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Something funny that happened on the Mariner this week

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[quote name='Kruuzin']I guess that depends on the foreign language you teach. I've heard their horror stories too.[/quote]

[SIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua]Ummmm . . . . yes. Very true. However, my comment was an attempt at humor, and I'm hoping that yours was too? :confused: :confused: If not, let me state for the record that I do [I][B]not[/B][/I] believe that the parents of foreign language students in general, nor of French/Italian/ESL students in particular, are categorically better parents than others. :cool:
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[quote name='J9sling']Because it was funny to see one of the kids stuff two bottles in his jeans and think he was going to get away with smuggling them on board and get caught as soon as he boarded the ship. Then they both proceeded to blame each other (like they didn't know that it was wrong) and then try to give the bottles to security to avoid a call to the parents.

It would not have been funny if they actually got away with it and security was so lax that they missed two big bottles stuffed in pockets.

But, since that didn't happen...it was funny.[/quote]

[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]I get it; this thread took on a different direction! I can call up a visual of pants down to the knees and bottles bulging out of pockets. :D Hopefully these kids will learn from this.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]I’m glad that security is tight in ports. On some of our ports of calls there have been drug dogs at security as we boarded the ship. I think it is difficult to get something past them….at least I hope it is! [img]http://bestsmileys.com/cops/2.gif[/img][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[quote name='TRadle'][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]I get it; this thread took on a different direction! I can call up a visual of pants down to the knees and bottles bulging out of pockets. :D Hopefully these kids will learn from this.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]I’m glad that security is tight in ports. On some of our ports of calls there have been drug dogs at security as we boarded the ship. I think it is difficult to get something past them….at least I hope it is! [IMG]http://bestsmileys.com/cops/2.gif[/IMG][/SIZE][/FONT][/quote]

hehe, I think it's funny too.

I would also like to point out that I was a world traveler and doing Jamaica on my own at eighteen. Yes, it's a different world, but parents are just doing the best they can. I would not have done the same thing in these kids parents shoes, but they're not my kids.
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[quote name='Nliedel']hehe, I think it's funny too.

I would also like to point out that I was a world traveler and doing Jamaica on my own at eighteen. Yes, it's a different world, but parents are just doing the best they can. I would not have done the same thing in these kids parents shoes, but they're not my kids.[/quote]

In all fairness to these parents, they might not have known and we don't know how the parents responded.
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[quote name='TRadle']In all fairness to these parents, they might not have known and we don't know how the parents responded.[/quote]

I didn't read any reports in the news about a keel-hauling. :D

Old sea punishment. They would tie you to the outside of the boat and drag you under to the other side. Making sure you were well lacerated by the barnacles. :eek:
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[quote name='Nliedel']I didn't read any reports in the news about a keel-hauling. :D

Old sea punishment. They would tie you to the outside of the boat and drag you under to the other side. Making sure you were well lacerated by the barnacles. :eek:[/quote]

[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]You do realize that in this day and age the parents would have been thrown in the brig for that kind of discipline! [img]http://bestsmileys.com/lol/6.gif[/img][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]Seriously, we don’t know what happened after the OP left the scene. If I were the parent I would have confiscated the Sea Pass cards. I don’t think that would have made the news. [/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT]
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[quote name='TRadle']In all fairness to these parents, they might not have known and we don't know how the parents responded.[/quote]

You are one of the most sane people in this thread. Thank you for your input!!! :)
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[quote name='Kruuzin']Maybe they were trying to surprise their parents, perhaps it was one of their birthdays, with their favorite kind of liquor.:cool:[/quote]

I didn't even think of that!!! That had to be why they were hiding them...it was supposed to be a surprise for their parents. Those thoughtful kids....;)
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[quote name='TRadle'][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]You mean you haven’t gotten to the part where you are having a lovely dinner with your adult children and they begin to confess? Really, they start to rat each other out! :eek: [/SIZE][/FONT]

[SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]Most parents do their best to raise wonderful adults. I’m shock by those that are so very quick to pass judgment on parents for the misbehavior of two kids. [/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]It was my experience as a teen that the preacher’s kids down the block had the worst behavior and their overly strict parents didn’t have a clue. [/FONT][/SIZE][/quote]

My four are "preacher's kids", and "professor's kids". We weren't overly strict, but we were clear about what was right and wrong. They were, in front of most other people, well-behaved kids, and could charm the socks off anyone. They still can, and all four are now adults and pillars of the community. ...and we have three grandkids who are trying to pull things over *their* parents' eyes. But in their teen years they got into all kinds of things - some we knew about, some we are finding out now (confessions over the dinner table). They are mixed-race kids and had lots of issues around how they were treated by other people. It didn't excuse their behaviour, however, and we didn't make excuses for them.

Would my kids have tried this? Yes, probably. But I would not have let an 18 and 14 year old leave the ship alone - because no matter how much you want to trust them you have to have a little healthy suspicion. All kids, under the right conditions, will try something.

Fran in Toronto
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I sailed last month with my two daughters, ages 17 and 20 (21 within the next week) Following the no alcohol rule was not an issue for either one, and not for lack of opportunity. It's about teaching children to make good choices from the time they are young. I am no teetotaler, but I also expected my children to respect the rules and regulations on board. "Kids will be Kids" is an excuse used to justify why some are completely out of control. Parents' who are involved in their childrens' lives don't get surprised by this sort of stuff, because it usually doesn't happen. If they had been my two, they would have been swimming alongside the ship the whole way home (or hanging from a rope on the rock wall!). OK, not quite that extreme! Don't assume when you see teenagers that they are all cut from the same cloth. Some parents' are truly invested in their childs life, others not. No newsflash there.:)
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[quote name='Dinosmum']I sailed last month with my two daughters, ages 17 and 20 (21 within the next week) Following the no alcohol rule was not an issue for either one, and not for lack of opportunity. It's about teaching children to make good choices from the time they are young. I am no teetotaler, but I also expected my children to respect the rules and regulations on board. "Kids will be Kids" is an excuse used to justify why some are completely out of control. Parents' who are involved in their childrens' lives don't get surprised by this sort of stuff, because it usually doesn't happen. If they had been my two, they would have been swimming alongside the ship the whole way home (or hanging from a rope on the rock wall!). OK, not quite that extreme! Don't assume when you see teenagers that they are all cut from the same cloth. Some parents' are truly invested in their childs life, others not. No newsflash there.:)[/quote]

Personally, I've found duct tape to be effective. That's why I'm packing it along, on our fall cruise :D
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[quote name='KelJ'][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][COLOR=blue]And since you lump all parents into one group, you surely don't mind people who lump all teachers into one group.[/COLOR][/FONT][/quote]

Couldn't have said it better myself!!!!!! :p
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[quote name='Fran Harp']My four are "preacher's kids", and "professor's kids". We weren't overly strict, but we were clear about what was right and wrong. They were, in front of most other people, well-behaved kids, and could charm the socks off anyone. They still can, and all four are now adults and pillars of the community. ...and we have three grandkids who are trying to pull things over *their* parents' eyes. But in their teen years they got into all kinds of things - some we knew about, some we are finding out now (confessions over the dinner table). They are mixed-race kids and had lots of issues around how they were treated by other people. It didn't excuse their behaviour, however, and we didn't make excuses for them.

Would my kids have tried this? Yes, probably. But I would not have let an 18 and 14 year old leave the ship alone - because no matter how much you want to trust them you have to have a little healthy suspicion. All kids, under the right conditions, will try something.

Fran in Toronto[/quote]

[SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]We had two preachers on our block, both with families. I’m one of 7 kids so someone in my family, me included, was a friend with these kids. All of the adults believed that they were angels….but boy did we know better!!! [/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]I don’t know that I’d say that kids will be kids, but they do test their boundaries. I’m sure that is what my childhood neighbors were doing. Usually kids get caught and reprimanded by their parents. The sad part was that no adult every believed that the preachers’ kids were ever guilty until there was an accident. [/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]My kids always knew their boundaries and the dinner time stories come really close to revealing that they may have crossed that line, but I don’t think they ever did. They were too chicken![/FONT][/SIZE]
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[quote name='Stoodo']You are one of the most sane people in this thread. Thank you for your input!!! :)[/quote]

[SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]Thanks. Having raised 3 kids I just feel compelled to defend these poor parents! I wonder if they are reading this thread. :eek: [/FONT][/SIZE]
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[quote name='mdmourges']One, why wouldn't you let an 18 year old watch over his 14 year old brother? I mean can't an 18 year old vote and serve in the military? Would it make a difference if the older boy were 19? or 20? Anyway, you have to let kids do what they want at some point. Will they make mistakes? Sure, but you can't treat them like 2 year olds all their lives.

Well, I would say personally that I believe the responsibility of watching over a young teen is a LOT greater than the responsibility of voting or serving in the military. Maybe a 14 year old could stay home with 18 y o bro for a couple of hours, an evening or maybe even a weekend. But wandering around in a foreign port? Nope. Not my kids.

Will they make mistakes? Sure. Everybody knows that. So the point of parenting is to make sure that they have minimal opportunity to make BAD mistakes that can seriously harm them -- such as getting arrested in a foreign country and thrown in jail for smuggling booze or something else. Sneaking a drink from the bottle Dad smuggled aboard and getting caught is a teen age mistake. Getting your butt thrown in a foreign jail is a BIG mistake. Parents are supposed to try to prevent their kids making those BIG mistakes.

Good Luck!
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[quote name='KillaFee']do you all mean to tell me that [I]none[/I] of you ever tried to pull a fast one when you were that age? :rolleyes:[/quote]

I think that exactly the point is that most likely ALL of us tried to pull fast ones when we were that age. Which is exactly why, as parents, we know what kids that age will do, and don't give our kids the opportunity to pull fast ones that can result in them getting seriously hurt!
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[quote name='zotzer']This past December, I went "solo" on Freedom. So happens, my parents were on the same ship, travelling with a group of friends. I am FORTY years old, and my mother made me SWEAR that I would not get off the ship in MoBay by myself. LOL


I thought I was the only one whose mother did that! She even tells me not to get off the ship in Key West by myself!
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Well, from my position as a teacher, let me guess ... first, the parents wanted to know why security was bothering them about it. Then they said they OK'd the purchase so just send it and the kids up to the cabin. Then they berated security for taking the booze and said it should be turned over to them since it was bought and paid for. Then they threatened to sue the ship since the security officers patted their kids down and "nobody can put their hands on MY kid!" When the kids came up to the cabin they taught them that they were dumb to try to bring two bottles on board, and showed them how they could have concealed one bottle better. They then turned the kids loose to roam the ship while the parents got blasted in the bar.





LOLOLOLOL. Mike, your sense of humor is wonderfully tongue in cheek. I nearly died laughing at your response! But, having said that, it's sad that you were probably dead on. Someone else said well, maybe a lesson was learned. Yeah, next time get a plastic bottle/top so you don't get caught!!! As long as parents continue to enable poor choices and behaviors and excuse their precious darlings from responsibility, no lessons are learned. Sigh. But still, you're a funny guy. :) Whoa! Flames headed my way.....:eek:

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...man these kids are giving teenagers a bad name

Im 17 and i dont bother trying to sneak booze and drugs, that stuff dosent really intrest me. But regardless these kids are the reason i get searched at every port by customs and by ship security, and after the 4th or 5th time you begin to get edgy about it (anybody would) so now i ask them for the cause and if the cause is becasue im 17 and most 17 year olds are bad kids.......they need something in writing than.....now i dont pick fights by any means or try to start legal trouble...in fact i avioid it at all costs, i just protect my rights


It is in writing...it's called a cruise contract and sonny, mama and daddy paid for it so you have no choice!

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[quote name='californiakat']As long as parents continue to enable poor choices and behaviors and excuse [I]their precious darlings[/I] from responsibility, no lessons are learned. Sigh. But still, you're a funny guy. :) Whoa! Flames headed my way.....:eek:[/quote]

[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]First, here is the fire extinguisher: [IMG]http://bestsmileys.com/fire/1.gif[/IMG][/SIZE][/FONT]

[SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]Who has proof that these kids got away with anything or that their parents made excuses for them. This is pure speculation and pious drivel. [/FONT][/SIZE]
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[quote name='TRadle'][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]First, here is the fire extinguisher: [IMG]http://bestsmileys.com/fire/1.gif[/IMG][/SIZE][/FONT]

[SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]Who has proof that these kids got away with anything or that their parents made excuses for them. This is pure speculation and pious drivel. [/FONT][/SIZE][/quote]

Not meaning to hijack my thread but, TRadle, where do you get those cool smilies/action figures??? Love them!
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