I am not mistaken, from her posts. Let's try not to make this situation any worse than it already is. Pop over to the Carnival board if you get the chance and give her some support there too. They are very critical b/c I don't think they know her over there like we do.


Lotsa love for Mommabean! :o

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You gave your own suppositions without much empathy.


You dont know what I think pal... but I will give you a hint, why is her husband who is of sound mind asking his wife to come on these boards and spread to the world unknown facts? If I was her husband the minute she told me what happend she would be in the car headed to the emergency room, not wasting time on an internet chat room for 5 days. I am sure she does feel ill, but to blame it on Mexico without facts is a little premature. And just because her "new friend" from CC who took her back to the ship, that doesn't rule him out, nor can we rule out some sort of alcohol poisening. As far as empathy goes, lets face it, its bad judgement to drink or eat anything in Mexico. Especially a dirty little fishing village which up until recently (about 4 years) didnt even have phone service as it was basically just a jungle they built a pier at.

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I've read 6 pages, and I'm sad that you won't go to an ER.


You said, I think, that you yourself are a nurse?


Other nurses have chimed in, and everyone who has identified as such has urged you to go.


I've seen your posts around here, you seem really nice. And I can't help but think if someone else were posting what you're posting, you too would be urging that person to go to the ER to get the tests done NOW, even if they had to pay out of pocket, even if they had to page someone, even if, even if, even if.



One night in Seattle I went to a very weird club with some friends. Not the kind of club I would normally go to, I had NO appropriate clothes and just wore dark velvet, and everyone thought I was an idiot for not dressing correctly. I was uncomfortable. I had ONE beer. I left it with friends of a friend (who was there), and I had a few more sips when I got back from the restroom. A short time later, I had my first panic attack of my life, absolutely flipping out, everything was blurry, nothing was clear except I needed to get out of there.


Once my friends left, after great protestations, and once I started to feel better, I doubted myself. And I don't think I ever even thought of a blood test to see if there was something in my system.


And to this day I don't know, will never know, what happened.



Then again, I am very used to drinking beer, and about 8 years ago, I had had only TWO beers, with trusted friends all around and my big burly then-boyfriend, and from those two beers I blacked out for almost 24 hours. Tried to beat up my boyfriend (who was being a jerk, but still, he was a foot taller and much heavier, and I was the one with bruises from him holding my arms away from him), drove my car with absolutely NO memory of doing so, "broke the bead" on my tire from driving up onto a curb outside said boyfriend's house...thought I was an alcoholic b/c of that for a few weeks, until I remembered it had only been TWO beers.


Sometimes floopy things can happen with alcohol. :o



Not saying that happened with you (though the word Mezcal kept going through my head, though I *think* it's a myth that there are tequilas with that in them?), but it's an idea.



Regardless, I do wish that you would consider going to the ER, even if it isn't an actual emergency. :(

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I have been watching this thread all day and searching for the right words to express my feelings...I still can not find the right words...


You have made me laugh out loud so many times on the cc boards....I wish I could do the same for you now, but I can not find any words!


Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, as well as your sister. You were blessed to have a fellow CC with you during your time of need; to be your "Angel" to guide you back to the ship!


God Bless.



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For those who wonder why I keep mentioning rape - oh I love these detailed explanations...


I called every local drug testing company I could find. No answer on Sunday except for one woman who didn't know much except they only test for businesses. She told me a place she thought did it but had no number for me. I couldn't find it and I don't think she gave me the real name since she seemed unsure. Finally I found the National Sex Assault number which is also for date rape drug info. They gave me the local police number for Sexual Assault which they said I should ask about how long the drug would stay in my system. I made it clear to both of those services that I was not raped - that this involved taking advantage of me financially. The police dept. told me I should call the hospital's sexual assault number and ask them about the drug testing since the police don't have that answer. Before I could tell the hospital person who answered the whole story, she asked in a very concerned manner if I thought there was even a remote chance I was raped...was I sure. I am definitely sure. That is when she told me it was not of an emergency nature any more and that I would be better off seeing my doctor on Monday. And she said that more than likely it is too late to detect in my urine or blood tests.


It was soon after that when I decided to pee in a jar anyway and save it in the fridge until tomorrow - in hopes that I got something on the tail end of eliminating it from my body.


I didn't decide blindly to not go to the ER today. It was with the support of those who specialize in dealing with the date rape drugs - a sexual assault unit. They are the ones who also told me this is a problem in Mexico involving not only rape but robbery and that no one is making it public.


And for the one who recently acted like if it was a real problem on board I should have seen a doctor - apparently you still don't get it. There was a near complete loss of judgment. I thought I had control of the situation.


And no, I'm not a daily consumer of alcohol. But I admit to being a regular and having a couple too many at happy hour each week - sometimes. I go every Wednesday but don't always drink too many. So, I know what alcohol feels like. I have a fair amount of tolerence and can easily drink 2 from my favorite and generous bartender at happy hour without feeling any effect.


I'm sorry for those of you who don't get it. I only hope you don't find out the hard way. If it happens to you, you will understand.

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For those who wonder why I keep mentioning rape - oh I love these detailed explanations...


I called every local drug testing company I could find. No answer on Sunday except for one woman who didn't know much except they only test for businesses. She told me a place she thought did it but had no number for me. I couldn't find it and I don't think she gave me the real name since she seemed unsure. Finally I found the National Sex Assault number which is also for date rape drug info. They gave me the local police number for Sexual Assault which they said I should ask about how long the drug would stay in my system. I made it clear to both of those services that I was not raped - that this involved taking advantage of me financially. The police dept. told me I should call the hospital's sexual assault number and ask them about the drug testing since the police don't have that answer. Before I could tell the hospital person who answered the whole story, she asked in a very concerned manner if I thought there was even a remote chance I was raped...was I sure. I am definitely sure. That is when she told me it was not of an emergency nature any more and that I would be better off seeing my doctor on Monday. And she said that more than likely it is too late to detect in my urine or blood tests.


It was soon after that when I decided to pee in a jar anyway and save it in the fridge until tomorrow - in hopes that I got something on the tail end of eliminating it from my body.


I didn't decide blindly to not go to the ER today. It was with the support of those who specialize in dealing with the date rape drugs - a sexual assault unit. They are the ones who also told me this is a problem in Mexico involving not only rape but robbery and that no one is making it public.


And for the one who recently acted like if it was a real problem on board I should have seen a doctor - apparently you still don't get it. There was a near complete loss of judgment. I thought I had control of the situation.


And no, I'm not a daily consumer of alcohol. But I admit to being a regular and having a couple too many at happy hour each week - sometimes. I go every Wednesday but don't always drink too many. So, I know what alcohol feels like. I have a fair amount of tolerence and can easily drink 2 from my favorite and generous bartender at happy hour without feeling any effect.


I'm sorry for those of you who don't get it. I only hope you don't find out the hard way. If it happens to you, you will understand.


I can't even believe you are having to defend yourself after what you went through and were generous enough to warn everybody on the boards about it. Hope everything works out for you at the doctor tomorrow and let us know!

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