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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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We just got back from the vet. Wex does have an ear infection. We discussed some of his problems being from a food allergy. She agreed that everything could stem from that. She said sometimes it doesn't show up right away,(he's been on the food since April) and it could show up at a certain time of the year. When he is done with the prescription food we will see if the old food stirs anything up and then we will talk about changing it if he has problems. We also discussed the Benadryl. She has put him on Claritin. She said it has less drowsy affects. So we will see how it goes. Also while I was there I asked about making an appointment for the health certificate. She said since she saw him today that they will fill out the cert and I can pick it up Monday! WoooooooooooHoooooooooo Our vets office has about 4 doctors, you can ask for a certain one or take whoever is working on that day. They are all awsome. When I went in today the vet said she actually requested to see Wex. I guess she had seen him in there before and she couldn't wait to have him as a patient. She got down on the floor and gave him bellies! She said she thinks he is the most awesome dog. Then a few of the nurses came out and told me stories about him and how they love him. Pretty cool the boy has made an impression on the vet. Thats my boy!!!:D Tomorrow a girl from CCI is coming to Boston to our CCI puppy class. She's a photographer,and she took all the pictures while we were training. John is going to take her on a photo shoot in Boston. We are looking forward to seeing her. Everyone have a great weekend.



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Roz, You know we love him no matter what. We just feel so bad for him, we do not want him to be hurting. Last night his ear was beat red, I decided not to put any medicine til he sees the vet. This morning it doesn't seem as red but he's not to happy when I touch it. I think John is going to leave him home so I can take him to the vet.


Cruisin' kayakers, Welcome to our little world. Since this is our first trip with our new service dog, I can't be of much help. But one of the others will tell you everything you want to know. This is a great group of people. Sorry HAL was rude, sometimes I think it's the person you are dealing with. Some have been great and others not so much. Have a great cruise!




Otomax - RX Med for ear infections....is what I keep in Brenda's emergency kit. When I seen "red" in her ears. I swab some on a cotton ball; swipe it in her red ears and "waahlah" the redness is gone.

It's a miracle drug for red/infected dogs ears.

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Hi' date=' I'm hoping to get to the quick and dirty without going through so many back pages. You guys are definitely prolific writers! :)


I'll be traveling with my small service animal, Salsa, on an upcoming Hal trip. We'll be traveling to Cabo, Peurto Vallarta and Mazatlan. I have the letter from HAL which I will travel with but I'm surprised that my travel documents don't say anything about her accompanying me.


Is there anything else I should be aware of regarding these ports, or HAL? I have to say that the access and compliance department was pretty rude with me while we were emailing back and forth. I just want to have all my ducks in a row so that we can have a smooth sailing.


I have plans on keeping my chi in her travel tote while we are in the dining room to keep from causing such a disturbance. It seems to be the easiest way. Because my disibility is not a physical one that people can see, it causes alot of questions and patience. Again, this is new for me so I suppose I will get more used to it.


Do you all have any helpful hints for me begining with boarding, on the ship and in the ports? Any problems with traveling to Mexico, coming back to the US, etc?[/quote']


Welcome, "Salsa" is so cute. You will definitely need:

1.Departmend of Food and Agriculture - Certificate For Interstate or International Movement of Small Animals - Form - to be filled out by your Vet. It states that the dog is parasite free/on Heartguard/all vaccinations are current and is healthy to travel in foreign countries, it will be signed and dated by the Vet. [not all Vet's have the ability to fill these out or even have the forms, check with yours.] This form MUST be faxed to HAL before boarding.

2. You will need to call HAL'S Access & Compliance Dept. at 1.800.547.8493 and check with them and they will tell you what else is needed. Also, ask them where the potty-box will be set-up? We've had the box on a forward deck [which was shared with joggers] and, on our own veranda [which was preferred!]

**We've been on HAL twice with Brenda and being well prepared with all the necessary paperwork made the entire trip go smoothly.*

Make copies of all the paperwork so that when you board you can give the registration people one [this will save you from having to wait for them to copy yours] and, then have a copy for the Purser's Desk to keep. Keep the originals for yourself to have to show to immigration [if they should stop you!]

Being prepared makes the whole experience so much more pleasant.

Be ready for lots and lots of questions from your fellow passengers and, people who will want to pat and love your "Salsa", because they're missing their own furbabies and don't understand why you can have yours with you and they can't!

Have a wonderful cruise, bring a smile and your patience with you!

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I love it.....I'm going to buy one for Brenny.....they're perfect!

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We just got back from the vet. Wex does have an ear infection. We discussed some of his problems being from a food allergy. She agreed that everything could stem from that. She said sometimes it doesn't show up right away,(he's been on the food since April) and it could show up at a certain time of the year. When he is done with the prescription food we will see if the old food stirs anything up and then we will talk about changing it if he has problems. We also discussed the Benadryl. She has put him on Claritin. She said it has less drowsy affects. So we will see how it goes. Also while I was there I asked about making an appointment for the health certificate. She said since she saw him today that they will fill out the cert and I can pick it up Monday! WoooooooooooHoooooooooo Our vets office has about 4 doctors, you can ask for a certain one or take whoever is working on that day. They are all awsome. When I went in today the vet said she actually requested to see Wex. I guess she had seen him in there before and she couldn't wait to have him as a patient. She got down on the floor and gave him bellies! She said she thinks he is the most awesome dog. Then a few of the nurses came out and told me stories about him and how they love him. Pretty cool the boy has made an impression on the vet. Thats my boy!!!:D Tomorrow a girl from CCI is coming to Boston to our CCI puppy class. She's a photographer,and she took all the pictures while we were training. John is going to take her on a photo shoot in Boston. We are looking forward to seeing her. Everyone have a great weekend.




If you lived closer to me I'd use your Vets in a hot second! How wonderful it was to have the Vet go down on the floor and play with Wex, it makes his experience so much easier for him.

Brenda is not effected by drowsiness with the Benadryl, we got lucky with that.

Claritin sounds like it may do the trick too! It's worth a try. Anything to take away the damn ear problems!

Cindy, you're getting closer and closer to your trip.......aren't you excited? I'm excited for you!!!!! :)

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All of the Vets that Valentine has ever had either gets down on the floor to play with her or picks her up to pat and scratch her. Just giveing out the love. That is how I deternine if the REALLY like animals or not.

Right now Valentine she is sufferig with a rash. It isn't really a rash but no one knows what it is let alone wh,at to call it, She starts getting scab like areas, then she loses her hair and it itches. Right now she has it in about 6 areas. We have medicine wipes that help somewhat. Needless to say it is driving her Daddy and I crazy. We have even had her to see a doggy dernitologist!! I'll try anything at this point, Poor baby,

Anny sugestions from the best furbaby's mommy's??????

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Wex is my 4th lab, so I know about ear infections. But Wex has really thick ears. I remember when I touched them for the first time, and thought how much thicker they were than Bailees or any other lab I have had. He had an ear infection when we got him, and then atleast once or twice more sine then (August). Thats alot!:mad: We have this liquid stuff that we hate! I would much rather have a cream or ointment. He shakes and it flys everywhere. When you pet him it's all over and has a wierd dry feeling to it. yuck!


Wow, that is a lot of ear infections!! You should try the Mystic Ear I recommended in my other post. It doesn't have a weird feeling to it (it is non-greasy), you just use very little and it foams up quickly when you rub the base of the ears and then you wipe any excess off/out of the ear. It doesn't fly everywhere when they shake even if you put too much and it foams up way too much. I've used the other types of cleaners before and I love this stuff much better because of those factors. And a bottle lasts a really long time 'cause you only need a little bit. A bottle is $10.


We have no idea about Wex's other problem. No clue what caused it or if it is even gone. We are going to ask about the food he is on and if that could be causing it. I also read the food could be causing his ear problems because he could have an alergy to it. He is just a bundle of fun!


Whatever it is, he passed it over the Internet to my dog, LOL. :p Oh man, she had the WORST poopy problem tonight - a giant MOUND of runny crap stuck to her butt!! It was SOOOO bad and took soooo long to clean (not only the mound but everything that was stuck to her hair, then the floor and sofa she'd sat on and got it all over before I got a whiff of her butt [not even a minute after she came in, but she went right to the sofa, leather thankfully]) and I almost threw up soooo many times (really am surprised I was able to prevent that). Oh, and it was right at midnight, too, which made for more fun. Gotta love these pups.... :mad:


Quam, We are just going to hang around Margaritaville by the pool. Wex does push the snow and does eat it too!! He's just such a nut!





Sounds like fun!! :D Remember doggy sunscreen for Wex, especially if he has a short coat or light-colored nose, or put him under an umbrella! I got a pop-up child's tent to bring with me for my dog to go in. $25 or so on eBay, so not too bad.

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Is there anything else I should be aware of regarding these ports' date=' or HAL? I have to say that the access and compliance department was pretty rude with me while we were emailing back and forth. I just want to have all my ducks in a row so that we can have a smooth sailing.[/quote']


Do you know what kind of potty on the ship they are offering you? And where it will be placed (your balcony, if you have one, or a public deck)?


I have plans on keeping my chi in her travel tote while we are in the dining room to keep from causing such a disturbance. It seems to be the easiest way. Because my disibility is not a physical one that people can see' date=' it causes alot of questions and patience. Again, this is new for me so I suppose I will get more used to it.[/quote']


Don't worry about what other ppl think. If they think wrong of you, that is THEIR issue, not yours. You can't control others' stupidity and judgment. Forget the bag and let your dog help you like she is trained to do. You don't have to answer any questions you don't want to answer (especially the personal and rude ones like, "What's wrong with you?") unless it is a business asking you if you're disabled, if she's your service dog, and what tasks she has been trained to do that mitigate your disability.


Do you all have any helpful hints for me begining with boarding' date=' on the ship and in the ports? Any problems with traveling to Mexico, coming back to the US, etc?[/quote']


Mexico is pretty easy - you just need an int'l health certificate - and getting back into the U.S. is the same. I haven't been to those ports - the only place in Mexico I've been is Cozumel - but I'm sure you'll have a good time! :)

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Cool! And "manly" enough for a male dog. And, hey, the "Paw Prints" (in the sand with the seashells) pattern right above it is what I have as my emergency back-up collar and leash! :)

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Right now Valentine she is sufferig with a rash. It isn't really a rash but no one knows what it is let alone wh' date='at to call it, She starts getting scab like areas, then she loses her hair and it itches. Right now she has it in about 6 areas. We have medicine wipes that help somewhat. Needless to say it is driving her Daddy and I crazy. We have even had her to see a doggy dernitologist!! I'll try anything at this point, Poor baby,[/b']


Anny sugestions from the best furbaby's mommy's??????


I doubt anybody here will know more than a vet specialist ;) but did they confirm it wasn't a flea allergy or demodetic (spelling?) mange? Have you done a Google search on it and asked on a message board (like Yahoo! Groups) for your dog's breed? Often the folks on breed boards, especially if they are show folks and/or breeders, know a lot about known issues with the breed.

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We just got back from the vet. Wex does have an ear infection. We discussed some of his problems being from a food allergy. She agreed that everything could stem from that. She said sometimes it doesn't show up right away,(he's been on the food since April) and it could show up at a certain time of the year. When he is done with the prescription food we will see if the old food stirs anything up and then we will talk about changing it if he has problems. We also discussed the Benadryl. She has put him on Claritin. She said it has less drowsy affects. So we will see how it goes.


Sorry to hear about yet another ear infection for the poor pooch. :( I hope it clears up soon! Is the Claritin to work on the ear problem or just the pooping problem? Is it OTC or prescription? If it is prescription and the same formula as for humans, if you're a AAA member you can save money getting it at a human pharmacy and using the AAA prescription discount card (you download it from their Web site).


Also while I was there I asked about making an appointment for the health certificate. She said since she saw him today that they will fill out the cert and I can pick it up Monday! WoooooooooooHoooooooooo


That's nice of her! Good way to save money! :) What vet office do you use?


John is going to take her on a photo shoot in Boston. We are looking forward to seeing her. Everyone have a great weekend.


A photo shoot of Wex or of the city (or of Wex in the city, LOL)?

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Mornin' all:

Cindy: Thank you, so much. Ya know, even with what I am going thru, I sit back and think how many people have got it so much worse that me, that I want to slap myself and get it over with! It is always easier to solve everyone elses problems than our own. I don't remember if I told you guys, my mom refused to go home with my sister for a couple of weeks to give me a break. I just can't get thru moms head it is too much for me on a daily basis. Anyway, she kept saying that my sister has to work full time and wouldn't be at home, yada, yada, yada. I finally said, "Mom, what about me? I work full time take care of a husband and a 6 year old." Sister has neither. Mom is just being stubborn and doesn't want to go. So, after the first of the year, I am going to have to see about getting a nursing student or someone in the health care profession to at least go in the morning to check on her. Then I can make the afternoon stop. There is a girl in mom's park that is in the middle of getting her certification and does not have a job right now. It would only be about 20 minutes in the morning, just to make sure if mom made a mess in the bathroom it doesn't sit all day and wait for me to come home to it, AFTER WORKING ALL DAY. (Not yelling, just my febble attempt at being humorous.) Anyway, enough boring of your eyes, my life is not all that bad, just seems to be piled on right now. Children issues, as usual. Do people really have children that grow up to be responsible?

Quam: I am the worst mom! I had to resort to buying Jezzy Lou the snuggie! There was not a sweater to be found in this little podunk town. The only thing I really don't like about it is, the front cowl, that is like a loose turtle neck, makes a lot of room for getting ahold of with teeth and pulling, thusly, popping the velcro on the back. She is wearing it now and is doing okay. I will leave it on for awhile longer, then let her take a rest. Then to top it off, I saw in our Rite Aid add that they did have the sweaters on sale. They put them out over a month ago, long before I thought about her needing one and of course they are all gone and they won't be getting more. Of course not, it is only winter, why not bring out the summer stuff! Anyone one lady that is very helpful there went in the back and she did find a red one with white snow flakes on it. The only drawback is, it has a hood on it! Jezzy is not have any part of that. I am going to fold the hood back real nice and flat and then tack it down to the back of the sweater, I think that will work. So for now, Jezzy is a styling pooch! Oh, the groomer did have to shave her, thats why the big emergency with the sweaters. She couldn't wait for one in the mail! Or actually mom couldn't.

Valentine's Mom: Jezzy Lou had two spots on her, also. I compared them with hotspots. She didn't scratch on them too much, but her hair was bald and sensitive. Anyway, vet did same thing, did cultures, etc. He said, he also did not have an idea what it is. Anyway, as crazy as it seems, I got some over the counter spray, from a pet store, it is called Natural Care Itch Relief Hot Spot Spray with Tea Tree Oil and soothing Aloe. Even though it says oil, it is not oily and drys completely. I don't know if it was a coinsident or whether the spots were healing on their own, but the spots have cleared up. Now that she had to get shaved at the groomers I am hoping all the hair grows in evenly. I know it sounds strange that our vet's just don't know what something is, but I guess we have the same problems with human doctors!

Everyone have a great weekend.


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Well, now that you have one for her to wear for now, you could get one by mail if you wanted. I got an e-mail saying Puppia brand doggy clothing is on clearance sale at http://www.FunStuffForPets.com 'cause they are discontinuing selling clothing on that site. You can get them for about $15. Of course, if you Google, you may find other brands for less dough. Check eBay, too.


And, of course, just don't tell her doggy friends that she has a Snuggy.... ;)

Edited by Quampapetet
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Thanks guys for the tips. She has never had a flea or any kind of a bug. The areas start out losing hair, the skin gets really scaley, this is when she is itchy. They said no hot spots, mange, yeast, or anything else that they can think of. She has had so many tests done on her tiny body that I'm starting to feel guilty. Thayt's just my soft heart talking. I would do anything to get rid of it. I have truied Lanacain on her one night when she was really itchy then bathed her in the am.


Anyway, I hope all are better really soon so we can go back to thinking about cruising!LOL

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Mornin' all:

Roz: Over on the Floataway Lounge area, Shogun and Mrs. Shogun have announced the arrival of their new furbaby! He is gorgeous and so far without a name.

Valentine's Mom: I hope you find relief soon. Nothing like a miserable furbaby that we cannot provide with comfort. Fortunately Jezzy Lou did not scratch hers so much.

Quam: I not sure Jezzy Lou would mind if her furbaby friends new she had a Snuggy. She seem comfortable with it!

Everyone have a great Sunday. Need to go to the store so I can make French Toast, Bacon and Eggs for late brunch.


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Thanks guys for the tips. She has never had a flea or any kind of a bug. The areas start out losing hair' date=' the skin gets really scaley, this is when she is itchy. They said no hot spots, mange, yeast, or anything else that they can think of. She has had so many tests done on her tiny body that I'm starting to feel guilty. Thayt's just my soft heart talking. I would do anything to get rid of it. I have truied Lanacain on her one night when she was really itchy then bathed her in the am.


Anyway, I hope all are better really soon so we can go back to thinking about cruising!LOL[/quote']


Have you tried switching foods, supplements, shampoos, and other grooming products? Maybe she is allergic to something. It could also be an environmental allergy, something that you use in your house or office or even something in nature outside.


Hopefully it gets better soon! Being all itchy is no fun at all!! :(


Have you thought of phoning one of the well-known veterinary schools like Tufts or Cornell to see if they might know of something?



Oh, and the rice and boiled chicken (after a day of fasting) seems to be working on my dog, so hopefully all stays well!

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Hi All, Well we had a busy weekend. We had a few girls here from CCI and their 3 dogs! So we had 5 dogs in our little apartment. Wex was happy to see them, and Bailee did really well with all the dogs here. John took them around town for a photo shoot and I babysat 4 of the dogs. We all went to our puppy class Sat night and had a fun time.


Nancy, My son is 25 and I think he will never grow up! He doesn't save money, heck he doesn't pay bills either!:eek: I do what I can for him, but they don't realize how the world works. And as far as I can see, things will never change. They always need mommy!


I just ordered a royal blue bow tie for formal nights on the ship. It took me all night to find a royal blue one to match his CCI collar and jacket. He will be so cute, we will have lots of pics! Things are getting close, but everything is coming together. Unfortunately, I don't relax til we are on the ship. So I can't wait!!! I'm going to moms for a few days, I'll be back Wednesday.



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Everyone is so busy.....not enough that the holiday's take our time and energy but these dogs have their issue's as well.

I have used over the counter 1% Cortisone cream on one of dogs, years ago and it worked great on an itchy spot that the doctor could not diagnose.

I'm so glad to hear that "Shogun" got his new Samoyed pup...this is a family who lost their [not so old] male, "Shogun" and then their female within months of each other. He and his wife were devasted. He would share the pictures of "Shogun" and his sister "Saska" on the cruiseships MUT's screen while onboard a cruise. They would walk on the deck and there would be a picture of "Shogun" on the screen.

He's an avid cruiser on Princess and tells wonderful stories of his dogs.

I hope the "loose stools" are not contagious.....Quam, I hope your baby is over that! And, of course, this goes for Wexy, too!

Nancy, my heart goes out to you and your issues with you Mom. Years ago, when I was caring for my Mom, her expectations of me were "over the top!"

I always wanted to remain respectful but my "limits" were pushed many times.

Your hands are defintely full!

Cindy: Wexy is going to look so handsome. I used to think that we shouldn't dress our Service Dogs because people wouldn't take them seriously.....until CCI, themselves, encouraged me to do it! Now, I'm glad that I do it, when we're onboard. It makes everyone see how special Brenny is to me and that I can have some fun with her, eventhough she is a working dog!

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I hope the "loose stools" are not contagious.....Quam, I hope your baby is over that! And, of course, this goes for Wexy, too!

I hope she is, too! One more breakfast of rice and chicken this morning and then I'll see how things go.


Wexy is going to look so handsome. I used to think that we shouldn't dress our Service Dogs because people wouldn't take them seriously.....until CCI, themselves, encouraged me to do it! Now, I'm glad that I do it, when we're onboard. It makes everyone see how special Brenny is to me and that I can have some fun with her, eventhough she is a working dog!


Little things are fine, like special neckwear (collars/bandannas/bow ties) or barrettes/hair clips or, for a ballgame, a baseball hat. It just isn't a good idea to dress the dog up in a costume or dye the dog pink! (I just saw an article about a lady who went into a restaurant claiming her dyed-pink dog was a service dog! Not a good idea. Not sure if it was a real service dog or not 'cause she said it was a seizure alert dog but then she showed a doctor's note that said the dog was for anxiety, so it could've just been an emotional support pet.)


Ppl dress their wheelchairs and other non-living devices up, too.

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We were at a Holiday party on Sunday and, of course, Brenda was with me, with her vest on. A woman came over to me and said that she was going to buy a "vest" online and put it on her dog and then take her dog on her next cruise with her!

Brenda's vest has the insignia of CCI on both sides of it and she asked where she could "buy" these patches..... I said, they're not for sale [at any price-anywhere!] I then asked her; what are you going to do when they ask you to fill-out paperwork, provided by your Vet?

I am always surprised when supposedly intelligent people are willing to go to such lengths to make Service Dogs and their handlers lives so much more difficult.

I then sat down with her and explained to her what Brenda does for me and that it took many, many years for SD's and their people to go into the public venue and I "begged" her not to ruin it for us! I told her about the moments of "hell" that we sometimes are put through in order to have our dogs by our sides.

You know what? She actually had a tear in her eye and thanked me for educating her.

One person at a time.........;)

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Good Morning everyone!! I haven't posted in awhile, but have been keeping up with posts. I had a 7 month old lab/golden mix at my feet as I type. He and I are going to an elementary school this morning for a presentation. Even those these guys are young and I might just add your story Roz, especially how ordering things like a vest for your pet is "cheating". Start with baby steps. Or puppy steps.

Hope my friend here has his best shopping paws on, because I have a long list of errands today. I told my trainer I could take a young dog or pup for the presentation and one night stay, or an older dog for two nights with lot's of errands. This guy is pretty young, will see how he holds up. He can always crate at the house for some of the day if he seems stressed or tired.

My little foster pup is so smart and sweet, but having some outing issues so he is restricted to the training property for intense work with his trainer and the director. I hope they can get him back on track. I still visit with him weekly and I know he knows who I am. Last night I played with him in the training room and we had a long discussion over tea and milk bones, well not really tea and no milk bones, but we did have the talk.

I hope I'll be able to have him over Christmas, I have his first stocking ready to hang.


I'll post back. By the way did i mention that www.milkbone.com has a section where you can watch one of the puppies grow up. His name is Noble (part of the book store litter). His brothers are Barnes and Dalton and he has a sister named Bea. Check it out.

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Good Morning everyone!! I haven't posted in awhile, but have been keeping up with posts. I had a 7 month old lab/golden mix at my feet as I type. He and I are going to an elementary school this morning for a presentation. Even those these guys are young and I might just add your story Roz, especially how ordering things like a vest for your pet is "cheating". Start with baby steps. Or puppy steps.

Hope my friend here has his best shopping paws on, because I have a long list of errands today. I told my trainer I could take a young dog or pup for the presentation and one night stay, or an older dog for two nights with lot's of errands. This guy is pretty young, will see how he holds up. He can always crate at the house for some of the day if he seems stressed or tired.

My little foster pup is so smart and sweet, but having some outing issues so he is restricted to the training property for intense work with his trainer and the director. I hope they can get him back on track. I still visit with him weekly and I know he knows who I am. Last night I played with him in the training room and we had a long discussion over tea and milk bones, well not really tea and no milk bones, but we did have the talk.

I hope I'll be able to have him over Christmas, I have his first stocking ready to hang.


I'll post back. By the way did i mention that www.milkbone.com has a section where you can watch one of the puppies grow up. His name is Noble (part of the book store litter). His brothers are Barnes and Dalton and he has a sister named Bea. Check it out.


Yeh!!!!! You've got more great stories for us....I love them!!!!

And, I could have used you on Sunday night when Brenda thought that she was the "personal greeter" for every guest that entered for the Holiday Party. CCI couldn't train that "greeting" thing out of her and, unless I literally put her in another room, I'm certainly not going to be able to do it either!!!!! She's almost 10, I think it's permanently imprinted! :( I'll deal!

Book store names how clever is that? :p

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Roz, Our Rangeley was just like Brenny. He thought everyone was there for him. He'd have to say hi to everyone. Now Wexy, he's got enough personality for 10 dogs! I really wish you could meet him. The wiggle alone is a riot! I will have to try to take some video with my camera and post it so you can see him.


Sunshine, I'm with Roz, I love the stories!!!



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Roz, Our Rangeley was just like Brenny. He thought everyone was there for him. He'd have to say hi to everyone. Now Wexy, he's got enough personality for 10 dogs! I really wish you could meet him. The wiggle alone is a riot! I will have to try to take some video with my camera and post it so you can see him.


Sunshine, I'm with Roz, I love the stories!!!




Cindy: I'm so glad you got Wexy. I've been to CCI Workshops and have seen some dogs that you could put a firecracker under their tails and they'd just move over or take a peek at it. No personality what so ever!

I know there will NEVER, EVER be another Brenny, I'm going to enjoy her every moment!

Maybe it's just a "black dog" thing!!!!!!????? :rolleyes:

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